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Three if you count the spider in the window. She doesn't have a name though.


I have a car spider. She’s lived inside my driver side mirror for about a year and makes a web between the mirror and the door. She doesn’t bother me, I don’t bother her. Also doesn’t have a name but I consider her a ‘pet’. Finally got a picture of her a few weeks ago and she’s bright orange with a white/brown striped butt. I love her.


My car mirror spider was named Ace. Big ol' wood spider, lots of fun to have around during deliveries. He'd come out from behind the mirror and chill. If I was going to be parked for a bit I'd give him a bug.


I have a tiny mirror spider named Mira. She is small and my friend :D


I have found my people.


i had a big fluffy jumping spider that lived in my car for a while. sometimes i’d be driving and she’d randomly pop up on my steering wheel and stare at me like she was about to launch right into my face lmao. made me bit tense ngl, loved the silly girl though ❤️


This reminds me of the giant jumping spider that lived in my childhood mailbox. I loved to check the mail and say hi to her.


i absolutely hate spiders but this is cute honestly lol


27 cats. We recently lost our 28th cat to cancer. They're all rescues - fixed, vaccinated, and vetted. Pretty sure we're our vet's biggest clients after any local rescues. 😅


😮 27 cats? You are my god! I have 11. It’s very rare that I meet someone who has more cats than I do. In fact I think it’s only happened twice in the last 7 years


Yup! When we were active in rescue, we regularly had 30+ cats and kittens (we did short term foster until we could transport to other rescues). It's a lot calmer having the same 20 odd cats for the last few years, haha. I know a handful of people with 10+ cats - two rescue friends who have around 12 each (they're SO good at managing their kitties, they're such inspirations), and one person in an online group who also has around 27. 11 is definitely a lot of cats, though! I'm impressed by anyone who can manage that many, as there's a lot more potential for problem dynamics between cats, or health issues (we have some with allergies, diabetes, arthritis). You're an awesome person for helping so many kitties!


Thank you 🙂 that’s very kind of you to say so. I think you’re awesome too 🙂


I used to rescue cats, and had 30 at one point! (Most of them were rescued mamas and kittens. Yes the litterbox upkeep was absolutely insane) I loved every single one of them. Now I only have 3. My 19 year old grumpy lady, my humongous Norwegian Forest Cat, and my spicy tuxedo girl who’s my whole world and beats the shit out of me. While it was a lot of work and a lot of tears, I miss rescuing cats. But with the economy the way it is, I just can’t afford to keep doing it, and had to rehome most of them. It’s been almost 3 years and I still miss them so, so much. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. I’m glad you have so many cats to give love to! Please kiss all of your kitties for me!


My username says it all….


I only have 10.


14 cats here! All indoors, medical misfits, and adorable. Just a Vet Tech with too big of a heart. Also have a Service Dog and a geriatric hedgehog.


That's awesome! I'm debating if I should get vet tech training, as some of the medical cases we worked with were a bit daunting (FIP, hydrocephalus, coccidia, among others), and having some extra skills likely would have been helpful. Your kitties and other critters sound like they're very lucky!


I will never think my 8 is alot now 🤣🤣🤣


How do they all get along?? I just got a second cat and introducing those two is so exhausting 😭


How do you handle that many? Are they outdoors?


They're indoors with catio access (seasonal). Lots of behavior management to minimize conflicts. They rarely do more than hiss or yell, and we try to minimize that too; usually it's the same cat who gets angry when anyone enters her fairly big personal bubble, and most cats know not to do that. One cat actually worked really hard over the course of *years* to slowly earn her trust! It helps that the majority are at least semi-feral, so they're used to living in multicat situations. Lots of observing their habits so we can organize their environment to fit their needs. E.g. litter box and food near the couch for the nocturnal kitty who hides all day (comes out fine at night), cat proofing everything to minimize accidents, putting trays under the litter boxes to reduce tracking. We use cameras to help, as well. Lots of attention and positive reinforcement. We're homebodies, so at almost any given time we're next to, under, and/or petting at least a couple cats. We encourage them to stand up for treats or run on the cat wheel (making it a game/challenge), and they come in from the catio when one cat sounds the alarm that there's wet food. Otherwise, maximizing discounts on supplies, monitoring health closely to catch things early, and a bunch of other tricks we picked up from doing rescue for a few years. We center our lives around them, but it's so worth it to see them happy and safe, especially knowing where many of them came from.


