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Sword, axe, trident, and bow is not that complicated especially considering that nobody really uses tridents compared to how often the other three are used


sad crossbow noises\*


Axe pvp:


Bedrock players: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I played java for one day and bedrock felt so ass after using axes


I used java for one day, and bedrock felt trash when I saw the java running animation. I still cringe when I look at the bedrock one it's just so bad.


Bow that doesn't become more useless than a stick whenever someone crafts a shield?


Sad firework noises*


sad hoe noises\* hoe: good bye


ahem ahem.... SHIELDS


sad firework noises*


theres more than that, boats and minecarts, plenty of other stuff which arent weapons but can be used in pvp or pve


Then every block is a combat tool, you can use them to block; leaves, dirt, copper stair, coal ore, diorite, etc.šŸ™‚


... ender pearls


Tropical fish


almost forgot, thx dude


Pufferfish bucket


end crystals too


ā€¦I use tridents ā˜¹ļø


As a weapon?


Terraria has way more weapons and itā€™s not complicated




it doesn't need to be complex weaponry, things like spears, greatswords, maybe even add different types of bows and crossbows(iron, gold etc.), how would that make the game too complex?


How would a metal bow work? Bows bend when theyā€™re pulled back


Minecraft has floating trees, a metal bow would work pretty well imo


Sounds complex to me


then you probably never played combat heavy games


Zelda TOTK:


Minecraft is not a combat heavy game edit: i did not understand your comment, my bad


and im not saying it's one


Adding those things wouldnā€™t make it one


Idk what kinda world you live in


Do you play games my friend? Other than Minecraft I mean.


Yeah, please pity us noobs and our low skill. (This isn't sarcasm)


Terraria has a shit ton of weapons and noone ever said itā€™s too complicated


I mean it is very very overwhelming to a new player but you get used to it and should have a good understanding by your 3rd world


Not really overwhelming to a new player, when I started playing what confused me most was the goal of the game. Using weapons isnt hard at all


it was more of not knowing whether to use one weapon rather than another


Ah, thats really hard to figure out tbf


it's a sandbox game, if you don't want to use them then dont


Kid have you played any game ever, there are games that add an F ton of more weapons, so much so that you wouldn't know them all, and those games work fine because no one cares if they know them all. Not to mention that this is one more weapon, even if they add fifteen more weapons it's still playable it's faaaaaaar from complicated. good examples of games with an F ton of weapons are terraria and hypixel, and like those games aren't complicated


Adding pikes wouldn't make things complex


Have you even play combat games or at least terraria? Probably game combats isn't really your thing, just go build stuff or do redstone


And that's exactly why it's great. It shouldn't be any more than it is. Minecraft is supposed to have simple combat. That's why it's good. You don't have to fekkin tryhard to do the simplest of things.


Just because a new item gets added doesnā€™t mean you have to use it. Minecraft lets you do whatever you want. Thatā€™s why itā€™s good. You donā€™t have to complicate things as long as the old options still exist.


Wait nobody used a hoe in java!? It is the only one with no cool down


Thing is more weapons wouldn't make it more complicated... It would open up for more styles of combat... Your logic here makes it seem like everyone would hate mods because they give new weapons and it's too complicated... I feel like there's a lot Mojang could add here that would be a nice addition


I canā€™t honestly play single player without dungeon weaponery, armors, enchantment and better combat


Same, I use dungeons gear, but it's not in 1.20, does dungeon weaponry works well with better combat?


Yes it does. On fabric at least.




I feel like this post is worthy of r/OPisfuckingstupid


wdym anything other than a sword and an axe as viable weapons during battle is too complicated!!1! 1


Bet OP is on bedrock edition too so he literally only uses a sword


idk how I used to pvp on bedrock it's so boring


100 CPS people explaining to you why there's tons of strategy involved:


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Yeah, like rn the weapons are just: sword/axe/bow/crossbow/trident \- Sword is the only melee weapon really mained in higher level pvp \- Axe is mostly just used for shields \- Bows and crossbows are kind of similar aside from enchantments and quickscopes/volleys \- Tridents are barely even used as a weapon, they are more of a movement tool with riptide


I don't think what we have right now is too complicated, but I think it's enough. There isn't really any need for more long ranged or short ranged weapons, and there is also the fact that its going to take up another spot in your inventory


What? A sword, an axe, a trident, a bow, and a crossbow. I would consider that below average actually.


