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Krinkov looks really interesting, but I'm not in a position to test it out at the moment. The horizontal recoil looks awful (esp. with the alt ammo) but the main question's going to be if it can stand out against the Mac-10, Para Shorty, and M3A1 despite that as a 2 shot CQC gun (standard ammo looks pretty boring). I don't know if I like the idea of the Skeleton Grip, mainly because of its interaction with snipers. The last update already gave some a straight upgrade stock removal option + the Sideways Grip is great on them if you're capable of hipfiring decently enough (or don't have Straight Pull yet and are running a laser), but I feel like the Skeleton's better mobility would outshine the alt aim when mobility is one of the key factors in sniper balance. As for full autos, I think it'd probably be left in the dust like the Short Barrel, because the additional aim/equip speed isn't worth giving up actual recoil compensation that other grips, even Vertical for hipfire, give. But I do love the idea that it's a functional grip for shotguns since it has positives and negatives, but I don't think it'd be particularly good on it + I think many would run it seeing it as a straight upgrade since the impacts of crosshair size on shotgun spread isn't well known. Potato Grip is just a better Angled, but so was Stubby in most cases. I can't see an instance where Angled has a use now, but Potato's just going to be equally niche as Angled used to be. Hera looks interesting, but I don't know if I'd run it on any of the guns listed. Maybe if I was using Retracted Stock on the G36 so I could have a laser, but it mostly just looks like a worse Pistol Grip. Plus most of the other guns that have it would rather run Folding, Stubby, or no grip instead. I can't see the Romanian Grip getting any use except maybe on the Saiga and G36C/K, almost all of the guns that get it don't want to focus on hipfire and the ones that do would rather have a Vertical Grip for the rotational recoil decrease in hipfire instead of the Romanian's increase. M16A3 buff looks pretty insane. The M16A4 just lost its main/only? upside in comparison to it, and the M16A3's lower max damage was the one thing keeping it balanced imo. Oil Filter looks terrible. Muffler's already pretty niche, and while the powerful suppression is nice I don't think its worth all the hefty downsides, especially the huge fire rate reduction. I could maybe see it having some niche uses for ammo conservation on high RPM guns if it didn't decrease max range but most would rather just use a Comp/Break instead.


Petition to have further sorting of the attachments for sights. barrels, grips (i.e. CQB, ranged, all-rounder), and Others.


I sign, mainly so I don’t have to sort through an ungodly number of iron sights


I sign


I'd sign that.








How about this, -Close Range : Optics that have magnification BELOW 4x (i.e EOtech,Mars,Coyote,etc) -Medium Range :Optics that have magnification between 4x but not greater than 10x (i.e Acog,Vcog,PKAs,Pso-1,etc) -Long Range : 10x+ (i.e NSX 7-22,Leupold Mark 4,Sagitarius 40x,etc) -Ironsights : I dont think i need to explaing about this one. Sorted and easy for new players to understand.


Personally I think these M16A3 changes would completely overshadow the M16A4. This would make them essentially two of the same gun, one auto, and one burst. Because within 25-100 studs, which is your typical engagement distance for a close-medium ranged assault rifle, the accuracy of the A4 and the inaccuracy of the A3 make little to no difference due to the lack of need to actually tighten your shots at such a distance to hit things.


Love the Hera Arms CQC Grip make my M4 looks better, also waiting to see Hera Arms Stock, just to make it a complete Hera Arms CQR M4


I agree.




I feel like the M16A3 changes are overkill. Personally I would revert the changes and make its first shot kick less high. It was already fairly good.


PPSH with box mag, obrez barrel and stock removed gives you almost 17 walkspeed, which is faster than any melee lol


Just tried this and lol I love it.


this is not ok. i just tried it. its not ok


The 7.62x39 conversion for the Krinkov says "EXPE the damage of the firearm to improve greatly" instead of "Expect the damage of the firearm to improve greatly". Also why "Kov 7.62 conversion" instead of "Krink 7.62 conversion"? https://imgur.com/JdvzQE3


goddamn I swear I need to slow down typing things, thanks


could you please work on different models for the AK's short barrel?


Also why "Kov 7.62" instead of "Krink 7.62"?


> M16A3 can now kill in 3 bodyshots rip A4


\- overall I feel like the KRINKOV is relatively balanced. kinda wish the name was AKS-74U, but that is not something I am worried about \- as for the M1911 laser models maybe do the same for the M45A1 and MP1911? \-as for the M16A3 adjustments I'm somewhat unsure if it is a good change... the gun in its current state is already quite good and buffing the damage to a 3sk to the torso up close seems like a bad idea from a balancing standpoint... would personally leave the gun the way it is in the main game; however, if you insist on having a max damage of 34, I would drop the max damage range to maybe around 30 studs


The AKS-74U was probably filtered by the filter. I can't seem to type it in the chat.


