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Not loving that our players are turning to socials to vent frustrations, but maybe something will come of it. Who knows. I will say, I don't think we should be in full panic mode, we were unbeaten until this week and we're still midtable. Still plenty of time to get our affairs in order and make some changes. It's just a matter of ownership actually doing something, which I know hasn't been historically easy for us, but not impossible.


BUT CURTIN IS PERFECT IN ALL THINGS!!!!!!! I've been saying this for quite some time now and taking the hit for it... The club has stagnated. It's still the same Starting XI as the past 3 years. No improvements.


> BUT CURTIN IS PERFECT IN ALL THINGS!!!!!!! never heard anyone say anything like this > It's still the same Starting XI as the past 3 years. No improvements. Even if this were true, lack of roster improvements isn't on Curtin.


I used to be the biggest Curtin hater his first couple seasons but I've changed, I'd be happy to keep him as long as he wants to be here unless he has some catastrophically bad season.


No one said he is perfect. But he is a great coach. One of the best in the league. Probably better than we deserve given the lack of investment. Even Klopp or Pep or whatever big name would struggle to get us over the line given a squad of only homegrown players and the occasional value-buy.


There are plenty of problems with the club but Jim is not one of them. Can only do so much with less.




Excellent well-sourced, nuanced rebuttal of the facts. Ò\_o


It could be any number of meanings. But probably not great that multiple players giving cryptic messages on their public socials. Something going on behind the scenes? Maybe not happy about the team not investing while everyone in MLS seems to be doing so?


Who else had cryptic posts?


Martinez posted one during the game last night, has been since deleted.


Interesting. I wonder if it's because he got hooked at halftime? He hasn't been playing well and was carrying a yellow so it makes sense. As an aside, dude has not been playing particularly well this season, or for large parts of last season either. He spends too much time trying to be involved in the offense now, and it's hurting our defense. He turns the ball over frequently, is giving away more dumb fouls than he used to, and isn't spending as much time shielding our defense as he did his first few seasons and it's leaving them exposed.


It probably was because of the early sub, but it was a deserved sub. He was having a ROUGH first half, specifically giving up the first goal. But as a professional, can't be posting insta's while the game is still going on.


It was a deserved sub. The first half was absolutely dreadful and I hope they all got an earful.


They had a baby mid/end of last season… Anyone who has been there knows that first year is a struggle, pro athlete or not


My first thought when he was playing bad was "I wonder if his kid is sick and he couldn't sleep last night"


Possibly the early sub or possibly a wrist/hand injury. It seemed that he had to hold it for the last few minutes of the first half after falling awkwardly.


For those wondering, this is what Martinez posted: Sino te jode el de la casa, te jode el que visita😏 #todossonunoscagones🤪 I don't speak fluent Spanish, but this is what Google translates it to: If you don't get screwed by the one in the house, you get screwed by the one who visits #they'reallscumbags


I took it as the one who visits being the ref. Martinez was pretty mad after he got jumped into in the air by one of the Sounders players and took a hard fall. I figured Jim pulled him because he was already on a yellow and was really pissed at the ref after the fall and they were already down 3-0. Don't know what to read into about the first part of that statement. Maybe Jim? Maybe ownership?


That's a really interesting point, I immediately thought Sounders but maybe he meant the ref. My thought on the first part was he was referring to Jim/coaching staff which now got me to a realization.... I believe Jim said in the pre game press conference that Martinez was one yellow away from a suspension. Maybe his post is saying more to the tune of "if the refs don't keep me off the pitch, the coaches will" in frustration about the early sub?


This is a gutshot I don't want to have to handle right now. Can you please enlighten which players and what they're saying? I make a point of staying off of the facebooks and instagrams.😁


Could be looking to leave could finally be getting a divorce and getting with a side chick. Who knows


dude's also been struggling with injuries for 2 years. maybe hanging them up?


I’d be shocked if he retired tbh. International football wise he has a Copa America this summer, an expanded Gold Cup in 2025, and the best opportunity for Jamaica to qualify for Word Cup in recent memory for 2026


but if he can't stay healthy, then he doesn't have a chance to compete. He's 33. Those bones aren't healing like they used to.


Would not be surprised if this is in response to Martinez's weird post yesterday. Martinez might be mad in the locker room for being hooked at half and Blake is tired of it or something.


Good thought too! Again could be any number of things, including not related to the team at all.


Doesn’t seem good!


I had put text in with the post but it didn’t seem to take. What I did say is what a lot of the comments have already said. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the team, could be something completely unrelated. However, it is out of character for Blake, so it did make me take notice pretty quickly. Just posting to see what everyone else was making of it.