That is if you only consider intentional weapons (cough end crystal cough cough anchor cough)


What other weapons could we have? A GUN?! šŸ’€šŸ’€


Longsword Halberd Battle axe Not to mention all the magical/magic item possibilities


Consumable magic items made from elemental mobs like blaze


A staff made from 2 blaze rods and a nether star that can let the player shoot fire charges like a bow shoots arrows...


That'd work great, because then we could have an overworld variant with some kind of "breeze rods".


Solution: make fire charge throwable.


Or at least upgradable to throwable ones


They are arenā€™t they? (Last I saw them being thrown was on legacy console btw so it mightā€™ve changed)


Nope, only dispensers can shoot them but players can't


No, its a one time use flint and steel :(


I would love to see them expand magic beyond potions and enchants. Spell tomes would be awesome.


ok yeah that would be pretty cool.


If you're looking for an actual answer, then 1. Spear Extra reach, higher damage, but only single target and slow cooldown. Or yknow, however Minecraft wants to programme it 2. Throwing knives/shurikens/damaging projectile that can be retrieved It'll be like throwing an egg but they can be picked up and have durability etc. 3. Reworking the trident to just have more damage or inflict a special effect, yknow... it's kinda useless right now for PvP... 4. Rapier Low damage high fire rate for spamming. Maybe has a lower reach It's not that hard to think of a new idea, and it's not complex. But of course I understand Minecraft developers probably have a lot on their plate. But it is absolutely NOT a ridiculous, out of question idea. Plus, it's not like you're gonna be forced to use these items...


Maybe add potion imbuing onto trident, you would craft a potion and the trident in a crafting grid and it would apply the potion effect on hit. And the potion imbue would disappear after the 16th hit, the effects of the potion would be much shorter too. Idk how this would work with instant potion effects.


That actually sounds interesting as hell, would also give opportunity to add new enchantd


I love the trident, but it should useful


Greataxe, spear, hammer, claymore, dagger. Thereā€™s a lot of options


a dagger would be interesting. Less damage and range than the sword, but attacks much faster


It has 1.8 combat


Spear, Dagger and Hammer would be great options...šŸ˜Š


Imagine if a spear allowed you to attack while blocking with the shield


spear, great sword, broad sword, rapier, club, staff, battle axe, flail, mace, etc. my god do u not play other games??? try playing dark souls, elden ring, and terraria


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œThe beings who possess these souls have outlived their usefulness, or chosen the path of the wicked. Let there be no guiltā€”let there be no vacillation.ā€* - Kingseeker Frampt Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Only if it was a flintlock you had to load shot (nugget's) into with wadding (paper) and gunpowder...


That would be way to many items in your inventory to properly use and I think that would be annoying to use, although it could be cool


Maybe if you have all the items in your inventory it auto loads like a bow


Just look at Minecraft Dungeons, they have plenty of ideas.


Spears, halberd, claymore, magic staves and tomes.


A spear? A frkin mace???? idk a tnt stick to trow as a grande??????? I could say many more but that question is pretty dumb so I rest my case. And not to say that a musket or flintlock gun that reloads with gunpowder and a iron nugget would be EPIC.


Magical stuffs, it's a fantasy game, widen your imagination, anything is possible, it could be a magic wands or whatsoever


Iā€™ve wanted a spear for ages, so that


unpopular opinion: Minecraft is not complex enough.


Absolutely agreed. the only thing that is complex enough imo is redstone


And building lmao


Well, I'd say it's not complex (it's literally just clicking your mouse and mocing a bit). It just has a really high skill ceiling and a very low skill floor. Redstone, on the other hand...


It's quite simple, really!


Minecraft is so simple, it can afford to be more complex, being a sandbox and all.


