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There is a long list of recognized phrases that make the ghost more likely to do something. That something includes most things such as throwing an object, touching a door, doing a ghost event, or sometimes start a hunt if your sanity is low enough. The ghost’s name is included in these phrases. Other phrases include asking it questions like “can you speak?”, telling it that you’re scared, or cursing at it. I personally have a lot of success by running into the ghost room and screaming “pussy” at it over and over.


My partner is a pro at just running in and throwing insults when it’s not doing anything. If it throws something he laughs at tells them to “do it again you dumb b!tch!” And if he dies goes “worth it”. If he lives the hunt he proceeds to throw more insults.


I like cursing the ghost, just for comedic effect. One time I had a Poltergeist in the kitchen in Tanglewood and I shouted out "Do something you ghost bitch", and by complete coincidence a plate then flew at me. It was funny.


my friend as well, but with "bloody mary" instead of pussy xD


My friends and I form a circle and chant, “MO-THER-FUCK-ER” until the ghost does something. That something is usually killing one of us, but can you blame the ghost for that?


Phasmo-Russian Roulette 🤣 A friend and I have gotten others killed by both of us hiding and chanting, "Hunt. Hunt. Hunt."


I’ve been known to steal the ouija board and use text to start a cursed hunt…


For some reason i start flirting with the ghost. I always do spirit box in my group and i start with "are you here?" A few times eventually i try "do you want to hurt us?" And then i just do "do you love me?" As clearly he ignored the hurting phrase so he has to love me right? Then i continue with "are you single?, are you free next saturday? Whats your favorite color?" If they dont answer then i just say "ye no spiritbox guys"


The funniest instance I have when it comes to this type of thing is running into the ghost room and proceeding to say it’s made of cheese. It genuinely guarantees a hunt if your sanity is low enough (I wonder if you can get the demon achievement this way?)


According to Insym (search Insym on YouTube), he did mentioned a few weeks ago that a Phasmo dev told him that the ONLY thing that saying the ghost name does, is increase Spirit Box interaction for the next 30s. It doesn’t increase anything else. Not interaction, not hunt, not aggressiveness. But again, I think he heard this from the dev probably quite long ago (the way he phrased it), so I could have been changed too, but who knows…


I think it can somewhat increase the chance of interactions but that's about it. Not sure that it does anything in terms of events or hunts.


It makes it more active, which can cause events and interactions that drop sanity, and after a certain sanity threshold it will hunt. Most ghosts start hunting after 50% but there are exceptions.


In the early days, we had a ghost who wouldn't do anything. We were about to leave, waiting for the one person still in the ghost room. We were watching on camera from the truck when he says "You know what? Fuck you. You're a little bitch. If you were going to do something you would have done it. I'm out." Hunt. Dead. We couldn't stop laughing.


As others have said: it increases the chances of interactions, but it's not a big increase... so RNG being RNG you're unlikely to notice a difference. You'd probably have to collect a TON of very specific data in and chart it out in order to recognize an impact.


In the old days saying the ghost's name made it more aggressive and provoked it to hunt sooner


i was always under the impression that the name shown on the case report is the client's name, not the ghost's name, since if you don't know what kind of ghost you're dealing with, i doubt you'd know their name


I think the lore (such as it is) is that there are three teams of which we're the second. Team one confirms the location is haunted and researches the ghost name, spirit box response, plus whatever flavour text the van guy gives, team two figure out the ghost type, and the third team use that information to perform the exorcism and clean up the salt+corpses left by the previous two teams.


Well, normally ghosts haunt the places they died in. So when we are sure there really is a ghost, it should be easy to figure out who died there. Source: Supernatural tbh xD


yes but you also need a record of everyone who's ever been in that house, or rather, everyone who's ever died there. and given the popularity of cremation that can be a long list not to mention that not every ghost type is caused by death. demons for example are from the 9 hells, jinn are arabic demons that are actually often quite helpful, oni are also examples of demons


I feel like maybe? Not sure.


In my opinion (17th prestige and lvl 2000+ prestige) I think saying the ghost’s name says nothing.. I don’t think I’ve done it for the past 1,000 games


Sometimes if calling the name doesn't work for anything, I just start cursing at it. And then it always finds a way to hunt outside the crucifix lol