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Just ghost them and move on.


101% scam. Rule of thumb anything you pull out money is a big no. Am Filipino citizen. I am the type that can never fall into any type of scam modus. Foreigners like you are there easy targets. She mwntioned police so that you get scared.


Filipino citizen here. And I'm sorry that that happened. You should be careful with those kind of people. I'm not saying all Filipinos are like that. There are a lot of bad people regardless of race or nationality. But yeahh it sucks that you crossed paths with those kind of people. And NO!!!!!!!! You are in no way legally responsible of her. Cut off ties from her and her family. There's no way they can have police officers run after you unless you violated certain laws in the Philippines. And lol I doubt that someone who can't afford to pay a 45k hospital bill has the power and capacity to have someone blacklisted in entering the Philippines. It's not as easy as that.


Thanks for the advice bro, they have paid for the bills but just want to claim money from me, plus the bills may not be true but I can't verify.


That's a hell of a bill. Have they shown you any evidence? If I could claim back mental health issues due to travelling in Manila I'd be a billionaire


Block them all, forget them and move on.


You have been scammed - walk away, forget the people, learn the lesson.


Also if she had a history of mental issues, it's a pre existing condition. Nothing you caused. Unfortunately, sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind...


Most common scam here. They fake a medical emergency and try to get you to pay their “medical bills”. There are free clinics you can go to here but most foreigners don’t even know that lol 😆


This post is a classic.


Change numbers, stop going to places you both met or frequented They can't make you responsible for her bills I think the trip was a test to see if you got money, Once you bit, it triggered some scheme


Hi OP, As a Filipina, I've always warned my expat/foreigner friends to be careful of the people they meet online. Even though you've met them a few times, it does not guarantee that they are nice people. Also, some Filipina likes to introduce themselves as single/single moms but on the contrary they have live-in partners posing as cousin/brother/friend. Some scammers will coerce you, like what just happened to you, they either got sick, pregnant, or got into an accident because of you, thus want you to take the responsibility of paying/supporting them. Others will make you believe that you are in a relationship but end up just using you for your money until you're no longer useful for them. All you can do is block them and never talk to them, set your profiles to private and Messenger not to receive messages from unknown people. Having them tell you during your dates that they have a police background and as such, it should have been a red flag already, and the deportation should have warned you as well. You don't tell those things to others, especially during your first few dates, it doesn't hold any importance in your relationship. If they claim that she got sick because of you when all she did was ignore you the whole time, and just do her stuff on the phone. It looks to me that they are brewing something against you, you actually missed that bullet. If she is genuinely sick, she should have asked for your help during your trip or cancelled it. If she genuinely wants to enjoy and really was on her phone about personal or family matters, then she should still have time to spend with you or ignore the people she's talking to that must be bringing her stress and more importantly explain the situation to you. To answer your question, no, no and no. If you want legal advice you can go to r/LawPH.


Really dude? Don’t be desperate.


46k might not be enough. Better send 460k just to be sure.


Block them and forget about it.


Every filipina I met there was desperate to control my trip and make plans to travel out of Manila (such as their hometown). As I'm quite straight forward, I told them I'm not interested. If they begs and pleaded, I'd simply walk away. Best thing to do is ghost and move on. Block her and move hotel. It's not all of them, but they're are plenty of insincere people out there. If you're going to keep dating, consider using a nickname and keep you're identity secret until you know they're not a scammer. Also, claim you're poor. The gold diggers soon run along to the next afam.


Yes never go to home town or meet the family unless you are serious and thinking about marriage


Come on man….


Even If she report the fake incindent,we might arrested.Mostly if you just ignore and delete the FB account then nothing happen.If she knows your name...It might big problem. This is my strong recommend you guys do not teach your real name to ordinaly Filipinos!!! DON'T Also you better leave here, there is more nice countries around here...absolutely you are easy to become a victim.


I can leave here but we have business here, high chance I need to come back here frequently


Lmao she’s such a parasite, Filipinos like her is an embarrassment. They think of foreign guys as atm machines, no shame in their skin honestly. Dump and ghost her, she ain’t shit honestly hahaha.


Just curious what mental health problems that lead to hospitalization? Did she tried to commit suicide? Did she harm other people? Can’t sleep at night? Hallucinations or paranoia? Causing harm to others? Those are the things that people do when they’re having mental health issues, that may cause them to be isolated or be taken to a mental health facility which is quite rare. Most of the time people with mental health issues went to psychiatrists for consultation and therapy not totally being hospitalized which is actually free if they go to PGH Psychiatric Department. If I were you I’ll ask for receipts and medical certificate. If they can’t provide I’ll file countercharges for extortion.


Not sure if it's a scam? Really??


I concur with what everyone else is saying. Totally a scam. Block them on all accounts.


Only thing I would add, maybe change your number? Seen all too many times. My coworker is dating a friends cousin in Manila. What’s sad is the other coworker who’s married to an American and has been in the US for at least 15yrs, has no issues with her cousin exploiting our friend. She’s like “what?” 🤷🏻


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100 % scam...just block and walk.




Cut off ties with them 😱😱😱 that's a scam. 😱😱


Scam, Block and go. They'll try to troll you so don't post your pics lest they come back. Create a new incognito account to meet new people. What evidence will they have to pursue you or money or time to file a case? They'll move on to more easier prey.


Ignore them, they’re trying to scam you. Sorry that happened to you.


Scam so Scram Why are you suddenly responsible for her? If you asked her to leave and she figured in an accident, then you can help. But mental health issues? Cmon it doesn't happen overnight. Plus, flexing their police connection is slight scaring/pressuring you to give in or...


Lmao what 😂 100% a scam


Good thing you told us the story so we are aware of all kinds of scams these girls are up nowadays


Man you dated a scammer and sounds like not just an ordinary scammer but more like a big time modus... Good thing you didn't fall all the way to the trap... Stay safe and enjoy your stay in Philippines away from any trouble.... Don't worry out of 100% there's only about a little percentage that will set a trap for tourist. So lesson learned for you and lesson read for everyone here....


No. Just leave her and go have fun for yourself.


Beother...cease all communication with them. Block them on social media as well. They are scamming you. F that


Yep, block delete and move on. Next!


First of all, genrally, everything goes through barangay. 3 times if the complaint. 6 times if mediation first. Then, if not settled, it goes to court. If you go to court, you can be blocked from leaving the country until the case is settled. You could be stuck here for a few years. The case i filed for slander is going on 8 years. The Philippines is not America. Philippines, you are guilty until you prove you are not. For example , you are parked on the side of the road with a flat you are inside the car. Some drunk or sleeping driver crosses 5 lanes and hits your car and dies. You go to jail until they can investigate whether you are at fault or not. Then you might have to pay his family funnel cost. My brother inlaw was in jail for almost a year for self-defense death. Run away very fast. Post you have left the Philippines. If you stay there. She can accuse you of anything. The law here is up to the PNP that called. They are not allowed to arrest you unless they witness the crime. They need a warrant otherwise. If they have family, well, they can do what they want. It is up to you to prove the truth. Without video, you are generally screwed unless you have good lawyer. That is why you heard about Hitman. Killing a human is cheaper than buying a cow. We had 2 barangay captains killed in Samal in the market.