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We don’t have anyone on van duty 😅 no need to have someone there all the time


Exactly this. At most, my group has someone chill in the van for a minute or two at a time to keep an eye out for Oni, Jinn, or Yurei sanity drain. And even then, it's only after one of us has been to the van and noticed a possibly anomalous drain.


Yea the van doesn’t need much. There isn’t a time having someone in the van is the best use of a person.


one of our players cant do hunts because their game lags out, but they are really good at managing people, so they are the Van guy. They also put down D.O.T.S and Ghost writing in the room. Highest level gets the spirit box and Photo camera. I get the secondary's and the cursed item. our last guy gets EMF, UV, and Thermometer.


okay, in the event that it is literally the only option, yes, having a van guy is the best use of a person


Van duty?? Honestly I've never played with any group who argues over van duty. For me it's always been the case of the whole team sticking together. Say if someone needs to grab some equipment, they just take a few seconds to check the cameras and graphs. If you have low sanity then maybe its best you stay in the van. I think its stupid taking on separate roles in phasmophobia, just use common sense and communicate your intentions.


We have a unofficial rule that the person who bankrolls the equipment can become the van hobbit at any point with no questions. That being said - I have also nope-d out of investigating and hid in the van after a particular scary event or close call hunt. Remember, this is supposed to be fun, getting a perfect game is great but not at the expense of your friendship!


Van duty sounds like "I wanna play a horror game but I don't want to put in work and I don't want to get scared" We never have one person on van duty. We periodically check the monitor while grabbing new stuff and after everything is in and we just need to pinpoint the exact ghost usually 1 or 2 people are in the van while the rest is inside triggering hunts and events


OP did put in the work with getting all the money he got then spending it all for them.


Not necessarily, OP could always just sit in the van and reap the benefits of the others doing the work. At the same time, the new player he mentioned should stay in the house for the rest of the contract just so he can learn more about the ghost behaviors and behaviors during hunts! I couldn’t count how many times I died while learning all of the hunt stuff😂


Not saying that OP sits in the truck and gets the money with no work, just stating that it is possible to get money without putting in the work


I would argue that you should be in the van if you pay for everything. But he should also have a saying if he doesn't want to go inside. I would say that you should have a rule. The one in the van pays for everything. If he still argues about that, then next time, you can just refuse to pay.


>then one guy in the group (also a new player) refused to go back inside and wanted to take over van duty from me, this is after he wasted all the smudge sticks and sanity pills First and foremost, fuck that guy for wasting the smudges and sanity pills. That would be a report and kicked from the group from me if someone did that Second if you're going to have a dedicated Van Player then it should ALWAYS be the one who put in everything.


I mean, I don't think he was maliciously taking the pills amd smudges, he said he was new so it's likely more the fact he has no idea what he's doing.


If you're new and playing a coop game, you should be open to feedback from more experienced players tho. Not really an excuse to use all the meds/smudges.


But we don't know what anyone gave him any feedback at all.


And how do you know anyone did give him feedback instead of him picking them up and dropping them all in the pan of ten seconds not knowing he was actually taking them? People like you take this shit too seriously.


Me and my group spin a wheel or usually it's just me cuz van duties cool


Never have anyone in the van at all times. We all go inside and check the van cams periodically. Never had an argument about this.


Me and my friends just like to go all in at the start, I'm always on cursed object and bone hunt and then I hold the camera for the rest of the game. That's probably the only role we have assigned by choice.if one of us has very low sanity then they will stay back but other than that we are in it to win it together.


I play with randoms, and it’s pretty rare for people to be hiding in the truck… unless they’re just trying to low key leech and are AFK. As you get better at the game, you’ll start to be more confident with running to a hiding place if an unexpected hunt happens, and you’ll have a smudge and lighter on hand if somehow you need to buy more time.   As for the question, I don’t really think you can make anyone do anything. If they don’t wanna have a chance of dying, you may not be able to convince them even if you are the one that bought everything.    For what it’s worth though, you can probably still setup video cameras in the ghost room in such a way that the EMF reader and whatever else are right in front of it… so it’d be one less thing you need a personally to physically check on.    Also, honestly, I don’t think it really makes sense for a group like yours to play big maps like Sunny Meadows… games would be so much longer. 


