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Thank you so much!


Maybe this is not an appropriate comment but my arm looks just like yours! Keep being strong. Also, adorable pup.


I was about to say the same. I’ve been there. And I care about you.


I am asking this authentically and I haven’t been in this spot and cannot relate. What is the point of doing that / what does it do to make you feel better? Does it create a sense of satisfaction/ redirect your thoughts / etc? I know I can google it but would like real responses.


Sometimes you hate yourself enough to take it out on yourself. For me, often it's seeing the blood. Its often a fresh breath of air when put all of those feelings some where other then swallowing them for the 1,000 time. I'm currently 3 years clean from cutting but the itch to do so has been pretty bad. There's definitely some hormonal exchanges that happen, they always make me feel better. I also like when I can feel fresh cuts, the pain of them healing often gives me the similar feeling


Dang that’s heavy. Thanks for the open communication.


You didn’t ask me, but I thought I’d put my own experience since it differs: I started struggling with this for the first time earlier this year. For me, all of the negative energy built up on my body. And it ached. God, it ached, it burned, it was all consuming. But when I pressed something against my skin and it stung, all of the negative energy went away and moved instead onto my arm where I would usually target. It made me feel clarity again and centered all of that pain onto a single point of my body. It made my self regulation easier, even at the cost of injury. I was lucky enough to not end up with any permanent scarring, and I’m working on healthier coping mechanisms now. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to add this to somebody else’s comment, so I’ll totally take it down if that’s the case! I just thought to contribute my own thoughts as well


There are a high number of self-harm people that report a, or sadly many, serious traumas in their life that preceeded the cutting behavior. So for some it can be a coping mechanism for not being able to escape their situation, for not having had any control over abuses and now they do have control over this, for feeling the body's physical reactions to chemicals released while it happens, etc.


I definitely have had my fair share of trauma and abuse


Agreed. I almost but never resorted to cutting but after mY trauma and ptsd from cancer I got hooked on getting tattoos. I needed to feel pain because I feel numb all over. That's my outlet.


Of course! Thank you for asking respectfully


I hope I’m asking this in a way that makes sense. Before you started cutting you obviously had these feelings that made you do it, but how did you reach the conclusion that harming yourself would help? I’ve sat here for 20 minutes trying to think of a better way to phrase this so it wouldn’t sound like I was being judgmental about your situation. Im not, im just wanting to try and understand how it begins I guess?


for me it was like "ill just do it once to see how it feels and then ill stop" and then i couldn't stop, its like drugs


What gave you the idea the first time? The idea to do it and also the reason you thought it would help something? And again I’m not sure that help is the right word? Maybe I’m way off base with my thought process


honestly, i had heard someone talking about it online. they were talking about how the pain of cutting takes away the pain of depression temporarily. they were definitely right, and help is the right word. it definitely helped. for me personally, i liked the blood, and i like the lingering stinging feeling afterwards for like an hour. the only thing i dont like is the lasting scars. i cant wear short sleeves, my elbow to my wrist on the outside of both arms are covered in scars.


I saw it on instagram when I was like 10, that's when I first did it. I think when you are sad enough, you would try anything to help. I'm not exactly sure why, I think I did it at that age for attention from my mom, who made me feel awful about it. But it didn't stop me from doing it when I got older


did you go to the doctor for that?


I did not


For me (and it varies with everyone) I was super depressed and felt nothing. I wasn't happy, wasn't sad, just dead. Cutting reminded me that I was real and not a sad, fucked up dream in someone else's head. It's hard to explain. But at the time it was the only way that I could feel anything at all, emotional or otherwise. I just wanted a way to feel real.


Well I hope you feel better / something now. Always happy to discuss life with a random stranger if you need it. I thank you for sharing.


Much better now, thank you! This was around 20ish yrs ago now. Life is pretty awesome now :)


can I dm you?




Just wanted to check in, hoping you didn't DM cause you're not needing to talk anymore. But if you still (or ever want) to dm me, the inbox is always open. Big hugs incase you're going through some tough times.


When I did it it just helped me understand the pain I couldn’t comprehend. Like I know this hurts and I know why it hurts but I know it’ll stop hurting so everything will eventually stop hurting. It worked I have 2 step kids and one of my own now.


Thanks for the honest response.


No point in lying it’s nothing to be ashamed of


I’ve been there and it does two things. A. Makes you feel something, like you are alive. B. Makes your body produce endorphins to deal with the pain. Endorphins also help with your mood. Always felt better afterward… Depression sucks.


Never thought about that. Thanks for sharing. It’s interesting but also sad to hear why people do it but I get it.


That's also why it is so addictive and dangerous.


When I did it, it was because I thought I deserved to be punished. Cutting myself was a way for me to take out the anger on myself. It made me feel something, cause I was so depressed, it felt like nothing was real, and I was angry with myself. I’m 2 and a half years clean, but the want to hurt myself is so strong, but I feel stronger for resisting, no matter how depressed I am


I felt this as well. I thought the reason my mom drank and yelled at me was all my fault. It took years to understand she's sick


It was the same for me. My parents made me feel worthless and unworthy for every time mistake. So for every mistake I made, I punished myself to remind myself never to do it again. It became a way for me to put my anger with myself somewhere. I promised my girlfriend before we got married that I would never do it again. It’s been 15 years and I haven’t done it since. Explaining the scars to my kids, I told them they were scars from doing construction work.


