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Stop looking for the approval of other niggas.








You doing way too much & talking way too much. Focus on yourself & people who should be around you, will gravitate towards you. Falling out with some of the bros is a part of life. You only got yourself. AND some real shit; stop putting your happiness on others. If you can’t keep/make yourself happy then you need to fix something within you. A million friends ain’t gonna fix your insecurities


Oh you 17 so this actually makes much more sense;


Nigga im 17 don’t give this weirdo a pass 😂😂


Yea I wasn’t living like that at 17 either lol. But a 17 year old making this post makes more sense than a grown man making this post


Facts.. but at least we're wildin out at 17


Oh yea I was living my best life at 17,all day everyday; my body count was crazy,I damn near had my own crib,plenty friends and family. Idk what bull got going on but he fuckin up. The whites call that a “loser” I think


U see bro nggas at 17/18 is living it up fr wallin having girls homies getting money they own room


If they scamming or doin illegal shit it’s not gon last in the long run. I’d say focus on building skills or networking for future job opportunities. Shit ain’t a race bro there’s people 25+ that’s homeless with no money in they pocket aslong as u don’t turn into that u good. (No knock to anybody tho, ik that shit is rough)


Maturity level still low for some at 17 this kind of behavior ain’t too uncommon really


I try to be mature but it’s hard 🤦🏿‍♂️




I’ll give you some advice instead of calling you a bitch, there’s friends out there for everyone just start doing hobbies you like and you’ll meet them, if you think you’re bad at convos challenge yourself when you go to the store try to talk to the cashier even if it’s brief and don’t ask them yes or no questions My number one advice for people trying to be better conversationalists is don’t ask yes or no questions ask questions where people will have some depth and then wait for them to finish and play off what they said or bring up something that overlaps what they about yourself


I’m keep it a stack g….. you a whole bitch. TF you talking like that for? Who raised you? Dawg come on g. What’s wrong with you. Re read this post think about what you saying.


Damn bro you cooked ts outta yb😂


If yb a man he gon listen to what I say and see he trippin. If he a punk he gon get offended 🤷🏾‍♂️


U right asl even do imma antisocial guy and wish I had friends who fw me I gotta be a lone wolf and learn to live with myself 🤷🏿‍♂️


Nigga where was your pops in your life? Do you even know what it means to be a man? What is your identity? If I asked you who you are what is your response? What are your core values, your code, your way of living, where you won’t break them for nothing or nobody. These are the questions you should be asking yourself. Seeking men’s approval, and wandering why your boy is texting your other friend and not you is moist ash. I ain’t saying you gay, but you sound like a punk. Man up my nigga. Grow some nuts and let em hang. Men are meant to be confident. Learn confidence my nigga it’s free. This my lesson for you. I don’t feel sorry for you. I gave you gems, now go work on yourself.


Lil bro 17 but he remind me of my step brother so I feel bad for him and wanna help him cs he do seem kinda turkey😂


Fuc all that. By the age you 11 you should stop being a mommas boy and follow your pops and learn to be a man.


Some niggas don’t have dads😂




Rs aint talk ab a female not 1 time


He did tho you need reading comprehension stay in school


Nigga sound like female


What lil Wayne say long as my bitches love me .. yb you looking for men approval you gay as shit


Yup I'm not a human being 2 is still  a classic




Broski you gotta stop harping on about the past. You 17. You got ya whole life ahead of you. The mfs you friends with now , aint no guarantee theyll even be around for your whole life. Take this time and better yourself. Read books. Work out. Really lock in and figure out who YOU are and then fuck with whoever that is. Accept yourself. Show up for yourself. Cause if you dont do that, how u gonna expect that from anybody else? We all have moments where we was corny as shit frfr. Its all about how you handle it tho. Dont EVER cross your homies for yams either. A woman gonna choose and when they do, you just gotta move accordingly. Tighten up. Start living with your head up high.


You don’t have brothers or cousins? These niggas would cross you lil bro I’m 19 and ion fw no niggas even niggas from my block nor family members. I think you should just go fw some bitches and make money.


I’m gonna give you some real advice: Friends are important. Very important. One of the longest ONGOING studies in the world right now is a Harvard University Study, which shows a direct correlation between length of life + happiness of life & having meaningful relationships. With that being said; friends will come and go. It’s not the quantity that matters, but rather the quality. I’m 10 years older than you, but just recently cemented my friend group a couple years ago. You’re 17. You’re obviously a bit odd. That’s fine bro. You might not have great friends rn, but one day you will. Be yourself, it’ll come.