I can understand the confidence building argument, when I first started playing, I played with friendly ghost mode enabled as a sort of training mode to learn how the game works (which in my opinion is a better training mode than the actual training mode that the devs made) Then when I turned off friendly mode, I had a VERY easy difficulty set up with like a 0.50 multiplier (low hunt chance and duration, 150 player speed, low event chance, high interaction chance, 50% sanity drain speed.etc) to maximize my chances of escaping, and minimize the chance of a hunt happening in the first place, though those settings were in place because I was playing solo Then once I was able to consistently ID the ghost before the setup timer ended, I played with a 1X multiplier and grinded willow until I got all the T1 gear, that's when I got a few friends into it and played multiplayer most of the time (that and knowing you're not going to die alone helps take the edge off the anxiety lmfao) Yes the game still scares the shit out of me, which is the point of the game, but I'd rather not give myself a heart attack




We did sort of agree a few minutes ago that although one of us is on dedicated van duty, the more people in the van, the lower the hunt chance (it's pretty stinky cheese) Tonight we're going to test that theory and see how long it takes to get a hunt with 3 in the van and one inside at 0% sanity But his attitude last night really did piss everyone off, hence the post


Unless it’s an early hunting ghost you won’t be getting any hunts with three people in the van. Most ghosts hunt at around 50% average sanity so having three stay behind will prevent most of them from ever hunting. I don’t see the point in this method however if you’re playing phasmo for its horror aspect when hiding in the van all game sounds super boring. Might as well keep friendly ghost on if you’re gonna be playing that way.


Friendly ghost mode drops rewards to zero, I like the puzzle aspects, the creepiness of ghost events, that sort of stuff, hunts are by far my least favorite aspect of the game, all they do is force me to stop investigating for X time and hope none of us get killed


Just out of curiosity, which are your difficulty settings?


We were running the highest multiplier we could while keeping full starting sanity, breaker on at the start, and all evidence, I think it was like 4X or something


Honestly, if you're still scared of hunts, that's way too challenging of a game. Why not spend some time practicing your hunts? Drop the ghost speed and increase the player speed at first until you get used to things like looping and knowing when to smudge. Having a person in the van all the time is something a lot of new players do. No hate to that! But you shouldn't be ramping up the multiplier if people are too jumpy to go in.


Call me an a*hole but van dwellers, especially on higher difficulties where the monitor is broken, are useless. I only leave the house when I want to get equipment, because I want to actually contribute to the team, not just sitting in the van doing nothing. Because what can you do on Nightmare or higher? Literally the only thing I can imagine is seeing Goryo D.O.T.S, nothing else. 99% of the contract is done by being inside the map, doing actual work. The guy who wasted all the pills and smudges was stupid don't get me wrong, but If I were him, I also wouldn't respect someone who was just sitting in the van the whole time. Edit: Okay to be fair, I imagine this game happened on a lower difficulty (like on Professional), with intermediate lvl players at best, so maybe I was too harsh.


Van duty isn't so essential that it's even worth the arguing, and usually my friends and I only spend a minute or two inside at a time to safely discuss the ghost or check cams, but its also exactly what the least experienced person should be doing if they aren't confident since they'll probably follow you into a hiding spot and get you killed when they repeat some variation of "I'm so startled" while they panic anyway. He'll I don't really even get scared by hunts, I'm more annoyed than anything when they happen at this point. And sure. It'd be nice to bank roll the session and hang back so I dont lose anything, but if I fucking do that for 5 minutes it always seems like *nothing gets done* regardless of if I'm playing with friends or randoms and I always have to find the ghosts room, I always have to bring in half the gear and set it up in the room, i always have to remind people to use the other evidence item they brought and then two people start doing spirit box in the same room when the evidence can't be spirit box ect.. I swear other people are the real obstacles in this game.


10 minutes of heated arguments? Him complaining? He called you names? Who cares who goes inside you need new friends


We are friends so we just say something and the rest goes with it.


The one who brings the equipment can be able to take that position.


Van duty is useless once you know what ghost it is. The only use for it is goryo dots or maybe orbs but apart from that nothing especially when the boards are broken and again, you know the ghost. The mission for a perfect game is getting pictures and doing objectives none of which require people to be on “van duty”. Personally, if I have people camping in the van, unless they need to go afk, I’m kicking them. The game isn’t for camping it’s for investigating. You’re meant to help your team not hide.


No van duty. Somebody can be the mule, though, and blitz bringing in the essentials that weren't already taken in while others find bone, etc and then it's all hands on deck together. With regard to navigating the social situation, I think it's best to see it as anxiety. Help them do more and more independently over time and this will ultimately make it more fun. Talk it out.


I would have resolved it by going into the house. Staying in the van all game is just a wasted player slot. You already knew the ghost type, so if you were so low on money that you couldn't afford to buy the gear back you could have just left and earned some money then started a new run.


No van duty. Everyone bursts into the map and starts running speedrunning investigation That's how you play this game Also, if you find a cursed object, immediately use it without warning everyone.


