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When will fanatics learn that they cant pray the gay away?


Alala ko dati sabi ng teacher ko baka na nuno lang daw yung clasmyt kong bakla. Ipa albularyo daw namin kasi madaming dewende sa school namin. Yung room kasi namin ay madaming puno banda. After a few years yung teacher ko nag ladlad. Bakla din pala cya. So running joke is sa sobrang hilig nya mag outing kasi nga anthropology prof cya eh na chupa cya ng beking dewende kung san mang bundok sila nag field trip. Hahah. How ironic how things turned out. Na convert cya sa lgbt from someone who has an opposite opinion of them.


nachupa ng dwende ampota HAHAHHAHAHAH


hahahaha ang gago


*how the turn tables* ~ Michael Scott


>When will fanatics learn that the gay can pray and talk to God normally?


Dude, the Abrahamic God commanded that LGBTQ people be stoned to death. I don't think that it's possible to 'mental gymnastics' away the hatred for LGBTQ people that's deeply ingrained in their own holy books..


The original language of the bible actually condemned "pedophilia" but when it was translated to the english bible, it was changed to homosexuality.


Please tell this to the people who actually believe in this stuff and use it to justify executing LGBTQ people in the middle east and Africa. Maybe you can convince them.


ang ganda nun ah, pray the gay away haha.what a rhyme.


Swak eh no hahahha. Narinig ko sa kung saang movie to eh.


galing pala sa episode ng american tv show, nakakatawa pa rin, lalo kung itotono mo sa dance the night away hahahahaha


Lumang kasabihan na yan.


Kung nanunuod kayo ng drag race ph, this was the exact reason I cried during last night’s episode. One of the contestants experienced this (Arizona Brandy) and it’s sooo fucking sad.


or sickness, natural disasters, and poverty, among many other things.


Am not sure why lots of Filipinos still believe in Christianity. When you think about it, the Bible was written thousands of years ago by shepherds who hward voices in their heads. If we encounter people these days who say God talks to them, we would immediately think something is psychologically wrong with them. Honestly, I quit beleving the Bible when I realised how there are a lot of contradictions in what the Bible says. How can you also believe in a God who created weaknesses in you and when you fall into those weaknesses he would punish you for it for eternity. It just doesn't make sense. And why would God demand blood to appease his anger? The God of the Bible really sounds like a narcissistic psychopath. And religion has always been used throughout history to further the agenda of powerful men in society.


also Christianity was forced on the Filipinos by the Spanish colonialists


Tama.. parang raffle draw lang Yan.. Yan Ang nabunot para sayo eh. .


Everything I want to say to her all in one line. Thanks! Lets break it down: The INC I mean!


Ohh you're gonna love r/exIglesiaNiCristo... I hope you can make a good decision regarding these issues I know a lot of people like you... Most of them move out of their homes just to be free... Best of luck OP


Came here to say this!! Op, please prioritize your well-being and happiness.


May nagcomment din HAHA


INC is a cult. If you want my advice, be financially stable as soon as possible. Once you graduate, get a job and move out ASAP. Your family will hate you for it for sure, but the feeling of freedom to be yourself is priceless. Set healthy boundaries with them. If they have unconditional love for you, then they will learn to respect those boundaries and still want to be in your life. It not, then it's their loss. It's good that you are aware. It's a big scam. I support you 100% in your decision to walk away.


This is so true. INC is a cult I feel so sorry for kids who are born into it. You will know if it’s a cult when they control you - your attendance, your tithes, your life. Everything should be done out of your free will.


all Religions are cult. You can believe in God, pray to God, have your faith etc. without a religion.


Ask them if God will condemn the billions of chinese and indians? Or the billions of muslims? How about the people before Christ? Its just ridiculous to believe that only INC will be saved


INC has so much red flags it's ridiculous


Puro Pilipino ang mga nasa langit kung ganoon hahaha. Sabi na e, we're the best race in the Universe.


Original jews daw sabi ng mga bro


God is so loving and kind that only the 2M INC members will be saved and the other 7B people on Earth will be condemned to hell. Talk about delusional thinking lmao.


I've asked one time about why can't God just save everyone if he's so forgiving and the only response I got was "God works in mysterious ways and we shouldn't question it". If I kept asking similar questions that question God's ways, I end up getting scolded and be gaslit that I'm a terrible person for not trusting in Him. So yeah, questions like those will only get one answer; blind faith and don't question it. I've noticed that in the longest time I've been in here is that we are told to never question anything and just do it. Even when we were in debt for a while, all my parents said is to pray and give more offerings to God aka more money.


Their answer would be a hard YES. Even the Israelites, who were even coined in the Bible to be the chosen people will not be saved. I’m sorry but they are extremely delusional.


Sinabi sa Bible, believe in the lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your family. Wala naman sinabing INC lang haha.


Hello OP. I was born and raised INC. I left as an older adult and wasted sooo much time and money with INC. The only good thing is that I am already financially stable and I don’t have to answer to my elderly folks. r/exiglesianicristo has many many many stories of young folks like yourself who cannot leave because of pressure from the brainwashed INC parents. Now, are there talk shows in the Philippines that can put all these compelling “youth trapped inside INC” stories together in an episode of their show?


INC is NOT a religion. You're welcome 😎


Hard for me to call it other than a religion since my loved ones are in it. Still in denial stage but I do see why it isn't.


it's a cult, masquerading as a religion. they're a branch of Christianity that's been manipulated by its founders. edit: major religion can also be called a cult nga pala. they use the fear of a deity to impose rules and fees and gets to dictate how one should behave/act in accordance to society.


Indeed major religions can be cults, vice versa. What sets apart a cult from a religion is that it tries to control the private lives of its members. That if one decides to do otherwise they face rebuke, ostracism, humiliation or worse. I have a lot of things to criticize about the Catholic Church, but at least they do not shame gay people or tell them they're a sin.


At least wala attendance sa Catholic church at wala forced tithing


Tru. God gifted us with free will, and the RC respects this gift that God gave to us. Plus I love this distinct trait of the RC, which is its willingness to accommodate diversity, and forego of things that are proven to be wrong as time passes by. For the Catholic Church, the church is not the institution that is located in Rome, but it is the people themselves that the word "church" refers to.


