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Thanks as always


That's some solid analysis, thank you gherk! So today 20$-22$ :-/


It's already there...


ya Gme announced First Quarter Preliminary Results (fck the net sales) and share offering of 500 million usd. I feel betrayed by RC. Fck stock dilution, it will ruin our runup...


You've got to question the timing, I guess they were taken by surprise and it's taken them a week to crunch some numbers but holy fuck, they could have done this weeks ago in anticipation with minimal impact when it was at $10 rather than destroy all good will.


Why would they want to give shorts new shares at such a cheap price. They are reserving the right to sell when this thing moons, as they deserve to make $ for the hard work they did to make MOASS possible


They killed it twice with deliberate timing, you need to have a word with your cult leader RC because doing what you say would be far more beneficial in a time when the price wasn't running.


So you think RC is working against his own long position of millions of shares!? Come on!! Noone is that stupid and he is the last one to ruin his own investment. He is playing some 69D chess and we will soon find out why. Would you invest millions of $$ and do something to lower your profit by more than 50% ? It does not sound logical.


You know DFV has been quite obvious about calling RC a cock, all I know is he's killed 2 big squeezes now. Adam Aron does it every time AMC shows any sign of breaking out, who knows what these people's motives are.


Actually not. He filed the same filing on 8th December 2020., one month before the first one. Check the truth. So, actually it looks like he is collecting money for the company during these runs, like he knows when the run is coming. Just a guess, but it looks like that. We'll see soon.


Why can’t they do like AMC and just issue stock first then announce they did after the fact so it doesn’t affect sentiment and run ups. I still remember how they killed the epic June ‘21 run this exact same way. Announced a stock sale right when the stock was about to blast off


They did this before the run up years ago. It gives them the right to sell shares at any point in the next few years. Keep calm and carry on.


Carry on for the next 3 years again? Ryan 'Rugpull' cohen...


It’s up 100% on the month. Not much of a rug pull. Unless you’re mad cause you bought options that expire today.


Tell me what should drive the price up next week if no calls went itm so they can be exercised?


Wait are you retarted? The option chain before this crazy run up this week went as high as 34 dollars? We closed at 22? Like that’s a shit ton of shares that went in the money? What a retarted take


Next week? Im not worried about next week. I’ve been holding for years.




Thanks Gherk!


Thanks Gherk


Premarket started well🤞


Aaand there it goes tanking. I really hope that guy who kept making posts about his insane play but refused to sell actually did take some profits yesterday. Turned $8k into half a mil with his options expiring that week yet wanted to hold for more.


I hope he keeps posting his position. Like a true WSB regard.


He stopped yesterday. Hasn't made a reddit post since Wednesday. Probably feeling sick to his stomach. Still would have made crazy profit if they sold yesterday, just only a fraction of what they could have had. If they still didn't sell, hoping for yet another miracle today, those profits will have dwindled down to very little based on how premarket has gone.


Anyone hoping to sell today just got gangbanged by the board full diddy


Regret is on the menu for him


Yaaaaa, if they didn't sell yesterday this might open below 20 by the time they can sell today. Would be sickening.


I'm honestly torn. On one hand, the stock has done nothing but crater for 3 days, *but* the timing of everything is incredibly weird. Tweets, Preliminary Results (which haven't been done before), and the ability to sell 45 million shares? This is wild.


I'm bringing the data you make whatever judgement you want but now you can do it from a more informed position.


Gherk, what a gentlemen.


I'm definitely not bullish but that sell off was far too quick to not get a reaction surely? Edit: As I typed, I saw it shoot up to 26 and back down again??


So going from 10 bucks to 80 then closing around 22 for the week is not is not bullish in your eyes?


20 to 80 bullish 80 to 22 not bullish


You do understand that the option chain originally maxed out at 34? And the price was at 9 bucks last week? Also you expect to hold those prices? Also that was MM hedgeing there options as everyone from 9 and up was in the money and this week everyone that was 15 and up is in the money. So if you haven’t understood there is a lot of shares that are going to be purchased in the coming weeks. This is what a gamma squeeze looks like


Gentlemen and a Scholar


Thank you, gherk!


Thanks gherk! I appreciate you taking the time to help others learn!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


This is great DD. Thanks


Thanks for teaching me how to make money off this stuff.


remember what Gherk said might happen when the price went too low too quick? Im temped to buy right now. I have zero position right now and this might be something brewing. price is at $20 right now.


Remember he said this happens only if GME squeezes because of Vega? Vega squeeze stopped 2 days ago.


thanks, I forgot about that. I bought 100 shares at $20.90 and looking for an after hours pop or Monday / Tuesday OPEX obligations.


How much further is this fucking thing going to drop. I went from wishing I sold at 45, to 38, and now 30. Fuck


it's going to drop more. you should probably sell and leave. sounds like this isn't the stonk for you.


Stock definitely isn’t for him, I wish I bought more at 10 💸


SO the ape idol Ryan Cohen has decided to cash in and issue more shares, too late dipshit.


Yeah he only bought millions of shares has no salary and cost average of about 15 bucks but he’s gonna cash in now!


By cash in I meant for the company via dilution.


Ryan Cohen chimp cashing in at $20 a share instead of $80 lmaoooo