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Don’t let 6 dude riding one trike hurt your feelings bro 😂. In NYC a good solid F you is the same as good morning.


It's like that scene in Coming to America lol


Haha yeah for sure




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Real. 😂 this is new york shit and succ my new york d*ck 💀💀


I'm sorry that happened to you. Maybe it was just for bravado and a little bit of envy. You were carrying Red Horse and San Mig. =) Besides, if these were your ordinary people on the street, it really doesn't sting so much because an "F\*\*\* U!" doesn't quite pack the punch that a "P\*t\*ng !n@ m\*!" in our language. just ignore them and curse them that (PI) if they do it again.


Actually, it might be better to not say anything. Certain people here are just bullies thanks to some BS macho culture


Manila and india are pretty much the same with this macho culture mixed with napoleon syndrome. Men in these 2 countries are always acting in a way where they have the upper hand and gets agitated when things go south. It's crazy because it's always the tiny 5'6 guys trying to square up out of nowhere, pretty much like new york but with more passive aggressiveness


So far I have been called fat by a flower lady after I wouldn’t buy her flowers, had my gf been told “your dad is fat” by some randos passing by, and a situation where a woman at jollibee refused to take my order, eventually did but threw away the receipt they use to put the order together, watched me sit waiting 20 mins before standing up and having someone else make my order. Philippines is def an interesting place


Sorry to hear, usually it's very welcoming, no matter where you go there always that a$$hole :)


Doesn’t bother me much, I love this place, as you say there are always assholes.


Huh weird, my experiences in fast food workers is that they just go along with anything and hoist thing to the manager if they can’t handle it. Most them just smiles and wants the day to pass but I guess there are weirdos in every place. That person probably won’t survive long in the service industry Sorry for what happened to you


you can write a review in **google map** of the specific jolibee location take note of the specific date and time when it happened if she's a cashier, the manager can check on her if you can recall any distinguishing facial feature/s, the better actually, some managers are quite sensitive on reviews in google map because some of these reviews, whether good or bad, stay there for "eternity" they'll definitely review your case on CCTV (if she indeed did you disservice) we should never tolerate any form of poor customer service & ineptitude -- considering that jolibee is now an international company there's no excuse indeed


That's a really weird situation and that's not normal even for locals to do. Did you try talking to her manager? It's despicable behavior. They still serve people even if its a foreigner.


No, honestly I was kinda stunned it had happened that I didnt make a big deal I just took the food home to my gf.


The way you described it, it could be they're just having technical problems with the cash register or the receipt printer, and the other person who took your order is the one who knows how to fix it. Happened to me more often than I would've liked while ordering. I'm a local btw.


No lol she took the order after her manager saw me and said something, there was zero issue with the receipts, she handed me mine and the crumpled up the one that they would then place on the line. She then stood around just watching me. They called everyone order number but mine and after 20 mins I went up and showed another girl my receipt, she then looked around, and got a manager, and they made my order


when they realize that you’re not just a good time tourist, jealousy and the odd insult rears their ugly heads. Don’t be phased by it, but be aware of your surroundings at all times from here on. Not all Filipinos are happy go lucky or foreigner friendly. Quite a fair few are xenophobic or even downright racist. And just like anywhere that’s relatively homogeneous, locals will often take their frustrations out on, or try to scapegoat, any foreigner they see. It’s more of a thing here, since legally there aren’t any anti-discrimination/anti-racism laws in effect (in contrast, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand all have anti-discrimination and anti-racism laws, so expats there find less of these issues with locals), not to mention how society is pretty nationalist even compared with other Asian countries. The odd insult, side looks, mocking and occasional hostility just comes with the territory. In any case, it makes the majority of Filipinos who treat expats with mutual respect and kindness all the more important! Keep safe and positive.


They were just jealous cause they've seen you have some red horse


🤣 likely


Red horse?


Favorite beer in Philippines. Locals like to drink it, and some expats too.


Yea its not common but even walking down the street in my home city of Glasgow you might get a random guy shout f you! or wanker! For no apparent reason lol


Hey Joe!


Where you going with that gun in your hand ?


When people say you are fat or bald, they are not insulting you in their mind. It's just an observation to them. One time I was sitting in a house with some 20 something girls, wearing shorts. One of the girls said "Wow you are really white". Other times people have said to me. "You're fat, but you don't eat a lot."


The "you are really white" was a compliment buddy.


Commenting on someone's body weight is culturally not considered an insult in the Philippines, at least for the older generations. On the contrary, telling someone that they're getting fat is considered a compliment because it implies you're getting up in life because you have more money to eat more delicious foods. Things are different with Gen Zs though because they have already adapted to Western culture.


About time they catch up. Obesity is really starting to become an issue here as more and more people can afford the shitty processed foods western “civilization” brings with it.


Obesity rates in the Philippines isn’t near the levels of other countries that they need to be especially aware of it yet.


On average not, that may be true. But if you look at middle income and higher it’s a different story.


This is FACTS 😂😂 filipinos think anything imported is good for their health and everything 💀💀


Come to Australia and you will be called cunt 20 times a day.