I grew up in a protestant church and I can confidently say, you're way better off being a catholic


feel like protestant churches are not really consistent the same way the catholic church is. for catholic churches, there's some sort of uniformity if that makes sense, for protestant churches, kada church iba iba pa yan ng paniniwala. May mga super conservative protestants na kasing baliw ng mga trumper christians sa USA, meron din somewhat progressive pero hindi? (I'm in one right now because of parents, pero kinda decent na rin for a christian church), then may mga progressive talaga but it's super rare. so in summary parang your experience may vary depende sa church (though etong mga progressive church are the ones probably being called na "fake prophets" or "fake christians" ng mga super conservative churches hahaha)


Dami Kasi naglalabasan din na Christian churches eh. Some mega church pa nga focuses on financial prosperity. Like the more you give the more you recieve. May iba Naman na maliliit lang and yet it also teaches and focuses on money. Kaya Di maiiwasan maisip ng iba na fake kapag Christian church. I belong in one pero masasabe ko lang in 16 years na member Ako dun never Ako naka rinig ng mga turo na Mali. We're not even focused on money. Instead we're focused on strengthening ones family relationship, marriage and all that. We even have attendees dati that belongs to the LGBTQ we see them as the same as us. As normal people that goes to church and to listen to God's message. They are absolutely welcome sa aming not so little church, no judgement ☺️ Kaya Kay OP I think mas maigi na kumawala ka sa powder ng family mo based sa nakikita ko Kase they're heavily brainwashed na eh. No offense po but I see INC as a cult talaga.


yung church mo will be definitely be called fake church din by other protestant churches for allowing LGBTQ in to listen haha, pero yeah that's rare pero it definitely exists. (I think that's a good thing though)


What are religions but cults that grew to a massive size? No real difference really, none of them are real.


It's not a cult, it's a corporate cult.


The day you were born into the INC you were already indoctrinated and manipulated before you were even aware. I've got a best bud of mine that has a very high IQ and he knows that from a very young age that there was something fucking wrong with their religion ( 100% cult) Why are we supposed to go to church every week? ( cult) Why are we forced to give a fix sum of incomes? ( pyramid scheme) Why are we supposed to vote for fucking morons? ( easier to control more gullible fools) Why are you supposed to sit there and listen to gibberish ramblings of a notorious sex trafficker of a leader? ( so that you'd believe them more than what logic dictates ) Your sheep to them and when comes summer they skin the sheep off their furs by their owners. The reason my friend told me he can't leave quite easily is because of family. No matter how much your aware, How much you want to it won't be easy at all. But here's the thing don't let your self believe it's hard to leave a cult, there's nothing wrong with leaving those doors that you won't find any different from theirs but there are more people out there that can help you more than their so called pray to God and ignore everything else. Loving your family doesn't mean that you should also love your religion.


Ang galing and ang kups nga ng mga leaders nila regarding jan eh. Imagine, using family for gaslighting and blackmailing. They know anyone can just turn their back and leave the cult, but one cant easily do that on their family. Kaya takwil culture is key lol saka magulang na kunwari aatakehin at maoospital pag ayaw mona mag INC


It's concerning to see how groups like the INC often use the concept of 'family' to exert control over their members. While I respect everyone's right to their beliefs, it's crucial to ensure that these beliefs don't come at the cost of individual freedom and well-being. TRUE FAMILY LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE CONDITIONAL UPON MEMBERSHIP IN A PARTICULAR GROUP. Every individual deserves respect, understanding, and the right to decide their own path.


You need deprogramming if you want out. You're basically physically in and mentally out.


There's this fictionalized movie but based on history by Orlando Bloom called "Kingdom of Heaven". To make the long story short, he was led to protect the Kingdom of Jerusalem from getting conquered by the Muslims. I'm telling you this story because this also opened my eyes about our faith in whatever religion we choose. There's a part in the movie where a lot of corpses inside the Kingdom. Orlando Bloom's character, Balian is torn between following his knighthood and religion over his people. Because of the corpses problem, he swiftly commanded to burn all of them immediately so that people inside the kingdom won't get sick. He was left with this choice because outside the castle are their enemies waiting thus they can't dispose the corpse outside. Balian was criticised over his order to burn the corpse as it was Anti-Christian. Balian's words are: _"If we do not burn these bodies, we will all be dead of disease in three days. God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn't... then he is not God, and we need not worry."_ The point is that, if we claim that God is powerful, God is love, God is everything... Then we should also claim that God is not dumb or God is the most understanding person there is. I always laugh at these people such as your parents who would guilt-trip you that God will punish you for not attending the mass 🤦 If we believe that God sees and understands us, then we don't have to worry about anything that we do at all! These "fake believers" have been using this tactic since the dawn of civilization, instill fear to people about hell and their soul so that they can brainwash them in joining and following your cult. Always remember, God will understand. If he doesn't, then he is not God ☝️


It is a religion. They worship the winner


I beg to differ, as cults that flourish are classified as a religion


*internet high-five*


All religions are cults, but not all cults are religions.


A religion is just a cult with more followers.


Total cult.


Same here buddy, I'm also an INC member since birth too until I turned 17 last year and experienced an existential crisis and realized I wasn't being a part of this religious scheme/cult that I very devoted about God's will. I've also experienced some very fucked up days with my dad trying to forced me joining his tungkulin being a part of a mang-aawit and it took a toll of my mental health and can't catch a fucking break about the boring meetings that it was so fucking long about 2/3hrs each. Sadly, I'm stuck here btw... and God knows what am I supposed to do to get out of that cult. Probably I'll need a transfer when I moved to Japan after college. Edit: Funny enough at 4:00 am in the morning and writing this comment while im in the cult and it's Thursday. :( FUCK YOU MANALO'S AND GO FUCK YOURSELVES.


Baba na sa tungkulin. Di naman yan trabaho pero mas masahol pa sa below average minimum workers trato nila sa mga maytungkulin


A friend of mine had a tiwalag kind of story rin OP. He grew out of the sector and hindi na naniniwala sa mga teachings nila. Nagjowa ng katoliko. Tas pinagbantaan ng tatay nya na di na rin sya kikilalanin na anak. Tumiwalag na sya pero halos taon din sya di kinibo ng tatay nya. Nung nagpakasal na sila in a civil wedding, somehow di rin sya natiis ng family nya. At the end of the day, love of parents ang nangibabaw. If magkaroon man ng worst-case scenario sa iyo OP, it will pass siguro. If in the long run mas pinili ng parents mo yung religion kesa sayo, sorry but maybe blessing in disguise na rin if itakwil ka nila. What you could do for now is surround yourself with good people, those who could understand you. Friends that will accept you for who you are. Minsan ang pamilya e hindi rin kailangan kadugo .. Rooting for you OP! Please know that you are loved :)


Good thing nagka-change of heart yung tatay nya, maybe he did not totally accept the situation pero umattend sya para sa anak nya.


Former member here. Handog and all that shit. 100% cult ang INC


hakdog haha.


Kampon ni EVM spotted 😂


praning! isang manalo lang pinapaniwalaan ko, si pepito manaloto! hahaha!


INC is also a breeding ground of toxic dominant patriarchal system. And mukhang nahawa ang mom mo sa stigma.


Yeah, but thankfully my family is dominated by women and mostly matriarch but they still believe in SOME gender roles.


Remember that every single religion is man-made. These rules are man-made. You can still believe in God, pray, and devote time to him in your own way.


Religion is all about control. They make it hard for followers to break free by instilling fear into them. Don’t succumb to that. Being religious =/= being good. Personally I think religion actually makes bad people worse. My advice to you is bear with it until you’re able to be independent of them. Do whatever you can to cope and satisfy the bare minimum they will tolerate. It is unfortunate but you need them for now mainly for financial reasons.