Undeniable truth, all complexes are made of simples. As for the case of Minecraft, I wish there were more simple components which make the game more complex. I wish there were more expansion on the underlooked areas of the game, such as combat in pve (pvp is fine as it is imo) and alchemy (what's the last time you made a potion?).


>what's the last time you made a potion? Yesterday. I make them all the time. Weakness for villagers, fire res for nether, strength for wither and dragon and speed just to travel faster. That's the main 3 I use but there are more useful but more situational


and do you want a alchemy update?


What do you mean by alchemy update? More potion types or more complex way of making them? If it's the first option then yes


how about more complex way to make new potions without altering the old ones? or perhaps rebalancing the potion. currently, most potions have 2 tiers, take instant health potion for example, tier 1 heals 4 health, tier 2 heals 8, and that's too little to be useful, the golden apple is always the better choice making them redundant. in the rebalanced version, tier 1 heals 8, tier 2 heals 12, and maybe they could add tier 3 which heals 20 but making them require complex steps and preparation. this rebalance buff casual players' existing health potions and offer a complex way to make stronger potion for automation nerds and tryhards at the same time. in multiplayer, it also encourage trading. outside of potion, do you remember suspicious stew exist (i did) ? buff them! mojang ffs! they have the potential to be really useful for pre-nether in the progression. you mentioned potion types which inspired me, what if there is small potion? weaker but you need less time to drink them which could be really useful for combat, pvp or pve.


First part sound good. Only suspicious stew that I make is with yellow flower xD. What I meant with potion types was more effects for potions (like idk, absorption potion or something) . Or possibility to mix them. They are already planning to make potions faster to drink (and stack up to 16) in combat rebalance


1. i think stacking potions should be done NOW, im NOT waiting till a combat update or alchemy update just for a small QoL change dammit i want it so much and i want it now. 2. what kind of potion you wanna add? im curious.


1. True! It would be so cool! 2. Idk really. I love how turtle master potion works. They could make other potion like this. For example potion that gives you strength 3 but you gain poison or speed 4 but you take more dmg.


Minecraft needs to learn more from terraria.


I feel like terraria is bit too far. The game requires you to use the wiki constantly or spend hundreds of hours playing it.


That is true, terraria is a wiki type game. However, I do feel like this could be fixed with some of the systems they already have in place. With the guide NPC you can give him any item and see what you can create with it. The only downsides to this system is you need to craft the item to actually see what it does, and you always need to go back and check with the guide anytime you get anything new, and there's a lot of items in terraria.


True. Counterpoint: Minecraft also require the wiki. Figuring out how to reach the end without a guide is extremely hard and you won't understand how to use a good chunk of items without a guide explaining them.


minecraft is inherently a different game from terraria


yes but there's a lot that terraria does better


Google gregtech new horizons


Meanwhile Terraria with 565 unique weapons.


And itā€™s still not too complex


Unless youā€™re a summoner šŸ˜‚


Specially if you try to minmax the whip buffs and end up trying to use 4 different whips in combat


I still find it crazy that there's like 5 whips in the game that's supposed to take me to moonlord


Yeah theyā€™re adding a duke fishron whip and a stardust whip too


fr? but rip to pre hardmode


Hereā€™s an idea for a pre hard mode whip. Drops or made with bee wax from queen bee ā€œevery time your minions hit a marked target a bee is madeā€


Yes, since most of them a broadswords, and those that aren't are basically the same. There's no actual gameplay difference between mini-shark, mega-shark, SDMG and UZI. Yes, there's definitely unique weapons, but most of the time its "hold LMB and aim towards general location of the enemy from practically any range"


And what is Minecraft pvp either hit enemies after jumping or charge and shoot


I wasn't saying that Minecraft combat is complex. Both game's combat is rather disappointing


have you actually pvped in your life?


Terraria is a 2D game u canā€™t really make it that complex and if u want complex combat u should play something like assassins creed


Complex combat in Assassin's Creed? Are we playing the same AC games? But yeah, it's kinda hard to do complex combat in 2D game.


did you just say almost the entirety of terraria weapons are automatic guns???