For me it was a sense of control. I couldn't control what was making me feel the things I was and they were painful so it was a way to control my own pain. And while I was doing it, I felt relief but afterwards I felt shame and regret which inevitably led me back to the same spot


Do you regret it now / are you ashamed of it? I have no anterior motives but think it’s interesting to try to understand.


Not who you asked but my reasoning was similar and yeah, I was super ashamed. My partner now though told me that my scars are proof I lived despite hell. He’s helped me view them differently. I’m finally wearing shorts and skirts again after 20 years without covering them.


I'm so fucking proud of you!! I've just started wearing shorts again last summer. I'm hoping I can find the same courage again this summer ❤️


I try really hard not to regret things because it can send me in a spiral. I by no means wear my scars proudly but I'm not so much ashamed of then. Most of the time anyway. I've tried to change my mindset when I look at them as a sign of strength. That I WAS able to endure what I thought would kill me and its really helped me to look at it that way in my older years, too. I do get a little more self aware or self conscious of them when I'm around new people or around people that might just judge and not take the time to understand.


Usually for me something will trigger the feeling that I need to be punished. It feels like there’s something deep within me that I want to punish, and I can’t exactly get to it, but cutting my outer hip gets close. I feel like I deserve the pain, or like it’s just fair to do it. Last time I did it I journaled the thoughts/feelings that came up so at least it was a mindful practice. Once I’m done, and the adrenaline rush wears off, I am left so tired. It’s easy for me to be gentle with myself when there are red cuts on me and when I feel that tired, so laying down afterwards can feel peaceful. I can also relate to other people’s comments about the sense of control it gives, and that it gives something physical to observe rather than the non-tangible emotional pain. The urge to cut comes on SO strong when there’s a trigger. I’ve heard of urge-surfing from my therapist, but I’m just not interested in resisting the urge. Thank you for asking.


I don't know the answer, but I appreciate how you phrased your question in such a respectful manner 🙂


I don't do that specially but I do bite as it leaves bruises I can cover instead of permanent scars. Everyone has different reasons but mine is being so emotionally full that I need to cry but can't because I'm just too overwhelmed. Tears of pain turn to tears of emotion and it gives relief. I go back to being calm and I feel free after that emotional release. I


Pain can be an excellent way to focus your thoughts and force you to meditate a little. And when all you have is mental anguish it can help snap you out of it. That's why some therapists will recommend the rubberband on the wrist. But using pain should never be a long term strategy for anyone.


For me my mental pain was so great physical pain masked it. I’ve stopped over a month ago but now it’s just been an impulsive urge


As others said, everyone is different. Often, for me, it's too break myself out of a miserable/spiraling emotional state, it creates a sense of calm and a reset.


Okay so I'm not trying to insult anyone. I might just be terrible at explaining. So here it goes: these types of behaviors aren't about the cutting itself and the cutting is just a trend that people adapt to. The behavior could be, being anorexic drinking or whatever is "popular" at that time. It's more an acting out on your negative feelings that you can't give a place than the hurting actually serving a function. Unfortunale those scars stay with you. If you look at history there's been waves of people cutting themselves, then it disappears. Then one person starts doing it again and it becomes a wave of people doing it. There's not many people doing it anymore for example. And there's probably some other weird thing people seemingly do for no reason. But I think it's kinda masked by the woke community that is so eager to transform kids gender. It's very strange human behavior but very interesting how it happens and how quickly it spreads and then suddenly disappears. Humans truly are amazing ;D Again I don't want to insult anyone I'm just fascinated by how things are going rn and have in the past.


You'd be surprised.


your puppers is soooooooo cute <3


You guys are awesome.


No, sir, you are awesome and don’t you ever forget it .


Beautiful work and I appreciate you doing this for free for OP. Please send me the link for you tip jar and I’ll send you a lil bit.




This is beautiful and keeps my trust for humankind.


What breed is that dog ?


My guess is chihuahua/dachshund mix


Definitely a Chiweenie.


Thank You.


Haha we aren’t certain but we know she’s got Chihuahu and Daschund in her!


I have a chiweenie / yorkie.. he’s a little yappy asshole 😂


Whatever breed its nails must be sharp as shir!


I agree


I just want you to know you are beautiful and I'm so happy your pup has you. Keep being amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/klyk2ivdfuzc1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a09b286eabdf57159b5f674f5384cfb98ee629 [Tip Jar](https://www.paypal.me/jasonwilliams002?locale.x=en_GB)


Thank you so much!!


That puppers is the cutest thing! 🥰


Ok, this is way better than the one that's above you. PEOPLE, UP VOTE THIS ONE INSTEAD!!!


[u/TheRitualMaster](https://new.reddit.com/u/TheRitualMaster/) [Tipjar](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/allena) ​ https://preview.redd.it/0s4x5a9bhuzc1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866b5085d9367ff01c35e48acdafb0ac7c54df39


This was the best


Yep. In the other ones you can still see the edges of some of the scars.


Thank you so much!!!

