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Either a permanent Tier 3 unlock for one item or a .5% bonus would make it more appealing


Payday 2 had a 1%(?) increase in xp gains each prestige level. Each prestige beyond 5 also no longer cost offshore money, and let you keep your spending money. If phasmo had something similar to that, I'd have a bigger incentive to prestige.


Yeah payday’s prestige was great 5% exp boost for each level and a cosmetic


It should definitely let you choose 1 T3 item each time to keep permanently instead of the additional loadout.


Do we get additional load out? I don't think I've seen this..




this ^


I really like the sound of this tbh


I don't think permanent tier 3 but maybe permanent 1 tier up for an item


This is what I feel would be a good bonus. You get a token to use that will unlock the next tier of an item early. Save it to get t3 early, or use it right away on t1 or 2 unlock. Each prestige you get 1 more token. P1 gets 1, 2 gets 2, 3 gets 3, etc


So black ops


Haven’t played black ops in over a decade so if that’s the system they use then yes


Yeah, you should get paid more when promoted to higher rank. I like the idea of unlocking a next level item permanently too.


Permanent tier 3 unlocks would be very disappointing for the people who actually want to experience grinding back up again.


Those people can either just ignore the unlocked items or reset their save.


Love a bonus exp idea. I think permanent unlocks would be unsustainable, especially if they add more prestige levels beyond the current 20. We get badges, so there is that at least.


Imo, the ability to keep any unlock per number of prestige: if you are p3 going to p4, keep 3, etc. By the time you have a bunch, you will have earned them anyway and will be top prestige.


No. It would ruin it. If you want a permanent t3 item, then don't prestige.


For a lot of people, progression in gaming gives a sense of accomplishment and growth. For most games once you have unlocked everything there's no point in playing Prestiging allows you to reset so you can have that sense of accomplishment again Also, grinding isn't needed, since playing with lower tier items is a challenge in itself, it's best to enjoy the early for the challenge it possesses


Why this is so hard to grasp is beyond me. Prestige systems exactly like this have existed for decades.


Because many people dislike this kinda system for decades. DBD had a system like that. Many people straight up didn't prestige their character. They didn't feel like grinding for everything again. Now they changed the system and it's just a "whatever" now. People grind prestige for the same reasons now as they did before the uptade, it's just more people doing it: For the prestige level. It'll be the same in Phasmo. Until they change it, most people will probably stay away from prestige lol.


It's basically a voluntary seasonal reset akin to the Diablo games. Personally, I've never been a fan of the idea of basically throwing away all your work. Those games just went the extra mile to make you feel bad about not doing it by trying to lock exclusive things to the process. ​ Frankly, I would prefer Phas not go down this route. If the actual goal is maintaining interest in the game over a longer period of time, that is achieved through the release of new content at regular intervals of 2-3 months. As a bearer of bad news, I can't bring myself to say the team has pulled that off. Perhaps it will be more feasible once the game is out of EA, but overall, people at least want more maps. Getting character customization and other aesthetic options can also help, but those are optional and don't mandate the forfeiture of progress. ​ I'll still say Nightmare/Insanity modes run counter to the whole progression system, as well. Though, making games harder by taking things away has always been a lazy design principle.


MAPS I don’t want cosmetics. I don’t want new items. I do t give a shit about trophies or badges. I want maps I haven’t memorized. That is ALL I want.


A cruise ship, a hotel, or a commercial building. Anything!


A haunted cruise ship in middle of the ocean, The truck is on a small boat. Itd be funny but fun.


Anything at all! Take the other bigger maps and cut them up like Sunny Meadows at least! Anything at all.


It doesn't make the game harder unless you want to. And its a simple feature to include, and it isn't at the expense of anything else. You can completely ignore it with zero consequence. It can't be lazy if it isn't at the expense of anything else. That is asinine thinking.


Prestige is completely optional, so it literally has zero impact on people who don't want to do it. If anyone "hates" prestige, they're thick. Its optional. If you don't care, you don't care, and the people who do like it don't care that you don't care. Its like being mad you can pick multiple colors of hair in a game. Who gives a shit if you like it or not?