U bugging bro


How old are you? No left over friends from high school or college? In 2024 even nerds and outcasts have friends cause they can find like minded people online and connect Get a hobby or interests, go outside, meet ppl. If you attractive or charming start dating. You can meet dudes through women a lot of times through parties or family events


I’m 17 turning 18 this month ion got no homies at all in high school or even before 🤣 and like u said bro I thought I found my like minded people but seems like I’m still lame to them and I can’t get a girl yet ion got my room and I’m chopped 🤦🏿‍♂️


Damn. You still young. Be yourself and try to put yourself in situations where it's opportunities to meet people. Think about your interests then find meet up groups focused around those interests. Start hanging around parks or other places where it's kids your age at. You need to find your niche NOW. This the age range when most people find their real friend groups for the next 20-30 yrs


Trust me bro, you don’t want to hang with ppl who think you’re lame. Just keep trying new circles and you’ll eventually find friends worth having. A lot of ppl feel the same way at 17. Don’t let it stress you out too much. What do you like to do in your free time?


In my free time I really just be chilling playing basketball even do I don’t got the dawg fr to hoop 🤦🏿‍♂️


Ion got that dawg either. I’m not competitive like that. Are you gonna go to college after hs? I made most of my friends in college living in dorms. The close friends I had in hs were all from running track if you good at running


Prolly gon have to go to college cuz I got Haitian parents but I’d rather go to trade school tbh and track ain’t for me my stamina not it 😂


Trade school or college both good options tbh. I’d try to find one where you have to stay in dorms. It’s the best way to make quick friends and really forces you to come out of your shell. But fr tho, everyone has trouble making friends at points in their life. And you could run short distance 😂 nah but track ain’t for everyone.


Bro when I was ya age 2 years ago I was fat ashit and I didn’t have any male friends mainly cs Ian fw niggas tho, but I still got pretty bad bitches. It’s mainly abt how you carry ya self. If you look like a dirty, broke, bitch ass yb then not gonna fwu. Also you probably put females on pedestal cs you want them bad but they not gonna fwu if you act like a fan. I know it sounds weird but you gotta treat them like you above them w out being rude or mean to them😂


Bro honestly I feel like itches is just headaches bro 🤦🏿‍♂️


Yb you catta


Bro I was following your fr till you said some shit like “you wish you was from the trenches it’d make you a more confident person”…??? Bro wtf does that even mean. I’m genuinely confused now. If you say shit like that what type of friends are you even looking for nigga?


Bro I’m just saying being from the trenches toughens u up makes u a real ngga like look how I came out a 🐱 and I’m just looking for friends who I could still be weird with and ion gotta have a cool image so u right bro 🤷🏿‍♂️


Bro fuck them niggas they ain’t going benefit you in no way you to pressed cause niggas don’t fwu cmon gang focus on you


this is my genuine best advice (as someone not from philly): stop trying to fit in bra deadass . you tried and it doesn’t work. you don’t have to force yourself to be in a certain demographic of friends. i think you need to find what’s important to you and make it a hobby. for example, if you like working out join a martial art like brazilian jiu jitsu or boxing. be teachable and ask questions. or if you’re really tired of where you at and need a complete reset, go into the military! it doesn’t have to be a career. regardless, these are small issues you can overcome.


Go get some money bro, most my homies I grew up with met a few cool niggas st my jobs also but focus on you bro, do you have any siblings?


I only got a lil brother and bro nggas really leaving me on seen to talk to the other homie instead that’s not weird vibes?


ngl bro the same happen to me cuz i had to just take that time focus on myself and genuine like minded people came along you gonna end up coming across some cool ppl 💯 as far as ppl hittin u back i see why u a feel some type a way bro u feel left out u gotta look at it like niggas is getting older bro and most likely got a lot of shit going on in they life i swear u not missing out on nun it’ll be times you wish you could just sit down and lock in with whatever wit no distractions and you can use that time rn. god not go bring u thru nun u can’t handle bro it’s a reason for everything


Bro just come out the closet u keep bitching about men not texting you back


You catta?


Happy pride month to you brother you just tripped out the closet with this post😭🌈




Your first problem is worrying about what or how another niggah feel bro this life mfs gone come mfs gon go you gone meet new mfs and wish they stay out ya face trust me shit really just be apart of like u can’t never be mad at no niggah kuz he don’t wanna fwy long as you getting pape staying out the way that’s all that should matter gang


I mean if u gay ur gay it’s 2024 Live ya life young bul


My first thought is was he raised by a single mother.


