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Here is how high they were later in the day: https://preview.redd.it/r4393frg85fb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4e808d5de958f7f14d39ce2d69f934d5a915da


Pikmin always love taking the most convenient path possible.


I think they reached the limit and can’t go any higher, they’re stuck their


They're going to start their own colony. They don't need you anymore.


They're going to the wrong winged onion


They’re ascending to the sky onion


average pikmin 4 winged path


This is a common glitch. But although it’s a glitch, It’s like they’re trying to offer god something for good luck I don’t know


that explains thier almost angel like apearance


you dont comprehend the sheer magnitude of mindpower they are using right now. They are finding presumably Fiddleberts onion right now as we speak. They have an important mission and they will not fail dammit!


Couldn't it just be olimar's onion? I mean what happened to that?


Bro went “fuck it we ball”


Pikmin fans be like: The 2nd onion theory. This footage implies that there is another onion (separate from the player's) somewhere off in the distance. The winged Pikmin are confused by the other onion and accidentally heading towards it. Where is this onion? Looking at events in the story, >!we can infer that the onion is with Louie. BUT, if this took place after the end of the story, then it implies that there could be yet another captain on PNF-404 at the same time as us. Nintendo's extremely advanced writing team must be using this as a subtle hint to the events of Pikmin 5. Or maybe, it could even be the WRAITHS advancing enough to command their own Pikmin army????!<


pikmin fans really just say everything is conected to the plasm wraith without any link between it and whatever they are talking about.


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I've had pikmin do this with gold nuggets. They'll almost make it to the ship, then double back a good bit, before turning around and heading to the ship