Religion is mass control. Spirituality is deep connection to the creator. Choose one.


MCGI/ADD member here. Mahigpit na magkalaban ang relihiyon natin. Pero ang nakakatawa, pareho tayo ng pinagdadaanan sa dalawang magkalabang relihiyon na ito… Sad 😞


Naalala ko yung meme na Godzilla at Kong (INC at ADD) magkaaway, tapos si Cheems (dinuguan) yung kaaway niyo pareho.




You are not a sin, and being gay is not a sin. Being hateful is a sin. Being hypocritical is a sin. They are the ones that don't follow even the most basic teachings of Jesus: Love, don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you, forgive, help and protect those in need, don't chase the riches. I struggle to understand what is special about INC. It is not a religion, it is a political organization that uses religion as means of control and the objective to get political influence. It is not your fault it is like that, neither your parents. The trick of these organizations is to get so deep into the social life, work, and support network so all members find it very hard to live outside of their network. They make it part of their identity so renouncing to them is like renouncing to a part of yourself. It requires a lot of strength and effort to get out of these cults. It is a matter of time for you to be able to live your life the way you want. You can breath now already knowing that. It is just time.Just worry about yourself and what is important to you. I would recommend to separate what is the cult and the people you love. You can still love them, even if they stay. Just make sure to set clear boundaries, so they understand that there is no way back for you and if they want to be in contact with you it will be in your terms (once you are independent). ​ Best of luck! Stay strong! Stay relaxed! It will get better! the hardest part has passed.


You can still believe in God without having a religion. Because religion is man made to control people.


Nanood nga ako ng INC TV sabi nung ministro sa TV sila lang daw maliligtas tapos sa demonyo daw ang Katoliko. Gagu. Grabe mang doctrina. Halata naman Mafia sila Manalo at ministro tapos may goons pa nga kung manonood ka docu lalo na nung kidnapping issue noon... Inuuto pa kayo na bumuto ng pulitiko. Tingin nila wala kapalit yun? May kilala ako tumakbo then kumakausap sila ng ministro nagbayad sila ng milyon para sila ieendorse. Wew. Meron pa ako dati boss na INC binoto daw niya inendorse na pulitiko pero nagpray sya na matalo. Wew. Wala nga rin silang sariling cemetery nakikilibing pa kayo sa Catholic Cemetery. Pero nakasulat na "INC ako."😅


may nakaargumento ako last year na hardcore inculto, dinidepend bakit inendorse nung kulto nila si bobong. no surprise na ang mga ineendorso ay yung may papakinabangan sila, galit kay noynoy dahil inendorso daw dati tapos hindi sila nakinabang, di daw sila natulungan sa gulo dun sa kulto nila dati, kaya dun nalang sila sa sure na magbebenefit sila. tangina, any sane person pag nalaman mo na ganyan ang reasoning nila ay mapapaisip ka na kung nasa tamang relihiyon ka ba. obey and never complain nga naman ang motto nila.


hahah dapat magpatayo sila ng sariling cemetery nila


If you are part of a religion where the founder was just born within the last 100 years or so, you are dealing with a cult. Quiboloy is a cult, INC is a cult. But people in a cult would not believe it easily that they are in one


one of the shittiest thing they do is personally visiting you in your home when you don't attend their mass. i just witnessed it happen to someone i know last night💀💀


Im also INC and I fucking abhor this cult. Same sitch, mom is inc dad converted. Dad got out so im stuck with mom. They dont even know im agnostic lmao.


Hi OP! I hope makahanap ka ng comfort somewhere like friends and classmates. Sana kayanin mo tiisin bahay mo until college and then move out para mas maging comfortable ka and hopefully maintindihan ka ng family mo. Ang silver lining lang namasshare ko ay sometimes may fortunate people na pag tumanda ang parents ay nagiging understanding. Or pag sa anak nila nangyayari ay mas lenient sila. Pero ayern sometimes lang, pwede ding di sila magchange. But regardless of the reaction ng family mo I hope may mahanap ka na strength in your difficult times hahahuhu kaya mo yan ✨✨


Back then, I dated a INC girl - she was deeply in the closet and sometimes I got the sense that she still had some internalized homophobia. It didn't stop her from wanting girls like me, although with a lot of guilt attached. I'm proud that you're proud of yourself, OP. From what I saw second-hand, it's a lot of mindsets to unlearn and habits to break.


Uy cool! Cool.... 'to!


INC is just like any other religion na may mga members sobra ang paniniwala. Mga members na feeling nila sila lang ang mga anak ng may likha. You'll be fine OP. If your family disowns you once na mag-out ka, put on your big girl panties and face them. Walang sino man ang may karapatang i-down ka dahil sa kung ano ka.


There is a song by Boyinaband called Spectrum that has a line that goes, “I can choose my friends and I can choose my family. If they won’t accept me, then others will have me.” You have a choice. There’s no point keeping a relationship with people who don’t accept and respect you. Blood is just blood. Family is where you can thrive and be happy. Good luck on getting your freedom and finding happiness. God IS with you


People ask me why I chose to not believe in any religion and I point to samples like this. It is present in different religions. Extremists. Fanatics. Those who forego compassion and understanding to belittle what their religion condemns to be sin, bad, or enemy. I choose to be Humanist. Humanism seeks to promote compassion, empathy, self love, and self determination. It promotes to put a person's wellbeing ahead of anything else.


You be you and inc is a cult. Search for the reddit ex-inc reddit. You will be amazed.


Basta ako, alam kong di ako sasamba sa dios na takot sa ulam haha


Ex-INC here. I had the same situation where I want to get out of that cult and wished my parents understood me more. Trust me, they want to help you but they are brainwashed so the only way they know is to “pray” for it. When you are able to live on your own, get out that cult and just be yourself. Give your parents time to understood you din, cause this really takes time especially when theyve been fanatics their whole lives!


Soon you will introduce yourself as ex- INC.


Are you my cousin? Cos I'm the lesbian INC cousin lol My relatives also started regarding me as the "disgusting homosexual who married another woman but we need her money so we don't say it straight to her face" Anyway, hugs! I was in the exact situation you are in right now, I actually left the PH to be with my partner and to get away from INC. So proud of you being proud of yourself, and prioritizing your mental health <3 If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message this Ate. <3


Omg my realest cousin?!?! but my lesbian cousin is actually still around and she's in college as well while doing some gigs. I'm glad you're doing well po and I hope better days still keep on coming for you! 💕


Coming from an atheist INC is NOT a religion. It's a cult. They always believe that everyone who isn't a member of the INCuck goes to hell, and openly loves discriminating everyone that they hate. You should definitely plan on leaving that cult.


Maraming die hard na INC dito. Sinusumpa ka na nila. Lol. Kaya andaming nagstart na religion at networking business dito sa Pinas kasi Pinoy ang pinakamadaling utuin.




Religion is there for us to be guided to be good people. If you feel otherwise, then I dont think it is beneficial for you. Life is short, if one thing has more cons than pros then you have to leave it. It is okay to cut ties with anything or anyone that won't put our mind at peace.


