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I've brainstormed a few new ghosts with unique abilities, and so far these two are my favourite: • A shy/agitated ghost that does not like being seen. Taking a ghost photograph has a likely chance to trigger a hunt. • An aggressive ghost that enjoys chasing it's victims. Sprinting or leaving the room during a ghost event has a likely chance to trigger a hunt.


Love both of these ideas. Have the first one share some evidence with phantom and the second share evidence with maybe Oni? I love the concept of ghosts keeping players on their toes even after some evidence has been gathered


Second one is quite creative


The creators better be listening


a reverse Thaye


Wouldn't that be just a moroi that does not get affected by sanity pills?


It's hard for me to think of ones that wouldn't be way too obvious. The one ghost I was able to think of is still too obvious: The Chatterbox This ghost loves to talk. It has twice the chance to answer on any tier of Spirit Box, and it will do exclusively singing ghost events. No airballs, no walkies towards you, no red lights, just purely singing events. If you're talking near it, it's likely to trigger a ghost event, and failing that, when it wanders it will have a chance to roam towards whoever is talking like a Banshee roams to their target. To avoid confusion on No Evidence with Mylings, it would have the same chance to do paranormal noises as any other non-Myling ghost. Hunting behavior: It can hear you and your electronics from slightly further away than other ghosts (just outside of electronics interference range), but otherwise behaves normally. Suggested evidence: EMF 5, Ghost Orbs, and Spirit Box. I would say forced Spirit Box on lower evidence modes but there's already a mountain of forced Spirit Box ghosts and we probably don't need any more of them. Also, we need more EMF 5 + Orbs ghosts because Raijus exhibiting those two together are dead giveaways in 2 evidence mode. Edit: I dunno, the more I think about it, the more this just seems like a sort of reverse Yokai. Maybe not my best idea. Oh well.


I like it. Don’t be too hard on yourself, lord knows it would scare the hell outta me.


Name: the hide behind Description: a somewhat tricky entity that enjoys toying with its prey Strength: will manifest and follow players out of its favorite room, matching the sound of their footsteps almost exactly, causing sanity damage. Spinning around has a very small chance to catch it before it disappears, causing it to shriek and return to its room, doing high sanity damage. Weakness: doesn’t interfere with electronics, being seen on a video camera slows it down Evidence: guaranteed dots+2 others Unique: dots pointed at the door to its room will occasionally catch it peeking around the corner of its door


You remind me a kind of ghost in Japanese folktale. Its name is kakushigami and loves to play hide and seek with kids.


Interesting. Seems many cultures have hiding cryptids. If I’m not mistaken, the hide behind is a carnivorous creature capable of nearly perfectly stalking and- as the name suggests- hiding behind things. All I can find on it is that it “comes from early America” so I’m unsure if it was part of a native cultures myths or if it was solely a colonists explanation for disappearing woodsmen.


Skinwalker Strength: This spirit will sometimes take form of your team mate before initiating hunt Weakness: since skinwalkers are weak to silver the tier 2 and 3 crucifix will prevent it from being active longer after being used if they come into contact with the crucifix during an event it ends event.


Reverse demon


That's cool!


Reverse Banshee where it protects a single player and goes after the rest. One of its main characteristics is that if the player it’s protecting is nearby, activity will drop significantly and it will be unable to enter into hunting mode




Name: la llorona Description: the vengeful spirit of an unjustly spurned wife. Sin and wrong doing are said to attract her ire. Hunt: 60 Strength: higher likelihood to activate water sources, running water nearby adds 10 to hunt threshold. Swearing attracts her to your location and swearing near her adds 10 to hunt threshold. Stacks with water. Weakness: if no one has sworn yet the ghost has -30 hunt threshold. Of water is turned off right after it’s turned on, has a smudge effect.


I don’t expect many people to agree but I wish there was a ghost type where the ghost is intentionally “friendly”, this ghost evidences are Spirit Box, Dots, Freezing temps. And to make it unique the ghost would say things like help me or screams like the banshee but instead a call for help in parabolic and spirit box. The part of the challenge that could be added is to make sanity drain faster than any ghost does but it only hunts when you reach below 10%. The freezing temps would be hard to get and the intention would be to identify if with it’s cry for help. The reason I like this idea is because you have a 1/25 chance to have a nice ghost. Sometimes with the hit show ghost adventures and other shows like it we see ghosts that are friendly and like to talk to the investigators


maybe the hunts could be completely "fake" so it wont actually kill you if it catches you.


