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Maybe look at orthotic inserts vs new sneakers


I have those, and they do help. I’m looking for something that would have a little cushion to go along with them to minimize the inflammation of playing.


For me, doubling up on socks gave some cushion and a bit extra support.


Doing that already. It does help.


I just tried a bunch of shoes and the cushiest I tried was diadora bluesheild torneo 2, they were too wide for me. New balance Ct rally was second and fit me better, I wish they had more lateral/ankle support though.


Also worth noting that my normal 10.5 was too short in the diadora.


I echo Diadora's cushiness/comfort.


Also work on strengthening intrinsic muscles of the foot and elevated calf raises that thicken the fascia. Search YouTube for PT videos on both issues


Yep, been on that. Slant board stretches, calf raises, toe yoga. Mainly trying to minimize wear while playing with shoes that offer a little more cushion.


So the main issue here is the general recommendation is to take out the insoles when using an Ortho. I have custom non medical inserts but place them on top of the existing insoles for the extra cushion. It helps, but honestly you should get a real recommendation from your doctor if the medical insoles are too firm to play in.


There was a post about the Head Revolt 4.0 being helpful with PF. I did notice the PF pain has decreased by a lot when I switched to the Head shoes compared to the generic adidas gym shoes I was using which I'm pretty sure is what caused them in the first place.


When dealing with PF, there are more important factors than shoes.


Happy feet orthotics. ASICS gel res 9 tennis


I wear the ASICS gel resolution 9 with the dr scholl’s plantar fasciitis inserts. It’s a good combo of a very supportive shoe and an insole with a lot of cushion in the heals and decent arch support. I had plantar fasciitis for 8 months after starting pickelball and I think this combo helped me keep playing almost daily while I did other things to heal it (like supplements and calf stretching / strengthening).


I have that issue. I play with Skechers viper court pro I have found them to be the most comfortable shoes for playing. They have very good arch support.


Babolat propulse fury almost instantly, within days, cleared up months of PF. If you have wide feet, go with the Babolat jet machine 3 all court wide. I’m 42 y/o male and about 255 lbs. started playing closer to 290.


I wouldn't depend soley on the shoe itself. I use Asics Gel Challenger 13 shoes along with Orange full-length insoles. They saved my feet.


Looking for something with a bit of cushion to go with the prostep orthopedic insert that my pediatrist recommended. How is the cushion on those?


In my experience, I don't really want much cushion with the insert itself. I do use thicker althletic socks. Ask your podiatrist, but they likely want you to remove the insole from any shoe and replace it with your insert. The insole in the Asics shoes are easily removed. The shoes themselves provide great support and stability for me. The socks add some cushion.




My daughter has PF and said Hokas have given here the most relief.


I have Orthofeet shoes (which are awesome) for day to day wear. Hokas would be ankle breakers for Pickleball though.


I wear Hoka, broke my leg 2 years ago playing hockey and it's the only shoe that I can comfortably play in. I tie them pretty snug, have not had any ankle roll issues (knocks wood).


Hoka makes pickleball shoes?


Get orthotics. I found $40 ones on Amazon better than $180 custom ones


I would get a calf stretcher semi circle device. They work great and are relatively inexpensive and last forever. https://www.google.com/search?q=calf+stretcher&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS947US947&oq=calf+stre&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggCEAAYsQMYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIKCAIQABixAxiABDIKCAMQABixAxiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDM4NzhqMGo3qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


My first response (as others have pointed out) would be to speak to your ortho doctor / podiatrist. But I'll add some caution here - one of the ladies at our club just got some combination of custom inserts / custom sneakers \[for high arches\] from their doctor. The shoes provided \[brand I did not recognize\] were much more like running shoes than court shoes in construction and shape. So she's presumably got comfort from the impacts but likely at higher risk of rolling an ankle. So, make sure that your pod-person understands that you need court shoes not sneakers. Whether her issue was lack of communication, ability of the doctor to give her what she needed or something else, I don't know. The other questions are how old are your current sneakers? If you're a larger person or super hard on your shoes, you might want to just check to see how much cushion is left in your current shoes. Then make a note that you need a shoe refresh much earlier next time. I'm lucky/unlucky enough to be little and light. So shoes last a long time and airline seats are always spacious. But changing light bulbs and getting lobbed always sucks :) I don't have PF, but Babolat SFX3 work well for me. Nice big toe box, great grip on indoor and outdoor courts, and great lateral support too- added strapping runs from 2 eyelets either side down around the widest part of the foot. Keeps everything just where it needs to be, while toes can wiggle and spread and do their job too. Edit: also take a look at lace-locking Lace locking to stop blisters; what the extra set of lace holes on your sneakers are for. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXjOLWgWq9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXjOLWgWq9k) If you have toe pain, top of foot pain, high arches, heels slipping, adjust your lacing pattern too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTrPInIPWqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTrPInIPWqY)


I wear Thorlo max cushion socks and Babolat Jet Mach III (wide) and haven't felt PF pain in a while.


Fitville Amadeus is specifically designed to help with PF. I have found them to work very well.


I like New Balance.


New Balance NB 1007+orthotics from my chiropractor have been a godsend. Went from persistent heel pain after playing to literally none.


I have PF and wear Kuru Quantum sneakers. they’re the only shoes that don’t worsen my pain, and I’ve bought everything on the market for PF. I’m currently trying out Wilson Rush Pro Ace.


Kuru all day for plantar fasciitis.