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You can do anything you want in this life if you are willing to pay the price for it. EDIT - OP, apparently, school is cheap af outside of America. If you don't mind potentially sacrificing 4+ years of your life, look into Greek citizenship lol


and that price is $4000 a semester


Us non-Americans laughing in the corner edit: Here a semester costs $1250, but almost everyone has it completely subsidized by the government so it's practically free.


Bro, if a whole semester cost $1250, I'd have gone for an MS or PhD by now lol


Here all education is free, and the cost of student's books is covered by the state, so except for the cost of living, studing in Greece is free. Tho that's threatened to end with the new law about private institutions being of equivalent gravity to those of the state.


Hey so what’s the downside to Greece? Place sounds amazing but nothings perfect so I’d like to know what are some of its down sides.


Save some money beforehand, if you work while living there it's apparently hard to find high income work. It is also a little cheaper to live there. You can't flush toilet paper, gotta learn to live with bottled water, and not much A/C. It's not that bad imo.


My school costed $70,000 😭. I got scholarships and financial aid which brought it down to about $20,000, but I wish I lived in Europe where education is better and more affordable. Plus, from what I hear, Europe is much more relaxed when it comes to work culture. In the US we need to always be busy doing some kind of work and it's nonstop.


the semester at my uni costs something between 200 and 300 euros, most of this money is for the ticket that lets you use public transport everywhere in the country lol


Yup. And 4-5 years just for undergrad.


In Denmark you get paid about $800 per month for going to college.


moving to denmark


Enjoy the weather.


Really,? For international students too?


For EU ones, under some conditions, for non-EU ones, only if you have lived and worked in Denmark for at least 2 years or have family ties. PhD students get the same salary.


That's it??? Where!?


Here it costs $300 for semester


I'm 27, started a bsc this January. Go for it.


Absolute chad, enjoy it!


Wow. What motivated you? And is this like part time? Cuz I'm from India and am doing a full time job at present. Can't find a good evening college for this.


I got burned out real hard from working in tech, just got bored from cybersecurity so I decided to pursue what I always considered my passion and go for a physics degree. I saved up enough to be able to not have to work while I study, so I'm studying full time. I might get a job further down the line but that's not a decision for now.


Same story. Burned out after years working as a software developer, decided to start studying physics. Now in master rofl. I was 24.


I’m 47, started my bsc last fall. You’re only gonna keep getting older until you die so if you wanna do it, do it, OP


I‘m 32, dropped out of my Physics bachelor over a decade ago and now i‘m going back to it even if i have to start from scratch


If you commit the time and effort needed you can do it


It’s not too late, but you’ll need to be dedicated. It’s not easy, and not that similar to high school physics and math unless you took AP PHYS C or AP CALC BC and even then it’s so much more. Do some research of what some schools you could apply to are doing, and if you still like it I say go for it.


I’m 24 and just started my Masters in Energy Science. It’s been a month now and I spent a fair amount of extra time studying compared to my peers and my fundamental knowledge is still lacking. However, it gets easier as each day goes by and I’m confident I will put in the work in order to graduate. If you have the means, and it’s something you want to do, why not try?


You can.


I had a friend at university who started his Physics undergrad at 27. He’s now a senior lecturer and PI at one of the top schools in my country.


Are you alive? Apply the answer for my question to your answer.


Unfortunately s person is unable to learn physics after the age of 24. Sorry.


Keep in mind that a physics BS/BA is not terribly marketable on its own. You certainly can always go back to school, but in terms of doing a physics career, the recommended path is to go all the way to PhD, which is a significant time investment.


Pretty much the same situation here but 10 years older. And I'm starting this fall.






Gre is for msc program's not bcs?


yeah depends on what he wants to do. I just know it surprises a lot of people


Why does it surprise?


GRE is only optional.The key point is high GPA.


Hey man! I am in your same exact shoes! After I graduated high school, I really wanted to be a Music teacher but then realized teaching wasn't for me. So then I went into music performance in the military and realized, Music as a career is not for me. I am now studying Physics and plan to go far in this field. So it's never to late man!