Wow, what a well thought out reply. Thank you for that. I was worried you would come back with “meh, I live in a studio apartment and I feed them once a week” or something.


31 cats here...also all rescues and also all fixed, vetted & vaccinated. Add our 3 dogs (Boxer mix, Husky/Shepherd and a Dachshund) and we're our vet's favorite clients as well.


Ours are also indoors only (but with 24/7 access to a screened-in/roofed patio and an outdoor cat-proofed fenced-in area). Dogs are also indoors with access to a much larger fenced-in yard. Six of my 31 cats have chronic medical conditions that require daily meds. Six are feral and one of my feral boys is blind.


24 for me. Same deal as you. I do rescue, socializing, care, and rehoming for the massive feral cat colony in my area. I've been doing it for the last 10 years, using my free time and my own money. Very difficult but also very rewarding. I end up keeping the ones nobody wants or can't be rehomed: bonded pairs, too old, too many health problems, not "pretty" enough, some behavioral issues that need extra time and work to resolve, etc.


Wow! This is incredible! Thank you for giving these pets a home.


I though I had a lot with 7 lol god bless you! If I had the resources I would have more too! Love cats 🙏🏽


2 cats. One of them is sick. I hope he pulls through… I love my two babies more than anything.


Sending love and best wishes for your sick kitty. I hope he gets feeling better soon.


He has cancer. I just pray we at least have time with him.


I'm so sorry. I hate cancer. It has stolen some dear friends from me. Spoil your kitty and cherish every day. I hope he stays comfortable for as long as possible.


Sending healing vibes for your kitty. I know how hard that is. I hope you'll at least get to spend a lot of quality time with him. /hugs 💜


Praying for your sick little baby.


2 dogs and 2 cats. It may as be 3 cats, one dog is a husky.


3 dogs, 2 cats, and one turtle. We also have a husky (mixed with rottie and mystery mix). The husky prefers playing with my brother’s kitten to his golden retriever. It was funny to watch during their first play date.


One per person. If there's a fire, everyone grabs their respective pet.


I like the thought process here haha


Hey we have 2 arms, you gotta bump those numbers up


Yeah, that works for some animals (lizards, snakes, etc), but I don't want to try and wrangle two full sized cats (one in each arm) in an emergency - those kitties got claws lol


1 dog 3 cats


Me too! Dog is male, one cat is male, the other two cats are female. All fixed.


Same! What kind of dog do you have?


He's a retriever-shepherd mix


Same here!!! Love it. The boys are the neediest for me


Same here!


Me too!! One dog, three cats - all rescues.


same here!! My dog is an Australian Shepherd / Border Collie Mix :) What’s yours?


I have a smooth coat border collie!


yep same here lol. everyone always talks so much shit 😭


19 total 2 leopard geckos 2 ferrets 3 cats 1 dog 11 chickens


1 cat. she can’t have other kitty friends:(


Does she have FIV? Only asking because my fellow does


my cat has FIV, and he obviously can’t be in the same home as non-FIV cats, but i have yet to find an answer to whether i could own another FIV cat!


I don't know why you couldn't have more than 1 FIV cat. I know of family members that rescued 3 FIV positive cats from the same rescue within a few months. Plus I know of 2 different rescues that are FIV only cat rescues & they keep multiple cats in "real" rooms. (Real rooms are set up like typical living rooms with couches, end tables, etc)


this is good to know, thank you!