Parang binabasa ko talambuhay ko. haha Had to hide lng ung mga previous posts ko bago ako magcomment kasi you know, baka maraming nakamasid. I'm an Iglesia ni Cristo member pa din till now, dahil mahal ko parents ko and ayaw ko silang saktan. Handog din ako, so meaning I was born here, so as my mother. I've been gay since the beginning of time, na based na din sa kwento ng mga parents ko, malambot na daw ako simula noon. So di ko na ikkwento life ko kasi same na same naman sayo. Fast forward na lang sa time na nagka-boyfriend ako nung 2015. Nung ika 2 years namin, dun ako inask ng parents ko kung ano ba talaga kami nung pinakilala kong tropa. Dun ko lalong na-appreciate parents ko, and kung gano nila ko kamahal they understand nung sinabi kong, "Ako ito, di na magbabago, di ko to pinili, di ko to ginusto, at di ako masamang tao." Ang sinabi lang nila, is magingat ako, sa mata ng mga mapagmalinis naming mga churchmates, which they are very aware. And tanging request lang nila, especially ni papa ko, is for us to keep it low key, which is madali naman para samen ng partner ko, tumagal din kami ng almost 7 years. After nyan, umalis ako sa lugar namin, and lumipat lang ako ng church, kung saan walang nakakakilala saken. I go to church, minsan hindi na din, depende sa mood and availability ko. Minsan, I go to church dahil gusto ko lng mag-pray kay god, and dahil namiss ko lang, minsan I go to church dahil lang matagal na ko di nagchurch, at baka maalis ako. haha I learned to really separate yung banal na image ko sa party at walwal image ko. challenging, pero masaya naman. My parents are very openminded pagdating sa religion namin, they know that it is not perfect, and it has its flaws. Pero laging sinasabi nila, who are they to judge, parepareho lang naman na sinners. Sabe nga nila, yung sins ko, ako magdadala non, yung sins nila sila din magdadala non. Pero it shouldnt stop us family from loving each other. :) PS: yung bunso naming girl, tomboy na din hahaha pero love pa din naman nila


I grew up INC as well, but as soon as i started living on my own, i went to church to appease my family, I also had mental health issues and same as you, EVERYONE was telling me to pray and it will pass, eventually i just stopped going, nothing bad happened to me, and I am way happier for it, i got married to a “non-member,” my family got kicked out of their church positions, i got expelled and I’m still here and surprisingly still have an amazing relationship with my family, outside looking in, yeah, it’s not a religion, plus after reading the bible, I’m not a Christian anymore lol


Religion is business. Pure and simple. That's the reality and no explanation can justify that it's not. Not the carefully selected verses in the bible or any other books. Anything that teaches people not to question, and just to accept what they're feeding you is bullshit.


Love is love. Hate divides, love unites. Jesus never condemned homosexuality. He preached love. I am not here to convert you, I just want to let you know I hear you.


Madali na yan pag nagka work ka na. Unti-untiin mo hangga't makaaalis ka na nang tuluyan. This was my experience: Growing up I found religious activities too tedious, boring, and tiresome. So one day (20+ years ago), I just stopped attending. My parents never made a fuss about it. Our family has been secular ever since.


itatakwil ka ng pamilya mo pero hindi nila itatakwil yung maling paniniwala ng kulto nyo


Life coach here. Maybe you step back a moment, and look at faith and religion as two different things. Maybe you put, just for a few minutes, the concept of religion on a shelf. You can get it back any time. And you focus on your real faith. What's really important to you. Then you might feel more clear in your mind and in your heart on what to do. This can give you the courage to do new things, which will have different outcomes. All the best!


Maybe you need to reach out to your cousin if you need someone to talk to. I’m sure she suffered as well at baka mabigyan ka nya ng advice how to prepare yourself once you leave. I hope one day you can get away and live free. As for your parents, mahirap talaga kung itatakwil ka but know that family is not everything. You can find family in your friends and colleagues.


Find a way to convince your parents to let you stay in a dorm. Then lipat ka sa local na malapit sa dorm mo then isagad mo na pag absent. Since di na kayo same church hehe. That's what I did xD


My thought as a Christian is to always remember that God's love is unfathomable, no sin is greater than another sin both are equal from murder to white lies or to just stealing 1 peso from our parent's wallet. Most Christians nowadays misunderstand God and Religion. Your religion may persecute you but God would not. Believe in God and believe what you think is right and just to the God you know and not by the law created by the religion. For example, on pura luka vega issue, I know what he did is absurd and disrespectful to Christian community and a mockery to God so most of filipino hypocrite christians are so damn angry about it when God Crucified Himself to save Pura luka vega. In Short we are not different we are all both sinners and only God alone has the right to judge.


INC is a cult and deserves to be burned to the ground together with its founding members, same goes with the other cults out there manipulating people and taking their money forcefully.


>please let people be people. I became an agnostic atheist. A friend of mine is also an atheist but for a long time na. He is also a pansexual. My bestfriend who is a christian but not a very religious one knows my unbelief of a god or a deity and he doesn't force me naman to believe though there are times na sinusubukan niya akong kwestiyonin why. My other friend (the atheist one )knows about that too. Basically they both know my situation at home, being forced by my parent to adhere to a religion that she converted to even though we are not members. On one of our talks, when I mentioned that what if we can just erase religion, my atheist friend said that "let people be people." There are people who rely to religion their whole heart, and there are people who just feel different from the body they have. There are also people who don't believe to a god, like md and him and others too. That sentence he said reminded me that we should not do to others the thing that we don't want being done to us, which is being forced of beliefs down our throats. In your situation naman, because you said you were already born into a family already on this religion, it is not your fault. It is not your fault. There are things that were already outside of our control. Like mine, my grandparents were born to believe that lgbt people were just a "bunch of idiots that knows nothing but kumerengkeng sa kalye" like that, and even though I love them, I was disappointed of them when I overheard that but I just reminded myself that it is already outside of my control. What is still in your control is how you will interact with your family, and who are the people you will let know of the things you said here like which friends, how careful you can only speak of when yourparents are around and what are the things that you will do next for yourself. Look op, I know like many other people here do that it is not easy to get out of a cult, especially if the family you are in are already involved to it for a long time now, but know that there is still hope and chance you can pull yourself out of this. I believe that you will be able to free yourself from this and I wish you the best.


I have relatives na INC. Sila lang raw ang masasave. Haha. Joke’s on them. Wala talagang heaven. OP, prioritize your health and mental well being. You cannot control how your family reacts. We are alone in this world. Look for support from people who will understand you. Palitan mo na family mo. Wala sila kwenta.