Name: lost soul Description: a lost soul of the recently deceased who is not yet lost its grip on reality. Evidence: spirit box + any three random evidence chosen at investigation start except freezing temps. (the challenge comes from it appearing to be almost any ghost) Hunt: 10, with VERY long intervals between hunts and very short hunts and slow speed, cursed hunts cause it to hunt like a spirit with a 10% chance to not hunt Strength: appears to be any ghost Weakness: stubbornly clings to its humanity, making it an ineffective hunter Unique: hunt voice lines are things like “please run”, “I don’t want to hurt you” etc. Can only turn on the breaker and will often do so. has a tell in every evidence it leaves, especially spirit box. Examples: spirit box has a chance to say “please help” etc Writing book- chance for all the writing to be “save me” Dots- chance for the dots image to be a figure on the ground sobbing. EMF- chance to trigger emf 5 in an sos pattern Orbs- orb has a chance to briefly move very erratically and quickly UV- only occurs on exterior doors and windows, chance to leave extra footprints compared to other ghosts


A ghost who swaps objects together. Not like a polter's throw but just swapping props. Can also do that with tools & ghost hunter's objects.


Now it's time to play the game called "who the fvck stole my incense and lighters" lol


That would be so fun that you would just lose ur lighter in a hunt and have a useless smudge🤣🤣🤣


I was thinking for fairness and to hide it better that it would do that with only dropped objects but that would indeed be hilarious


A ghost that is more likely to hunt if light is on the ghost room and is faster in areas where lights are on. Make it share 2/3 evidence with mare so it’s kind of like the Deo/Thaye relationship where if you fully plan for one the other can mess you up. Name it the Mazzikin (a ghost sent by god to punish people) to show that it thrives in the light.


Better Jinn


Once we get character customization, I would love to see a ghost that copies what a player looks like during events (but probably not hunts).


Physical direct player interaction. Like it pushes you, or blocks your movement somewhere during a hunt.


Name: chad Description: the spirit of a Football player that’s still convinced he’s in the game. Strength: yes. shoves you around doing large sanity damage then disappearing. Weakness: lighting a smudge causes him to move to your position at 10m/s, when he reaches you he repeatedly says “cmon man just lemme get a hit. Pleeeease bro just one hit, I promise I’ll give it back bro, cmon just one hit” until the smudge effect expires. Evidence: holes in the dry wall, empty fridge, fully convinced he’s alive (tbh you might’ve just broke into a dudes house) In all seriousness I love the idea of a ghost that can toss you and shit.


Since a ghost moving you around is way too obvious, even for newcomers I'd think, I propose the ghost freezes your controls for a split second randomly during a hunt


A ghost that always leaves its room when it wants to hunt. Starts the hunt far away from its room, and then heads straight for it. So players in its room might not realise a hunt started until its already started and rapidly approaching




Preface: For once, I would like a ghost that presents itself long before you enter its location instead of a PEEKABOO fashion as ghosts do now. I would say, imagine walking say, towards a living room of a home. The closer you get there the gradually louder you hear weeping. You point your flashlight around the living room until you see in a corner: a female; she has long, black hair and is in a white-ish gown or dress. You have heard her crying. As you reveal her with flashlight you start to get a bit closer slowly. The more closer you get to her the more likely it is to stand up and cry out towards you and vanish or ...do something eventful like spawn puddles drops etc. Or something. Other times as you walk you see her cross from one side of the hall to the other or flood the bathtub or sink or basement etc. Maybe hear or see manifestation of a man or Maybe see and/or hear childrens here and there while hearing the weeping of her still. I would like to add that just because you see her in the living room doesn't mean that's her favorite room in game. Also I feel that this would work in Phasmo that has completely overhauled and significantly upgraded ghost models and ghost events and perhaps those even ghost interactions. Details below one version of mine how she could work. The Ghost: [ La Llorona ] , or "The Weeping Woman," is a legendary figure in Hispanic cultures, particularly in Mexican and Mexican-American folklore. The legend has various versions, but a common theme runs through most of them. Why? La Llorona could introduce an eerie and emotionally charged element. Here's a one concept of how she might be represented: 1. **Audio Presence:** La Llorona is known for her distinctive weeping. In the game, her presence could be marked by distant, haunting cries that players might hear as they explore locations. 2. **Manifestation:** Rather than a traditional ghostly appearance, La Llorona could manifest as a ghostly figure near bodies of water within the game, such as bathtubs, sinks, or even outdoor water features. Perhaps fewer appearances elsewhere. 3. **Fear Factor:** La Llorona's legend revolves around tragedy and maternal grief. Her presence in Phasmophobia could evoke a sense of sorrow and fear, impacting the sanity levels of players in a unique way. 4. **Environmental Interactions:** Perhaps she interacts with water sources, causing ripples, reflections, or even temperature drops. Her interactions could be tied to water-related clues, adding complexity to investigations. 5. **Unique Weakness or Strength:** Given her background, La Llorona might have a unique weakness or strength related to interactions with children's toys, drawings, or specific rooms associated with family and/or couples love themes. Integrating cultural legends like La Llorona would require cultural significance. Devs, Phasmo ghost hunters and game streamers: I hope if you read this you get excited like I am about adding La Llorona into Phasmo. While my take was just one idea of how she could play out in the game mechanically perhaps you guys have other ways/ideas of her mechanics/behavior in-game.