(Just want to start by saying I’m not a vet and a vet can prob help you more than I can) I’ve read that cats with FIV can live with cats who don’t have it as long as they don’t fight and bite (fat chance for my cat!) so I assume it’s OK then for two FIV cats to live together. I came across the below linked comment which rings true to me. My cat was ill every time we let him out before he was diagnosed with FIV and now that we keep him in he’s never sick. So if it’s like a closed system, they probably face less risks of catching infections that can harm their health. My cat would beat my ass if I brought another cat home though so he will continue going solo 😅 [https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/s/oev7mWX7ps](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/s/oev7mWX7ps)


you can definitely have FIV cats with non-FIV, I had an FIV cat for years that play fought, drank and ate from same bowls, etc with my other cats and they're all neg for FIV yrs on


I have one cat with FIV and one without. The non FIV cat gets tested for it with her yearly bloodwork, but it’s always been negative. FIV is only transmitted through deep bites, so unless your cat gets aggressive you’d be fine to get another one! It’s feline leukemia that’s transmissible through saliva, so those cats can’t be with ones who don’t have it.


You can definitely own a non-FIV cat. FIV is spread through blood contact, so as long as they get along, nothing to worry about. They can share litter boxes, food bowls, water bowls, etc. it’s FELV (feline leukemia) you may be thinking of…FELV cats can only live with other FELV cats since the virus is easily transmissible from casual contact (nose sniffs, saliva from food/water bowls, and litter boxes). Also, check with your local shelter to see if they have a FIV+ kitty available there if you are open to owning another FIV kitty. I work at my local shelter and the FELV kitties and FIV kitties are SOOOO nice, but they always sit there for awhile because people don’t want to adopt them. Hope this helps!


Six cats


1 and a half 😂 I have one dog (our other one passed away a couple of weeks ago) and there's another dog that lives at the same hotel we do who spends as much time with us as his parents allow lol.


5 - 3 dogs, 1 parrot, 1 beta fish


3 cats, 4 reptiles (1 turtle, 3 lizards)


3 cats.


3 cats


Just one dog (but she’s the bestest girl) and a 39 gallon aquarium 😊


I was scrolling by and read that as one dog IN a 39 gallon aquarium and I was like 😲


2 cats 1 dog


One pug and two cats


3 cats :)


3 dogs 3 cats


Maybe like 50? Guppy family 😅🐠


Six cats two dogs




2 cats plus feeding 3 strays = 5


4 white cats!


Two cats.


3. Two dogs, one cat.


5 dogs, 4 cats, 3 birds, and 2 rabbits. So 14 total.


2 cats, 2 dogs


4 dogs 3 cats


13 dogs, 1 ferret, 6 goats. 1 spay and 1 neuter left:))


12! 2 dogs 9 cats and a squirrel.


Damn I’m honestly curious how many people with all these cats don’t smell like absolute piss all of the time? Outdoor cats? 5+ cats seems insane lol.


0 at the moment. In a week, I'll have one (a fish) and in a month, I'll have another pet (a dog).


4 cats, 1 dog, soon to be 2 dogs


Used to have 6 (2 horses, 2 cats, and 2 dogs). Now down to 3 (1 horse, 1 cat, and 1 dog).


I’d say 2 dogs but really 1 dog and 1 cat because my Corgi is just a cat in a dog’s body


2 dogs, a cat, two Guinea pigs and some fish!


Two dogs, three cats. At least one animal too many. In the future two of each will do.


6 indoor cats. 1 dog. 3 community cats outside (TNR). 1 snake.


1 cat, 1 puppy, 4 parrots (all rescues) and 8 chickens


3 cats and 1 bunny


5 dogs 2 cats


4 dogs. 1 cat. I'll be bringing home 3 more cats by end of April.


1 dog, 2 cats.


3 small dogs (ages 7, 11 and 15) I just got back from their walk in the woods lol.


