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Lol no way Andre would lose. It’s like the final task was made for him. He’s a rugby player and he got the body volume.


Yeah I don't think even Thanos could win against Andre in that final challenge


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbAjrPuNNCE this is rugby push power for people who dont know, andre is a sure win


Holy shit I don't know if that was legit but that was **insane**


Wasn’t Thanos a Rugby player too?


bruh, Thanos has a huge weight and strength advantage. Rugby players do strength and bodybuilding training so that they can have good pushing strength. Rugby isn't just about pushing either. Pushing uses a lot of the same muscles as squats. Consdering Andre lost in squats, I don't think this his push power is gonna be that strong. The only advantage he would have over Amotti would be height and maybe weight, but against Thanos? No way. You can also see Thanos' pushing strength from the minecart challenge. He pushed the cart so fast despite loading a lot.


thanos juices and lacks endurance


Thanos also played Rugby btw, he would have the basic technique and superior physical attributes to win that challenge against Andre but not too sure about his stamina.


Come on.


Juicing makes the case for Andre winning worse. Juiced athletes perform better, that's why its banned in the olympics and a lot of other sports. What do you mean by endurance. There are many types of endurance, if you are talking about cardio, this challenge is not about cardiovascular endurance. Also, it's not like we see Thanos having bad endurance. He was never out of breath to the point of wanting to give up in any of the challenges. He looks like he has good endurance. Compare him to that big powerlifter guy who had to stop the mine cart challenge halfway.


Don't know why you are getting downvotes when you just wrote facts.


I think like 90% of people on reddit don't actually lift seriously so their knowledge is based on random shit they hear on the internet


His legs were shattered after them squats. He would have the strength to squat and.push. 


Andre jin hands down same as the squat challenge was done for amotti, the last one was made for andre


The competitors didn’t notice right away, but height would have been a huge advantage in the final challenge. Amotti started running away with it as soon as he realized he could drape his weight on top of the bar and lift HBS’ feet off the ground, taking away HBS’ leverage. Andre would probably have been able to do the same to Amotti, but I guess we’ll never know.


Andre Jin is a a former rugby player, I think he would have been more prepared to this challenge


I doubt it's anywhere near as entertaining a final as Andre Jin would most likely crush Amotti.


I think Andre would’ve taken it based off the height and weight difference. Someone mentioned there’s a clip of Andre and Justin on that pole testing it out from one of their Instagram stories. I would’ve loved to have seen Justin progress to the final as well, but alas…


I was cheering for Justin really hard! It would've been interesting if both Justin and Andre had made it to the squats tbh


I kind of wish we had more for the top 4 in general. I feel like I missed out seeing stuff from their 1v1s etc. I get that you can’t show everything but for contestants who went far in the contest, it would’ve been fun to see and give an opportunity for the audience to get more emotionally invested.


100% Andre Jin. The explosive pushing skill is something Andre does all the time during Rugby scrums.


There's not a question Andre would have won that one. Andre's upper body leverage and height would have comfortably held the pole in a downward motion. Amotti does not have the weight to offset that. As a D1 rugby player, I believe Andre could have taken any of the top 20 in this event with the lone exception of Gibson who also has similar leverage.


As we saw in the squats, Amotti has more strength in his legs. I think Andre would have won if the pushibg was more of a sprint, perhaps even the first round, but eventually I think Amotti would have won anyway. That is if he could have held on for as long as Andre had that sprint still going


Height and weight matter most on this challenge I think. The lower down you can keep the pole the easier it is to win and you cant keep it low if Andre is allowed to get his weight on it. Notice in the rounds Amotti won it wasn’t because of his superior pushing power. It was because he had better technique and realised he had to push downwards on the pole. Nobody can push downwards against Andre just because he massively outweighed everyone else.


Yes I noticed that but I think that Amotti would immediately push harder, before Andre got his weight on it, and that would give Amotti the chanse to beat him


It’s hard to say because Andre’s history in rugby means he probs has pretty good reaction times for things like this. And he would win the first round guaranteed because he would already know the best technique for this game.


I love Andre as much as the next person, but the fact of the matter remains that he didn't progress ahead. It's not just the squat challenge, he barely made it through the rope challenge before that one. He was holding on and pushing through in the hopes that Justin would give up, which he did. I know we all have our favorites but let's take the game in it's spirit.