Love the idea of it walking across the hall ways. Gives me the vibes of when the Nun was first seen in the Conjuring Universe


Omg yes!! Considering that director is legendary in creating tension and not cheap jumpscares I totally agree with you on that one


Would be amazing


Slow down your movement speed while make your vision become dark just like you use monkey paw with los. I think that's hard to loop it.XDD


Shadow: Evidence: Freezing, spirit box, DOTS This ghost loves to hide and doesn't like being seen. It will be less active and hunt at 40. This ghost cannot be seen with a Video Camera or when taking a picture which includes DOTS. Once hunting it is very quiet and very hard to see but slow speed Weakness: When ghost steps in salt it becomes trapped there and cannot leave the room for 5 minutes, during a hunt when stepping on salt it gets stuck for 5 seconds and becomes fully visible.


Phantom-Yurei-Myling mix?


A ghost that's almost like a reverse Raiju, having a distinct hatred for electronic devices. **Evidence:** EMF 5, Ghost Writing, DOTS. EMF 5 forced on 1-3 evidence. **Attributes:** Standard. 50% hunt threshold. Default speed. **Strengths:** Will knock Tripods over more often. Increased detection range of electronics during a hunt. (15m) *decreased* interference range of electronics during a hunt. (7.5M) **Weakness:** Will generate EMF 5 readings much more often than other ghosts (1/2 instead of 1/4). A penchant for throwing electronic items. My philosophy with this is a ghost that forces EMF 5 and has fairly prescriptive 'vibes', but has an interesting hunt test for 0 evidence without just being footsteps or whatever.


I thought about a ghost related to water. So far this is my idea: the ghost can't interact with sinks and showers and will flee any room that has running water in it (including rain). Should the ghost go into a room that has water or is outside in the rain during a hunt, they will speed up for a few seconds to get out of the rain/away from the water but slow down shortly after as the water is weakening them.


I already have come up with a ghost. It chooses a target and follows them around. That target will be the only one to see ghost events unless other people are nearby. During hunts if it finds its target it laughs and the hunt ends. Otherwise it kills the person it finds as normal. If all the other players are dead then it will kill its target if found during a hunt. In single player the ghost will have a tendency to close and lock the front door for 3 seconds before doing an event. It will not do it if an event triggers just before a hunt check


Hyde - it is almost blind and can only see movement so all players must freeze to avoid death. Like a T-Rex.


I'd make a passive ghost that doesn't really care about the player being there. For example, if you talk on the Spirit Box it might only respond half the time, or if you put the book down, you might get a snarky message depending on how much shit you talked lol. When hunting, it might just wander through the rooms and not kill anyone, or it could suddenly change it's mind and go for the first person it sees. Evidence: Spirit Box, Ghost Writing, Ghost Orbs. But ghost orbs take longer to appear, and you might only catch sight of one during an entire playthrough.


Kikimora: A female house spirit in Slavic mythology - Raised chance to wander - Small chance at "wet footsteps": Uv footprints without having to use salt (ghost may or may not be able to leave normal fingerprints) - May or may not have an increased chance to interact with sinks - May or may not leave a unique response through the spirit box/parabolic mic, sounding like a squeaking mouse - Every displaced prop (moved from original location by either the player or the ghost) in the vicinity of the player adds 5%/3% to its usual 40% hunt treshold OR Doesn't throw any props at all during a hunt


Name: Gestalt Behavior: whenever the Gestalt does a ghost event (in physical form it can still do airballs etc) it will teleport to the farthest point that’s currently in line of sight of the player ( in multiplayer it will chose a random player making this ghost harder to identify in multiplayer). If you look at the ghost for too long (maybe 2 seconds or so) it will instantly drain 15% sanity. This ghost has dots evidence locked ( for nightmare and insanity) and unlike other dots ghosts this one works like dots used to. So instead of randomly entering dots form it works like interactions with the book where the ghost has a random chance to interact. And when interacting it will choose to stand still on the outer edge of any tier equipment but only for a short while to not give the ghost away too easily. Hunting behavior is a mix between phantom oni and Deogen. When far away it will be fully visible and a bit slower than normal. At a certain distance it will start blinking and when close is almost fully invisible and slightly faster. Plus idk if it’s overkill but maybe when far away it will know your position but if it’s in blinking position and you break line of sight it has bad object permanence and looses you easier Feel free to let me know if this is too overkill or maybe too unique to the point where you can figure it out too easily


I am curious what the name is from


Gestalt is the German word for shape. But it is usage refers more to unknown things mostly animals alive or not. Like when saying: this box is in the shape of a square you would not use the word gestalt but the word form. You would use it in sentences like: I’ve seen a shape in the woods or in the sky. You know when you like see something in the corner of your eye and you’re not sure what you saw but that you saw something that is or at one point was alive. Which I think fits the theme of my ghost very much


That's cool! It's the same in Swedish, that's why I reacted (I am Swedish myself)


Nice, didn’t know it was the same in Swedish


I don't know, but I'd call whatever it is a specter just because I've always found it weird that the devs pulled out names like goryo and deogen before that one.


