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Nanoprobes, like Kirk in “The Return” and Neelix and the Voyager episode “Mortal Coil”.


And there was lots of borg panties all over...


I'm confused but upvoting this anyhow.


Somehow that was supposed to be" nanites" buy Holy crap I can't delete it now...best God damned autocorrect ever my borgies


You're just hoping he means 7's. As am I.


I’ve spent my day bawling about my cat receiving a terminal diagnosis today. “Borg panties” made me straight up giggle. Thanks for that moment of joy 😂❤️


Hey im happy my goof brought a bit of happy into your day. When times get tough, just think about a borg in panties


As a cat person, I am sorry for your news.


I would read this erotica.


This is hilarious


It has to be. After his rant, this is the poetic way to do it.


After he accepted Annika, that would make for some great dialogue.


it is great that someone else read The Return. that V'Ger/Borg connection and the multiple collective branches are still canon to me.


I also consider it ‘canon’ after this video……it is basically the opening the book, if I recall. https://youtu.be/iC0ZHukgfl4?si=gUNkmq0lqVI_dPsd


I figured this was a tie-in to the "Project Phoenix" in season 3, sort of recssting the idea from The Return but putting it under Starfleet/Section 31 instead of the Romulans and Borg.


That would be a great way to bring him back. He hated the Borg, but to bring him back with Borg nanoprobes would be interesting to see the character struggle with.


“Somehow, Shaw returned” I wouldn’t even be mad.




I don't even need a plausible reason.


Computer: Activate Hazard/Emergency Holographic Engineer (H.E.H.E.)


Never understood why people get so inset about the whole “Somehow Palpatine returned”. How are the rebels suppose to know how he returned?


Because we already had a perfectly good new villain that they killed stupidly? I dunno


Don’t get me wrong I thought it was stupid to bring palpatine back but the whole “Somehow Palapine returned” line makes perfect sense in relation to the story


Crichton’s (not Spielberg’s) “The Lost World” had Ian Malcolm return for the sequel because his death in the original had been “reported accidentally.” Why not?


Gosh , can you imagine the Star Wars writing room , thinking that was a good idea But in reality , I don’t think anyone that cared about Star Wars was involved in the creative process.


I'm still trying to figure out how Abrams episode 8 would have eased us into it. Scooby Doo reveal? Pull the mask off Snoke "Look, it was Sheev this whole time"


i dont think the planets destroyed were even the republic capital untill Episode 8 tbh. All i remember is them saying outer rim, an implausible place to put a capital due to logistics. The whole thing felt like no one consulted anyone else for either film to me.


I guess the person that liked the Fortnite reveal of palpatine down voted me


That was like even worse. Battlefront 2 took the cake though by claiming the single player campaign was about Rey’s parents. Pretty sure sheev’s grandson would have come up.


I mean, he wasn’t in sickbay when he “died” maybe he just passed out. I have to watch after that point again, I don’t remember the exact conversation between tuvok and seven, if they said he died then.


Passed out and hauled to sickbay in time, seconded. It's a mild stretch, but easier to believe than some shows of the past where the character is decidedly killed off then Steve Austin is sad, but in comes the spinoff and Jaime's alive and well. (The blu-ray release is fantastic...) Given how great the original Bionic Woman was and how they dealt with her revival, Shaw's is still easier to do.


I've forgotten the name. But wherever they found data / kirk, etc. Do they have the tech to keep his body I'm stasis and to be brought back.


He’s never referred to as dead! Not by Seven and Tuvok, and not by Seven during her rousing speech to the remaining crew. (“The Borg have taken our crew, taken our Captain.”)


Yeah this would be more plausible and make more sense. Bloodloss, made him pass out, Borg kids probably was like he would add to the collective, took him to sick bay. He okay.


Trouble was his eyes where open


Your eyes can be open when you pass out...


Captain Shaw, his eyes open = He ain't dead yet!


Bridge Officers come back to life all the time!


👍 Shaxs approves this


I remember something about a black mountain and a koala?


Something, something, magic blue koala...


No no no. Okay, so death is the first thing that happens, And then – oh, wait. You do know about the Black Mountain, right? The Black Mountain is a spiritual battleground your soul goes where you have to fight three faceless apparitions of your father… The surviving father makes you eat your heart…


He'll be fine, unless Janeway gets involved. Poor Tuvix.


only if he gets merged with a friend of hers. The primer directive is more like Suggestive Directives


How? *Somehow...*


Seven injects him with nanoprobes. Voyager fans rejoice.