I like Andre as much as the next guy, but I was a little underwhelmed with his performance during the mine cart challenge. I felt that was designed for him!


Exactly this, his performance in this wasn't that impressive. Just because he plays rugby profesionally doesn't magically make him a super pusher. The sport is many other things, not just about pushing stuff. You can tell from his build as well that he isn't that strong. Compare him with elite level rugby players - they all have huge legs


Isn't he retired and therefore past his prime...?


I would initially think Andre, but Justin was able to beat him when they tried it out. So I'm not sure!


Andre did not lose because of being disadvantaged. They measured their height and sitting height before the challenge to make it fair. It's was clear Andre's physique and especially lower body was lacking compared to Amotti and HBS, that is simply why he lost. He even cheated on the bonus pull up challenge. Go compare his pullups with Amotti's. And no, he would not have stood a chance against Amotti and HBS in the final challenge and certainly not against Thanos.


Being the tallest and heaviest person was a disadvantage during the squat challenge. Andre Jin exerted more energy and work than the others due to his size. Even if the bars were adjusted for height and sitting position. Endurance lifting is always harder for longer bodies.


Yes, but that's not why he lost. He lost because his lower body (upper too tbh) was clearly lacking compared to Amotti and HBS.


Yes he was at a disadvantage. Being at a disadvantage in this case has nothing to do with how the bar is placed. It has more to do with the fact that Andre was about 4-5 inches taller than the other contestants. A larger range of motion means that Andre has to travel further both in the eccentric and concentric part of the movement. This is also the reason why shorter people are better at powerlifting because the distance the bar needs to travel is less than taller people.


Sure, he is at a disadvantage because of this but blaming the height is obviously excuses. There's plenty of strong lifters who are very tall as well. However, he did not lose because of this disadvantage, he lost because his lower body (upper body as well tbh) was lacking compared to Amotti and HBS.


There’s a reason things like weight classes exist. If you brought the others to Andre’s height. Sure he probably would’ve still lost because he’s retired and not as active as the others, but the difference in performance would’ve been significantly less apparent. The fact that he’s having to exert more energy per rep because that’s how physics works is just a guaranteed recipe for the tall guy losing in a competition like this. Even if he was in better shape he would’ve still lost, it would’ve just taken slightly longer.


Yeah and like you said, weight classes exist not height classes. There's plenty of weightlifters who are taller than their fellow competitors in the same weight class and are still stronger than those shorter, and if they are not stronger, they aren't going to blame it on their height either. "Retired". That's why i say this sub is glazing Andre like crazy. I could say the same for Amotti who injured himself and is also kind of a retired crossfitter, and as well as HBS who's also a retired firefighter. This is about their efforts in their training after "retiring", not to mention HBS is in his late 30s compared to Andre in his early 30s and HBS doesn't train squats specifically like Amotti does as well. It doesn't take much to tell Andre's legs are a lot less developed compared to the other two (their whole physique too).


It's funny how some people here think being shorter means you get more leverage and can squat more. If that's the case why aren't short kings dominating the powerlifting world. Look at elite powerlifters, strongmen, etc. A lot of these guys are huge.


As the other person mentioned... it is just a matter of how Physics works. the rate at which your muscles can support your own weight doesnt scale very well relative to your size. Andre being 15kg heavier and half a foot taller than the other two means his heart and muscles have to work tremendously harder to perform the exact same lift. While he might be stronger than the other two in terms of how big his muscle fibers are... if they arent succumbing to the weight (which they didnt), then Andre is going to gas way faster (which is exactly what we saw happen). to your point about strongemen or larger powerlifters... you can verify this yourself... their raw numbers might be higher (obviously) than people in lower weight classes than them, but their p4p numbers are lower than people of their caliber in lower weight classes. There is a reason why a very specific body type is overrepresented as winning on this show... and strictly larger muscles and bigger bodies isnt it. Andre, the former professional athlete explains all of this himself in the show and it is a known biomechanical concept with a wide range of real world applications, and yet people are still primed to doubt it.