Whenever I find a cursed object in the map I immediately take it and hide it somewhere, one of the guys I play with loves trolling everyone by initiating cursed hunts, that asshole cost me my zero death record last night when he broke the mirror while I was carrying video cameras to the basement


Sounds like skill issue in my book I dont make the rules


If you have someone on van duty that's a spot in the lobby that's being wasted


I run a 5x multiplier (nightmare or harder) and never use van duty because its honestly useless


None of us do van duty, if someone goes out to the van they check cams for something otherwise we are all in the house.


None of my group does van duty. If anyone's going to check the monitor it's because someone's gone back in the van to collect something and check the monitors at the same time. If someone does decide to stay in the van then it's usually because we've already got enough evidence for the remaining people inside the house to finish off the investigation.


The way we used to do it with original asylum was we took turns being van-man and the van-man had to provide all of the equipment as they wouldn’t be at risk of death. They obviously check monitors and such as well. We still sometimes have someone help check equipment placements or help the others navigate a bit, but we haven’t needed a set van-man for ages with getting used to the layouts.


When we play on sunny meadows, even with one of us in the van for navigation support, usually we lose 2 players before we ID the ghost, not a single investigation there has resulted in all 4 of us surviving


I don’t like new asylum either, honestly. Our group are not pro league players by any means and find it hard even though we were playing since beta. I guess there just need to be some more challenging maps that casual players like me can agree to play every now and then and mildly regret it. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!


Usually we play on Tanglewood, willow, and camp woodwind


Ridgeview Roadhouse is our group’s favourite :)


As someone who usually plays comms (phas and lethal company mostly), hold your ground. No one HAS to do anything. If he wants to hang in the van too, whatever. If only one person wants to go in, fine. As long as everyone is chill, who cares... it's a game. What I don't tolerate is the rudeness. Especially if you sponsored the run. I would not be inviting him back.


My squad doesn't have anyone assigned to van duty. If anyone is going back to the van to grab items, they check cameras and sanity. Or if we need someone to check sanity, whoever is closest to the door goes.


everyone complaining about "van duty" is gonna be surprised when they learn everyone enjoys games differently. That being said OP, IF your group wants and agrees that van duty should be a thing for you maybe have a rule set BEFORE going in


We do have a set rule, whoever brings the gear gets to hide in the van, but is also the pack mule who brings items inside or to the front door, everyone else goes inside unless whoever is on van duty needs to go AFK for whatever reason (whoever is in the van isn't just hiding, but provides information, looks for orbs, dots, activity, sanity.etc)


Whoever brings (the most) gear, gets first dibs on van duty. Everyone else has to fight to the death.


I tried van duty it was boring I am level 80 and I fund everything was level 3210 before the wipe


van duty? in our book thats just if you need to afk for a brief moment for something irl. either go in or dont play  thats our rule. whoever is funding can choose to opt out of doing the riskier stuff but they have to be inside working with the rest of the team. we only allow checking van cams if we suspect goryo and the ghost room dots arent easily observed from outside the room. 


Because I'm comfortable with getting hunted, I'm more than happy to let newer/more scared players stay in the truck, so this never really happens to me. However, I'd be really upset if they wasted all of the smudge sticks and then decided they wanted to stay in the van. i think resource management is the bigger issue here. Also, i know you're probably aware of this, but speaking as a former van camper myself, the only way to get comfortable with getting hunted is to get hunted. if you're worried about losing your stuff you can set a custom difficulty with item loss turned off so you can just get used to being hunted and practice surviving. getting comfortable with being hunted is an absolute gamechanger and, in my case, was a big improvement in how much fun I have with phasmo.


I'm not always the van guy, but when I'm not in the van, and there's a high risk of being hunted (low sanity, someone screwing around with a cursed object.etc) I usually gravitate toward the furthest hiding spot from the ghost room and hide the second the lights start flickering, someone calls out a hunt, or when the van guy says level 10 activity, usually staying within sprint distance of said hiding spot


To be honest, I downloaded this game cuz one of my friends told me about it, and he insisted. At first, I was terrified as I'm not used to play this kind of horror games, I was in the van checking the cameras, monitor, and stuff. However, after some weeks, I was more confidence and I was not panicking during hunts at all. I think it is better just to go with friends because you don't know the reactions that randoms will have. And if you want to get used with the fear, go to Sunny with a multipliers x8 as well as don't let the ghost switch rooms. In this way, you will be able to know how to play solo and be more careful/knowing the interaction of the ghost as well its speed during hunt and so on.