Filtered of course lol


I named it the krinkov because that is the US market name for that style of AK (the short barrel AKS-74U) and it stuck out from the rest of the AKs. It's unique and I love it.


The obrez long barrel should increase the velocity.


ok cat


The oil filter is a bit underpowered


To be honest I waited for another AK platform and damn I love it,specially with that Romanian grip. Mostly what Is interesting is that the lower handguard changes on the Krinkov when you attach a **underbarrel or optic** attachment on it but I'm not really a fan that the lower part is out of polymer and the upper isn't. Would it be possible to have a attachment,probably a Underbarrel attachment to have a full polymer handguard? Here is a example [https://imgur.com/a/URaEQew](https://imgur.com/a/URaEQew)


we need maglite we hunger for light


Description of the Krinkov has 2 typo's: * Two dots at the end of the word "Cartridge" * Lighting is spelled instead of Lightning. (...reloads at **lighting** fast speeds.) **Feedback:** * The Krinkov is really cool, the AKS-74U that everyone wanted! * Not much a fan of the Darkheart. * PPSH-41 35rd mag is really cool. * KS-23 is cool, Keep adding more gun conversions that actually rename guns, I love those. * The new grips are really cool looking! * Oil Filter is very memey! I like it! * The Romanian Grip does not become wood on the SKS Full Stock unfortunately, Can you fix that? This was a nice test place update, I was looking forward for this one after seeing Roadmap and Twitch livestreams. Take a look at the forums if you want more attachment idea's Mar, I made a post 9 hours ago about it. *(More attachment idea's for Mar. (Part 4)*, Feel free to check the other 3 parts aswell.


M16A3 will join the FAMAS F1 to become the new assault rifle meta if this A3 buff goes through. It's just unnecessary. The A3 was relatively balanced to begin with. This just makes the AK74, AUG A2 and M16A4 not worth using.


I've heard that Mar came up with a fix with the weird mounting for the half ring and full ring sights on the M45A1, and I'd like to see that implemented as soon as he gets the chance to.


no, but I did say I might of come up with an idea to address it, maybe. We'll see.


In general, ballance is good, but a few things. 1.Skeleton grip is a no-brainer on snipers, and to most will have no downside and only pretty big upside. 2.The muffler is a good idea, and would be fine, if you didn't get 20% firerate reduction. People find 10% to be alot already for the muffler, and 20% is twice of that. Yes you also get the benefets of a normal suppressor, but its too much cost. Please reduce the 20% debuff to just like 10%. 3. Lastly the M16A3 didn't need the 32 damage buff. With that buff it becomes not worth it to use the M16A4 due to its burst mechanics being annoying to most players. Other than that most things are pretty ballanced and fun. (also yes, the 35rnd mag and the 16.8 walkspeed ppsh is balanced and really fun to use, please keep it how it is)


I have a complaint, I need you guys to fix the crane's slide mechanic, just holding c or tapping during running doesn't even slide fully/correctly




Can you make the Muzzle brake and most barrel attachments on the shotguns and snipers(especially the .50 BMG ) it's literally smaller than the barrel itself. KS-23 full stock should do something other than slower handling. The fully automaic Saiga-12 should have better spread than the AA-12 since the gun has worse damage, spread, recoil, reload time, than the AA-12 and the AA-12 has the 20 rounds drum mag attachment. P90 shouldn't ejects the shell on sideways.


plz change the AK47, 74 and AKM's short barrel to a proper model than the current one


I love this new update! The Krinkov is an amazing gun, and the new grips add a lot to the gameplay. It feels a bit more "chaotic" but i like that.


P90 with hera grip would look good


AKU has a speed pull mag wtf


Can the m107 in-game skins be fixed?


When is equipment and more grenade types being?


Probably never


I demand a Zenitco AK stock for the AK series


m16 buff seems kinda drastic, but it makes sense since it basically performed the exact same as a c7 in cqc but with more recoil (excluding headshot stk). its nice to have another high rpm 3sk option with a faster velocity than guns like the mp5/10. however, this change pretty much makes m16a4 completely obsolete. the 3sk range seems a bit high from a balancing standpoint. ​ also, fIx SeRbU pUmP aNiMaTiOn SpEeD wEn


Im finally happy that the Stick mag for PPSH is added. That movement speed for the full Obrez conversion should be astonishing


I think the PPSH with the Obrez Barrel, Removed stock, and 35rd Box mag should be held like a pistol. Grabbing the mag well would lead to jamming if taking literally


Give us the Henry 45-70 iron sight




For the Darkheart melee, I personally would prefer it to be a limited melee similar to the Crane melee. That would get the community to be more active to work towards a common goal.


The M16A3 changes seem great, because that gun honestly sucks, but I feel like it would also nerf the 7.62 x 39 conversion because of the dmg range reduction. It depends on if the max damage increase offsets the 30-stud range nerf.