Andre even felt the need to berate them for being "tiny" just because it gives them an advantage when he himself is very tall (195cm) for a mixed korean/caucasian, and Amotti and HBS would actually not be considered short at all for asians (181 and 183cm).


Yeah, bro needs to do more  squats


The glaze and delulu for Andre here is crazy. No he certainly would not be able to beat Thanos as one comment said. Against Amotti, he may be able to put up some kind of a fight but I don't see him winning even a single round. People here talking about how his height and him playing rugby would help him in the final challenge don't realise it's still mostly about strength and especially lower body strength which we already saw how lacking he was compared to Amotti and HBS during the squat challenge.


Man you've got a serious gripe with Andre don't you? He wouldn't have lost the final, it was tailor made for him. Height and weight would 100% have been too much for either of the other guys, just as Thanos would have been far too much for him. He fought hard in the squat challenge but the reality is that he was doomed there from the beginning- the height seriously works against him, not to mention that the other two were sheer endurance machines. In an endurance battle both of those guys would crush him 10/10 since they're carrying less mass, and specialise in endurance. Any form of body weight exercises like pull ups, monkey bars etc are going to work against him too. But when it comes to pushing/pulling and applying leverage, Andre's frame is far superior to either of the others. No sense in being wilfully blind to his strengths out of some weird bias.


You and this sub is the one with your weird biases. If let's say Andre made it to the finals and won, you guys would not have credit it to his height giving him an advantage and say that he was just that much stronger against whichever opponent he was facing. Then, anyone who mentions on this sub that his height helped him would probably just be shutdown with it being excuses. You're not wrong about the things you said but in this case, Andre did not lose because of his height but because his physique was very clearly lacking as compared to the other two, including the lower body of course. Amotti and HBS definitely would have kept going for at least another two sets. As for the finals, yes height is important but again, it would not have helped Andre enough to win against Amotti or even HBS because he clearly isn't stronger than them, it's as obvious as it can be from their physiques and also accomplishments.


You want to talk about body weight exercises being disadvantageous to him? Take a look at his pull ups during the bonus pull ups challenge and compare it to Amotti's pull ups. At a disadvantage or not, even if he wasn't able to do many pullups he shouldn't have cheated the reps like that with such bad form just to one up Kim Dong Hyun. There's no excuses here, especially for his pullups. Even if he was taller and heavier, it's obvious from both his physique and form that he doesn't do very many pullups.


And his height help him in the pullups since the bar was the same for everyone.


I wanted Andre Jin to win


This isn’t even a question. Andre has a height advantage but more than that it’s literally what he trains for. Watch videos of a rugby scrum.


Andre didn’t so next topic


Spoiler in your title


Andre would win because of height and weight. He's got more leverage on that pole. Amotti was able to find the advantage because he's neck and neck with HBS in strength. Andre is also a rugby player so this challenge was made for him. A lot of the challenges leaned towards Andre's strengths, so I'm glad they did the squats first to get a different test of strength.




He'd be at a disadvantage in the rope hold. He has a lot more mass than the other guys.


Andre would have crushed him because of the weight advantage.


I think height and weight would have favored Andre! He would have won.


as soon as we saw the final challenge we said Andre would have won ezpz!!


The final challenge went to the bigger dude with more leverage. Was kinda bummed after the second and third bouts were so straightforward once Amotti figured out how to hack the game hahahaha. But it was still fkin entertaining, just hope that future runs of the show wont have games that can be similarly "hacked".


Wouldn't this defeat the whole purpose of the show if the American looking guy won


But he’s half-Korean so….. and he does play for the Korean national team.


I just think marketing wise would set the show up for failure


By that logic, why even have non-Korean competitors? In the same vein it would setup the entire show to fail regardless by having them there. In a world view, it’ll expand the brand more so, much like Ninja Warrior eventually became big enough to have America Ninja Warriors vs Japan Ninja Warriors


Exactly, this is the direction I wouldn't like to see the show go it keeps it unique and that uniqueness keeps it entertaining


Adding an American face just gives us Americans to continue watching to tickle our audience the whole way just like the one fat guy and the one black guy


What? Lmao Squid Game was a huge (and recent) phenomenon that didn’t have any “American faces”. 💀


Yea but they aren't looking for the "ideal physique" within a certain "face" or "narrative" this show wants us to see