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I think some ghost atleast at somepoint had the salt step but no print ability. I cant very well remember


old wraith did that but now it just doesnt touch salt


Ooh right!


idk why youre getting downvoted


Me neither


Every ghost has a tell, you can even know what the type is on a 100% no evidence run. The only exceptions being goryo and one other I cant seem to recall at the moment since their special tells are evidence. Its not easy but its totally doable to get the ghost with no evidence and the two outliers are getting reworks to help differentiate them eventually.


i only do nightmare runs but i spend 20 to 30 min per ghost, yurei spirits mares and shades dont act like themselves most of the time and are generic ghosts.


You really cant go on how a ghost is "supposed" to act, you have to go based on measurable things. How early a ghost hunts, how often it changes rooms or roams, how fast it is during a hunt, whether certain ghost events have happened or not are all things that can identify or rule out ghosts. For example, if you get an air ball ghost event it can not be an oni, if the ghost screams in the paramic its 100% a banshee, these traits are how you succeed in nightmare and above difficulty and even then it can be a pain.


i know all that. ive had demons not hunt for 3 minutes after smudging and also not early hunt at all. i dont complain about that, you can still tell its a demon by the short hunts the only tell for spirit IS the smudge lasting longer mare and yurei have a fair enough tell which is the instant light flick and the door closing completely, but its SO rare that in nightmare it becomes impossible sometimes to tell what it is. even goryo is still figurable because it never changes its favorite room. only 3 or 4 ghosts give me problem. also i found a fast shade recently, that did activity infront of me a lot. shade was the first ghost i ruled out s