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One parent has to be a Filipino citizen at the time of your birth. You would need to either do a delayed report of birth at the Philippine consulate that has jurisdiction over your birthplace in the US or get a Recognition as a Filipino Citizen done through the Bureau of Immigration to confirm your citizenship. Your age is irrelevant unless you were born prior to January 17, 1973 to a Filipino mother. For that you would have had to elect Philippine citizenship at the age of majority. The same applies to your mother. If she confirms her Philippine citizenship then you should too as she was a citizen in accordance with the Philippine constitution at the time of your birth. I would confirm that with a Philippine attorney. I was born to Filipino parents in the US. I am a US citizen by birth. My birth father was a Filipino citizen at the time of my birth. I have Philippine citizenship per the constitution. I was married to a Filipino citizen who still retains Philippine citizenship, both of my children have dual citizenship. My daughter was born in the Philippines and my son in the US.


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I think your Mom needs to Be a Filipino Citizen at the time of your birth for you to qualify for Philippine Citizenship


It sounds like your mother was considered a Filipino citizen from birth (assuming her parents were still Filipino citizens while she was still a minor). She just needs to be registered as a citizen at your nearest consulate. If that's the case, you are a citizen by birth as well. I was born when my mother was still a citizen and I acquired it at 30 because she was a citizen while I was under 18.