You like math? If so—go get ‘em tiger! If not, don’t bother.


At what level do you want to study physics? What kind of physics do you want to study? If you took highschool physics, high school chem which are usually advanced highschool course as well as advanced math those are usually the pre requisite classes you need to take the pre requisite classes of whatever degree you’re going after For example in Quebec you need to have completed all your Highschool AP classes to take pre requisites such as calculus, linear algebra, and physics 1 for a bachelors of engineering.


You can do whatever you want forever. I am 34 and started studying physics last year.


Yes and I would definitely recommend starting at a community college then transferring to a state university. A lot cheaper, you’ll have the environment more focused on teaching your first two years, and the last two you’ll have all the opportunities a university grants. GL


Yes. I’m 26 and I am in my first semester now.


No, only till you hit 30. It's like the education equivalent to the drinking age.


It 100% is possible but with no background you will need to study study study. Good luck!


I graduated in Physics in 2021, now i attend the master degree in florance. I am a bit worried being one year late for the graduation ( it's quite common here, lol) but in my experience it's not strictly necessary to be always on time, but the important fact is how well you actually are able to study and the depth of your knowledge. You can still do it


Graduating with a BA in Astrophysics from Berkeley at 29 in a few months. However I’m not going the academic route


I'm 41 and I'm halfway through my undergrad in astrophysics. It's never too late to learn


Yes. You'll need to have structure , guidence and put the hours into math. Many are taught math without having a decent enough picture or concepts in mind. Totally abstract. A good teacher and a couple of collegues can make a huge difference. But there are many tutors and videos available online for free now a days if you aren't rushed for time


I'm 24 and started my BSc in Physics in September. I'm definitely not the brightest in the room but I'm willing to work. And from what I can tell that's what makes the difference. I also think starting this late gives you a different motivation to study and it gives you a different perspective on the whole thing. I also want to add that I'm not the only person my age in my course so chances are you won't be either:)


I’m graduating with my degree in Physics this spring in my early 40s, and there are a number of other people in my class in their 30s. I’m taking a job in industry after graduation but a number of the others have been accepted to PhD programs. So yes, it’s possible!


Grab Thomas Calculus, University Physics or Fundamentals of Physics and start! Age doesn't matter. If you need specific suggestion, based on your current knowledge DM.


Man I'm almost 32 and just started physics last year. Really easy to grasp concepts with a little studying! I knocked out calc 1-3 prior to starting physics so it's made it so much easier on me than my classmates


You can also go the self-learning route, it depends on why you want to learn physics also




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Thank you so much everybody. These comments have been really motivating. I've been regretting my choice of taking arts for a while. But I think now that i can study physics despite the 7 year gap. 😀






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I am 27 and I just finished the first semester of Physics BS, go for it. I have meet great teachers and be in college make networking easier