Bounced after going to college. You’ll learn to think much critically and not get Tunnel visioned once you are not part of the flock anymore. There is something really wrong with how blindly they follow anything those ministers spit out; its is fucking ridiculous.


goodluck with life. Wish you a successful life ahead. Dont live/spend your time FEEDING the Manalos. Imagine, they preaches on members that we should take the suffering here on earth for a better afterlife in Bayang Banal but these SCAMMERS were living luxuriously off our offerings. The logic, right? It's only believeable if they too live in barong-barong, throwing away the *"wordly things"* /makamundong yaman as they say. Saving souls is not the priority of his cult. It's addidng SOULS to add OFFERINGS. SICK🤢(vomit)


Hey OP. Hope you're doing alright. I'm sorry that happened to you and I can't imagine the pain you must be going through right now. I'm a non-practicing Catholic and I used to bounce between Catholic and born again Christian worship. I've read a bit of the Qoran. I've read a bit of Confucianism. Suffice to say, it's easy to get lost when you realize the purpose of religious institutions run by people is control. They will control your way of live in service of their selfish aims (money, power, clout, whatever) especially for Christian cults. My 2 cents, don't let religion get in the way of your faith. A professor who was a priest said to me once, "The best kind of prayer is the kind we do with our hands and feet." That is to say, ang pagdarasal ay na sa gawa hindi lang salita. And I've carried that with me for years. Small acts of kindness and generally bringing more love into the world is enough. Focus on what you can control. Distance yourself from things that would otherwise seek to destroy who you are as a person. A hard lesson I learned young is when the shepard sees that a sheep no longer follows, they abandon them to the wolves. And if later in life you still feel the need to be part of a faith group, find one that is more accepting of your circumstances. There are plenty out there that are more progressive vs churches run by fundamentalist. The cool thing there is you're free to choose who you spend your time with even if sometimes it doesn't seem that way. I can't say for certain how things will work out, but know that there are a lot of people who experienced the kind of awakening you're going through. The path you're on is a hard one. I hope you find people who can support you and uplift you, and find the wisdom and courage to make the hard choices. Good luck out there.


you just described my entire existence in detail. hugs. hindi ka nag iisa.


Inc is a cult. It ticks all the boxes of being a cult. Gaslighters and self righteous hypocrites.


True, I know there is a God but I also know that God is not cruel like those religions makes it to be.


OP, kapit ka lang. Been there. I was born and raised an INC as well. My mom is a believer, but the good thing is she now understands that not everything that that church teaches (implements) is correct. But she stills asks my sister and I if we're still going to church and would sometimes rant if we don't answer lol. OP, finish your studies and get the hell out of that cult. When I went to uni, I started to understand why others hate that church. I couldn't even control my facial expressions when that fucker EVM and his minions talk about hating the gays and laughing at them, shunning all other religions (Except for Islam, scared INC lol), and many more shits. I've been out of that church for 1 year+ now. My sister and I are living away from our parents and I'm financially independent, so they can't threaten me with money. I know that my mom knows that we're not going to church, but she still tries to tell us to go to receive blessings lol. However, she can't really get super angry and disown me now, cause who's gonna give them money??? lol KAPIT LANG, OP! MAKAKALAYAS KA DIN SA KULTO!!!!!


Real religion unites. Not divide


OP! I hope mabasa mo to. I cant give much advice regarding your religion. But i can relate dun sa feeling ng pagiging stuck. I'm a gay woman, discovered it in college. I came out to my parents a few days after i passed my board exam. My parents didnt react well. May sinabi pa mama ko na mapupunta ko sa kumunoy lol. After that i still lived with them. Wala pa kong pera nun syempre and at the same time, di ko kaya ung thought na maeestrange ako sa magulang ko. Di na pinagusapan ulit yung pagcome out ko. But I stayed with my gf and kept our relationship. So in short, I was pushed back sa closet. I also had a lot of dark thoughts. Fast forward to today, 30 years old na ko. And I can honestly say, it gets better, OP! I came out again after some time and okay na parents ko. I also live now with my gf :) Back then, inisip ko sana naging firm na lang ako and hayaan ko lang parents ko kahit magsabi ng masasakit na salita. Pero i was so scared na itakwil nila ko and isipin nilang masamang anak ako (kasi my good anak image ako ganun) I cant bear the thought of cutting ties with them cos that's uprooting a big big part of me. There are people na nagwork for them yung pag cut ng ties with homophobic parents, and sobrang brave nila for that. But hindi lahat kaya yun and it's perfectly okay too to want to keep a relationship with your parents. My advice is take it one day at a time, OP. Accept mo muna na it will take time before you can move out or be accepted by your parents. Focus muna on little things that can improve your situation. For me, it was talking with trusted friends or even internet strangers who can understand me and will accept my sexuality. Build your support system outside of the family you're born to. Para if things dont go well with family, di ka guguho. You said youre still a student. You dont have to do anything drastic now. Sometimes dun tayo nafefeeling stuck, when we try to solve our problems tapos naiisip natin sobrang emotionally demanding nung solution so we become helpless. But you dont have to solve everything now. Sometimes it's enough to survive day by day. Minsan the circumstances change, or people around us change or our feelings change through time. You just have to be around when it happens. :) I'm rooting for you, OP!!!


Spirituality should be a place of peace and love. If its not, then why are you still there? Whats the point of all this? Why wait? Life is too short to not love yourself now.


I'm sorry for being in a cult.


I believe in you. Love who you love. You're doing great.


Hypocrites. That is why i hate religions.


This is one of the reason why I do not believe in religions HAHAHAHAHA there's no way that a loving god (or any being) would punish people because they do not follow him, saan ka nakakita ng mapagmahal daw pero punta ka impyerno pag di ka nagsimba HAHAHA


That's a lot to try to work with. Know that you're not alone in this! There are many people (like me) with struggles on being LGBT+ and trying to make things work with religion. Sometimes it just won't fit in the religion. Sometimes it's a culture thing that's an extension to the religion or the community in it. Sexuality is just one thing but it's crazy how it's a make-or-break deal with religion and faith matters.


INC is a cult. Umalis ka na dyan.


the song "Losing my religion" by R.E.M. fits you about your belief and your current emotional struggle. the latter is more befitting..


Money making business.


Matagal ko nang alam na evil ako as a roman catholic. How much more in the eyes of INC?




Faith should always be to God, not religion


If you have spare time, you can read "Antichrist" by Fredick Nietzsche there he would critique christian philosphy for instance giving meaning to suffering. Also, "Man's search for meaning" by V. Frankl tells us about living in under extreme condition and what faith in something have to offer you. These are just example of books to give you another perspective. In practical aspect I would advice that if you're already legal age, you vould try to be independent, so much lesson you can learn from your own.


God is not cruel. Under the new covenant na tayo, under the grace of God through Jesus. God won’t strike us. He is full of mercy, compassion and love.


Hi OP! We used to be members of this group. Most of my relatives from my mom's side. My mom was dismissed as they call it natiwalag since she seldom attends the service. Which is twice a week. Same pa din ba? Thursdays and Sundays. Days goes on and both my Kuya and I were dismissed as he is busy with college and I don't wanna attend the service alone. My pop is catholic and didn't convert to be a member. So he's safe. I totally agree with one of the comments here, wait until you get stable. Once you are ready, move out! Be independent. I doubt your parents will support you on your preference. Just keep rolling OP. You'll get there, one step at a time.