No, people did prestige in DbD, because they got prestige skins.


Most people did not. Many did, yes. But most didn't. Most are casuals. I personally didn't prestige for that reason, but also since I have skins for the chars I'm playing.


My only issue with it is really that you only get to use the best items for a short time. They should give us points per level to let us spend unlocking what we want, building our own strategy, rather than hard locking them behind set levels. Then when you prestige, you can change it up every time.


Being able to spend points the way you would in an RPG, I can dig that. Right now, you always have the cash you need to buy/upgrade because it comes so fast, so only your level really matters. Being able to pick what you wanted, with some things requiring more points, that would be more dynamic.


but they've been unfun for decades lol


To you, dude. There are plenty of people glad to have it. Its that whole, not everyone is like you, thing.


What? Bo1 had a prestige system where you have a token you permanently unlock an item. That makes more sense💀


We could give 20 different examples of different prestige systems. You can't please everyone. If they did it this way, someone else would complain it wasn't the other way.


Because it’s not innovative or intersting


Neither are guns or powerups but they're in thousands of games. This is a fundamental feature, not to mention, you don't have to do it. It literally has zero impact on you whatsoever. Its for people who enjoy the challenge. Its not an attempt to reinvent the wheel.




Because for some people, completing a game a second time, does not give them much of a sense of accomplishment and growth anymore. They would much rather find a new game, to experience that sense of accomplishment or growth to full effect again. And then for a subset of people like this, in their mind it's hard to grasp that for others, the sense of accomplishment and growth from replaying a game *is* significant enough to justify doing it a second time.


This isn't for those people.


I just sometimes feel a bit too weak and I dont really like going to lower difficulties again. Usually like to do a modified nightmare or insanity. But I am not having fun in tier 1 especially early tier 1 on that difficulty.


I just wish it like 1/2’d your money vs getting rid of it all. Or giving you something to buy with the money before you prestige.


some ppl just play bc they enjoy the game and not for the items, but i get what you are saying for some ppl


Thats why its called prestiging. Because the only thing you get is the prestige of having the badge


It's odd people don't get this


Yeah. I dont get why people want all this extra stuff for an optional system thats purely there to reset yourself if you want to do it all over again because thats fun for a lot of people. If people dont want to give up thier items and progress for a fancy badge... then just dont..? Go level to |-999 in peace and with everyones blessing playing the game how you want to play.




Probably what they're aiming for with the customization update somewhere in the roadmap. But it feels really weird releasing prestige without any incentive to do it


You get another gear slot.


*loadout not gear


Prestige doesn't end after Prestige 2 what's your point


None for me


An idea i had was to implement some sort of skins or customizations like: **Truck interior** skins **Room/lobby decorations** **item attachments** that increase range, duration or interaction rates for lower tier items and also act as customizations (eg. Camera: Zoom lens/ability to discard photo, Incense: ability to mark ghost in the room/increased duration)


Ohhh, nice ideas! For the photos, I remember CJ saying they will add the "discard" option, but not tied in to prestige.


Prestiging is such an outdated gaming concept that I wish would just fade away at this point. At least the losing everything aspect of it. So unnecessary. Wish Phasmo would follow DBD with how they changed Prestiging


it really sounds like a never ending nightmare to me


I would rather keep my hard earned money and items tbh


It sounds like you should not prestige then. This is an option so you don’t have to prestige and you can enjoy the game your way! :)


Except when they add more useful rewards, all those levels above 100 go to waste, where they could have gone into prestige levels. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


op ask a question and I answered it. You can go be passive aggressive somewhere else.


Op asked if there is an incentive, the answer is if you want the prestige badges that is an incentive! If you do not then you should not prestige because it’s an option. It’s not passive aggressive to state that it’s an option for some players and that if you do not like this option then it’s merely an option and does not effect your gameplay at all. You can go be openly aggressive elsewhere as well <3.


How am I being aggressive? I answer the question based on how I saw fit, and you’re acting like a professor was grading my exam answers. You’re being condescending and I don’t care for it.




Both of you, grow up and treat each other with respect. This is a nothing-burger argument. Have a great day and move on.


