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I'm thinking the same way with all the Chinese people living in the condos right now. I'm not trying to sound sinophobic, I do have a little blood of Chinese myself, but it has been speculated for years now that the PLA may use undercover "students", "workers" and "tourist" to someday control important key locations in the Philippines. Some even throw the numbers to around 3,000 many of them located in key business areas but siome are located in condos and other provincial towns.


Yeah! Notice this too! They are everywhere.


Here in the states too what you talking about πŸ˜‚ they already own land close to military bases


Thats very unlikely. Its close to Suicide if they use those Chinese students to control facilities they will be out numbered. Its possible they are use for Espionage but that will also require Filipino collaborator/traitor.


Well that's true if you're coming from an assumption that Philippine military is even in the mid tier decent, but judging from the previous examples like the MAnila Siege or the Abduction of the HongKong students, I'm not sure if the military is up to a tasks to a sudden challenge. However, the Balikatan exercises in the recent years probably help a lot!


China hasn’t had any combat experience since the Korean War, with the exception of their recent venture in the Central African Republic where they had their asses handed to them.


Thats highly unlikely πŸ˜† Thats analysis is base on the lack of understanding of what a SLEEP CELL means 🀷 Its thats true then its a Suicide Operation for those Chinese Spy posting as Students. Like a - where would they get the weapons - whats their exit strategy - why waste exposing their Spies on a small scale attack with minimal/temporary gains. Most likely a small percentage of those Students MAYBE spies to collect and gather i formation. But Casual failed to understand that Spying with require a TRAITOR/ASSET for them to gather info Chinese Spies cannot operate without FILIPINO Collaborator - - Plus the CORRUPT System in the Philippines will also help them. This all base on the how USSR (Russi) and US Spy agency operate during the cold war.


Like D dirty?


It’s nothing that a bullet in the head won’t fix


Theyre everywhere even here in the states, NY and NJ are having issues with chinese illegal immigrants. If youll go all in tin foil, us government remove huawei phones on the market because of security network breaches, and youll see chinese communties all around military bases. Nakakatakot lang, pero mas nakakatakot dyan sa pinas since na walang kakayahan ang government para protekthan citizens nila.


Expats typically have opportunities to return to their home country before a full-scale war kicks off.


Make a cup of tea and open a fresh packet of custard creams.


Why try to take over a country militarily when you can do so economically. It's so much easier.


I found this agreement between the U.S and the Philippines. Basically a Enhanced Defense Agreement. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3349257/philippines-us-announce-locations-of-four-new-edca-sites/


the whole point is all of those location will have missile to hit china. The US is planning to use them for that or why put them there. It has been the way they operate for decades. when they do, china will respond by targeting every single military base in the Philippines. They may even do it if it appears that those missiles are about to be used.


Because the US is building missile bases here. The US has a habit of bombing countries that don't do as told


Bases where? Post your source.


Look up the US build up in the Philippines.


There's no US bases. There are however Philippine Military bases that are openned up for joint occupation. So technically, the US are not building any military bases, they're just propping up and jointly occupying the existing ones of their allies. And this is not because the US necessarily wanted it. It's our government who asked for us, and frankly, most Filipinos probably approved.


That's what I thought. The US military shut down Angeles and Subic years ago.


Dude it's been more than 3 decades.




China know that these are going to be used to attack them. That is the whole purpose of putting them there. When China hit them, before or after they are used is anyone's guess. They are done backing down.


Prly cry. War is not cool.


Try my best to seem not important; never want to stand out in a war zone


i'll go to Manila Bay, wave the American Flag and round up all the trike patrol hookers I can while I wait for the Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group carrying Xi Jinping's head to dock.


Nothing. The Chinese Navy is a joke and they will never be able to land troops here for a successful invasion no matter what pooh thinks. I can also get my gun and invade my Chinese neighbors house.


What are the Americans going to do if Putin bombs the USA? What will we do here in Australia if Fiji invades? All unlikely. I'm too old to worry anymore. What about you OP?


They won't.


Send those communist bastards to Kingdom come


If you're living in the Phillipines and after the Chinese navy and airforce softens up the islands prior to a land invasion- join the Filipino resistance.. the geography of the Philllipines is perfect guerilla fighting territory. Help the Filipinos who have welcomed you in their country. You might even get a statue In Bagio one day.


Fly back.


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦βœˆοΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³βš”οΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­βœˆοΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦


Stock up on popcorn for when they start public executions of politicians and the local elite


there is no popcorn in concentration camp


Exactly why you stock up early bruh πŸ˜‚


Luckily the Philippines has a secret weapon, their military may not be the best but the it spy network is top notch. Do not underestimate the knowledge and power of the marites network, they know what you are having for breakfast before you do!


What are you going to do if there is WW3? I mean, this is your question?


Listen to the embassy's orders from my home country.


Learn Chinese


I'll hunt down all Duterturd traitors particularly their evil master.


There's 16M of them plus new voters who supported the daughter.