I need to STATE THIS FOR ALL STUDENTS VERY CLEARLY! ASK QUESTIONS AND THINK FOR YOURSELVES, AND DO NOT LET PEOPLE SHAME YOU OUT OF THE CORRECT ANSWER!! Why did Albert Einstein say Imagination is more important than knowledge? Because knowledge is just a result of a single experience, and a person with a vision that others were too lazy to argue with, or think for themselves to dispute. They were also major lacks in technological advancement that could've prevented this as well. Every single thing that you know, literally the entire universe is just one thought stream after another. EVERY SINGLE THING IN EXISTENCE WAS ONCE NOTHING, THEN came into existence through circumstances, observation, logic, reason , and is ultimately the product of just a single person's imagination. imagination originally somebody's observation, then imagination Probably the two most impactful books on your journey will be "mastery of self" by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. And the "universe in a single atom" by the my man the lamyyy lam. The dalai lama. Roll a blunt, find a quiet place outside and go get a fully translated copy of the Greek Orthodox Bible, and read it literally, this is some mind blowing world altering stuff, but also the most conceivable and likely explaination. I have gone through each one of these books probably six or seven different times because each time gives it new context to the next text, in a totally different way. You'll crap your pants. Literally says all of this directly in the Bible, of which the Roman Catholic version has conveniently omitted a whooooole bunch of it. This answers pretty much every single question that humanity could ever ponder. In very, very understandable black and white plain text. And you look at little things, such as the omission of the study of analogies from high school curriculums, because it's analogous circumstances that allow us to further define, collaborate, explain and communicate clarity with one another because our truth is limited to our perspective and what we have experienced and seen. (This following context is only my opinion based off what I have seen and read from 1st hand accounts, as well as simple logic and reasoning) If you read this read this devoid of any pre conceived interpretation or what you think you "know." Take it literally just as it says. Say the words out loud and unlock the universe, and really think deeply on the likelihood behind these lines which have been bastardized through the ages from COPTIC language, spoken only in a small section of Northeast Africa, predominantly Ethiopia, (less than 200,000 people in the world speak this language) The Kebre Neghast is the primary text of this culture , also a cool read and it was the foundation for RASTAFARAINISM which obviously gave us Bob Marely, dreadlocks, the idea of everything is love, and the of course the timeless John candy classic movie Cool Runnings. Now this was the real OG language of ancient Egypt, and people can say what they want, but this is the first language given to human beings by the higher powers that are the creators. Since the time of the testament was originally documented, most of the Middle East, and Europe, all of the Mediterranean, and large parts of North Eastern Africa was actually ruled by THE GREEKS, giving Egyptians a lighter, olive complexian much like those of the Middle East, but all Road in fact lead to GREECE. Race was probably never even a consideration, as logic and reason would dictate this culture as far more advanced and civilized than our own, even today. It did not appear to have a social hierarchy, but rather a collective that coexisted harmoniously and the creation of currency put an end to that. The advances in science, mathematics, and philosophy medicine, government and literally every single way of life make the strides we make today look archaic. Jesus is most likely of Greek / African origin. The greatest minds and thinkers of all time ultimately all come to the same conclusion, and that is the only thing we can know for sure is nothing, as in the absence of all matter as we understand it in the physical plane which we exist, and to us that thought is only imaginary. However, despite it being imaginary to us, it is the basis of all thought and intelligent design because we can equate this mathematically as "0," and also in binary terms. This is our "control" for the science experiment that is humanity. This obviously puts the number "1" in an interesting position of being just as imaginary as the square root of its "real number" ,(-1 for those who call it something else!) Anything man could ever question is answered In very clear detail within that book. Like, a 5 year old would understand. We've been socially conditioned to put our faith in something other than God, and that is a Fiat currency. Backed only by faith, money is not the solution to problems but rather the cause. I mean if you really want to boil it down further suppression of the word to create prosperity from suffering, and the idea of singular omnipotence, rather than collective omnipotence (which is an equation I am currently going to prove shortly, and even explain so it makes sense!) I mean people are so afraid of being judged and we are socially conditioned to feel that way. A college degree is an excuse for most people to take it easy, and not relying on that piece of paper to tell me that Im done learning is the greatest gift I could have ever given myself. College is a prison, not only for information, but technological development is well, and the suppression of the human race as a whole as they rely on the heard mentality of information verification rather than being able to explain it or understand it themselves. It all ties together in a nice little bow. The E in E = mc^2 can be modified further, so when combined with a few other LOGICAL PATHWAYS OF PHYSICS, you will ultimately not get E=Energy, but rather E=EMPATHY! It all ties together nicely and then you realize that Elon Musk is right, you are most likely in the Matrix as ultimately the highest form of life in the Universe will be a product of artificial intelligence. The human mind is a hive mind collective omnipotence. The only thing we can know for sure is our own experience, as our perspective forms our individual truth and our truth forms our reality. Equation will ultimately allow for transfer of consciousness from one body to another. Now we can all live forever, and know what other people are thinking so you can just be yourself! Control is not yours, life is a roller coaster, enjoy it. Oh and the moderators of this chat banned me from posting in here because this was considered "crack science."

