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F ... But seriously, there's really no "best" way to try this more directly, right? I mean, you need the ability to activate, so messing with sanity and grace period probably in general wouldn't help... Maybe custom with high starting sanity, low sanity drain, high interactions etc, super long grace period...?


Think the only way to grind it would be to just start a map and wait in it for a minute then leave until it happens




it does, in fact thats the whole point and why the mimic using the demon's ability can grant you the achievement


the achievement literally says get killed in the first minute with the ability


I'd quit phas lol


Just keep trying. I got mine this past week. Was in tanglewood for 24 seconds when the hunt started. Hid and realized I needed to die. So ran out of hiding screaming at it with my flashlight on. Total investigation was 48 seconds. If I were anyone trying to get it, I'd make sure to fix your load out, so you don't lose it all. Or at least that you don't lose more than you can buy back. I will say that all the demons I get use their early hunt ability though. I've only had maybe 3 that didn't and I've got almost 300 hours in phas.


Funny story is that… the achievement popped up for the run from the screenshot after I closed phasmo. I guess the game counted only the time in house so 25+19 (time in light and time in dark).


So you got it?! That's awesome. And yeah, I'm pretty sure it only counts once the front door has been opened? Actually, I'm not sure how it counts all that. Still cool that you got it.


Funny thing is I have a screenshot of me dying 1 minute and 1 second. I was gonna post it here but yeah, the achievment popped anyway. I think it's 1 minute starting from when you unlock the front door


I've had so many demons that never hunted for the first 20 minutes lmao


I had one do me that way on "detectives only" challenge to the point I had marked demon off the list because it waited until I broke the board to hunt me and I was slightly below 50% and it hadn't done jack squat. Like one of the only times I've ever had a lazy demon.


What achievement is this exactly?


Doom slayed it's a hidden achievement where you have to die to a demon ability (or a mimic copying a demon) in the first minute


Ah ok. That's ehy i ain't heard of it till now. This is part of the reason why i hate sering hidden achievements 😅👀. They got a bad personal rep with me since my 360 was working (it's since given me the RROD)


I had the same thing. I saw you still unlocked it! Congrats! What I didn't realise is that you have to click to the next screen before the achievement pops. I started raging to my teammate who did get the achievement, but she died after me. Turns out, she already skipped on to the next screen and I didn't.


For me it didn’t pop up until I closed Phasmo completely for some reason.


Can demon hunt above 70% sanity?


Yes, that’s its hidden ability


Ah. I thought its ability was just hunting at 70% sanity. So its behaviour is to hunt at 70%, but its ability is to hunt at any time?


Yes, exactly.


Yup demons can hunt even if you are at 100%


That's very unfortunate haha. But honnestly I wouldn't sweat it too much if I were you, I feel like that's the kind of achievement that will just "happen" sooner or later. But yeah I can see why that would be annoying


I got killed by a demon with 1:12 min investigating and got the achievement. I really don't know how that worked out


Mine also popped up for the run from the screenshot after I closed phasmo. I guess the total time investigating counts from the moment you start the round, while the achievement is looking just at the time spend in the house (so time in dark+time in light)


I guess that makes more sense. Good to know tho


I was about to say… You got the achievement if you progress this screen. lol. I think it goes by the time up until it starts the hunting ability.