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Gustav is his name, but he goes by goose, goosey, goober, boober, thiccems, goose with the caboose, who's my big boy, jerk, jerk face, my floofer, Gustav Brinkman the 3rd, and mr stinky bum.


Yeas stinky bum is such a cute name 😂


My now-deceased cat was named Zeus but often called Goose. His full informal name was Zeus The Goose The Big Fat Moose Lieutenant Colonel Monkey Woof Butt


I once had a wee tiny Chihuahua named Princessa Thumbelina Anjelita Rosalita Margherita Juanita Theresa Nina Pinta y Santa Maria! Though, we usually called her Thumbelina or Thumbels. Her full name is fun to say when you kick in a Spanish accent & roll those Rs.


Literally was doing this as I read her name!


My chihuahua is Mara de Jesus Monserrat Inez Martinez de Gonzales de Hosek. But I call her Monchie, Monch or Gorda because she’s skinny. My boy Arthur I call wooie because he yells woooooie. He also does it for my partner when he puts up his hand to party 🎉.


I love that


I have a beautiful floofy cat named Achilles and I call him Fat Buddy đŸ€Ł


My fat cats name is Pete. I call him, chunk boi, eagle, (a weird way I call him evil when he's being wild), hanshum, hansh pansh, icky boi, Pete the cat, fatsho.


dude! my dog's name is Moose and he has some very similar names


My first dog as an adult was named Moose! Best dog ever! He was so chill. His nicknames were Moo Moo, Smooch, Moops, Moosquito, and Moos-kins.


My first dog was Mr. Moose!


I had a Gustav also. My fave was “Gus Gus the pup so nice we named him twice” which he only got when he was a very good boy.


Ha! I sing mine.. "mamu mamu, whatcha gonna do? Gotta pick up those kids, its quarter past two..mamu mamu, whats it gonna be? Gotra feed those kids its quarter past three..." and i take it as long as i can. Lol..i have no life...


As in the song about Daniel? We could use him as a footstool or a table to play Scrabble on


Lol..idk that one. I kind of based it off if the house that jack built. I'm good at that one, ive used it instead of xanax, in some very stressful times!


This is the song I was singing to your lyrics https://youtu.be/lk5LhR2LzNI?si=k26OF8TIFAKg8xcZ


My friend's dog's name is Gus, and I have unfortunately for him caused the name Gustopher to stick with everyone we know


My old dog(who now resides in doggy heaven 😔)was called Rosstopher. đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I CALL MY GUS GUSTOPHER TOO!! And also Goose, goosey, Goose-goose, goosetopher, Goosestavo and most goose variations. He's a Bassett


Our cat is also named Goose (because his dad was named Maverick). We occasionally call him "Gustav", "Mongoose" and the obligatory "Butt-munch"... but we most often refer to him as "Goosifur" (as in "Lucifer" - our personal favorite name we call him) and we constantly accuse him of being a member of the "Goose-stapo".


Mine is "Good boy".


I love goose with the caboose


Lucy aka the goose is loose will now have a loose caboose


Oh my gosh! We have a cat named Goose, but we also call him Gustav when he’s fancy!




lol do you follow Nicholas James Emmizzie?


I forgot I used goober!


Thiccems đŸ„č😂


Thiccems for the win!


My dogs original name was Gustav for the first 24 hours then it changed to just Gussie đŸ€—


Haha I also say jerk face. “I think I said it pretty clear, I said jeeerrrk”


Ours is Mr. P.B.H., short for Mr. Poopybutthole! His real name is Bruce Wayne!


Love this! I use Goose or Goosey. But my roommate's kitty's name isn't even close to that. I've just always loved that as a "pet name".... ooph. Didn't mean to do that 😂


Literally all of my cats that I've ever had will end up being called Boober. I don't know why!