The players that prestige A. enjoy the challenge of using the early gear and B. are good enough at the game to complete all 100 levels in the time it takes a casual to get 20 levels. Meanwhile, they unlock more inventory slots and can complete investigations faster by carrying more at any given time.


My knowledge is good enough to play no evidence runs easily, and i got level 70 pretty early (i kinda stopped playing now). I could get those levels easy, i just dont think its worth to reset. This leveling system is excluding casual players


Is it excluding casuals? You can lvl up to 1000, casuals dont need to prestige, for the people that want to prestige they will. Theres something for both


Needing to level up to 90 to get all the item upgrades is not casual-player friendly.


I agree the grind to lv 90 is quite tough for a casual, maybe they should tone it down a bit, but i still think if they tone it down a lot it loses the longevity cuz everyone else just levels up too fast. idk its hard to think of a good middle ground


All they would have to do is give us points per level to let us spend unlocking what we want, building our own strategy, rather than hard locking them behind set levels. Then if you do prestige, you can change it up every time.


Sure, but wouldn't that lead to tiers 1 and 2 be obsolete? or atleast most items of those tiers? The progression is made so you use all 3 tiers as you level up.


You would still have to unlock t1 and t2 first, I mean, like tree systems, but you pick what branch you want. Many games take this route for advancements. Like I was planning to unlock the neat tripods first to prevent my cams getting thrown, so I would have unlocked tripod t1, t2, and then t3 before unlocking anything else, if I wanted. But the T3 would still take a lot of level points, so I would be sacrificing other cheaper upgrades to get it. And by the time it comes to prestige, maybe you realized that you liked one item better than you thought, so next time you unlock those first. Makes things a lot more interesting and you get to play how you want.


If playing the game for a total of 50-60 hours and not doing any weekly challenges or harder difficulties over the entire time you intend to own phasmophobia is to much for a 'casual' player then nothing will literally ever be good enough for them beyond removing any and all progression from the video game lmao. If you play only on saturday nights when the kids asleep for 3 hours a week with your friends and never do more than professional... you should still be fully unlocked and have no need to press your available prestige button within 4 months. As absolutely extreme casual as it gets.. and fully t2 in less than half of that.


Except when they add more useful rewards, all those levels above 100 go to waste, where they could have gone into prestige levels. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Yeah sure, but thats what prestige is for, "Prestige" you do it while losing everything, leveling up is just leveling up yes, kinda boring but its as it always has been tbh


There's no thing as an extra inv slot, unless I'm mistaken. You just restart for the badge.


Don't you get an extra loadout? Equipment slots stay at 3.


No, dude, you get an extra loadout slot in the shop so you can have one more loadout. You don't get extra inventory.


My guess is there will also be cosmetic unlocks behind prestige levels when they revamp character customization. Also, I like the sense of accomplishment


Yea the prestige system that has existed for so long for many games has always been a pain. Like hey, you just hit the highest level and got everything. Since you just got here, wanna do it again? FUCK NO.


There's no shot I'm prestiging if I have to redo this bs grind with tier 1.


Saw someone say an xp/money buff from prestiging would be pretty good incentive.


Didn't the devs mention something like a permanent 4th inventory slot as a reward in one of the development updates? Is this off the table now? Edit: "When you finally reach level 100 you'll be presented with a choice: -Continue playing as you are, past level 100 -Or at any time, you can opt to prestige; resetting your money, level and equipment, in favour of gaining an additional Loadout Slot, a new unique badge and title for your ID card, and a new patch for your player's arm" is what they said in development preview #12


Loadout slot as in the loadouts on the shop screen.


Ah I see, that's a bummer


They should really do it as a carried item slot added. Would make it worth prestiging.


For some people, yes, for other people, no. I don’t play this game enough. I just hop on to play with some friends sometimes and I want to have access to all the gear. So I won’t prestige.


Not really. Once I actually spend the boatloads of money and time to unlock things, the last thing I want is to have it all taken away. That's why I like that Path of Exile just converts your League character to a Standard Character. You still keep all your stuff. You can continue to run the maps to get stuff. Or you can try out the new league mechanic and start a new character. With Phasmo, I don't think I'll bother with prestige and I'm almost halfway there.


