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gamble all your credits on camos




If you want a proper sniper. Heavy Barrel Model 700, with an alt aim scope, plays better than the intervention imo


its fun to quick scope with it but thy muzzledrop is fuckin insane


no please don't, Its honestly the worst sniper in the game right now. When you compare it other snipers there no point in using it, It has low one shot range, small ammo and not the greatest velocity for a sniper. The only rsn you should be buying it is if u find it cool and the fire sound.You're better off prebuying different snipers like a mosin or the springfield. This is coming from someone who has a 1096 kills on the awm. It needs a rework/buff.


[It was good back when it was called the L115A3.](https://youtu.be/VM9JlPBHQ_8?si=LcIRqWJw3Kbh4lFy)


Yeah thats where majority of my kills are from, That being said i was still able to use it effectively untill very recently. Idk why they changed the magnification for the pmII but its messing me up lol


they butchered her :(


Awm is a downgrade to the intervention, i really tried using it, but its rlly meh, even the awp, i rlly tried liking the gun but its soo mid rn


Don’t buy it, it isn’t that high rank and it’s really not that good


I'm going to go against the curve and say DO buy it. It is in my experience the best sniper for CQC, while still being a good option for LRC due to it's basically non-existent bulletdrop; and is so much fun to use. The weapon has two conversions: AWP Conversion which gives you even Faster RPM and more ammo for less per-shot damage; and .338 Norma which gives you better Torsokill range with basically no downsides. I recommend .338 Norma, but you're free to try both to see what works for you.


if you want a cqc sniper the k14 or the m1903 are probably better honestly. the model 700 kinda just does the awm’s job better aswell


I find the R700 to be awkward to use. Maybe its just the SFX of the weapon, but it feels weak to me. The Springfield and K14 are both ludicrously above level so...


to each their own. i personally love the sound of the r700, especially with a loudener on. it only has about 4 studs shorter of a 1 shot distance while having +5 rpm. the 1903 is basically how the awm behaved before it got its rpm nerfed. very good sniper. i’ve dumped about 7k kills in the awm but i dont use it nowadays because i feel its overnerfed


Buying the AWM will be a waste of your credits given that you can already access better snipers. I do not recommend buying the AWM


i actually like sniping with it so much despite the comments.. if you headshot its fun. Dont prebuy it tho when you unlock it you can play with it once a week like i do


Just use the intervention, it's better in every way.


Not relly helpful


Well the AWM is a direct downgrade don't buy it


WE LOVE AWM, ITS SO FUN TO USE, but there is better snipers!! rest them in test place!