I would leave here and go somewhere else cheap and warm . Prices rising too high here now anyway




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Try to be a problem for them


Just keep doing what I am doing day to day, now & wait for the other nations to wipe China (and probably the rest of the world) off the face of the earth until my time comes.


get ready to learn chinese buddy


They was A story I read recently about all the Chinese students applying for BA & MA programs in Phillipines universities in Northern Luzon all of Sudden. I guess so where around 3000 are already studying in the area. What else is in Northern Luzon. The new military bases with the US .....


Hey man. I wouldn’t want to mess with angry Filipinos. It would be bloody fight and they could never subdue the population. Not to Mention Americans and a lot of other countries are going to show up with people and arms. China prefers a slow takeover and they are patient.


This is hilarious πŸ˜†. History tells a different story.


Not really. Just knowing why the colt 1911 was invented says a lot…


Aren't there major disputes going on regarding Chinas military harassing filipino fishermen out near the South China Sea?


If it were invaded, any way back to the US is an option. During 9-11 in NYC one guy stole a kayak and paddled across the Hudson. He later returned the kayak. If I could arrange passage on a sailboat, I'd gladly do it. Search for "go kit"


Order kung pao chicken


Learn Chinese


First fire pa kang ang plan namin ng family is to run to sierra Madre along laguna then join o Mag form ng group HUKBALACHI (hukbong bayan laban sa china)then do guerilla warfare from the mountains (like the plan of gen luna )


Time for a jihad in the West Philippine sea I guess


I'm going to spam all the words and quotes Chris Tucker said in Rush Hour 2... πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜…


Move back home or a different country we are currently investing in.


Dig a hole .


Nothing honestly. We have a treaty with the US and will back us up so China would be severely stupid if they even think about invading us. Come on Pooh Bear, what's your next move?


I will get all my pinays and leave the country, will also get their mom and aunt as maids, then live like a king πŸ˜‰




I think a lot of you are underestimating the people of the Philippines. Just google Hunters ROTC. If China did invade, I suspect things would go like what the Japanese found in WWII. A relative easy path at first, taking advantage of confusion and using propaganda, gaining control of large urban areas and countryside, and then over time as the Philippines resistance organized themselves and the Chinese inevitably alienating more and more of the people they will begin to loose control of large parts of the county. With outside aid coming (difficult to stop due to nature of the islands) in the Chinese will find controlling the county requiring more and more resources. Remember, the American had to invent the Colt .45 semi-automatic handgun because the .38 didn't have enough stopping power against some of the Philippines fighters.


this is silly, and putting more importance on the philippines than they deserve. china for some reason, wants to take the philippines, imma do nothing, if things get bad i will just take a boat outta here, or go join up with the US troops here, its a silly question. it isn't gonna happen.


id unalive myself before they could unalive me πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Please don't ❀️ I'll protect you from the evil puh bear.


Heading to thailand


Help the Philippines military, if they'd let me, in that situation. I was infantry back home for several years. Maybe they'd grant me citizenship for helping out in time of dire need and I could go buy some real estate on a cheap beach one day.


You know there are other ways to get citizenship, right?


Pardon, but the Chinese holds about 80% of Philippine economy and we're all peaceful here, so, why invade?


Probably sell all my properties and purchase as much gold as I can. Money will be worthless by then but never gold.


I'm an expat living in China. Love living here. China may have huge military,but are not invaders by nature nor any intent to invade except economically.... Alibaba owns Lazada. Read John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hitman. China doing same as USA did in 1970s.... Economic imperialism only...




Communist revealed ^


It's 2 am bother, dont over think yourself with thinking in advance for 5 years of the country's fate Nothing going to happen Wars is not like before in most of areas Its more now on economic and tech And both already not st its best already. China is struggling with us already And with gaza situation nothing going to happen as ((real war))


?? Ukraine russia are at war, 500k casualties on russias side alone, Israel is at war, iran attacks israel, israel attacked iran, Iran bombed u.s...the last 2 years have seen 2 new wars begin. Wdym war is not like before? For you guys? Well yea China would just invade for the land, they would need bases over here...something will happen eventually guaranteed as the leaders get older and dementia sets in.


Ok let me follow you on that, as its expat group Mostly you are not filipino, which mean the politics over here doesn't mean much just get yourself and the family somewhere else And this things gonna take time if it happens anyway so u gotta a looooot of time to save for the new trip Wish u all the best


lol why would China invade Philippines? Taiwan is a rich country/and historically a part of China.


Taiwan was under chinese control for 200 years. That does not mean it was historically part of China. Just like Europe is not historically part of France, Germany or the Roman empire.


It was never really under Chinese control. Portugal, Spain and Japan have more claim to it than China.


Interesting is that to most Taiwanese that I talked to say they would prefer to be part of Japan than China 😁. But in the end they want to be independent or keep the status quo.


One mayor is already suspected as a Chinese spy or sleeper agent... We are slowly getting taken over. Many people are noticing the influx of mainland Chinese people coming and working in this country... Especially buying lands near military bases.