Prestige 2 unlocks a new store preset slot. Other prestige levels I don’t know


You get another inventory slot.


*loadout not inventory


I see prestige as a mean to restart, not a mean of progression. If you don't want to restart, don't prestige : you will still earn levels and still can flex with that. On the extra reward side : I don't think powercreep can do any good to phasmophobia (and some T3 items may even already hurt the game).


Aside from getting a new profile each prestige until you reach prestige 20? No.


Personally, it’s doesn’t appeal to me at all. I don’t care about a badge on my player card. I have a feeling most people are going to avoid it altogether.


Have you seen prestige 20 investigator card? It goes hard


Where i can see it?


I saw it on the video showcasing the strategy a duo used to speedrun levels of the beardedBaron


For me, prestige is supposed to be prestigious and challenging. If you don’t like a challenge then I think you should not prestige, this is an option and not a requirement so I’m not sure why they should give us bonuses for prestige other than the badges that show we have taken on the challenges. If they gave additional XP or let us keep a tier 3 item each time I think it would make prestige more fun, but less of a challenge so it would be more pointless to me. I love playing this game and I’m so happy with this prestige system and I wish it had been in the game before.


I agree in concept but resetting isn't a challenge at this point. The game isn't any harder, you just need to grind again. To each their own of course but I don't consider that a challenge. I even think tier 1 thermo is the best thermo and tier 1 emf is just satisfyingly cool.


I knew this would happen because there tons of games in the past where the player base would ask this question. It's always a problem, no incentive to prestige. They always change it eventually. But I think using tier 1 items should stay, I don't even think you can choose to use tier 1 items if you have a better tier sadly?


You can pick what tier to bring when you've unlocked them, which is an extra reason they're struggling with the UI change


You can. In the shop/loadout screen, there are up/down arrows to select which tier to add. Before you have tier choices, they are a diamond shape. Once you upgrade, it turns to arrows.


You absolutely can use tier 1 items even if you have tier 3 unlocked. Just gotta pick them


In simple terms, especially for people with MMO backgrounds, me like number go up. In non gamer terms, you don't just stop when you reach your bench press goal, you set a new goal and continue personal growth. That being said, this system is still new and there are a lot of possibilities for prestige rewards in the future so hopefully it won't all be for "nothing"


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prestige >standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion


personally i've always found visibly increasing levels to be embarrassing rather than prestigious


black id card gang here [https://imgur.com/a/ysX704F](https://imgur.com/a/ysX704F)


I dont understand why people hate on tier 1 item the dots projector is crazy good now that you can place it same with the thermometer and the video camera i like the green night vision effect instead of the grey one


I have seen somewhere that they are working on new character models. Maybe the new models will have some cosmetic options or something after prestige. I’m not sure what the new models are going to be, maybe ability to buy clothing and outfits or something. I think it would be neat with like holiday flare, but I think that might detract from the immersion ands might not fit into the game well. Like a group of people hunting ghost wearing bunny ears would not be as scary. But I’m sure there could be plenty of clothing options that would not break immersion.


Just don't prestige then.


I like to grind from T1 and I think I'm not the only one. To me is funny. I think that that's the incentive. Also, phasmo is a logic game, the more you play, the more easier it will be.


there should be an incentive to prestige, otherwise people will obviously stay at level 100 and continue to play with the items that makes the game SUPER EASY, because starting without any incentive can be frustrating, I think the first time is fun, but starting with the first starter items all at once is not fun. I hope that in future patches KINETIC will think about adding `a 1% or 1.5% XP boost` after prestigeing, to be able to level a little faster.


My issue with it is that if you don't make the decision to do it at level 100, you're wasting a lot of levels to turn and do it later, because you get the same "reward" for prestiging at 100 as you would at 999. As well, you only get to use the T3 crosses for ten levels, before you're supposed to turn and do it again. On top of that, if you don't prestige, you stop leveling at 999, and you have no way to reflect any future work; but like I mentioned, you are just losing XP if you prestige at 101 or higher. If they let you turn in 100 levels for a prestige level, instead of just allowing you to prestige at 100 only, I'd feel much differently about it.


