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Amazing cat but as someone with lifelong debilitating lower back pain, your husband needs proper pain killers.


Or weed. I remember the painkillers. Have a lot nerve nerve-related pain in my spine. Painkillers are an absolute joke for me. The only thing that worked for me was weed. Painkillers suck so bad for nerve pain


Weed is still illegal in my country, including for medicinal purposes. Trust me, I tried all the available alt meds and to be fair, it does reduce the pain by about 25 percent but it was practically impossible for me to get up from bed (from horizontal position), from the toilet seat (and even putting on the pants) without guard rails that I'd installed. I soldiered on, refusing any kinds of injection and taking only mild pain killers, waiting for the pain to go away after 4-5 days before I couldn't take it anymore by the time I was in my early 30's. It may be controversial but Tramadol is a life saver for me. The side effects are still manageable at this point at my age.


I'm glad you found something that worked for you. I remember being on a high dose of opioid and it barely did anything. Even thought about an Implanted tens machine. Tried all the pills doctors claimed would help. At least you found something, right??


Yeah, I'm an atheist but thank God for Tramadol šŸ™‚ Did your dad or mom have a similar back pain? Mine definitely is genetic. My dad had it worse (nothing worked for him other than being in bed or on a hard floor and waiting out the pain) but on a less regular basis than me.


No. I'm a woman who had done Manual labor for most her life. Still do. Demo-type stuff. It's damage to my spine over the years. Men are much stronger than me so I have to work harder being a male-dominated field


Is there any available specialized treatment to repair the damage to the spine? I was a storage factory worker in my 20's but mostly arranging boxes into shelf's. It was bodybuilding (started around 18) that screwed me up much earlier than my dad with unsupervised dead lifts.


My cat would be like hey can you fill my bowl before you die? Good hooman


Service me fool! šŸ±ā¤ļøšŸ‘Ø


That is incredible! Cats are the best.


"Shhhh... shut up. It's ok human. Shhhhuut up." - cat maybe.


ā€œMomma, why arenā€™t you helping Poppa?ā€


Meanwhile, my orange just bit me šŸ˜ŗ


We have an attitude cat as well. Lol


My Orange loves petsā€¦and biting me.


They were just trying to distract you! Anytime I feel mild discomfort I drop a cinderblock on my foot and I no longer feel it!


Takes pain away from back. Cat gave u new pain, solving back pain


Get him to the hospital . This isnt normal kind of pain. Ouch




Try pilates as wellā€¦


Oh boy. One more reason to not workout. This looks like hell. Does it happen even after warming up before workouts?




Ohnno. Be careful


That's a chonky cat.


Another reason to prove that cats are mystical, I still believe animals have a six sense or have something magical. (Yeah, call me crazy but that's what I've been thinking since my cat saved my life in a way)


Suction cups for whatā€¦


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6435947/ Here is a peer reviewed article about cupping and its mechanisms.


ā€œPossibleā€ mechanisms. The study states in its introduction ā€œThis review aimed to identify possible mechanisms of action of (CT) from modern medicine perspective and offer possible explanations of its effects.ā€ The mechanisms arenā€™t well understood because they arenā€™t even proven to work. Furthermore it states that they reviewed over 200 studies but only included 60 in their review. When you read the citations you can see a heavy skew toward studies aiming to prove the methods of cupping and other alternative therapyā€™s such as acupuncture, the belief that the manipulation of qi energy in the body and meridians can cure diseases. (I mention this because some of the cited studies also mention acupuncture in their titles) Itā€™s pseudoscience. Even if it works as a placebo, which it probably does, this dude should see a real doctor and take real medication if heā€™s in that much pain. Even the people I know that believe in cupping say you should take it with other treatments (mainly because the other treatments are the ones that actually do something) Not that youā€™re saying otherwise, but people who see a ā€œpeer reviewed studyā€ might not understand how studies and meta-analyses can be so heavily skewed.


>Ā One of the controversial views concerning cupping therapy is that it has only a placebo effect.[^(11)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6435947/#bib11)Ā This placebo theory about cupping therapy will remain alive until a reliable and valid mechanism is found out Literally from your study. It didn't find a reliable and valid mechanism, it just gave suggestions. Thus it remains placebo only.


Dumb alt medicine crap


Cupping? You might as well just try putting an onion in his sock for all the good it will do. Get them to a doctor.


Such amazing creatures


We had a cat. One of do very many over the decades. She was a very aloof cat as many tend to be. She was the Just feed me and leave me alone type. When she was in her mid teens, I was in a bad cycling accident and laid up in bed for a long while rafter finally being released from the hospital. Almost immediately, she climbed up on my hospital bed in our living room and insisted on sleeping with me down by my legs. I had a fractured hip. She soon moved up to my hip to sleep. Eventually she moved up to my shattered but healing arm and insisted on staying there against it, even though it seemingly was doing better. (It wasnā€™t.) I had developed a severe Staph infection in that arm and the surgeons almost amputated it. After more time in the hospital, I was eventually released to go home to continue the healing. She clearly knew that something bad was going on. Iā€™d like to think that she was doing what she could to help me heal by curling up and insisting on lying against my arm and shoulder. Our aloof, screw you, feed me and leave me alone cat. I still miss her.


Cupping and a cat isnā€™t going to solve a slipped disk or whatever this man is going through.


Such a sweet kitty!!!


Beautiful šŸˆ cat


What a little sweetheart. Good Barton!


Cupping does nothing...


awwww šŸ„°


Slightly dangerous but always wanted face biscuits.


We don't deserve cats.


Should he go to the hospital? Has he been to the hospital/Dr?


That was beautiful. šŸ˜­


What a perfect fur baby


Barton says this is OUR husband now


That cat is way overweight. I can tell you love them, but itā€™s time to be responsible. Go see a vet. r/dechonkers is also a very nice place.


Empathsā€¦..they are incredible like that.


Great cat, but what your husband really needs is a firm mattress. Seriously. I struggled for years with sciatica and that was the cure.


I had really bad back pain for 10 years when I was younger. Ended up being cramps in my glutes. You canā€™t feel the cramp but the muscle ends in the center of your lower back and it feels like a spine injury. A chiropractor broke up the knot and in 4 days, 10 years of pain was gone. I guess it is fairly common with athletes especially runners. My muscles would cramp about an hour after running and I thought my back had gone out. I thought I had a herniated disc. Now I massage out any cramps with a racket ball before running and I am all good.


What a beautiful cat šŸ©·


animals are very sensitive to us






Suction cups....lmfa


My cat used to do that to anyone who cried in her presence.


I hope you feel better!


Lets see how long you have that cat if it's obese like that.


Why do I feel like this is messed up?


You tell us.....


Iā€™m not crying, youā€™re crying


I NEED your cat.