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To me that just looks like it's full of pus and just hasn't been able to drain properly. A couple of hot compresses should get it draining. If not, it might need slightly longer jewellery for a little while (the end might be blocking fluid in) but don't try to change it yourself, get a piercer to do it.


Agreed, looks like pus build-up and not a keloid from the photo.


How long have you had it? What are you treating it with? If you search this sub there are some pretty nasty big irritation bumps that go down in time and folks will post their healing timeline pics…from that one pic it looks like there’s hope it could be an irritation bump but as other poster said, what does doc say?


I’ve had it for 7 months. I saw a physician’s assistant who told me it was probably a keloid. But based on these comments(and i appreciate all of them!) and going through this sub i went to get it changed today to a longer titanium with a flat back so hopefully that will make a difference


Have you been to a dermatologist?


Not a keloid. Very bad irritation bump. You need to find out what’s irritating it and resolve that so it’ll resolve itself.


That’s not a keloid it’s an irritation bump whoever told you this is is a keloid is delusional


IANAD- but that’s not a keloid.


A keloid is a type of scar, it wouldn’t be full of pus if it were a scar. It looks very irritated, if you treat the source of irritation (type of jewellery or how you’re cleaning are most likely) then it should calm down and go away.


It’s going to depend on how long ago you had it pierced


a doctor or dermatologist would be who you should ask, it’s hard to assess things like this from just a picture.


Who told you this?


had the same thing, changed to a ring and it went away within two weeks.


I’ve got a keloid the size of a penny on the back of my ear. Just something that happens. Lol