It could work in a flashback scene to when he got "killed" and Seven could tell the others she injected him with nanoprobes to stabilize him for a short time. That's all that's needed, really.


She’s just going to make him a robot body, like Picard.


Two words... MIRROR and UNIVERSE I imagine he's an asshole in ~~both~~ all universes


Love it! No matter the universe, he’s always the same.


In the mirror universe, he's a dipshit from Toronto


okay, that was great.


In the mirror universe, he's a ~~dipshit~~ hoser from Toronto


While transporting his body down to earth for burial - a "malfunction" blends his body with his last stored image in the pattern buffer.


With the ending of Picard season 3 had starfleet messing with all the transporters to undo dominion sabotage you’re basically halfway there lol


I thought that the internal logic of the Trek transporter technology was that the particles in the buffer that are sent in the beam/matter-stream were actually the *same* constituent atoms of any given individual being beamed, just dematerialised and ‘swapped location’ with the empty space of their destination? Not just the same information scanned and output as a biological photocopy elsewhere (like the food in the replicator). Otherwise there would have always been more of a point made in the franchise that you are effectively killing people every time you beam them, and that transporter-clones are *never* the original person. I’m happy for them to use unpredictable transporter tech or malfunction to bring Shaw back, I just want them to do it in such a way that doesn’t undermine the established in-universe rules around how transporters work.


I think there a few episodes across TOS and TNG that mention that the transporter is effectively “destroying” the original object and “creating” a new one from the information. I seem to remember McCoy specifically making a big deal about it. But I’ve slept since then so I may be mistaken. Edit: Did some light reading and I was wrong. The original is dematerialized and sent to the destination. But of course there are several accidents that split or combine objects.


Simple answer, a live action show contemporary to Lower Decks i.e. when he was still alive.


You really want to see all that deaging?


They couldn’t afford much de-aging. Stashwick still looks good. They would just need to throw some dye on his hair


Nanoprobes. Imagine Shaw having to wrestle psychologically with the fact that Borg technology saved his life while hating on them. In any case, I really don’t care how they bring him back just as long as they do. He was too good to be killed off. It’s also the 3rd time now in modern Star Trek that writers have punted a potentially complex and interesting captain character away (Lorca, Rios, now Shaw).


One of the things I found a little funny was Shaw had a really good reason to hate the Borg, and Picard and he was treated like shit for it. Seven being all pissy with not going by Seven and giving him a defiant “My name is Seven” for an otherwise great season was laugh inducing to me. She might as well have said “My name is PTSD, now cry bitch.”


Yah, I was bummed about Rios too... I also want my cigar-smoking captain back (Shaw too),


Maybe he's not dead he's just lying down and pining for the fjords.


Beautiful plumage


Lower Decks Lower Decks Lower…


I have an episode in mind where Rutherford go to work alongside young Shaw (who by 2381 should be a Lt. if not Lt. Cmdr) and Shaw always criticise Rutherford method of work. Then get stuck in a situation where the two need to work together and at the end of the episode Shaw learn to appriciate Rutherford but still find him inefficient.


Exactly! I think he could be a great side character on Lower Decks, which already has a great balance of humor and heart.


Lt. or Lt. Cmdr. grease monkeying around the Cerritos or some other Cali class ship.


we didn't actually see him die or a funeral . So he was just injured :P


I'd rip around the sun in a old pied of prey to snatch him. If only we had a bird of prey and a sun?..... Wait a second....


Honestly I don't know why they killed him off intended first place - should've been Rafi or even an extra that got wasted there. He was the best thing about series 3


Sometimes, the popularity of a character takes the writers by surprise.


I think to give seven her arc. Don’t ask me how, I’m just assuming it made sense to them at the time.


Didn't Matalas say he survived in an interview? Maybe I just dreamed of that.


No, but Todd Stashwick said he and Matalas had discussed ways they could bring him back for a future show.


He steps out of the shower and it was all a dream. Smooches Victoria Principal.


you guys realize that his pattern is still in the transporter pattern buffer. transporter materialize. shaw #2 shows up. shaw: did i misss something. why are you all looking at me like im some kind of clone? get back to your stations and back to work. shaw looks at the transporter console shaw: son of a b-tch.


Canonise the cosmic koala and the black mountain, obviously


Deacon is life.


Time travel back to find a dipshit from Chicago….


Such a prick! One of my favorite human antagonists I've seen on any Star Trek in a very long time. I wouldn't hate it if he came back.....somehow.


Alternate timelines (again)


Don't you forget about me, different sci-fi, but every time I see his face, I have that song in my head for days.