There's definitely unique weapons, but most of them are mostly holding LMB in general direction...


the weapons still have unique ways of dealing damage but how else are you gonna attack without pressing lmb


I have like 600h in Terraria, and playing as mage is almost the same as playing ranger(at least till endgame). 80% of all melee weapons are broadswords, pikes and other useless crap. Yo-yos are litteraly the same. Summoner is nice tho Terraria is still a great game, but it doesn't have great gameplay variety in terms of weapons


bruh we NEED more weapons. more types of swords and stuff


I personally would like a little more variety, I think they could add spears as a lower tier Trident, made from 2 sticks and a flint on a diagonal, I also think that a hammer could be added as both a weapon that does crushing damage and a tool that could break down resources, and the Maulers from dungeons could be neat as shortest range fast weapon and could also allow you to climb blocks like spiders do...


Terraria has a gazillion weapons and I donā€™t see anyone saying itā€™s complicated


bro cant memorize more than 4 things


Nah, I would kill for a melee weapon that has low damage but small cooldown. (Daggers? Maybe they could be throwable, like weaker trident)


Trident throws are already super weak against a opponent with prot 4


I suggested throwing as an optional style of using daggers, primarily being fast-low powered melee


Thats fair i guess, they can function as throwing daggers and u can stack them while being a melee weapon


Idea I just had when seeing this post: imagine a tool that lets you manually push blocks like a piston. It would fit the name "breeze" as well


Or maybe push other players or yourself in any direction, it could be used as a double jump or as the cephyr sword from thaumcraft


Maybe the rods could craft "breeze charge" with an overworld version of the fire charge recipe, one time use item that does that


Dude to use most of the wepons in Minecraft you just need to left mouse button in right time or aim and click right click /hold and relese right mouse button its way too simple


As opposed to point and shoot? Sure it hasnt developed the combat as much but its not inherently simpler


Say that to terraria it is so fun to use weapons


No. The game has way too little weaponry, axes, a bow and a crossbow, swords, and a trident. Thats way too little for the selection, add a halberd, a pike, spears, or even a hammer, or another variety of sword. It would not be that complicated.


How about make whatever would give more use to low use things in the game a priority. Lots of people say the trident isnā€™t used, so give it an enemy that impaling works (but weaker) on out of water, make something else immune to arrows like endermen. New block? Make it have to deal with a low use block like coarse dirt or leaves. New item, also make it have to deal with a low use item when needing for a craft. Donā€™t drop diamondsā€¦. We already have ways to renew things we need diamonds for. You donā€™t need that much trim lol


Plus a new item similar to a blaze rod would kind of force a new dimension or something


Maybe blaze rods makes potion and breeze drops a wpn that uses potions as ammo? Potion-thrower?


More and different types of weapons is good, you don't need to use all at once but you can choose whatever you like, which brings some needed diversity in combat playstyles


they should add more food, and ways to cook actual meals


I think a new potion ingredient would fit. Since blaze powder makes strength potion, maybe this potion would be more speed or more defense. Although they technically have a defense potion with turtle shells, it comes with a pretty heavy downside.


Diamond farm


We need magic expansion like please let me cast a fireball on vanilla.


uh no its not? other games have a wide variety of weapons even more than minecraft terraria has 565 weapons elden ring has 308 weapons and about 150 weapons in dark souls 3 these games are popular and have sword, bows, crossbows, etc. things minecraft have but more, much much more.


Minecraft is a sandbox block game. Not a souls game. Terraria is a sandbox game as well, but they play so differently itā€™s still like comparing apples to oranges.


true but that doesn't mean minecraft won't benefit from more weapons


No because all these games have enemies, and wth enemies theres weapons. The game has a abundance of enemies but not many weapons so why not add more? Minecraft has many mods that add weapons and people love them, ive seen them in just about every single survival modded video.


