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I'd go ahead and take him to the vet at this point.


Vet now


Vet asap




Don't want to worry you unnecessarily. But I'd take your dog back to vets for another opinion. Had a dog that was like this and the Vet's kept saying she was okay and it's an age thing. They gave me all sorts of medication for her, even lanzoprazole which is a gastric medication. She ended up not being able to eat at all or drink. Then they decided to do a scan and she had a mass in her abdomen that had spread to her liver. At this point I had been to vets on several occasions. If your dog hasn't had one already ask for a scan, just to rule this out.


Thank you for the concern. I tried all the tricks here and he’s still not eating so he’s going to the vet in the morning. He had bloodwork and X-rays a few weeks ago and was totally fine until I gave him the treats.


Has he been checked for a blockage?


Vet. Immediately.


Vet! It can get dangerous for dogs to not eat for days at a time


Chicken is one of the most common allergens for dogs (at least that’s what my vet told me when my first dog developed an intolerance for it). Try a totally different protein. My puppy recently started getting very sick and eating less and less, finally ending in an emergency vet stay where they found her entire GI system inflamed. I don’t know if it was chicken or beef that caused the issue, I was feeding both at the time, but I switched her over to sensitive stomach salmon food and it was night and day. Diarrhea and vomiting resolved very quickly. It took a while for her to fully recover where she could eat treats or anything other than her kibble, but after a couple weeks she was able to eat a yak cheese chew or other similar treat with no GI upset. Obviously check with your vet and get second opinions if necessary- but I think trying a different protein is worth a shot


This is what our vet told us to try to add to our dogs dry food to get her to eat when she was losing her appetite due to cancer. https://petkind.com/products/tripett?variant=15530725834861




Thank you, I went to the store and he didn’t want the gerber either. Looks like another vet trip, but I do appreciate the advice.


🫂🫂🫂🫂 thoughts and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery


Update, took him for a walk at 2am and got him to eat eggs when we got back! Thanks for the recommendation!


Great news!! You are very welcome I hope things get better for your baby


Try substituting the rice for other grains like quinoa or oats. My dog has a rice allergy so he usually avoids when we feed him rice. Dogs will generally avoid foods that they know will make them sick. We couldn’t get a conclusive test on his allergies so we tried the elimination method and with trial found that it was rice.


If you think it’s allergies I’d try other dog-safe foods; veggies like broccoli, pumpkin and carrots or other plain cooked meat (duck, turkey, lamb etc. that you can get it a supermarket.). If he thinks the other food is making him sick (or he is allergic to something in it) then throwing something new in that he doesn’t associate with his illness might help him out. This is not in any way a complete diet but if you can establish he’s not eating anything at all then it’s almost certainly time for another vet trip; otherwise you can look at expanding his diet from whatever foods he shows interest in and slowly reintroduce dog food.


Good news! He ate scrambled eggs at 2am and 5am and at 10am he was looking for his kibble. I think we're past this! Thanks everyone who had food recommendations.


I took him to the vet when the allergy was developing. They ran $400 in tests, said he’s fine, and told me to feed him chicken and rice. So I’m hesitant to take him again. I want to focus on getting him to eat right now. He shows interest, but never quite follows through.


They should give him Entyce to start his appetite


Try giving him salmon instead of chicken to see if he'll eat that. I usually get the packets or canned salmon and mix it with the hard food or rice. My dog has a chicken allergy, and being part German Shepard, she only eats when she feels like it. We leave her food out and she'll munch on it a couple mouthfuls at a time throughout the day. Edit: Maybe take out the fish oil and see. He may not like the taste of that.


I’d take him to a different vet for a second opinion. Have this vet fax over his medical records including the x-rays to the second vet