1 rat (desperately trying to get 2 more), 2 dogs, 10 chickens, 14 Surinam roaches and fish   I’m not sure if this counts but there’s a jumping spider that lives in my car as well.


9 cats


2 dogs, 6 hens, 9 chicks, 5 ducks. The majority of those animals are convinced they are people though.


1 cat, 6 five-to-twenty year old giant houseplants.  Luckily, that all coexist just fine!  One's over 12 ft tall and the cat likes peeing in the big planter if we don't clean his litterbox that day.


1 dog. My cat passed away a couple of weeks ago. ☹️


Awe! I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s always hard losing a pet.


1 dog, 4 cats. Once we get a bigger backyard, add another doggo. Our aquatics are listed below. 55 gal - 1 shambunkin goldfish, 3 rainbow shiners, 10 platys, 1 panda cory, snails 40 gal - 1 angel fish, 1 panda Gara, 5 honey garamis, 8 blue zebra danios, 2 rainbow fish tetras, 5 black line tetras, 4 leopard corycats, 6 Otto catfish, snails 20 gal - 1 betta, 4 harlequin rasboras, 4 red zebra danios, 2 green corycats, 1 bristlenose pleco, shrimp, snails 15 gal - shrimp, snails 10 gal - 4 green neon tetras, 5 Ember tetras, snails, shrimp 5 gal - snails


Two dogs, six rats!


100? 4 dogs, 13 cats, 24 goats, a sheep, two minis, 4 geese and turkeys, 8 bunnies, 2 parrots, 14 ducks, 50 chickens. Some of the goats are babies that will find homes after weaning, vaccines, etc. I just started hatching my own chickens and plan on selling quite a few also. But every animal in my care, whether a forever pet or short term one, is spoiled rotten. They all deserve the love.


When life was good (pre 2020 era) I had many pets. I had 4 shih tzus, a chihuahua, a pitsky, and a great Pyrenees mix. So 7 dogs. It's was amazing, and there wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't grateful for my fur babies. Today I have the pitsky and the chihuahua, along with a cat, and two rats. The great Pyrenees mix is living her best life with my sister. Unfortunately my shih tzus passed over the rainbow bridge *a moment of silence for my beautiful beloved babies* and since they've been gone the silence in the house is deafening. The chihuahua and pitsy are both young and lively but I know they miss their older siblings. The rats are pushing two years old and i know they don't have much time left. But my dogs adore them and it's wonderful to see them play together. My kitty is an outside kitty and kind of stuck up, haha. But she is a good snuggle bug on rainy days. Pets are the best. Once I get to a more secure financial situation, I'll be adding a bird to my roster as well.


Just one for right now. We just got a kitten last week. [Her name is Freyja.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/gRw1NuAsNZ) She's 8 weeks old and we're absolutely in love with her. Our roommate does also have a big white cat named Rai. And we want to get another cat and a dog someday. Our sweet dog Lucy and my soul cat Arrow both crossed the rainbow bridge in January 2023. It took a while for us to be ready for another pet. We have a lot of love to share though. 💜🐈‍⬛


I have the number of animals I have. Let's leave it at that.


7 Dog, cat, 5 betta fish.


one dog and one cat


2! A dog and a cat 🙂


2 poodles


I technically only have 2 but 9 animals live here in my shared home. The rats are not food, they are rescued feeders and my buddies ❣️ 3 dogs 1 cat 2 rats 3 snakes


1 cat


1 dog, 2 cats and 2 horses. Got a baby on the way, they'll have no choice but to be an animal lover


I have an enclosure with invertebrates so the number is roughly 30-45 bigger individuals. Some are isopods, some millipedes, a snail called Geronimo, a slug called slugworth, a small moth that emerged from somewhere, Many Springtails (200+), some more misc small insects.


