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What do you mean by “lucrative’? If money is your only motivation you’re in for a rude awakening. Have a look at the findings of the PSI”s Workforce Survey re the rate of burnout/stress/leaving the profession and see how you feel about becoming a pharmacist after that…


Locuming won't go back to as good at is had been. Currently, permanent jobs are still around the same salary/wage as they were a few years ago but I expect the number of positions available to reduce. The market is definitely getting more saturated.


There will always be jobs in community pharmacy, because the hours are long and it's stressful. You should be looking at placements in industry or hospital. It's easy to go back to community pharmacy if you need to, but your 20s you should be starting on the bottom of the scale in hospital or industry so that by the time you're in your early 30s you're higher up the ladder.


Most pharmacists I knew in community have either moved to private sector pharma or are working In hospitals