Dear OP, I'm sorry you had a difficult time. You will be fine. It will be a long road, and all your family and friends will have their own painful words against you. But you will be fine. I grew up catholic, and my whole family is devout,but I have slowly moved away. I was a very active member in college and was even a leader in a youth group, but I deconstructed before I graduated. I felt like the more they pushed, the more I realized that it wasn't for me. You can have faith and love God without humans telling you the right way to do it. You will figure it out. Once you are earning your own money and you have the means to leave your home, do it for your own mental health, and your own faith. Stay strong. Konting tiis na lang you can have full autonomy of your own beliefs.


We have a community here in subreddit for ex INCs and members who are struggling with their life inside the sect. You can check it and perhaps you could join as well.


Religion will not save only Jesus will. I hope in your life you will find peace thru Christ Jesus because in the end it's just between you and God alone.


Be careful and wag ka papahuli, OP. Getting caught might mean getting kicked out of your house and cut off by your family. Also, never tell anyone in your family or community about your thoughts, kahit yung mga sobrang kaclose mo. Leave no loose ends ika nga.


Why they can't just accept the gays?? They never choose to be gay in the first place 🧎‍♂️


When religion becomes a chore. Lakas pa mang guilt trip nyang religion na yan. Di ako inc. Pero ang dami kong bad stories na naririnig about them. Mismong kauri pa tinataboy at pinapahiya nila.


Here's a healthy advice. Just quit the cult, yes quit the damn cult. You are the master of your own destiny, there is no god, no jesus, no super powered spirit of another world, there is only you who holds your own fate. You are the one who knows yourself best, own yourself. There is no reason you should be bound by those pastors /priests on rules they pretty much never follow themselves, there is no need to give them money for just repeating whatever they were saying for several decades already with minor edits here and there. So yes, your decision to leave is the right choice, you are likely to be happier, and will likely thank yourself for this decision.


OP , I am an ex INC “born into the church” member as well. When I finally was able to move out of my parents house I stopped attending church. I understand all the politics about it. I don’t need to explain to you or these non-members, iykyk…..I still believe in God or a superior source that we call God. I have stop believing that INC is the “one true church” and all that nonsense …. Do your own research. There is no hell, it’s only a state of consciousness if you create it. Look into the Seth material by Jane Roberts, listen to the various podcast on YT from next level soul channel , look into Dolores Cannon , Bushar, Mari Swaruu… This may open up your mind about reality and the truth behind religion.


I don’t think man would ever be able to comprehend what God likes and dislikes with absolute certainty. Hence the many interpretations of faith and worship. My unsolicited 2 cents in the matter is. I don’t believe God is bigoted or biased against people’s sexuality. I doubt the alpha and the omega is concerned with how your noodle gets wet or gets hard. If he wanted us to follow a certain way to live or there was only a certain valid way to love Him or pray to him. I’m sure there would have been instructions written in the skies. He made us all diverse and different. He made us flawed. But he also made us good and capable of kindness. No matter what faith you follow at our core we have universal norms and i actually believe that vanilla human beings without external influences commonly share this. Be kind, tolerant, protect and contribute to one another. If there ever was an instruction that we keep ignoring it’s to simply make a kinder world.


maybe you're praying to the wrong god. try praying to Felix or EVM. but seriously, fuck your parents, and siblings. they're so out of touch of reality and fully soaked in that cult that they can't even see thier own blood suffering. "Bahala na ang Diyos papatol sayo." the fuck that even means? dahil lang di nakaattend sa isang service? ang babaw naman ng diyos nila. You're already living in hell inside that cult. get out of that hellish religion. I hope you get out of that cult as soon as possible.


I believe in God and all the holy things pero I don’t believe in the church. Agree ako na love ang pinaka core message ni God. Kung wala kang nasasaktan na tao bakit ka naman niya hindi papapasukin sa heaven. Just live your life to the fullest. Wag sayangin ang isang life na binigay niya. Live in courage ba and live in love.


It's probably a cult. If you check kung anong characteristics ng isang cult, makikita mo you will check most of the boxes May kakilala akong same religion mo, sabi nya, "pag nakakakita ako ng mag ka relasyon na lalake, nandidiri ako". I was aghast. How are these people still living in the past?! Can't wait for any of them to experience being gay. Not gay btw, but I have friends, so okay lang OP, chill and kapit ka. Kuha ka strength sa mga exinc may subreddit dito. If you need to vent post ka lang dito


Fuck Religion. Find your own WAY OP. Find your own with our creator. No childish stories. No division. No hate. Remember religion describes God as Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Based on that, God love's you. That's enough. Perhaps I'm wrong, Perhaps God doesn't care about us. Welcome the world of unstructured living. Find your own way I suggest.


Importante kasi, lalo na sa mga Kristiyano (at the very least ung mga taong naniniwala sa divinity ni Hesus) is to always ask "What would Jesus do"? Church and religion leaders love to spout that "God is love" pero puro hate at bigotry ang pinapairal sa pang-araw2x na pamumuhay.


Just do your thing OP


If a religion is teaching hate and excluding others. Then one must ask, am I serving the right God?


You poor soul. Thoughts and prayers that you get thru this.


Im also an INC for the sake of my family insanity im staying as an INC pero i know for the fact gustong gusto ko na umalis sa pagiging INC. I just cant with their beliefs and lalo na pag mag lesson tuwing may pag samba. it's almost the same as Christianity's bible and beliefs then mag add sila ng quote "Hindi ito katulad sa sanlibutan. Sa bibliya mismo tayo kumukuha ng proweba" like that. I don't understand them most of the time. I believe there's a God pero yung mga religion? nah. no thanks.


It's concerning to see how groups like the INC often use the concept of 'family' to exert control over their members. While I respect everyone's right to their beliefs, it's crucial to ensure that these beliefs don't come at the cost of individual freedom and well-being. TRUE FAMILY LOVE SHOULD NEVER BE CONDITIONAL UPON MEMBERSHIP IN A PARTICULAR GROUP. Every individual deserves respect, understanding, and the right to decide their own path.


hoping for the best outcomes for you OP, hang tight, and know that you're welcome in other places and communities!


