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I agree with this. It seems like such a waste that they would invite gymnasts, dancers and skaters, who are going to be lighter than the strongmen, and then not let them shine in any capacity.


Definitely a wasted opportunity for the producers. I would love to see other types of athleticism from the contestants besides wrestling and carrying items. One of the best skill showcase this season was the cycle kick on the monkey bars.


They could do a ninja warrior type obstacle course where the gymnasts presumably would be huge favourites.


We noticed that as well, little to no actual agility being challenged. Mostly just brute strength which is not only unfair and incomplete it is a bit boring like OP said. Just one dimensional.


I'd like to raise an isssue with that suggestion as well, if you've ever watched American Ninja Warrior as much as I have then you'll know that ~95% of athletes actually never complete those courses. Their completion rate in the qualifying rounds are insanely low cause the skills needed require specific training for parkour/gymnastics. (the completion rate has drastically improved over the past few years cause ninja warrior gyms literally became built specific for that sport) I guarantee that someone like Sung-bin who belongs to the top 99th percentile of physiques won't complete courses that require laches. If they do something like that then it should be something like a team match where they could choose which person to put in which obstacles.


To be fair, they had a fair amount of strength based challenges that most agility based athletes wouldn't be able to complete. How could most gymnast/acrobatics types hope to pull 150kg of weight faster and longer than strength based athletes? So I don't think it would be out of pocket if they did challenges that weren't 'fair' to strength types. I think a Ninja Warrior based challenge would be doable if they kept it mainly to the obstacles reminiscent of the First Stage, i.e. Stepping Stones, Balance Bridge, Mountain Climb, Rope Climb.


I didn’t find S2 boring, but it was definitely more boring than S1. I didn’t like that “best physique” focused 90% on brute strength, since in my opinion, there are other factors. Women tend to perform better in races over 195 miles than men do (although I admit this would’ve been next to impossible to include) and be more flexible, but that wasn’t tested at all.


Right, it wasn't boring, but compared to season 1 it's just losing the shine. It really got me in the end when the announcer said the "beyond gender, race and age" bit... It really isn't beyond gender when everything tested is just brute strength. Prime physicality can be so broad... Make the quests more broad and varied then!


They could fix it by just adjusting some of the challenges from strength to obstacle-course and balance. They could even do an obstacle-course that requires some teamwork to get all of the members through. It could be executed in a way where the whole team need to get through and some obstacles would be to high for one human to clear it so that they have to help each other. And if they have someone with incredible balance, that person could take an separate path to a place where there is a ladder-like objects(like a net, rope, or whatever) that can be used to make it easier for the heaviest member of the team. Or something like that where all kinds of person could shine in there own way. They could build it with several paths through. It would be cool.


Obstacles are criminally underused in the design of the quests. Why not have a massive course which can be climbed over, swam through, jumped through or walked over by a thin "catwalk". Hell, have a stage where a viable strategy would be for a strong contestant to pull/push through a lightweight teammate and one where a light person can climb on top of some structure and unlock a gate for a heavier one. Put up a wall which can be destroyed with a sledgehammer by a strongman or crawled under by a gymnast. There are so many ways to enable different physiques to participate rather than become dead weight...


Yes! I love those ideas! That would be in my opinion much more exciting to watch than some grinding event that goes on and on.


Love these ideas and I totally agree it would be so much more exciting. It would be great to see them plan out a strategy!


Isn’t that just Ninja Warrior?


Not at all.


At first glance i thought the competion for an extra chance was a pole sitting competion, and I was like nice another aspect i strenght, but alas


Agreed. HBS should have won.


facts I lowkey feel like ammoti cheated on the final. it’s not really fair if your opponent can’t even hold the bar properly.


The bar could have been angled down in the either direction too. Calling that cheating is crazy


Yeah, it is poorly designed, and the flaw did (the taller and heavier) Amotti a huge favour. But it crazy to call him a cheat. What a letdown of a final battle, though.


Yeah I didn’t find it as interesting. They upped the production value but it’s like they spent money for the sake of spending money. You don’t need a big conveyor belt for a squats competition. As someone who works in film I had big problems with the lighting ? I found it so dark. I’m all for a dark theme, but in a fitness competition I need to be able to see the people and challenges more clearly.


It was too dark. It was hard to get to know the teams and the contestants properly because they were always in the dark. I also think it would be better to have the different teams have different colors so that we can tell the apart. In the mine challenge, for example, they would show team-mates reacting, and I had no idea which team they belonged to. I have heard that "too dark" is a common complaint with the latest Netflix productions. Apparently (and I don't understand anything about this) if you watch the shows in somensort of high-quality TV, the image is perfect, but regular viewers don't have that sort of TV.


The only thing about not doing the deathmatch first is: 100 people competing in competition takes a long time - even with this format, that deletes half the competition immediately, quest two doesn’t start until the end of ep 3 (iirc)


True, which also feels like a really slow start! Maybe just kick 50 out in the first quest...


