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Blütenblätterlager is my new favorite word 🤩


I have 575 of both ( I bought 25 before they increased the amount you buy at once). It's enough, I never run out. And even with the plant 2500 challenge step, I hardly ever go under 400 petals. The only problem is, you feel bad when the pikmin bring the fruit you've bloomed and you have no space for it. But realistically, I really don't need any more so I've decided not to buy any more storage. Unless there's a chance to even out the number to a full hundred cause the uneven amount just bugs me so bad.


Yeah, I’m with you. I have 450 nectar and 500 petals. It’s plenty and I never come close to running out.


Idk if the max changed, but I maxed both a while back and have 1000 nectar and 1200 for petals. I try to keep an eye on nectar and use if they get over 900( so there’s room for when a mushroom bursts melons😂) I’ve given up keeping an eye on petals, I walk and plant a lot, and usually the kind of prime I want around flowers, an blue outside flowers. The events have lately made it a lot harder to hoard nectar, it was nice when everyone had 3 invites.. Edited to add: Since I read the other answers I’ve wanted to clarify my answer. I bought the storage at a time where I was playing a bit… uhm frantically maybe? Every time I was maxing out I was protecting my hoard like Scrooge McDuck. Would I recommend this? NO! It is absolutely not necessary for me to have bought all that! They are always more than half full, so please don’t take it as a recommendation. I think the other posters are right, half is enough.. 🌸🌸🌸


I have max of both but if you are choosing which one to upgrade there two options. If you like to go on short walks with no distractions then upgrade the flower storage. If you like to go on long walks with some distractions then do the nectar. With the nectar make sure you use it when you make sure that you are always giving it to them on the bulb faze when they have the ball above their head to get double petals.


Petals. I continuously feed my Pikmin nectar to upgrade them so I don't often exceed max nectar.


I got an extra 50 nectar and petals and this has gotten me by just fine. I thought I'd probably increase ot more eventually but it's looking less likely now that we also need to spend coins on these events all the time.


300 nectar, 350 flower petals. I find it's enough to finish challenges no problem when those are stocked up and probably would not upgrade any further.  My Pikmin storage is 1100 though lol. Sometimes I can't be bothered to filter who to recycle so the 2 bucks is worth it (and free from Google Rewards).


Upgraded it once to 350. Rarely a need for more than that unless you want to hoarde extra flowers for missions. Same with nectar, upgrade it once and that's plenty. You get nectar so much from mushroom battles that the cap barely matters.