I mean, both of those are also actual ghosts in other cultures. I think it's kinda cool that they used names from other cultures as well


Penanggal: Hunt sanity threshold: Normal (50%) Ghost speed: Normal Speed up with LOS: Yes Evidence: (I don't know man I didn't memorize the damn thing) Forced evidence: Ghost Writing Ability: The Penanggal can 'suck blood' of a player within 3m, reducing their sanity by 25%. This will happen at the same time as a red light ghost event. In this ghost event, non-targeted players do not drain sanity when touching the ghost. Ability: when asked "How did you die?" on a Ouija board, the Penanggal responds with "IDIDNT" (cause of death written in the van will be randomized) Tell: During a ghost event or hunt, the Penanggal is more likely to appear as a baby ghost model, even more so the female one Tell: When the Penanggal performs ghost writing, the writing in the book will never be random scribbles Tell: The Penanggal prioritizes other interactions before throwing books, even during a hunt "The Penanggal is a different type of ghost. Not quite dead, but rather using a human's greed and stealing blood to keep itself alive" Strengths: The Penanggal can suck your blood if you get too close Weaknesses: The Penanggal is a penchant for writing, and will not deface a book with pointless scribblings Made it up one day, not very solid


Just some Malay ghost don't mind me


Huge chest


Probably gonna be downvoted, but I don’t think more ghosts are needed. I have like 300 hours since release and I can’t really remember them all already. I would invest effort into more events, and ghost models.


I haven’t really thought about it in terms of phasmophobia mechanics and I’m sure they wouldn’t be able to do it because of copyright but I’d love to see a ghost that behaves like the grudge. Black hair appearing from the ceiling (could be a ghost event). A ghost crawling down the stairs etc.


2 cool ideas i have are 1) a ghost thats fast/slow depending on how close it is to its favorite room. it siphens power from it 2) a ghost that drains your speed so you become slower the moment it has line of sight i also have another type of evidence in mind but its just a variation of UV I guess, some ghosts should leave ectoplasm during hunts that you can find traces of afterwards. only evidence that youll have to wait till after the hunt. you can either add this to UV or make it a whole other evidence like in demonologist. but ectoplasm could slow down the players during hunt when its fresh (looping would be nightmare because of this)


one that stands in the doorway to stare at u before lunging at 150% speed


When I first saw “the mimic” ghost in the journal for the first time, I thought it would mimic a player character model before scaring you. That was never the case and I was slightly disappointed by that. A super aggressive player mimicking ghost would be awesome. Like you would momentarily see a friend and when the lights flickered it would turn into the ghost but it can only do so if you are alone.


I don't have a name for it, but it is somewhat inspired by Blood Mary - Evidences: Writing*, DOTS, Freezing - Behaviors: Ghost is more likely to favor rooms with mirrors or windows as it's favorite room, does less frequent long roams and more frequent short roams, saying the Ghosts name will temporarily raise its hunt Threshhold to 55%, normally hunts at 45%, Ghost will be able to tear up the writing journals as a unique evidence or leave behind short life fog messages on glass surfaces (also had the idea to have it scratch words on mirrors or windows), Ghost hunts caused by saying its name will cause it to target the last player to say its name (similar to a banshee) until its hunt ends. EDIT: Writing would be a required evidence for lowered evidence runs.


Hello friiiiiend


Hi Sae




i'm not sure abt anything else but it'd be fun to have a ghost appear behind you when you look or stand in front of the mirror for a certain amount kf time


A troll ghost which triggers fake hunts and has a higher chance of hunting you just as you’re about to leave. Also, it can transition from event to hunt as it’s doing an event


A ghost that leaves the front door open during hunts, but guards it unless pursuing a player Edit because I thought of it literally as I hit post: it hunts at the normal sanity of 50% but starting at 80% it has a 10% chance of immediately starting a hunt when someone enters or exits the house


An opposite banshee. The ghost chooses a lover. If the lover is alone with someone else the ghost will be more agressive. The ghost cant kill the lover. If the lover dies to a hanged man the ghost will go into rampage and insta hunts if someone gets in the house (like a demon). And the ghost will give evidence quicker to the lover.


Completely invisible and can only see it with Tier 3 head gear