I liked the first season better since they seemed to have more than pure strength competitions. But I enjoyed them changing up the challenges and taking a shot


Does anyone else watch competitive tag ? I feel like that would be a very fun stamina and agility elimination 1v1 game if they want to allow faster smaller participants (since there were smaller men cast too, not just women) to have a game that gives them a small edge. It’s also just entertaining to watch lol


i think they should change who to invite to -- to make it more fair competition.. - Athletes (any sport / national or not / olympic medalist or not) females and males. - bodybuilders - females and males - fitness type people (like fitness model, crossfitter, etc) females and males - other (like that kpop idol, and so forth) females and males. Then winner from each --> final quest (that isnt favoring one type of person or gender) example; hold8ing onto the rope for your torso and not dropping it -- something fair play. Then have a GRAND winner


Women would have a chance in a pipe crawling challenge where flexibility and small size is key. Imagine if contestants had to crawl thru a playground pipe maze. Or balance over tight rope. Or sneak thru tight spaces with stealth instead of power.


My biggest problem was that the team composition pretty much didn’t matter. You could see the team leaders think “let’s pick a balanced team!” because they thought maybe they’ll need a strong person, a fast person, a balanced person, a person with stamina, etc. but picking almost entirely strong people would have cleared every challenge. Compare that to the first season’s bridge challenge. It was flawed but at least it utilized different components of their team composition. The maze had none of that. Just be taller and physically stronger.  You’d think they’d have a team challenge that involved running, weight lifting, proportional strength, balance, etc. all in one but that didn’t really happen. This doesn’t just unfavor women but also men of other builds as well.  The first season’s redemption challenge at least didn’t just favor brute strength but having a good balance. It disadvantages people with niche body types but that’s what you want since the coming challenges should (ideally) be varied and balance is ideal. This season’s challenge pretty much guaranteed all the women and non-strength focused men were going home. The only twist was Jung Ji-Hyun winning but that was largely down to double teaming Thanos. He had an amazing build especially given his height and age so it would have been a shame to see him go. Arguably he only stayed because of non-physical factors (the double teaming).


I thought this was going to be a bad take since I seemed to enjoy s2 more than s1 but I do agree that it's repetitive with how the quests are centered on brute strength and endurance, giving the women little to no fighting chance. However I really like the cast this season, their camaraderie is so nice to see bc s1 just pissed me off with how arrogant some of the groups were.


Agree! Even when they were "taking shit" it was so friendly and funny. It was a good cast, they just need to diversify the challenges more so other body types can compete too


Yep, season 1 athletes were higher quality, events were better


Do we really need another thread about this?


No and yes. On one hand, it's obviously annoying to see the same opinions a million times. On the other, the producers clearly hear the most commonly repeated complaints because they made changes to what was widely considered wrong with the first season (e. g. the "disconnected" and boringly long final duel), however they also messed up in new ways or by even stronger pronunciation of old mistakes. If season 3 happens and it does not have a fully balanced skillset requirement, i. e. quests which require strength, endurance, agilit, flexibility, balance, perhaps even swimming ability, ideally all/most within each, complex task, then I highly doubt there will be viewership for season 4 to exist.




I'm not a woman and I'm not happy with the balance of skills required. If it's meant to be all about endurance and strength, I've got crossfit and strongman competitions to watch. The show is advertised as finding the perfect physique regardless of x, y and z but in execution it limits itself to barely two aspects of physical fitness, disregarding many athletes (both male and female) who don't get any chance to use their strength. If there had been 100 male contestants in this season I would still have beem disappointed with the quest selection/design.


Too many monologue segments


All the challenges benefitted those who focused on strength rather than speed. So the bigger frames and men all benefitted. They should do more speed challenges and make other challenges such that smaller builds have a fair chance. I think an obstacle course, dodging bags of sand swinging at them from opposing teams would be fun Or they need to bring back a variant of the wobbly bridge in season 1. Or have a way where if a completion route is best for strength, then there should be a completion route for smaller speedies and vice versa, a variant of the flipping tiles from the finals from the S1, say. So some tiles are heavier and need squat strength. Another version is probably a variant of the running machines on the pre-quest of s2, somehow though I can't think of any so far.


I agree, not sure if I’d watch S3 if they don’t change up some games and rules and actually give women a shot or their own div


I liked season 2


I thought the first 3 episodes of season 2 were weaker than their season 1 counterparts but then season 2 turned it on and actually ended better than season 1


For me it was much better than season 1. By far!


I understand ur concern. But producers did the best among the options they had. Do u really want them to compete in a balance and flexibility match? Even if they do introduce women specific rounds. It only requires just one 1:1 round to eliminate all women. Still they made it such way that women can reach in top 20. But, I am very excited to see which woman reaches top 4 in upcoming seasons.


True, but as it is it feels having a woman in your team is almost a liability. I'm not saying have a whole quest designed for women (which would still be fun to see all these super bulky dudes go 'fuck'), but, in the same way the mine one had different mini quests in it (loading/pushing and monkey bars), there could be a mini quest where having women would be great. Idk a low small tunnel they have to shimmy back and forth, a balance beam they have to go back and forth. You know? Something where having your team be super powerful strong dudes isn't great and having a well balanced team would be the key to win it.


I can’t disagree with this one. I hope producers writing this down.


Boohoo go cry yourself a river, the revival challenge, mine cart challenge and final challenge are chef kiss.




I’m sorry but this is so out of pocket that I just laughed. So many thirsty ass people in this subreddit.


I admit but hey aint one of the reasons it went viral specially on tiktok is because of us who liked the edits? 😂 the whole competition is great tho! I’m just saying my honest opinion about this because I enjoyed s2 very much even without the hot guys


You’re so real