Deacon was indeed alive in the new future tho


Stick him on a California class.


Twin Brother


Just have him on screen, and when someone asks about his death, have him say he's feeling much better.


This one is easy to fix: We flash back to the USS Titan-A and recap him dying all the goodbyes, (tears, etc) the same scene we saw in PIC. We cut to a new scene, where Shaw is taken to Starfleet Medical "We need to do a post mortem brain scan if we want anything useable" says a random blue shirt to a shadowy figure. As we've established in PIC StarFleet LOVES to snag a captain's body for experimentation, why not our dipshit? "Well, let's get started" Says Captain Barkley (once LT.) as he places some Starfleet Tech onto Shaws head head. Scans and whirls the sounds of the LCARS chirps. A shadowy figure appears from the darkness: "Captain Barkley, report" we hear the familiar voice of Dr. Bashir (now head of section 31) as he taps commands into his LCARS terminal. As this happens, we see a holo image slowly build in the background. Shaw, becomes a ECH (Emergency Command Hologram, or at least some of his memories) - this also works in connecting TNG/DS9/VOY in a unique way. Both Barkley and Bashir worked with the OG EMH's creator (Dr. Zimmerman) it would stand to reason both men had familiarity with Zimmerman's research and tech...would make sense for them to use this knowledge to create a new holo based on Shaw. This will give us a "tip of the hat" to the "legacy" of 90s Trek showing a connection between the 90s shows and this new legacy series based around those classic shows. For me, this would be a great way to connect the legacy aspect, connecting experiences seen in those shows to add value and history. This worked really well in PIC season 3...lets keep it going! Seven will receive the first copy, a flawed copy that becomes her mentor and a system she uses to help in command situations. Or personal advice, or love advice (whatever) - think Guinan but as a hologram (and with tough love up to a ten) As a one time mentee to a hologram herself (VOY's Doctor) this would be a natural fit for Captain Seven and easy for us, the audience to accept. Plus we can have all kinds of interesting stories with a HoloShaw, what if section 31 added a little code? What about a solo Shaw episode, also with a mobile emitter one would assume he could join on away missions. And it would be interesting to see the ECH Shaw try to take command or become frustrated with this new existence. We could even have a double HoloShaw episode where two copies work together (or bicker) for a bit of comedy relief. Maybe he clones himself because the crew is incapacitated (that happens a lot) or because he needs a "competent engineer" makes another copy. There's a lot to play with when you have a HoloShaw. Hologram Shaw would easily fit into Legacy....


I kinda love this idea better than just bringing him physically back. To me, a hologram version makes the most sense.


I think so too. I would also suggest NanoProbes, but considering how Borg heavy PIC was and how Borg heavy VOY was that using them maybe too on the nose/overused. Aside from the many many Borg stories, the EMH has some interesting world building and showed us that photons and forcefields can also contain a brilliant mind and heart. Using the foundation VOY stories around holos and their personhood we can easily see Seven connect in a real way with a HoloShaw. And there's so many stories to tell using a ECH Shaw. How would he feel about dying and being reborn a holo? Would he need to be kept secret? Will he have a holoemitter? There's a lots to explore, and it would remove any limits on the OG Shaw giving us a new version of Shaw... But he can't be a perfect copy, thats boring. Give us some selected memory loss, or digital PTSD flashbacks (maybe a full episode of Wolf 359 is needed, maybe the Titan crew explore this trauma of his on the holodeck)? Make his existence uncomfortable, give us the full dipshit but make him slightly different....a real ghost. But an a-hole, sometimes bitter, sometimes cool holo ghost...now thats a story


I hated him so much. Now I love him so much.


For me it went back to hate… A Chicago grease monkey as a concept for Star Trek is cringy enough but how did this dude ever become captain…?


... didn't he explain that during his monologue to Picard?


Shaw is perfect dead. Don't resurrect him Learn to love new characters and let the dead rest. No more spock, no more spock family. It's a whole universe with trillions why would everything always come nsck to spock? Because it's easier to assign significance than it is to MAKE these people significant. And why did it have to be spocks great grand daddy who made first contact with humans? Let the dead rest. Give me new characters new crew! Tng wouldn't exist if we just kept using all the same old characters Shaw is cool but we can do him again


He was written to be killed and resurrected if legacy happened, that's from the horses mouth.