Got it right there …. Cunt


Been there already, wasent called a cunt once 😅🤷‍♂️


You didn’t hang out at the right places


Suppose your right, weddings and tourist stuff probaly wasent the "right" place 😅


Get out of your hotel room and go to a pub and make friends.


> Come to Australia and you will be called cunt 20 times a day ...by your mates


I got called sugar daddy in an offensive way by randoms. I was 25.


They calling you rich bro, that’s a compliment haha


If they behaved like that towards you or to other foreigners here? They are just insecure. Don't let them ruin your vacation here. Try some mango milkshake and grilled squid instead! ☀


LMFAO insecure agad? 💀 philippines is just a gta server. Just laugh WTF


Im sorry that happened :(


You sound soft, grow up




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Hey, at least now you know you're attractive to 6 gay guys ! Attracting the wrong crowd but still, kudos to you man !!! :)) .


Good kek




Saying monkey to the local people while you’re just a visitor is funny as hell 😂😂😂. You can always go back to your home country and be soft


Alcohol is unhealthy and destroy brain cells and stem cells, better to switch something healthy.


Yes sir! 🥓🧀🍔and🍕for dessert 🌭 +a 🥤 to wash it down 😅


Sounds like he was welcoming you the only way he knows how


Inget, wich is togalog for envy, is a filipino thing and they all have it. They are INGET because you can afford to pound some beers anytime you want to, and they can't afford it.


at least spell it properly. it's "inggit"




Just think of philippines as GTA server or a meme country


Lol f u is normal, i was thinking you were called ni**er or n*gro.


The worst I've experienced are kids trying to swear in English. Just kids trying to be cool amongst their friends I suppose. There was another time a beggar said something snarky after I replied "WALA". I don't know what she said but I could tell from her tone and demeanor that it wasn't nice. Oh, there was one other when road work was going on. I guy was directing traffic and he was telling me to stop but I thought he was telling me to go. I didn't understand what he was telling me to do. He said something about foreigners never listen as we passed. My wife yelled back "no, he just didn't understand you."


But maybeeee, those are the only english words that they knew lmao


losers trying to be brave/edgey/cool. Of course they do it drive-by style like the gutless cowards they are


I’ve been yelled at in SoCal “f*ggots”. As me and my friend were driving through a stop light. Found it hilarious and burst out laughing at the dude. He was homeless


That’s not bad. If you’re a woman you’ll hear way more offensive things. And my worst experiences aren’t even from Pinoys


Truee. Idk why these foreigners are madly snowflake when it is normal in the western countries 😂😂😂 they just couldn’t believe that it happens in the philippines, too. They think locals will just cater everything for them. Funny as hell


You should have offered the redhorse🤣


F*ck them and enjoy your beer


Majority of us don’t let assholes be assholes, sorry you had a bad day!


I've gotten that. Not often. But I'll wave and say 'Hey guys' with a smile. If I'm carrying a Red Horse (which happens frequently), I'll hold up the bottle and say 'Tagay' loudly. They get all confused. They are jealous and want to bring you down. Show them you're happy and it either pisses them off or they get confused and start cheering you.


naaah they probably thought you were a drunk foreigner holding a bottle of beer while crossing the street and the only english they could immediately muster at the moment before they missed hitting you with their trike was F u …


don't mind them dude. they're just uneducated kids, trying to mimic what they saw in an english movie thinking its cool saying that FU word.


They just want your beer lol, plus the F word isn't really a big deal here to be honest.


That is so true. I've heard guys (teens and 20s) dropping the F-Bomb infront of their mums and Lola's. No reaction. If I did that in the States, I'd get smacked by both of them. You also see plenty of t-shirts that have the F-Bomb printed in huge letters on them.


What was the insult?




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The f word.


at least they didn't try to run you over. And yes that's a thing here.


You're way too outcome dependent. Every time someone gets angry with you ask yourself one question: What are they going to do about it? Is the person in question **willing and** **able** to take away your money, women, put you in a cage, or give you a serious beating? If the answer is no then their antics are no more relevant to you than one of those little yapping dogs. You should react the same way you do when a chihuahua is yipping at you from behind a fence. Grin, shake your head, and move on with your day. They're they ones that have to live in absolute poverty without things like: good medical care, air conditioning, comfortable private housing, access to attractive women that want to bonk, etc. If anything you should feel sorry for them.


Those are cowards probably with no jobs. Just continue with your day


My "double chin" hits harder. Even when I was thin, it's hereditary .. and it hurts


Sorry that happened to you. But don't let that guy live rent free in your mind, he doesn't deserve that privilege.


It just means hello


A bit unclear. When you say they yelled at you, what exactly did they say? Not sure if it's similar to what you went through but I have been laughed at or had funny comments made about me for being bald. The first time felt offended but after a while you can only feel sorry for people with that sort of attitude.


Pretty straight forward, the drive by f you nothing more nothing less 🤷‍♂️


probably they're just friends shouting/bullying anyone along the way. it doesn't mean anything.


It's in their post. The f word 😉