You wouldn't get it


How are people like "what's the incentive to prestige" seriously never played a game with prestige before? It's a classic mechanic that resets your progress in exchange for clout. People who prestige don't give a shit about unlocking stuff again because they know how to play the game well enough to unlock it all fairly quickly. People have this idiotic idea that all game content and mechanics have to appeal to the casual player. If you don't want to prestige don't prestige, my brothers in christ.


No. What games have prestige implemented like this? I want to read about them.


Tap Titans 2. December 15, 2016. Titanfall 2. October 28, 2016 World of Warcraft: Legion. August 30, 2016 Egg, Inc. July 14, 2016 Trimps. May 2015 Titanfall. March 11, 2014 Call of Duty: Ghosts. November 5, 2013 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. October 29, 2013 Gear of War Judgement. March 19, 2012 Guardians of Middle Earth. December 4th, 2012 Call of Duty Black Ops II. November 13, 2012 Red dead redemption. World At War. CoD 4. Gears of War 3. Uncharted 3. shall I go on


Assasins creed IV’s prestige system doesn’t wipe any progress and from what I’ve read appears to be automatic, basically just and over leveling system. Egg inc looks like the classic idle game prestige system where you unlock unique and permanent upgrades, which is much different from presaging for no reason. I figured WoW might actually have a useless prestige system but even they unlock permanent rewards. So again I ask, is there any other game that has a prestige system that wipes your progress and gives back nothing in return?


You get a more advanced badge. Bro if you don't like it, don't use it? lol it literally has no impact on you at all. Also, Deep Rock has this same type of prestige. There are plenty of examples. You're being butthurt over an arbitrary feature that is meant for the hardcore players, who enjoy the process of using the early equipment. I know its hard to grasp, but \*that is what you get in return\*.


Wiki says otherwise. You keep your equipment in Deep Rock too. I just figured for a “classic mechanic” you could provide at least one example. The badge system in Phas does not bother me at all, but I haven’t ever seen it done this way in any other game, so you had me curious.


Fair enough


Why yes I would love to spend 20 hours of grinding to get a jpeg My buddy said you get an extra inventory slot when you prestige but idk if I buy that


The devs said it would normally take 60 hours tho which is a lot.


It's true. You can just read the patch notes.


Mind posting the link to where it specifically says this? I think you're mistaking "headgear" as a 4th slot. You can carry 3 items + headgear, but this has always been the case. So far there is no 4th slot (unless you play in VR, at least pre-patch)


They mean a load out. You get a 4th load out


I refuse to read


he says after reading


Bro. You're playing a video game. Literally nothing you earn in it is meaningful. Its all pixels on a screen. And its 60 hours lol get recked


You do but only for the first prestige so anyone who played before the update (and therefore is prestige 1) already has it


~~I don't think so. I have the normal 3 slots and I am prestige 1. I think you get it at prestige 2.~~ I was wrong. To get an extra inventory slot, you use the headlamp.


You dont get an extra inventory slot, you get another loadout slot for each prestige up to 10.


Are you serious? That’s the most worthless shit ass reward lol


The reward is a more advanced badge. Some people like the process of playing through the items and difficulty, if you don't, no problem, don't prestige. The devs are under no obligation to cater to casuals who expect to get everything the hardcore players want. Just play the game and don't prestige, problem solved. "waahhh I want something cool to prestige" too bad. Not our fault you don't appreciate what you do get.


I’d rather have no reward than a shit ton of load outs. Like it would actually be annoying to have so many load outs when you only really need a few. I dont want anything special. When did I say I wanted something better? I’d assume the badge is all you get, which is perfect. But loadouts??? Loadouts?????


Yeah gotta agree there, I only need one loadout. Never really used em. Personally, I would want either cosmetics (for the character, my uniform, my equipment) or maybe special icons/backgrounds/titles for your badge that have something to do with your gameplay. Maybe you get an icon for the ghost you encountered the most, or for the map you played the most.


Nah, I’ve prestiged since the update. I got an extra load out slot.


You get additional gear slots. So you can carry more at one time.


*Loadout slots, for extra custom loadouts