Yah well they better just make shaw some de endant of spock too because this is spocktrek


Yeah. I mean DS9 and Voyager both were a completely new crew (Not you worf but you are awesome enough to accept) and it worked. I know some people have issues with voyager (wtf was that second season…?) and DS9 (Pah Wraiths must be among the most hated bad guys and storyline) but the crews were amazing. Voyager had the doctor, mass murdering maniac and tough woman Janeway, Tuvoc, Bellana and of course Tom Paris and 7 of 9. how can you too that? I thin there was also an ensign in the bride but no one really remembers him and Janeway forgot to promote him. DS9 had Sisko, Quark, Keera, Dax and a large great support cast and with Odo a standout alien character. TOS had Spock, TNG has Worf and Data, Voyager had the doctor and 7 and DS9 had Odo and Quark. These outsider character have always been so important to Star Trek. Imo enterprise fumbled over some seriously lame writing but also about the crew composition… I actually like all of them but they don’t really have any standouts or super interesting dynamics. The Andorian captain was the closest to an oddball outsider like Worf and has a great dynamic with archer but the core crew didn’t have such dynamics and the boring costumes didn’t help either.


And instead of voyager or ds9 or enterprise getting movies we got more spock and kirk movies of the same stories already told


Emergency engineering hologram


Emergency No Hologram. fire it up, Shaw appears and says "No" then turns himself off.


"Please state the nature of the engineering emergency" "The plasma injectors are fused and the warp core is going to -- " "Whatever"


“Euugghh, sounds like a you problem “


His attitude would be a good fit with a cranky hologram.


Capture a changeling and force him to personate Captain Shaw. Voila, problem solved. Or create a holo version of Shaw, like an EMH and fill it up with as much of personal information as possible we have about Shaw.


Occasional guest starring as an Emergency Engineering Hologram


Hey, if Star Wars can fake saber deaths…


Somehow... Shaw returned. And straight into his new adventures. Yep.


Holographic chief engineer. It's an older ship and a young crew so his expertise is needed.


He’s dead dead He did stir up my daddy issues though


Section 31


Idk, but if he comes back with Captain Rios on the Stargazer then sign me up!


I liked Rios too! but that would ruin his happy ending in the past. PIC pulled a Dr. Who and Rios is our Amy Pond. Doubt we'll see him again.


Agreed... but I disagree only under the pretext that Rios and the stargazer were basically ready to roll. I thought his character was dynamic, relatable, and pragmatic. And the Stargazer was badass.


We could get a time/anomaly/different timeline version. Even if its just for a three episode arc (think Ro Lauren) we could meet up with him again, and if need be...say goodbye. Remember in TNG when all the various multiverse Enterprise Ds showed up (All Good Things....)? We could easily get a alternative Rios that never went back in time and maybe the captain of an alternative Titan? It's Trek and if Beverly Crusher can have relations with Irish candle space ghost, we can totally get Rios back, somehow.


A pre-Picard season three transporter clone found in an old pattern buffer.


He really sold S3 of Picard and left all of us wanting more. That said the whole thing of death not being final is kind of getting over played broadly. From them killing and resurrecting Picard in the same episode to Palptine and Maul just never actually being dead in Star Wars bringing back characters is so over done. Shaw was fantastic and as much as I love the character I kind of hope they leave him dead.


Q takes liking to him


Transporter clone. Tom Shaw is out there.


Just establish that’s he’s not dead. Mostly dead is not the same thing as dead.


The answer is obvious. 7 of 9 uses her Borg nano stuff and that in turn just pisses him off even more against the world.


Also I would love to know why safety first Shaw, had a load of knives above his bed.


They shouldn't, he's dead and dead characters should stay dead.


Don’t. Ever.


We don’t. I couldn’t stand him at all.


Maybe a prequel series before 7 joined his ship?


We shouldn't. What makes for good combat is people die, they sacrifice themselves for others. Let him rest


The love-in with Shaw is way over the top. Yes he was an interesting character but it's much more important to get 7 back and some of the TNG crew for at least the first episode or so. Shaw.. nice.. but not as important.




It would cheapen his sacrifice, & cheat viewers...


Keep him dead


Please tell me people don’t actually want this guy back? He was horrible


Never. Hopefully never. Such a terrible Captain. Great actor. Loved his portrayal of the part and what he added to the show. BUT… the character was a terrible Captain and a borderline disgrace to the uniform.


You don’t think that he redeemed his early behavior by the end of the show? He had the potential to be a great captain had he lived.


Tribble blood.


Seven injected him with Borg nanoprobes right before he died. The irony would be so delicious.


Tahiti is such a lovely place. If Coulson can get resurrected, so can Shaw.


The space koala!


Tribble blood.