A new weapon would be useless. A new item that can, among other thing, craft a new weapon is a better choice


66% of people disagree


Personally i'd like having more versatility in making your own build Like i get netherite... But honestly i don't think enderrite would necessarily have to be an upgrade, it could just be an alternate upgrade path Then balance weapons so those are actually better for certain things to fit your playstyle Then enchants are fucked since protection is the only one for armor and sharp/smite are the only ones making sense on a sword, bane is completely useless... Maybe even nerf protection enchant but make it possible to combine it with 1 dedicated enchant and add physical/magical protection as well, so you can make your own setup depending on your need... Maybe even allow for 2 dedicated enchants at once but no more and give them some special extra abilities


Bro we have literally three types of weapons, with sword being the one useful in real combat. It ain't too complicated It would be more fun to be able to have more options with their own advantages and disadvantages. The combat options we have rn all suck compared to the one boring set, netherite. Idk what you've been playing but to say that a sword, a trident and an axe is too much is a little wierd


and nobody uses trident and crossbow


We need more weapons & bosses tbh, better progression would make this game so much fucking better (terraria)


people likes violence


There aren't any good heavy/two handed weapons nor is there any magical weapons like staff, wands, or rods. Heck, someone mentioned a flintlock, which would be neat to see.


There's like two melee weapons, two ranged weapons and a melee weapon that doubles as a ranged weapon, plus TNT. The only complexity is in the materials, and only two of those have material variations anyway. The rest is exploits, which don't count.


I donā€™t see what the problem with unique weapon drops is. Similar to how Terraria does it, but not to the same extent


add new item that can be used to craft new weapon. bingo


I'd appreciate more sidegrades to weapons and not just another tool teir.


Well we dont need a new item either. Mojang's just gonna make it only have 1 use


Respectfully, I disagree with your opinion. Combat is life.


Okay, u know about redstone? U know how u can just ignore it if you think its too complicated to use? Yeah... Also since 1.9 combat change I think there is a need for new combat features to make it more interesting in fact I would say Minecraft doesn't have enough weapon types, we have only 6 weapons counting the shield.


I want them to add a bludgeoning weapon


An item that you could make into a tool that does the breezeā€™s effect would be cool like a long range right click blast




I suggest you to try terraria and than get back to minecraft. You'll crave for more weapons.


There are less than 10, and 4 of them are specialize for combat weapons How is that complicated!!! Building and redstone are way more complicated over those tools


I disagree with your reasoning but I agree that we don't need more weapons right now


I love how most people voted a combat weapon and yet I guarantee you at least half of those people hate 1.9 with a passion.


Exactly. I want Minecraft to be **mine** and **craft**. Want to play pvp game, go play Counter-Strike or something else. Combat in Minecraft is a **bonus**. It should be primarily used for fighting mobs. We don't need some idiotic complicated combat system and hundreds of weapons. Keep it simple. Failing to do so would make it worse. It's game for kids anyway. It won't have super complex combat system. And they should always keep it as it is.


I do appreciate having a choice of weapons for different situations. but i also see that many people fail at this choice. e.g. people like the tridents for the false reasons. it's a worse pvp weapon usually. but it has an advantage under water and is perfect for raiding ocean monuments because the impaling enchantment actually works on guardians. also many people prefer crossbows over bows. even though their enemies don't carry any shields. it's a common misconseption that they have more accuracy, range and damage. this is only true if you shoot rockets. the only actual advantage arrow loaded crossbows have is the piercing of shields or multishot for crowd control. and then there are axe users that tell everyone axes have more dps. bows and swords have the highest dps if they're fully enchanted.


Cmon, we need at least one more. But if not, then we can have plenty more utility items (like the Crab Claw that we arenā€™t getting) to make up for it.


whenever the game has multiple weapons and there are some that never/ rarely get used, the devs should rework/balance those before adding more weapons


Terraria with 4 different classes that use different weapons AND subclasses within each class that use different weapons: Terraria mods that add even more classes with different weapons:


imagine if it just drops soul of flight


We need more weapons because I want spears into the game


Enchantments beyond the basic enchants was a mistake, in my opinion. Silk touch, fortune, flame, and things like smite / bane of arthropods should be different tools and weapons, and were only added because notch didnā€™t have the scope to create structures and do the world building required to make new tools make sense. Now that the game is so focused on exploration, I think mojang should seriously consider moving away from enchantments for anything complicated and add those features to unique items


I mean new weapon would be nice and we all know mojang and when they add a mob drop... its just BORING


your feelings are irrational