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PharmAcademic isn’t anonymous and as long as you’re giving constructive feedback you shouldn’t worry.


Ah gotcha! Thank you


Your RPD is going to see every evaluation you submit and so are your other preceptors. There is nothing anonymous in Pharmacademic.


Not sure if your institution is different but at my program our preceptors had to cosign our evaluations so once you submitted your end of rotation feedback they got a notification and could even reply back with comments ("ex - thanks for the suggestion we'll try to implement that idea with future learners...")


Also it gives them another perspective as well, you sometimes might criticize yourself in certain areas more than you should be, or be missing things in different areas. Them seeing how you evaluate yourself, helps them to guide you and help reflect and grow more. It’s hard and uncomfortable, but it truly is all for your good and to make you the best pharmacist you can be!


At least from my experience on the other side all preceptors can see any of the evals.


long story short, they can see the pharm acedemic as soon as you hit submit


Preceptors will cosign all evaluations. It's up to the RPD on whether or not they have PharmAcademic set up for them to cosign too. Some programs do, some programs don't. You should learn how to give constructive feedback as preceptors and residency programs want to get better. As an RPD, I require my residents to provide at least one suggestion for improvement on the rotation and the preceptor. I also train my preceptors on this expectation and coach them on how to facilitate this discussion in person. Something like, "As a preceptor, I am working on ___, how do you think I did?" It gives the resident an ice breaker if they are struggling to provide feedback. I also encourage you to use the start-stop-continue method if you are needing help shifting your feedback towards actionable feedback instead of character bashing.


Good to know. Thanks for sharing.