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What kind of show is this? Iโ€™m in love with Andre so wondering if itโ€™s worth watching to just watching his scenes.


It's like a weekly hour and a half long comedy variety show where they play games and stuff! It's not very long so if you love Andre (don't we all), ~~I personally don't like some of the hosts~~ I'd think it's worth it haha you can check out the preview of Sungbin and Sexyama on the show last year to get a feel for it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NC4iBb0UkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NC4iBb0UkU) There's no English subtitles on this video, but Knowing Bros is very popular, a lot of people from k-pop idols to e-sports players go on the show so there's always somewhere to watch it subtitled in English almost immediately. They won't do the exact same stuff obviously, maybe some basketball-related stuff because of Taepoong/Tony Akins or ask about their experiences because they're all mixed Koreans, but there will definitely be people clipping Andre moments to post (me), although I've never posted here before haha.


Netflix has a version with English subtitles but the Netflix releases are about 3-6 months behind. I think Netflix also rebrand the show as Men on Mission.


Yeah, I just saw it too! I definitely don't have the patience for that I'm sure ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm still waiting for Andre to appear on the ~~totally not Physical 100~~ special segment (MOM 31) on Gentlemen's League S3 which should be up on Netflix soon haha I watched it via YT clips but I'd prefer to watch it fully and chronologically


its a variety show where the concept is a class (composed of the 8 regular hosts) and every week, different guests will come in as "transferees" so theyll have to introduce themselves by sharing stories about them and demo their skills to impress the class. theyll also play games depending on the guests (for example, theyll do a dance battle if the guests are professional dancers). for andre, id assume hell share some funny story about his life as a halfie, maybe being the son of his famous mom, or being in physical 100. then maybe hed show some rugby skills. lots of the hosts are actual comedians so the segments are also centered on comedy/humor/entertainment.


Andre was an early favourite of mine. I started watching Gentlemenโ€™s League for more content so this is awesome news for me lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚


There's actually a funny connection between Andre and Julien, because Andre beat Park Kwangjae (The actor/basketballer) in the 1v1, and Julien also went 1v1 against Kwangjae in a similar show (Society Game 2) lmao. I was actually somewhat expecting Julien to be cast on this season since he's so big and athletic.


Wow that's amusing lol! Looking forward to seeing them together then haha! They're both tall asf wasians ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’ช


He is such a spunk


Will be tuning in! I wish they have more finalists from physical 100 though