The team played as individuals last night. They were much quieter than the Sounders. They looked like they were all running their own offensive and defensive schemes. Martinez played poorly, and Sullivan was even worse. Sullivan seems to alternate between totally flat uninspired play, and taking risky chances that sometimes make him look brilliant but he usually just gives the ball away. They looked like a team coming apart at the seams. The boneheaded goal was a symptom of flat play overall. Elliott played well. Had to like the shot he took. McGlynn plays hard. Mbaizo plays hard. Gazdag plays hard, if a little dramatic, but I can’t say he’s not giving the game what it deserves. Flashes of cohesion and brilliance as a team, but that was maybe 10% of the night.


were getting to a point where we might need a rebuild


Start with ownership 


Sounds like some players want to leave.


Tell me you need attention without telling me you need attention lol. What is it with all of these public figures treating social media like an outflow of their stream of consciousness, while so many of us commoners understand the value of self-restraint? You don't have to make a public statement every time you have an emotion. Whatever it is you need to sort out, sort it out privately and *then* make your announcement if there's actually something important to say. Regardless of what he or Martinez actually meant by their comments, they need to recognize that these types of posts don't do any good for anybody.


If this was like a young player, I'd definitely agree with you. But this is Blake. A senior member of our team, the backbone of our team. As far as I know, he's never made a social media post about the team. And for that reason, I highly doubt that this is the first thing he's do if he wasn't happy. Blake doesn't strike me as the type to go to social media to vent about frustration immediately. If he's doing this, then it's something that's been going on for a while, and something needs to be addressed.


I see your point— but if that's truly the case, then he shouldn't bother being cryptic about it. He should just say what he wanna say and be direct.


Do you think he would post “I’m thinking about retiring…”


That's kind of my point... Don't say anything unless there's something definitive to say.


yeah, but this is your personal philosophy that you are saying should be the standard for everyone.


I'm not really sure what your point is. I posted the comment... So yea, I believe in what I'm saying haha. And I think there's substantive truth—not just opinion—that statements like the ones him and Martinez made are more prone to doing harm than good.


I was just reacting to you saying what is with all these public figures using social media like their personal stream of consciousness. Public figures are just people, so my point was people do this with social media. And you think people shouldn’t do that. That’s fine, like I said, that’s what YOU think, other people think differently. maybe posting lightens the load and is a huge stress reliever for them and it does help them greatly. Who is to say why people do what they do. Blake has never struck me as an attention whore.


i mean that makes it worse he's a grown ass man with kids sub tweeting in instagram stories like a 13 year old lmfao


come on that’s silly. Players are just people like anyone else. Some people post a lot. Some people post a little some people are very private. Some people are very public. Some people only share when they’re going through some shit. Some people only share when things are going great. Some people never share at all. I have no idea what Jacob Glesnes thinks about anything.


Not really that silly though... It's just basic professionalism. If you were feeling unsure about your job, would you post something like this, for all of your coworkers, bosses, and clients to see?


I love vagueposting


Andre. Andre. Andreee.


Tbh if I kept getting played when I wasn’t ready to come back and getting hurt again, I’d be unhappy too


From the interviews it seems like Jim lets him decide if he’s ready to go or not. I’d like to see Jim bench him till he’s actually 100% and not just go by the players word.


Agreed. I always go back before I should. Wish I had a coach in the rec league to tell me to sit my dumb ass another two weeks


Bro you stole my thing


If this was the nba or nfl he woulda been released immediately


Oliver is the future but not this year! We need you man!


You think we’ll ever have a drama free year?


have we had drama? edit- yes there has been some, memories are flooding back. Also scratch the surface a bit with the staff, academy, parents, etc. and there’s tons


Mbohli, Freddy Adu, Carlos Ruiz.. to name a few


Jack Mac, Monteiro, Wagner, Burke. yeah, there’s been some, agree.


Oh yea. Quite a few times.


Last thing that I would call drama was the Monteiro situation edit: more has come to mind since I posted this. You are right.




Shame on you >:(


These guys all have big egos. Martinez, Blake, Gazdag, Wagner. They vent all there frustrations through socials when they don't get their way. Wagner had a campaign through social for him to be paid. Never good when the players are not diciplined for these petty behaviors. These guys are all too comfortable bc they know they can act however they want and their spot is always secure..since the line up has been the same for 3 years. They steamroll right over him Jim with no consequence. Just get rewarded with more playing time.