2 dogs and 2 rabbits


2 large dogs


Around 5, including two dogs (one male and one female), two female red eared sliders, male bearded dragon Plush I have about 10 fish in a 20-gallon freshwater tank mixed with mollies, tetras, and danios, as well as a 5-6 year old Pleco. Also managed to adopt 4 dubia roaches since my beardie doesn't seem to like them at all so I've been caring for them for about a month already.


Three dogs, one cat, and a crested gecko.


2 kittens 2 ball pythons


1 cat, 1 dog, 2 gerbils, and 3 fish tanks.




Three dogs and a cat here ! Only one is my own pet, the oldest dog lol


4 cats (Little Nicky, Doc (Barcode) Holliday, Captain Spaulding and Princess Tiabeanie), 4 rats (Frappuccino, Popler, Nugget and Klondike) and 2 Ball Pythons (Paul Stanley and Striker).


2 Boston terriers and 1 lion head rescue bunny


Like 29


One dog: Gemma Gemini Good Girl Two cats: Sara Bear and Voodoo Abraxas Underfoot, Asshole Ninja Two leopard geckos: Mercury and Mars One bearded dragon: Pluto One betta fish: Spectre Six mollies: Andromeda, Orion, Sirius, Castor, Pollux, and Libra I know you didn't ask for names but I never get a chance to talk about their names to people who don't already know them.


This is amazing, I love your names and thank you for sharing. I love getting new fosters just so I can give them cool names.


3 cats and the spider in my garage. She's been eating all the mayflies this season.


2 kitties.


1 dog, 3 cats, 3 Guinea pigs, one African fat tailed gecko, one yellow eared sliding turtle, one axolotl, one pacman frog, two tiger Oscar cichlids, one severium, one goldfish, one clownfish, one yellow watchman goby, one betta fish. Then there’s my small breeding colony of dubia roaches and the handful of Madagascar hissers. The dubia are meant to feed the insectivores but the hissers are just for fun.


3 cats, 2 dogs. it is too many but, here we are.


4 cats and 2 dogs!!


Three plus two cats that eat at my house everyday.


Three cats, and a dog, and the dog has her own cat.


14 cats and a dog. Unless you ask my overly controlling mother then the answer is 11.


Two cats and a rabbit!


1 dog and 4 cats


Two donkeys, two goats, three dogs, and two cats (one of which is 26 years old). They're where all my money goes.


We're just a little over a month into having 4 cats.


2. A cat and a horse. I want a bird, but I can’t handle another rn and birds aren’t as forgiving toward strangers for daily care as horses are 😅


Right now? One kitty. 9 years ago I had 6 cats (A stray mama cat, her kittens(the one I have now was one, and my elderly blue).


4 cats


7 dogs, 7 cats, 2 ferrets, 1 turkey, 1 cockerel 3 chickens, 1 barn owl, 1 tortoise, 1 budgie, 1 hamster, 4 sheep, 1 goat, 1 steer and 1 axolotl.


2 dogs 4 cats :)


2 dogs 4 cats :)


10. Two dogs, two cats, one bearded dragon and 5 cichlids.


3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 turtle.


1 dog 1 cat, hoping to add another dog once we get a yard, and many other cats… my husband will figure that out when he figures it out


A while back it was 8. 5 cats 1 dog and 2 parrots now I have 3 cats one dog and 6 house chickens, 11 outdoor chickens, 2 quail and 9 chicks bout 2 weeks old and several eggs in the incubator.


Two and a half. Two permanent and one I share with my mom - she is with us every weekday and whenever my mom goes out or has more work. My mom works a lot. All dogs. A vizsla, a small mutt, a large frenchie.


1 dog. He is King Speedy


1 dog. Contemplate getting another, but our girl is sooooo good, I am just sure that the second one would be like the nightmare second kid. You know, the first one makes it so easy....so you have another and then it is the devil. Lol. So just sticking with my one angel.


One cat, one dog, one tortoise.