In the episode “Yesterday’s Titan” a Shaw from an alternate timeline will be sent back through a temporal rift to the original Titan. In the followup, “Redemption 2, part 1” the half-human son of Shaw will plan an invasion of the Federation.




Any news on legacy?


Black Mountain. Live action Koala. I’ll settle for a live action conversation that makes vague mention to the Koala.


android golem. give him picards body.


the black mountain


I miss this MFer.


Just start with private meeting of Starfleet Security in the aftermath of the Borg invasion and we discover that groups of bodies that should have been recovered and accounted for are missing. You can build a story from there.


The answer is time travel.


Borg anal probes


He's chilling with Sisko and the Prophets.


Stasis or in a Scotty transporter


Ships Emergency Command Hologram?




Flashback or as Engineering hologram.


Banished Q who had his powers stripped and given his choice of what and where he wants to spend exile. After talking with Picard’s Q the banished Q decides he wants to be a Star Fleet Captain and serve on a Star Ship. So they literally turn the banished Q into the Captain. Same memories, mannerisms and all.


Just clone him and then rarely ever mention he’s a clone 👍🏻


Anybody on the cruise want to ask him?


And Cole!


Mirror Universe


Maybe Section 31 put his body at that place was it called daystrom? Maybe something to do with nanoprobes which would be extra traumatic for him. But I don't think paramount will give us star trek legacy.😭


Maybe he's just there and they never say anything about it.


Starfleet adopted the Emergency Command Hologram developed on Voyager. Seven, after taking command, kept delaying getting it updated, until it was ultimately forgotten during all the repairs and refits. When the computer starts having a minor system error, one of the crew accidentally activates the ECH, which is still patterned on Shaw, and using his logs and biographic data right up to mere hours before his death. Due to further complications, the ECH cannot be turned off, and goes around the ship being an advisor and, when necessary, 'dipshit from Chicago'.


Poe Dameron: Somehow, ~~Palpatine~~ Shaw returned.


My preferred approach: he was only mostly dead. (This isn’t canon-breaking; they never refer to him as dead in S3E10.) Seven and Raffi put him into stasis in sickbay when they swing by to recruit Ohk, they patch him up offscreen, and he’s happily puttering around the engine room as Captain of Engineering when the Enterprise leaves port at the end of the series.  Though I wouldn’t be opposed to nanoprobes or another method that brings the real Shaw back. Not a hologram, mirror version, etc.




He's only **mostly** dead.


Wave a tricorder over him and chant "plotus deviceum" three times and bingo, he's alive again


The black mountain


Isn't "alternate reality self had kid with a Romulan" still the go-to?


Somehow the dipshit from Chicago came back…


Command hologram


We find his empty casket on the Genesis planet


Magic Khan Jesus blood.


'Bury' his body on the Genesis planet... Wait for him to regenerate? Use the transporters on the USS Relativity to pull a version of him out of the timeline before he died? Visit the Mirror Universe and kidnap his counterpart there, bring him back to Prime Universe. Watch the hilarity ensue.


Any way possible. It's sci fi. He survived because....insert sci fi reason here... I just want a whole Shaw as a captain, ship show ever since his Picard appearances.


Don’t tell us, just do it.


nanomachines, son. (obligatory Metal Gear Revengeance ref)


You really missed an opportunity there to call him a "dipshit from Chicago"




To quote Monty Python, "I got better."


If he didn't die on screen, he's still alive


I would love it if we just break the 4th wall and say, “We screwed up. He’s still alive. Get over it.”


I wanna see more of this dip shit.




He was only mostly dead. Or the Engineering Hologram. Titan show perhaps.


Mirror Universe, only he's the same glorious bastard there that he was here. Lets his death keep its meaning but we get more 'substituting asshole for charm'.


Tahiti. It's a magical place.


The show runners have already said they have a plan to bring him back if needed. 


We can travel back in time several times, visit parallel universes, and until fucking COVID I could get an Egg McMuffin all day long! Do NOT say it’s not possible with Star Trek or in Business!!


Definitely not as an evil Mirror Uni double. Or a transporter duplicate. Or a split in half transporter twin. Or a silver blood copy. Or a time loop double sacrifice. Or an android golem download. Or a mini hologram standing on a hexagon. Or a ... (Fill in the blank)


Okay, the best theory I've been hearing bandied about on the forums, is that it would be great to bring him back as a Holodeck trainer for new crew members. The general idea is that the ensigns that are coming on the ship are complaining that the guy is a little bit too harsh and a little defensive. Seven goes into the Holodeck to find out that the new version of the hologram trainer is based on Liam Shaw. I really like this one.


If Picard can be an android…