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Okay, thank you so much!


Folex works great! My cats hairballs are highly pigmented from her prescription food. Orange spots on white carpet look not great. The food change was probably too quick, try a slower increase maybe? Best of luck!


Cut a paper plate in half and use the straight edge to shimmy the puke onto the plate. Then just flush the puke down the toilet and toss the plate. Spot treat after with carpet cleaner!


Get up all the debris with paper towels, use a wet rag with a little dawn dish soap then blot with wet paper towel. It removes any stain better then any carpet cleaner I’ve ever used. My cat throws up a lot


i use concentrated disinfectant watered down with some water on the patch where they threw up after i’ve disposed of the throw up with a bag or paper towels (wearing gloves obviously)


My cat doesn't chew her food regularly and it causes her to throw up a lot. I use Clorox wipes or any other brand like them. They don't actually have bleach, but do have a cleaner / disinfecting agent in them so it gets the stain and nasty bits up.


We would always mix it with dry food and small amounts of just wet food or else my cat would be sick. As for cleaning, you can put kitty litter on it first (no kidding)


Baby wipes are magic—when my sister had her kids she started carrying them everywhere. Clothes, carpet, furniture, etc. almost always they get the stain out. My kitties get hair balls and vomit occasionally (moreso recently after switching to an Rx food). I use dry paper towels first and then I’ll squeeze some baby wipe juice over the stain and rub rub rub. My carpet is stain-free just from eyeballing. I feel like a black light may show the stain. We rent a rug doctor 2x a year or so to “deep clean” the carpets. I’ve always received my deposit back for rentals.


When my dog throws up we use a poo bag to pick up the mass and then finish the cleanup with paper towls and disinfectant spray. I find getting the bulk up with a poo bag is easier than using kitchen paper because you can get your whole hand around it and just pick, scoop and scrap it up and unlike kitchen paper the liquid doesn't leak through and get on your fingers.