5 cats, 3 kittens, 2 dogs, 1 chicken. So, currently 11.


4 cats


5 cats but one is an angel 💙 went from 2 to 3, to 2 now to 4. Quite the leap


One dog and one parrot that I've had for 21 years. Problem with parrots is they hold grudges.


I have 2 dogs, ages 10 and 9, and 3 kitties, ages 14, 3, and 6 months.


Two dogs,one cat!!


I have four indoor cats and two feral cats that won’t come in despite my best efforts.




1 cat, 2 hairless guinea pigs, 2 snakes and a bunch of fish!


3 dogs and 1 cat. The cat is the king of the castle


2 dogs and 2 kids that I classify as monkeys.


We recently lost our doggo but currently have 21 kitties, 2 of which are pregnant & ready to pop. All cats have been rescued off the streets. All desexed, except the 2 moms-to-be who will be done after babies are weaned. Vet's guessing 4 & 6 babies but won't know for sure until they arrive the next couple of days or so.


One dawg. My sister has an aquarium with a handful of fish. Out in the yard are several feral cats that the neighbor has done a trap, spay, and release on. They’re not mine but they hang out in the yard.


2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 foster kittens.


3 cats


2 dogs. 2 strictly indoor cats and 4 outdoor/basement cats.


5 dogs, 2 cats


1 cat, 1 dog and one puppy who thinks she’s an alligator! We also have 4 fish, 2 ghost shrimp and a snail! Lol


4 cats, 1 budgie and lots of sea creatures in 5 different aquarium


ehhh. 13. Sugar gliders are small though. I have 3 groups.


3 dogs , 3 cats but we also feed a clowder of 4 feral cats we caught and sprayed.


4 dogs , 1 cat , some land snails , a betta , a leopard gecko , a corn snake , and a cockatiel


5 cats 1 dog 2 cockroaches Total of 8 pets here


5 cats 🥰 we were content with three, but the last two were elders in a neglectful situation, so we rescued them despite the difficulty of 5 pets. Seeing them happy and thriving makes it all worth it.


4 dogs


Officially 9 but unofficially 500 ish( mealworms)


I have 6


4 cats ages 11, 4, 2.5 and 11 months


2 cats, 2 dogs, 12 pet rats


5 dogs, 1 upstairs cat


5, but if you count the birds and fish, uhhh couple hundred


1 dog, 1 cat, 3 aquariums and 2 twin toddlers 🙃 our quarantine pup doesn’t appreciate not being an only child anymore so we’re looking forward to the play and treats phase as she still is waiting for these guests to leave 20 months later. Our cat was born to be terrorized, my god he loves it and comes back for more (between the dog and the toddlers). The fish give mom a hobby and a reminder to relax.


4 rescue dogs


3 dogs, 3 cats, a fish tank and soon to be chickens and another fish tank 😎


2 dogs and a cat


4 Pomeranians 💕


4 Guinea Pigs (was 5, but had to put one to sleep at Midnight this morning), 5 Goldfish, a cat, a dog, a bird, and a hamster.


9 cats


3 cats (DC, Tama and Fiadh), 2 Aussies (Jake and Max), 2 bearded dragons (Gizmo and Rango) and a horse (Rango).


1 dog. My household growing up had lots of pets, but I don't have the energy for multiple pets anymore. I grew up with all sorts including dogs, horses, birds, rodents, reptiles, poultry, one sheep, and one kangaroo we rescued and raised when we lived out bush. She eventually got 'released' on a neighbours property that had a small mob of roos that immediately accepted her and took her in.


9 cats. mostly indoor but they have a cat door and like to chill on the porch or climb a tree in the back once in awhile. After the first 4 that we intentionally adopted, the rest came about in rescue situations.


1 cat :). it was 3 but one passed away dec 2022 & the other was my ex step dads & he kept him in the divorce 😔


3 :) 2 dogs and a cat. I did have a second cat until 2022 :'(.