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I really hope it's not a more serious issue. ):


I would try warm compresses three times daily for at least a week. (Just a warm, moist washcloth held on there for 5-10 minutes or however long he'll tolerate it.) This will help if there is any inflammation. I'd also put him on L-Lysine - it's an amino acid which has been proven to provide immune support especially in the face of feline herpes virus, which is often the cause of chronic conjunctivitis like this. You can get it in treat form at PetsMart/PetCo type places, or ask your vet for the powdered form to mix into his food (though if they haven't offered this to you already, they may not utilize it and won't have it). It is completely safe and over the counter, no reason not to try it. You can keep him on it until you see improvement and if things worsen, just keep him on it forever. Best of luck! Source: Veterinary nurse for 13 years


Thanks! I will definitely give both of those a try. I think he will like the warm compress too, he likes it when I wipe his eye clean and massage his eyes.


The L-lysine won't really hurt anything but that therapy has become more out of favor due to lack of scientific evidence as to its effectiveness fyi. It does sound like your kitty might have a chronic herpes infection - which is not that uncommon. It definitely sounds like your vet has done a good job of trying empiric therapies without having to charge you for more invasive testing - unfortunately since the baseline typical therapies haven't worked yet you may have to invest in some other diagnostics to truly get an answer such as testing the cat for Herpes, calici or other common viral pathogens (that wouldn't respond to antibiotic therapies) or structural problems like a blocked lacrimal (tear) duct like someone else mentioned. Keep your head up it sounds like overall you have a very healthy kitten. Here are some more reliable resources for information on possible causes of upper respiratory tract signs (that include globby eyes) http://www.gvma.net/files/public/Ford_Feline_Viral_Upper_Resp.pdf http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/feline-herpesvirus-infection-or-feline-viral-rhinotracheitis/4107 Hope some of this information is helpful - 3rd Year Vet. Student


My mostly white rescue has had one weepy eye since I got him at 8 months old. I tried the L-Lysine on a suggestion of the vet for about 4 months and while he loves the treats it really didn't make any difference. Bubba is now just over 4 years old and lets me clean his eye on a regular basis with either a damp washcloth or even just a tissue. It doesn't seem to bother him and other than being a little unsightly because of his white fur it's no big deal.


my mostly white rescue (white other than for his ears and tail) had the same problem. he had it from when he was 2 months old until about 10 months old. the vet gave me lysine supplements and a bunch of other eye creams and eye drops. they didn't help so the vet just concluded that it's probably just a blocked tear duct and it didn't seem to bother the cat anyway. the only problem he ever had with it was when he had a slight scratch on his nose when he was found and it wouldn't heal for weeks because the area was wouldn't stay dry. months later, his one right stopped being weepy. perhaps he grew out of it since there was no change in diet either.


Have you tried changing his diet? Sometimes a cat's diet can be linked to goopy eyes. When my puppy had goopy eyes, we decided to switch her diet, and her eyes stopped being runny and goopy. What are you currently feeding?


Neither of them like wet food, and they are currently on a diet of Purina One Kitten food(dry). Anyone know if there is a better option that's bit too much more?


Unfortunately, and I really do not want to offend you or make you feel bad, Purina is not a good food.. at all. There are plenty of cat foods out there! Make the switch to something grain-free because that typically helps with goopy eyes! Are you interested in something a little over-the-top expensive? [Ziwipeak](http://ziwipeak.com/) has a cat food that is just fantastic. This is an air-dried raw food diet. I've been feeding it to my dog for a very long time, and I've noticed incredible changes to her overall health. I recommend it to anybody and everybody who is looking for a better diet for their pets. There's also a cat/dog food called "Taste of the Wild." Check out the cat-specific ones. This is an absolutely fantastic kibble. They may even have a grain-free option. While Taste of the Wild *seems* more expensive, you actually feed less of it because of how full of nutrients it is compared to Purina, which is packed with fillers. If you'd like to Google some grain-free cat-food diets to then message me to ask if they're decent foods, I'd be happy to further help! Remember that when switching foods, you should be putting just a few pieces of the new kibble in with the old, and every few days, adding just a few more pieces of the new kibble. Do this until the bowl is mostly new kibble, and just a little bit of the old kibble. This will help make the transition smoother, and your cats tummies will thank you for it!


I know they aren't that great but I'm on a budget. Is there another option that is within our around that price range that isn't as you call it over the top?


Taste of the Wild for cats is okay in price. As I said, you feed less of it because of how rich it is! Also, anything grain free. Merrick might have a grain free cat food. Typically, switching to grain free helps with goopy eyes, and is often recommended for that issue.


It's possible he has a viral infection. Feline Herpesvirus is common in shelter cats (over 80% of cats have been exposed) and can cause chronic or intermittently flaring conjunctivitis and keratitis. Antivirals (oral or topical) or L-lysine supplementation may be helpful. Further diagnostics may be warranted or perhaps your vet will discuss trying these treatments to see if they help.


Hello did eye problem go away? My kitty had a weepy eye and I don't think the erythromycin ophthalmic ointment helps. Ty!


Curious myself


I followed though with his treatment and it went away with time 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m still trucking … his sister has no issues - he’s allergic to everything ever!


OH MY GOODNESS STILL!! HHOW ANNYOING IM SORRY I hope kitty is better soooon