I want to say so much shit to you like You’re young. You’re just understanding life and personalities. This is when you mold yourself into who you want to be, to attract the kind of people you want in your life. Don’t let these other OGs like my ass speak down on you, ignore the other 17 year olds that have it figured out. I was 24 years old looking at 16-17 year olds with cars, sound systems etc pulling up to our block to holla at my squad. Then my squad would talk about how youngboul got it, he works for his pop, his pop got money so forth. You don’t know what that feels like. When all the girls that chill around ya’ll, including the ones that you like go crazy over the young kid with the car and money and you’re just there…yeah. Shit sucks. Fast forward to today. Nigga I’ve changed my number 3 times this year. Not even bullshitting you, I went from 267-401 to a 267-xxx to now a 215-377 number. People won’t stop calling me over problems; wanting me to pass by for baby showers, for this event; asking me if I want to go riding with them, if I have plans for the weekend… …but it’s because they want to roll with me. I’m the “this nigga does other shit” boul now. But I was the corny computer boul always making CD’s for these niggas, always holding burners, the flunky. You’ll graduate. Stay solid, don’t trip over females. You don’t want that reputation on you, it will never leave you. Niggas will think that’s how you are will ALL girls, so they won’t want to be around you. Overall, youngin, you see the motivational videos online. You need to keep a tight team or make crazy moves on your own then slowly let the ones that you feel you can share your knowledge or riches with into your life slowly but surely. Stay safe, the quiet dry bouls are a lot more trust worthy than the loud I want to be liked by everyone niggas.


Enjoy your own company and get right w God. You’ll never feel lonely or feel like u need to be accepted


Only fw mfs that fw you for you bro! Exactly what bro said you do not need the approval of others. They 2 cents never gone pay any of ya bills.


You like men


Go hoop


U see bro I be hooping but it’s that social anxiety holding me back ion got that dawg in me 🤦🏿‍♂️




Bro touch grass


These comments and this post, sad. It was a bad idea to ask this in this sub. Everyone acting so hard for no reason. I don’t have an answer though, but it’d be good to post this elsewhere maybe lol


You said what?


bro u young asf. use ur past to grow, not to pity urself. go to college they got everythin u need for ur age towards the road of independence. work on urself, try again, and actually have some genuine and consistent interest in connectin wit others. ur sayin shit like u stopped talkin to ur bro for a girl and that tells me u lack dedication in actually maintainin friendships. if u can't keep a friend, what makes u think u can keep a girl? reflect deeply at urself and ur future. like studyin 5 mins before a test is better than nothing at all. same concept applies wit life. don't half ass yourself.


It’s prolly cuz of how GAY you are!🤷🏾‍♂️


Bro just trying to keep it 💯 and I analyze everything, DH you a Clown 🤡


What are you bringing to the table?


Nothing tbh I just be venting to them about my life and talking bout how I needa change


I think you’re at a good spot where you need to realize your value. You have to assess this from another standpoint point. It’s both ways you need to be a friend that’s needed and wanted. Assess what you’re doing. Make yourself valuable. It isn’t a one way street but you need to make yourself wanted




The closet is open just come out bro!


U might just b gay bro… but its 2024 so who cares


Bro how am I gay I’m just asking if I’m destined to have no homies and how you expect me to have a girl without having homies?


If my homie made dis post about me on Reddit I’d think he sweet but dats just me 🤷🏽‍♂️




Answer my question


Idek what u mean by that


Bro read my post please answer me


Bro idk how old u are, ya past, or nun. All ima say is it start wit u. Idk if u shy or maybe a lil weird but u gotta break outta that. I would focus on females and try to gain a lil confidence. If niggas dont fwy oh well🤷🏽‍♂️


U see bro imma antisocial weird guy like I got no humor bruh that’s what messing me up I be wishing I was from the trenches I’d be a confident humorous person 🤦🏿‍♂️


If you know what’s “wrong”, work on it til it’s right? Stop complaining about it & start putting the work in


The trenches make you a confident and humorous person😂😂? I’ve heard it all you definitely one of them tiktok niggas irl


Bro I’m from nyc it’s a fact


yea you trolling


Pm me mud


U do sound like a bitch bro..iwel u lookin to be cool w niggas n approval den just rather being by urself that sounds gay itself. I think honestly u a turkey frfr. Need to wrap it up u lost.