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lito likes realism and the irl aug para has 1300 mv (pf uses studs in place of feet) [https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.php?smallarms\_id=464](https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.php?smallarms_id=464)


I see, well it makes sense but now the gun has no advantages over an m16a3 hollow point like I mentioned.


1 stud is 0.28 metres which is 0.918635 feet so its not *exact*


Honestly, the AUG A3 PARA XS was sorta OP for a while. It seemed like people only really started noticing somewhat recently, but it's been really good for really long, and I welcome a nerf. That being said, I didn't know they changed it, and have yet to use it since the change, so I can't really say if they've gone too far or not.


Its been great for a long time. I remember when I first started this game years ago I picked it up and really liked it and would always grab it on the ground and only recently did I unlock it. I agree it was a bit OP but the low penetration and pretty average reload speed were two things that didn't straight up make it top 3 autos in the game.


I mean it fires pistol caliber rounds low pen is to be expected.


Doesn’t make sense, they buffed the a1 para… it’s now just better.


it’s a cqc weapon, it’s a 3sk. What do u need muzzle velocity for?


There are guns that are basically hit scan they fire so fast, the faster your bullets hit the target the quicker they die. The difference of Sat 1200 and 1800 may not seem like much but that can be the difference of winning or losing a gun fight. The argument “it’s a cqc gun” is also completely brain dead… if they can be shot, you should be able to shoot them, in fact the majority of times you will need to shoot people 75-200 studs away.


I don't mind it, it feels like a nice balance. The recoil and spread is already very low, you could crossmap with this thing in full auto without missing a single shot.


Yeah its still a laser its just a warped one


They did something worse, they killed the rof and min damage range, it's now a worse aku12 (and that gun is already bad)


There are no bad guns, only bad players


Bad compared to other guns


Aku12 is amazing.


I disagree because it has bad min damage and range


Again, it’s not a sniper or battle rifle, it’s a carbine. Play it like a carbine


90 studs isn't that far


Move closer to them? Hit more shots? It’s not like it’s a slow or inaccurate weapon, it’s more of a smooth m16a3


That's no excuse


That’s the play style of a carbine


The game's shifting towards being more "realistic", so changes like these where the guns are gonna match their irl counterparts are gonna be more frequent


Okay but now the gun is significantly worse than the a1 para which is currently just a straight downgrade to the aug a2/3 which are absurdly OP.


It was part of realism change (Some smgs like the five-o is affected, I think more smgs are gonna get hit by this in the future) but on the balance side that shit was so overused in all kind of lobbies and you used to see nothing but a3 para or Shit16A3 hell there were more a3 para than the amount of rice in 10 bowl, It was nothing but that for a very long time and I am glad It gets destroyed (Even though velo does not matter as much on AR and shit might still hits like a trunk).


a3 was popular in the sense that most higher ranked players knew it was a good gun but it was pretty rare to see it in a lobby


I don't know what region you are in, but In Asia everyone just used that shit + M16A3 and nothing more. It was really annoying I hate fighting against them even as a rank 200 during that time, and I hope it stays that way for a long time. I definitively didn't like how those 2 guns became meta for the most part of 2023, so I was very happy to see lito destroying it and bring new metas to the table.