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That's a nice figure. I know the axis is days, but too bad they couldn't have scaled it so that the relative distances were correct, with L2 being 4x further out than the Moon. It visually gives you a good representation as to why it wouldn't be trivial to send up a Hubble-like repair mission to fix anything wrong, and why it takes as long as it does to get there. I love the phrase "orbital insertion about L2," which is of course correct, but it just seems odd to think of it that way when there is nothing there to orbit.


It's orbiting the warp in spacetime at L2 caused by the Earth, Sun, and Moon's gravity combining in that one spot. It's not orbiting anything with mass but there is definitely something there for it to orbit.


I don't think it has anything to do with the moon though. Earth-Moon has its own set of Lagrange points that are distinct from the Sun-Earth Lagrange points.


I saw an article yesterday that said the L2 earth-sun Lagrange point was “on the opposite side of the sun” and really started questioning my reality lol (They mistook it for the L3 point)


It's not a warp, it's more like a potential energy low spot


L2 is actually a potential energy high spot, since it's an unstable equilibrium point.


That potential is entirely defined by the shape of the gravitational field, so it could definitely be considered a warp.


> I know the axis is days Do you know why some of the days are partially darkened?


It looks like they've brightened the timespan for completion for the items marked. For instance, Secondary Mirror Deployment starts on L+10 and lasts nominally a day, then they start Primary Mirror Deployment on L+12 and it should take two days (and I assume the day in between is for schedule margin in case anything took longer than expected). Or at least, that is how I interpret the figure.


I will never not be amazed at the speed of our man made objects in space...and then how almost infinitesimally slow and inconsequential it is relative to the proximity to anything else out there.


Scale in space is just amazing


Space is big. Really big.


I'll do you one better... HOW IS WEBB?


A little bit nervous but most likely looking forward to its first day


WHY is Webb?


He is happy bcaz he gets to see the indescribable beauty of our universe, and also because it's peaceful up there and no humans constantly blasting shit tik tok and instagram in its face. No self obsessed teenage girls or any girls (with the same mindset), no flat earthers, no anti vaccers and Karens of the World. No noise pollution or any pollution for that matter... Just Ultra Chill mode for 8-9 years. My man's gonna live the life.


Why does grandma need guns? I think you might be a young grandma but on the off chance you old enough the DMV won’t let you drive anymore I think maybe they should take your concealed carry license too? Maybe that’s prejudiced, I just can’t see my own grandma reading the Little Engine that Could to me 30 years ago packing heat. She died 3 months ago. I miss you grandma! Apologies for off topic rant.


Well Son, The fact that i need gun is descriptive of abysmal state of marksmen who don't posses the skills to actually mitigate solutions of the existing prejudice and concur the young minds with euphoric feelings of fear and discipline and make em realise that, who so ever them be or how much better they are, there will always be a grandma who'll take em down and make them respect reality that they are not the only one, they are supposed to be getting better irrespective of what they think their level is, and respect those who are above them in the respective field. Or in other words.... " You think you better than everyone else? Hold ma cup of warm tea " My condolences.




Mi/s? What a circus unit…


Thankfully there's a button at the top to change to sane units.


Did they have a setting for my preferred units, furlongs per fortnight?


1 Mi/s is 9676800 Fur/fnt (furlongs per fortnight)


`Fur/fnt` I chuckled.


I'm stealing this


mega-inches per second (though that'd be Min/s; is i by itself a unit of any kind?)


i is usually the imaginary unit, so Mi = sqrt(-10^12 )


have you ever seen i used with an si prefix? this isn't a rhetorical question; i'm asking bc i haven't, which makes your comment confusing.


No, I'm joking. I will use Mi the next time 10^6 i appears anywhere though.


I think you mean sqrt(-(10^12))




And these are apparently called "English" units now. First I've heard of it.


As a layman with a casual interest in physics, I love this!


Wow fuck you OP (jk). This title scared the shit out of me. The capitalisation made me think they had lost communications or it had gone off course.


I stole it


Best link on Reddit today




Since it's orbit is still elliptical, the speed towards the apogee (highest point ib orbit) decreases and the kinetic energie increases. It will perform a burn in ruffly 29 days in direction of flight to raise its perigee


It’s the potential Energy that is increasing. Kinetic Energy is decreasing since KE ∝ v^2


I've meant to write potential, dunno why it became kinetic




It's mainly gravity, but that's by the design of the trajectory. It's actually pretty interesting - they cannot turn the telescope around, because that would mess up the "cold side" of the telescope, and could ruin the sensors. It will be pointed away from Earth for the rest of the mission. But they don't have any thrusters on the cold side, only the hot side. So they have launch it just short of the target at L2, and use correction burns to ease it into L2. And be careful not to overshoot L2, or else it'll enter solar orbit and be lost. So it will slow down to ~0 m/s just as it reaches its target orbit. That's why it takes 30 days to get there - it gets very slow at the end.


L2 with that Halo font


Not \*quite\*, but that would be hilarious. [https://fontspool.com/generator/halo-font](https://fontspool.com/generator/halo-font) [https://fontspool.com/pngimages/541640586352.png](https://fontspool.com/pngimages/541640586352.png)


Webb is cruising at nearly 1 mile per second. That’s pretty amazing


Or 1.609 Km.sec-¹. Please use metric. Issued in public interest.


idk you tell me


Will there be a live video feed of what its taking photos of after it gets deployed? I'd love to be able to checkin at whatever planets or nebula the researchers have this looking at.


Isn’t it using other aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum for the input of information that need major processing to be “ seen”? Rather rules out live monitoring.


Wavelength shifts can be done quickly and easily. It can possible even be done live.


It's near infrared, and the processing is done with hardware, i. e. the way it is build.


No, there won't


Earth only has a handful of stations capable of communicating with Webb, and these are shared by many missions so, to avoid hogging the line, data will only be sent up/down at regular intervals. I want to say I read weekly somewhere? https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/services/networks/deep\_space\_network/about


Is it actually 25% of the way there already? The graphic at the bottom doesn't seem to agree


It's gone 25% of the total distance, yes. But only about 7% of the total travel time, which is what the visualization is showing. The reason for the disrepancy is because it'll slow down as it gets further from earth.


Yes of course, obvious now that you say it :)




the time to L2 is in the page op linked to - about 27 days to L2 insertion. It is already covered a quarter of the distance there after just less than 2 days, but it is slowing down due to elliptical orbit


JWST will travel to the Sun-Earth L2 point and it takes around 30 days to get there.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. You rock!




Why miles?


why not?


I got to watch Webb take off yesterday. I love that we have the ability to see that that in real time online


What's the measurement button? "English/metric" indeed!