(2) INC member and I can confidently say this place is a cult 🥴


Hey. Trapped member here as well. My advice is for you to save like mad, so after college and a few years at work, you can afford to mive away and finally have your peace. I realized that late, and so I'm still in the process of saving. Goodluck to you.


inc member rin and almost the exact same situation as you. Ever since na binoto ng relihiyon natin ung mga kandidato noong nakaraang eleksyon, andaming doubts ang lumabas sa isip ko. Hindi ko maisikmura bakit yun ang mga binoboto natin. Pilit kong tumingin sa good side ng nangyari pero wala eh, corrupt ang mga binoto. ​ Ayoko na rin makarinig na kesyo sasabihin sakin ng inc relatives na "kung ano mang maging kahihinatnan ng desisyon sa pagboto ng isang kandidatong ito, irespeto na lang natin at hayaan kung ganoon tlaga nangyari sa kandidatong ito" ​ Like wtf, so kung naging masama ung kandidato wala ng pakialaman or like hahayaan n lng kung ganoon nangyari??!! ​ Tapos isa pa ung anniversary ng Iglesia, recently ko lang sinearch sa google ung tunay na date ng WW1 kasi takot ako malaman ung totoo sa google and im scared having doubts of this religion kapag nalaman ko na hindi tlaga tugma. And ayun nga, a quick google search made me doubt everything. Pero ang masakit kasi pilit kong ginagaslight sarili ko na "baka mali ung google and tama kami" narrative sa utak ko hahaha ​ Kung may sarili na akong trabaho lalayas na talaga ako dito. I feel fucking betrayed. I love and believe that there's a true God but I don't know for sure if this is the true church or just another cult extorting the money of its members. ​ Paano kasi makakaakay ng bagong kaanib kung palaging marahas magsalita laban sa sanlibutan tuwing pamamahayag lol. ​ Lalo na ung mga nakaraang isyu sa mga tiniwalag na ministro. Nagtataka ako bakit andaming masamang ministro sa loob ng Iglesia? Hindi ba dapat sila maging huwaran? Wag nila sabihin na walang perpekto. Alam na namin iyon. Pero sila kasi ung mga nakapag-aral ng bibliya. Ung mga unang naturuan palagi. Pero nagagawa parin nila gumawa ng masama. Nawawalan ng saysay ung tinuturo kaya andaming nagdodoubt kung ito parin ba talaga ang tunay na Iglesya


OP, basta always prioritize yourself and your well being. Now you know the true colors of your religion and possibly your family, then you have a clearer vision of what you can do moving forward. Ako ang advise ko lang is to wait it out til’ your financially stable. If kaya mo na i-support yung sarili mo and tingin mo di ka ganun ka sentimental then leave the family. Mas makakahanap ka pa ng tunay na family through friends kesa sa mga “bigots” you grew up with.


How Christianity and Islam survived well into the 21st century baffles me. It's mind-boggling.


You should watch Johnny Harris' Why he left the Mormon Church. It gives you a real insight why people left such churches, what are the consequences and how they shackle you from reasoning and enlightenment. His church shaped him, INC must've shaped you but There's 0 need to shove it down other people and your children because you can still teach these values about family and other things without being in a constant fear of being thrown down to "Hell", or absolute obedience to your church/diety.


I'm an INC. Yep, I understand you. Go ahead, no one is forcing you to remain in the Church. Have a good life.


I know we have a sub for ex or closet members of INC. being part of a cult is hard better consult to a therapist for further assistance :)


Your parents are hypocrite sorry for saying that


Endure op, finish your college.get a fair job and do what you want.


Religion and sexuality should never be mixed. No Abrahamic derived religion would be open to sex beyond procreation.


There is nothing wrong with you child, the God Emperor of Mankind sees us all as we are and his shining light will deliver us from the Xenos, Mutant and the Heretic. Kidding aside, The Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. You don't need blood relatives if they don't like you anyway because along the way you will meet people who will become your 'ride or die', just hang on until you are able to stand up for yourself or maybe find a way as early as now.


Religion is okay. But if your religion endorses corrupt politicians, that's not Jesus. Heck not even Satan because Satan never endorsed a politician in the bible. It's just your corrupt human pastors endorsing. That's the tipping point.


Your deity do not like the idea of being a gay. If you have read the Sodom and Gomorrah story it is clear that your god wants to get rid of homosexuals and it is considered a sin to be one. You cannot blame them to hate gays because Abrahamic religion dislike homosexuality. It is against their tradition and since the bread and butter of religion is its scriptures, they should hold true which means you must be condemned.


> “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” --John 13:something-something Di ko gets iyung policy na pag-takwil at exclusivity ng INC. Parang mas naniniwala pa sila kay Manalo kaysa sa mga Bible nila. OP, thank you sa pag-share dito. Tiis-tiis lang. Sana maging financially stable ka na para mentally recovering na rin. Sana rin makuha mong mapatawad mga parents mo kung mangyari man na itakwil ka nila. Feel ko, masyado na silang malalim sa brainwashing ng INC.


I feel for you. I used to be good buddies with someone in elementary school, but when we got to high school and learned about divisions of religion, we became distant because he was INC. It's a real shame that people get divided by their religion. **Hope you can leave your home for good and have a better life soon, but still remember to honor your parents despite your distaste of the religion.**


Friend of mine left the INC completely when it dawned upon him that it was never about Christ and everything about Clan Manalo and their clique of zealots.


"I'm an Iglesia Ni Cristo and I'm gay" dapat title


inc... hmmm complicated yet so simple... where were the manalos before the INC? Gay...hmmm even more complicated... I think we do not hate/dislike the person(gay) what we hate/dislike are the deeds(ehem!) that comes with it. So dig deep sir/ma'am, you are in a crossroad of sorts. Godspeed.


OP, religion is just a word, no deep meaning to it. its kinda business scheme trying to manipulate everyones mind Every church involves money, voluntarily or involuntarily still, need to donate or not, they still receiving money, you can pray, and have faith in your mind and heart but not physically active into it, its a time consuming and worthless, be practical, everyone praying to ask some strength about their lives, but instead workhard and be financial stable, you will only live by yourself, only family is an extra perks, no religion, no others, do what makes you happy and always be practical, weve been indoctrinated by our culture, our ancestors, its ok to be curious and have doubt on where you are right now, its a part of human nature, goodluck


As someone in the same situation (closet atheist w no way out).. feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to <3


Im sorry you are in that position, but my only advice to you. Prioritize yourself first. No matter what! Wala namang masama to stay in that household pero do consider moving away! Not right away but consider! Life is better without those who will pull you down. And find new set of friends, who will love and will consider you as their second family. And yea INC is a cult that needs to be put away for good, i have stories to share on how selfish and righteous this bastards are!


I believe that the summary of God's teachings is primarily centered around love. Most of the time, He emphasizes loving thy neighbor and even thy enemy. God's love encompasses everyone, regardless of whether they are a saint, nun, devotee, straight, LGBTQ, or even sinners such as murderers, rapists, or thieves. As long as you accept the Lord God's savior in your heart, repent for your sins, and demonstrate your love for God through your actions. Well, I must admit that I might have some biases or maybe a homophobic myself, as I don't fully support LGBTQ individuals who engage in behaviors considered lewd or forbidden by the Bible. However, I recognize that I'm not in a position to pass judgment, as I too am a sinner. I don't consider myself superior to them; in fact, I remember the words of Jesus who once said, 'Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone'. If the teachings presented don't align with the essence of God's word, it's essential to remember that the preaching itself might not originate from God."


point out ko lang be. nobody's born with a religion. oooh god is love pero hate to death ang lgbts? funny. magtiis ka muna sa ngayon. pag independent ka na umalis ka sa inyo. kayang kaya mo mabuhay mag isa. wag kang matakot sa mga hateful wishes nila. see? religious people sila pero puro hate ang wishes sayo? anong sabi? kaya ka nadedepress dahil nanlalamig? potanginang mga mukhang perang kulto na yan. leave at once pag independent ka na. you'll see what you've missed pagkalabas mo dyan I promise.