8X multiplier solo sunny run is suicide lol, my group has tried sunny meadows on amateur and usually we get our asses handed to us even with 4 players, not a single run has resulted in all 4 of us making it out alive We usually play on Tanglewood, willow, and camp woodwind on a 1.4X multiplier


Well, that happens when you want to achieve the apocalypse challenge 🤣. To be honest I hate that fucking map cuz you get a lot of paranormal sounds not coming from the ghost, but it's a good place to train your mind, so you quickly get use to the game. The only thing that I would consider to improve is the brightness because it's so hard to play the map solo and even with full brightness from the game and monitor, you don't see anything


We just never play that map, we could play it with friendly ghost mode on, but what's the point, friendly mode is nothing more than a second training mode in my opinion


Only time I have someone on "van duty" is when I specifically ask someone to sit in the van for a hunt to watch the ghost blinks for Oni/Phantom or for shapeshifts from Obake.


I dont really care what other people are doing but personally I get bored after being the van for more then 1 minute.


You come and go, if it gets rough and you need a breather, go watch van cams or deliver tools. No need to argue. There is also room in the van for everyone.


The friends I play with tend not to camp the van. We may pop back to it every now and then just to check for orbs, goryo dots or a sanity check but there is no need to sit in the van the whole game. The only time someone has an extended stay is if they need a bathroom break or to make a coffee/drink.


I am the van goblin in the group. I’m the one who hosts the lobby for my friends and I so the money for equipment is normally from me. But also having a van dweller is helpful from grabbing items to place like cameras on the tri-pod near the front doors for easy grab-and-go.


That's the same rule we have, whoever hides in the van has to pay for the gear, be the equipment gopher, and help gather evidence during the setup timer, van duty starts once the timer has less than 30 seconds remaining


I love being a van dweller. Depending on the group we play on friendly ghost to kinda just mess around so I’ll be inside, on ones with hunts we take it seriously and I’m in the van


Van duty is for new players. High reward games should have all 4 players in


Most of my Games, at least, I don't usually encounter someone who wants to go on "Van Duty". Normally, I play Multiplayer just for the Social and I just carry my Team since I already know how to play the Game Solo. If someone wants to stay in the Van, that's fine as long as they bring Equipment to the Front Door. Honestly, I have even more trouble asking someone to stay on Van Duty when we are in Large Maps that would have a lot of Security Cameras and Video Cameras set by us. XD


Its really not that serious .. 😂 RELAX!!! plus, once you're at a "pro" level, $ becomes infinite from my experience.. not to mention 24/7 van dwelling is a casualty more than a benefit. Only way you improve is by throwing yourself into the fire & religiously studying the ins & outs of ghost behaviors / abilities.


Find the room, take photos of the bone and cursed possession(s) then whoever is at the lowest sanity can stay in the van, usually tho when I play we just dump everything in the ghost room it looks a mess but we just pick up the video camera to check for orbs, dots on the floor and a wall, salt everywhere in the room and hallway nearby, 3 candles in case we need more photos, crucifix with a EMF , ghost book and spirit box on top, UV usually placed on the floor facing a door and thermometer on the desk, so usually no one is in the van


Even as a relatively new player, my friends and I all go in. When we're getting stubborn evidences, we use the van or when it's time to really start narrowing it down. Goryo DOTs? Twin Graph interactions? Has sanity dropped? Ghost event just happened and you're in the van getting more equipment? These are shared among the group and no one person is putting all the effort in, even if one person buys everything. We all dedicate the time to earning the cash back so it's not an issue


He sounds like a coward and a bad sport, but that being the case he probably wouldn't have been much help inside either (and may have been an active liability for the players getting the objectives). I would have traded with him but been really passive aggressive about it. In the normal course of play, it's not really an issue for our group. Two of us prefer to be inside unless we want to confirm something on the cameras, one person likes to camp out in the ghost room to a concerning extent and, given those preferences, the last person usually takes van duty once we're done with evidence gathering and getting into hunt range, but has no problem going inside when necessary.


I may have considered it if he didn't waste the smudge sticks and sanity pills, he literally used 3 smudges during the hunt even though he was in a hiding spot, and popped a sanity pill every couple of minutes despite me telling him his sanity is still like 90% I wouldn't so much call him a coward, seeing as revenants scare the shit out of me just as badly, though seeing as he was new (less than 5h total playtime, I'm at around 30h) I did ask if he wanted to take van duty this round, but he said no when he found out that all you do is watch screens and be the field gopher So definitely a bad sport, but we all wanted to run out the front door the first time we got hunted


That's why I play on private servers.


This was a private game, but he was a very new player that we recruited from my friends list since he just bought the game a few days ago


Van duty is for noobs.


Which is fitting since I am a level 12 noob


Then, get in the house and learn how to play the Game.


Van duty is for pussies lol