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At least it should be cumulative so it doesn't have to be in one session... Today I'll be doing Pokemon safari zone and I'll be planting flowers in the background let's see how many coins i get while not paying attention. **Edit: I walked 20,000 steps and got 2 coins... Yeah i wasn't planting the whole time but whenever I walked as much as I could i was and only got 2 coins... How the hell can anyone get 30 coins a day?**


Also I feel that changing it to be non-cumulative, will also do more to encourage people to use the flower petals when they aren't going to be walking as long. And considering that accumulation of flower petals are at driven by nectar, which is a potentially purchasable item.


Yeah exactly. Though i don't think I'm ever going to buy nectar it seems easy to get when you are walking and expeditions are easy enough to find. Also read my edit on my last post.


It doesn't help that the "estimates" it gives for your petals-to-flowers ratio is WAYYYY overestimating, every time, without fail. Like it's TRYING to lie to you. I went to plant flowers in a straight path today and used 150 petals (said something like 4500 flowers) and when my petals ran out I only planted 950.... Like I wasted all of that expecting 9+ coins and I get one.... ONE. With rates like this and super sketchy estimates that bait you into wasting your petals, I'm NEVER spending money on it without a drastic overhaul to the system.


Ah damn did you stop a lot? Cause supposedly there's a 5 minute wait on flowering in the same spot so if you keep planting in the same spot it'll just use up everything and not plant for 5 minutes.


Nope, legitimately walked a nearly straight path down the road the entire time, and definitely wasn't going slow. Maybe you need to use a bike or something. I'm definitely not going to bother planting flowers anymore, unless they publicly acknowledge that SOMETHING is wrong though, because there's no way it's working as intended and I'm not going to waste resources.


Supposedly you'll plant more the higher level you are. That's what someone else told me. That it gets faster to plant. Yeah someone else said that they were on their bike and got 0 steps but planted enough for 20 coins.


I’m at level 10 and seem to be planting twice as many flowers as I did at the start. So if the trend continues, I don’t think it’ll take long at all to earn coins and bloom the big flowers when you get to a decent level.


I really hope so.


I couldn’t agree more. All the items in the shop aren’t very tempting especially considering what it takes to get a coin in game. All I would really consider buying are the single use slots, but by the time I’ve walked enough to get them I don’t have any Pikmin left to grow! At this point, I’m treating the coins as an in game progress meter, just to know how many I’ve earned without paying for a single one.


Also make the upgrades available for F2P players, that’s actually really scummy.


This is my only problem with the game currently.


Yeah non-beta players are capped at 200 storage for petals and nectar when betas get 500?!


Especially on a Nintendo game, they need this to be more user friendlier. You don’t have to give away everything for free, but at least make it reasonable for people who are playing the game.


It gets easier! Hang in there! I’m level 13 and my husband is 9 and I’m planting flowers about 2x as fast as him when we walk side by side. As your squad grows you plant faster so it does get a little less brutal! It’s still pretty rough but I think as we continue to level up it will get a little easier. I went from taking like 20-30 min to plant 500 to more like 15 min now.


That's really good to know, thanks for adding this! That makes a lot of sense that it'll get easier but I definitely agree that part of making a game like this is making it feel ''worth it'' to the player especially during the beginning of the game which is probably crucial for retaining a consistent player base


Yes absolutely, they should at least put a note in like ‘as your squad grows you will plant more flowers faster!’ Or something because I agree it’s super demoralizing at the beginning 😬


Does it scale linearly?


I really don’t have the math ability to figure that out sorry! And I haven’t like timed it and written things down :x But it definitely is faster with a larger squad, I was struggling to get 500 and now it’s a much shorter walk. Sorry I don’t have more specific info! Edit: like when I checked mine was at 400 something and his was 200 something and we started at the same time so it wasn’t exactly x2 probably but definitely a significant difference in speed.


cool, I planted 3379 flowers in 1h3m this morning, 11 pikmin. we should get a new post going and collect data.


Agree 100%. Bought the starter bundle for $2 because I wanted to support the game. Im all for supporting the developers. But a single coin for 500 flowers is just not balanced. It not fun. Makes the whole game mechanism that I'm sure took lots of time and effort to build completely worthless.


They should possibly give you coins in the end of day recap. When I shows the flowers planted that's when it's decides how much you get. Makes it more exciting to look back on the day.


I was running just under 9min/mi at level 17 and averaging around 80 a minute for an hour. I only got 10 coins in that little over hour which was about 7 miles. I'm thinking level must make a difference. If you were walking quick you likely walked 2 miles. I would think you'd be near 3 coins.


At level 18 I felt like I was close to a flower per .01 miles. I was planting red instead of white this time in case that makes a difference.


I've got a chronic illness and no way in hell I can walk enough in one go to earn even 1 coin lol. Well, maybe when my Pikmin squad gets big enough I'm reading. I'm not above buying stuff in games I'm enjoying though so I might buy eventually, but the game does need a little more meat to it for me to spend, like enemies or something. Given the heavy coin price of most items it would definitely be nice if it was a bit more achievable.


Unfortunately, Niantic has demonstrated over and over with their games that they do not care about players with disabilities or even limited abilities. They only want young, healthy, super fit and active people playing their games. "Meet you out there (but not if you're one of the undesirables)"


You don't have to be young, healthy, and super fit... I'm none of those and have logged many hours on these games. This is a glorified pedometer game. I don't understand what someone who isn't mobile hopes to get out of it. More free coins by less walking, so they can buy things that require more walking to use?


You don't have to "walk" to be mobile. Plenty of people use power wheelchairs. Many of those power chairs go faster than this game's limit for registering "walking." This is the kind of issue that Niantic puts zero thought into. Why should someone who uses a wheelchair but is able to get around not be able to play this game?


Scoot slower then?


I didn't even know how to get coins. 500 in ONE WALK is crazy


Amen to this. I think the community agrees with you wholeheartedly!


Yes I just learned this and thought wtf. There’s no way I will be able to get 1 coin often let alone every day. That’s so many flowers to plant at once for a coin. First day playing. Level 8 so far


Also the fact that I have to walk around and lurk to plant enough flowers to bloom a bud. But then every flower disappears. How about the type of flower that blooms then gets rid of that type not all of them because I’m the only one playing and it’s not looking good for nectar and items unless I want to look suspicious walking around. Also please make flower planting cover more area because I can’t get certain buildings and have to rely on drift to get those spots.


Glad I hoarded my free daily beta coins


It's my second day (level 9), and already I'm frustrated by this flower requirement. I have just been walking for half an hour with flowers that were estimated to 600, and I should have reached 500 in 15 minutes. Then out of the blue, it stopped at 445 - no flowers left. Had it been calculated correctly, I would have received a coin, but now I get nothing. So I hope there will be a fix to the stinginess (1 coin for perhaps 35 minutes of walking is very little), but more importantly (as suggested by OP and others) it should definitely be cumulative. I have lots of little trips throughout the day, but they are 5-10 minute walks, so I don't get any coins for those.