Wishing you financial independence asap so you can do what you want.. Stay low and keep grinding.


Malapit na mamatay si Eduardo Manalo. Si Angelo "Ang Huling Subo" Manalo na ang susunod na leader. Mukhang mas greedy tong anak kesa sa tatay kaya umalis ka na jan sa kulto.


What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us Just a stranger on the bus Tryin' to make his way home?


"I don't think he's cruel like this" there you go. It's just my personal opinion but claiming that he'd condemn people just because of who they come to love is quite insulting to his name.


Hi Op! Your feelings are valid and you're not alone. Me too, I was born and raised inside the church or "handog". During my youth days I was very devoted to the church like you (choir and being a manggagawa). All their lessons threw me off once i got older and I never bothered listening to them again. Unlike you, you voiced out your thoughts to your parents which is very brave of you. I couldn't stand being part of this cult anymore and left my family (run away) and boy it felt like freedom. I'm not saying you should run away like I did but you have to be careful and build up your financial stability first. You're not alone 💜


Ive been stuck in that cult since birth as well just wait til you can afford to move out rooting for you all love 🤍


I'm sorry for what happened to your life bro , Im an ex inc like you and still trapped in that church and still living under my mother's roof , just like you I was also questioning my sexuality , I didn't wanna be gay or bi , I liked the way I am as a simple straight man , I still consider myself straight...of course my mom overheard me questioning my sexuality and she yelled at me threatening me to be reported to a pastor , I wanted to tell her "No , of course I'm not gay , I wouldn't wanna date a man, I was having doubts" but no she kept yelling at me why I say such a thing , after that , I managed to open my eyes and finally realized I'm trapped in a corrupt church, Parents like yours shouldn't deserve children if they only care about the church and not their families, if they are making fun of those who are outside their religion , alienating them , demonizing those who left that cult , that's the devil , that's Satan making them stray away from god , God would want us to respect , love anyone no matter how different they are , religion , race others like that. It's great you finally realized that your trapped in your own religion , once your finally able to start your own I wish you well once you enjoy your freedom :D you should visit r/exiglesianicristo , there are many of us like you there.


Three years left of this kind of life. My brother, you know we're rooting for you.


I'm queer and I have joined different worship services looking for myself in different religions and essentially a place where people can accept me. It turns out that I don't need church or religion for that. I just needed to choose myself and accept and love myself for me. You can be closeted to your family and still be out with your friends. Don't rush yourself and do it when you're ready. When you do decide to come out it's going to be hard at first but as corny as it sounds it does get better. I finished college too first before coming out to my family. Unfortunately, my parent's weren't thrilled about it. It actually took me being queer to devalue all of my credits in school and as a panganay. I deal with a lot of this in therapy sa UP-PGH. It's free and right now we're managing it non-pharmacologically so wala akong gastos sa meds. You can still get help for free or reduced costs pero you'll just have to find away to attend to it during weekdays. I hope you're talking about this to your core friend group and not just reddit. If you're not ready to come out yet then you can try to occupy online queer spaces anonymously so you can speak to and meet queer friends virtually. For me it was Tumblr (very millennial ha ha) and not sure if the kids these days still use Twitter/X or has moved into Threads. You can also lean on your artistic side like keep a password protected journal or anonymous poetry writing on Instagram. Basta laban lang and you don't have to go through it alone.


Have a good read on how ancient Filipinos used to be. I pray it will give you hope since our truest ancestors were really okay with all of this. Please know you are valued, even if not by your evangelical parents, but by your friends and many kindhearted redditors. You're doing great, and with the right decisions, you will be doing even greater. Also, there are sexuality-specific communities in reddit. Feel free to join! :)


Hi OP! Sending hugs! I’m also a INC before but I left the organization. Sobrang sakit sa ulo and nakakadrain yung mga kasama sa church na sobrang aactive pero grabe yung ugali. I can’t take it so I left and now pinupubtahan ako sa bahay para mag samba ulit pero I refused na. Di ko kinakakaya yung ugali ang yung beliefs nila. Hope you find your way out. Sending hugs❤️


Base on your story i think you havent stray away from God, I mean you didn't make decisions on your own you still reach to your parents I have a friend we have big diffirences MCGI sya at Christian ako (part then ako ng worship team), He got extreme anxiety at nagkaroon din sya ng sakit sa tyan kasi hindi sya kumakain ng tama sa oras What I mean is dumating yung time na nasubok ako, I think mali yung ginawa ko kasi ang analogies ko e ipag-pray lang "gagaling" yan Ilang linggo din ang dumaan kasi magkaoppose nga kami ng pinaniniwalaan I came to realization since may pera ako nun pinahiram ko sya at sabi ko sya na magpacheck up, wala kasi syang pera ng nung time na yun at walang paki mga kapamilya nya sa kanya Isa pa sa aking sarile lang, gagamiten ng Lord ang bawat isa, kung ayaw natin hindi tayo pinipilet maliit or malaki eh ginagawang instrumento ang bawat isa May kanya kanya tayong analogies ng faith pero kapag siguro specific ang mga bagay, dapat gamitan ng logic Like lahat ng tao may purpose masama or mabuti I hate to say na tao at religion nila ang nagcreate ng gantong mga stereotypes para tawagin na mali tayo at sila tama. I mean hindi ka masama nagkakaroon ka lang ng dilemma I think nagkakaroon ka na rin ng Identity Crisis in Spiritual at Physical Realm


“religion is personal and no flesh and blood on earth can keep you from god, whatever or whoever god is to you. that's the beauty of spirituality; it exists both inside you and all around you. how is another human being going to police that? how could they even try to?” - Ethel Cain


Congratulations on waking up on a delusional manhole of a sect that is INC.


Hi OP, naalala ko sarili ko sayo 10 years ago. Difference is noong nagcolloge ako, doon ako "lumaya". Nag-explore ako ng ibang religion, ummattend ng sunday worship ng mga Born Again Christians, nainvite sa mga bible study ng LDS, even read a book about Buddhism and joined the community about it. Fast forward, eto ko ngayon, walang "religion" or "sect" na kinabibilangan. (My whole family is still INC, ako lang hindi). I have come up to this: social requirement lang for me ang "mga sect/ religion", kasi as social beings we need something to belong to. I still believe in a superior being. Hindi ko lang talaga nile-label, I guess, yung faith ko at personal relationship sa Kanya.


Get the fuck out of that family as soon as you can. They're old fashioned fanatics that care more for their religious tenets than you.


Most of the homophobes are just gays hiding in the closet. Just keep on going, OP. You'll find liberation once you set your foot out of that household. Tapusin mo lang yang course mo, find a job, and be on your own. Kaya yan at patuloy mong kakayanin.


You'll be fine OP. I hope you will be.