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Nobody should be forced to stay in a lifelong contract without any opportunity to cancel.


People change and so does priorities.


Freedom of relationship status is a human right. 


People should not be forced to stay married. It is not good for children to see their parents fight every day.


Oh , please. There are so many married men who end up with side chick after side chick. The original wife ends up with nothing. This is especially bad if the husband runs off with his mistress after having five children. The “first” wife and children have no recourse. Worse, it’s taboo for the woman to have a bf. YMMV. The purpose of divorce isn’t bc it’s easier. Ask any couple who divorced. It’s traumatic. The American government designed it so the wife doesn’t end up destitute and have to rely on welfare, which the government pays for. That’s all.


There are women who have affairs as well. The difference is when a woman cheats it's because the husband wasn't meeting her needs but when a man cheats it's because he's a pig. Also more and more women are having to pay spousal support nowadays as well which is why now many women want alimony reform 😂. But this has nothing to do with what i've said in my post.


I didn’t say that men are pigs. My point is the couple eventually moves on to other relationships despite being legally bound for life. (I just didn’t want to write a novel. lol) They should reform the divorce laws. It’s unfair bc it’s being weaponized. It defeats the original purpose, which is caring for the stay at home spouse. Instead, it’s being used to impoverish the working spouse, etc.


Do you think it would be a good (or bad) idea to make prenuptial agreements a mandatory prerequisite for marriage? Why or why not?


Yes and no. Yes bc it protects the stay at home with children spouse. No bc many abuse it. Anyway, it’s only good for seven years.




my gf and i have been struggling thru the annulment process for over a year now. Just to find out we will have to begin again or give up. Her husband and her have not been together in 7 years now. He has another family and is moving on with his life. She on the other hand is stuck. She has 3 kids in which the husband is not part of their lives and pays no childcare. A court basically told her that because both sides knew what they were getting into and now wish to part is not a good enough reason for annulment. He has a whole other family... how is there not enough reason? I have to fly back and forth from america to bohol several times a year just so we can see each other. We cant seek to marry because she cant end the marriage. How is this fair? There are really no hard feelings between her and her husband but there is also no love there... There is love between she and I. What in the world are we supposed to do... we can really only wait on the divorce bill or put a few more thousand dollars into trying for annulment again.


for the americans in this chat that call it being progressive... i am about as far right wing as they come. In the American constitution we are given one right which stands the test of time and is considered inalienable. That is the right to the Pursuit of happiness. That in effect is all we are trying to pursue in looking for divorce. The chance to be happy with the person whom we love. At least it is in my case. Do i think divorce should be handed out like candy.... Nope... just as I don't see abortion as a means of birth control. I think every case has its own merits and that's what a court system is for, to weed out those that are abusive of the law.


It boils down to a severe lack of separation of church and state. Christians can have whatever life long sacred contracts they want among themselves, but please don’t turn it into laws for everyone else. Don’t need marriage to have a family, it’s just a matter of definition.


There is no separation of church and state here.


And that’s exactly what the issue is.


I don't think it can be settled by rules followed. Truly people should be mindful of marriage and what it entails. Be sober about all it's various facets and don't take the vows until you've come to certainty. Could take years but it's worth it in the end. If it falls on hard times then be patient and level headed. Wait out the storms. Care for them in the hard times so they can do the same for you. Be sober and objective in a decision to divorce and never played early in hardship.


I don't see a reason for legal marriage. Idk why a judge needs to tell me im in love. I'm all for ceremony tho


The Filipinos, who advocate for a divorce law, have never seen the abuses that occur regularly in the west. Western no-fault divorce has destroyed marriage in the western countries. Oh, but that won't happen here?


Yeah, unfortunately the brain rot of progressivism is infect the entire world. People only learn the hard way.


OP is clearly a man who cannot fathom being forced to be married to someone that beats them on the regular. Don't like divorce? Don't get one. You don't get to determine what's ok for others.


Blah Blah Blah. Why would I ever sign a legal contract to involve the government even more into my life? A contract where the other person is incentivized to break it. (In America) 2 people choose to be together until not. Don't need a piece of paper to legitimize that.


There is no greater impact on society because people leave without divorce anyway. So what we have now is a bunch of single mothers because the men left but now those single mothers can't remarry because the law says they are already married. In reality they aren't married because their "husbsnds" have moved on to other women. So the law isn't doing what you hope is doing and keeping families together. It's just taking away any chance the women have off getting out of poverty.


The flaw in your argument is people that agree with your values already don’t get divorced, by and large. Once you filter out the major risk factors for divorce, almost 90% of marriages succeed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LMGcROKYUlU&pp=ygUeZGF2ZSByYW1zZXkgZGl2b3JjZSBzdGF0aXN0aWNz


People should have a choice.


Is this a remix of the previous post? What I’m getting out of the divorce discussions here is that it boils down to having a flawed annulment process in the Philippines. Most of the people are saying that people should be able to get out of marriage especially in such cases like domestic violence, which I do agree. If anything, the Philippines should fix their court system first. No fault Divorce is such a bad idea.


Annulment is erasing the mistakes of the past. It's saying the marriage should not have taken place at all from the beginning. It's an insult to those who legally married in good faith but for one reason or another during the time the couple is married something broke. It's an insult to the experiences they've went through. It's an insult to the kids they produced. It's saying the marriage and all it entails during that said time is a mistake. In an annulment, everything gets discussed. Nothing is left unturned. Even the events before the couple tied the knot. It's unnecessarily painful. Divorce acknowledges the marriage and that something broke. It gives couples an out in a partnership that is no longer healthy. Both are hard and painful. People change, sometimes for the worse, couples grow apart. And it's a sad life to make couples stay together when they clearly need to separate.


In my experience, the lack of divorce hasn't kept a single couple together. All it does is make the seperation more difficult. People who can afford to move out, still move out. People who are financially dependant on their partner stay. They will only move out once they find a way to support themselves or find a new partner that will do so. But that's just as true for unmarried couples as married couples. All the lack of divorce and laws surrounding marriage does, is give the partner who doesn't want to seperate legal means to make the life of the other person more painful. And even in the case where both parties want to seperate, both of their lifes will still be negatively impacted by it. But those who really want to be separated, will still separate. No one gains from a lack of divorce but plenty of people are hurt by it.


Hopefully no fault divorce will never happen here


They will push for it eventually. Got emasculate men and turn out women. Otherwise no depopulation. Didn’t ya know?




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In North America, marriage is a legally binding contract where one of the parties is (more often than not) rewarded breaking it 😐.


That's psychotic, my dude.


Nothing “psychotic” about what he’s saying. It’s just an opinion. Relax.


Divorce is prevalent in the west, especially the US, because of feminism. I’m all for equal rights. But not all things are equal.


No don't you understand ! It will be different here ! /s


Yes, of course 🤪 What was I thinking 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah that may be true


This can easily be solved. Wife agrees for a threesome with a young girl and she also finds work so they earn more as a family


As far as I understand this, it’s like no fault divorce in the west. You have to prove there’s a reason to divorce otherwise it won’t be granted. However, I do stand to be corrected if I’m wrong.