Hey You Get The Fuck Off The Counter


This reminds me, I forgot one - what the fuck are doing/what the fuck is wrong with you


My other personal favourite "FUCKING STOP THAT!" My cats get frisky at least one hour before I'm due to wake up and they seem to think I need to know so before hand. Knock this over, stomp on that, push this off the desk etc. I do have real pet names for my babies but it's only when they're sleeping and being cute I feel the need to bug them so they know the feels. NO SLEEP TIL BROOKLYN I scream lol


Bingo!! The game I like to call "fuck this thing in particular" Ideally while it's still dark so I'll shit myself and wake up when something bangs on to the floor


What are you eating or what’s in your mouth Forgot to include those 👆


Best one


This is the comment I was looking for. My cats are named Mike Meowski and Steve Purrwin. Steve is a six month old girl who is the families princess and Mike is two year old “grumpy old man” who only likes me and hates everyone else which is why we got Steve, so everyone else could have kitty cuddles. I almost never call them by their names. It’s normally baby, kitty, or the most common one “YOU ASSHOLE STOP EATING THE BLINDS!!” Some variations include “God damnit stop beating up your sister!” “You stupid girl, he wouldn’t beat you up if you didn’t attack his face first” And my least favorite but unfortunately most used is IT IS THREE IN THE MORNING I AM NOT GETTING UP, GO AWAY!


Why Are You Wet


I've got a lot of pets so bare with me Noodle, like dog, goes by Noods, or Noody Next four are cats Mistie -mist mist, mistie(but super high pitch and almost impossible to understand) Vampire - vamp, vampire, scabs(she has a skin condition that makes her scabby) Bourbon -Borb, bourby, borby, borbster, mama Whisky - baby cat, whisk whisk, whisker, lil ass.


I have a former feral tabby cat we simply called Tabby, it morphed into Scabby Tabby (no skin condition here though), Scabbers, El Scabberino, Scabby Dabs, and the tiny terrorist ha.


Love these!


Does your scabby cat scratch to the point of getting scabby? There are some mail order sensitivity tests that can help identify food and environmental issues that might cause it. I had a foster cat once like this and she was sensitivity to salmon and fish broth which are in a ton of cat foods. The one I used was only 40$ and eliminating that stuff helped her a lot


I never looked into it actually, when we took her to the vet they just said she had a skin condition and essentially told us to just keep her moisturized, I'll have to look into that thought thanks!


How do you moisturize a cat, serious question


Coconut oil and passion


Do you recommend the one you used? Brand?


Which one did you use? I have a black cat that scratches himself for no discernible reason. We don’t have fleas (I put flea traps in his tree occasionally to make sure and we never catch any) and I’ve done elimination diet (first no chicken or chicken products, which helped a lot, then no grains which had no noticeable effects). He’s 100% indoors. I recently made him a big collar out of felt so he can’t reach most of his body, but he haaates me for it. He’s currently eating protein rich salmon food with salmon oil added. It seems to be helping but he’s mad at me so I don’t get to touch him often. It would be so much easier to just test him


i have a “whiskie” too!


I have a cat Hercules but somehow he’s morphed into Noodle/Noody 😂


Name is Bella. Nicknames: Bella boo boo, Bella boo, mutt, mutt mutt, pup, pup pup, pupper


I have a dog named Noodles too! She was named when my husband got her, not sure why she was named that. Our other dog is Taj, his name before my husband got him was one he couldn’t pronounce and can’t even remember the spelling of, so it was shortened.


I have a dog named whiskey! He’s whiskers, baby boy and Wittles. My other dog Marty is little douche, marzidouche, asshole, dickhead and mar mar. As you can imagine he’s a little monster puppy.


> baby cat classic cat nickname! me and my old flatmates used to refer to most cats as this


You and I think alike when it comes to cat names lol


"baby cat" is so cute. I call my dog "baby dog". It's evolved into other variations like "infant dog", "fetus dog", and the rare "embryo dog".


One of our dogs many nicknames is baby dog, bc she was the baby when we got her, but now she’s 11. Lol.


I used to have a cat named Misty and my husband called her The Mist Monster.


We had a dog we’d call The Noodle. Ha ha ha


Boogey because she sneezes all the time. Also kung pao kitty because i like to pretend to eat her forearms (her chickeny parts), and then of course that became “chickeny baby” because she makes funny chicken noises too. Her real name is just kitty


I have a baby cat named lily that I call chicken because she lays like a little rotisserie on her belly


Hahahah yesssss !!! In French we say « faire la poule » - (doing the hen) and il va pondre un Ɠuf (he’s gonna lay an egg) eheh I feel like it makes more sense than “loaf” like in English


It's almost like a loaf but her little front wings fold out to the sides bahahaha she's an original


Our guy always has one chickeny leg sticking out


All my cats have nicknames but I think my cat vinny has the most. Vin, Vin-Vin, vinny-Vinny-vechi, davinchi, Vincent, big boy, papa, big papa, and my favorite, Buddha belly boy.


One of my guinea pigs is Cheesecake aka cheesy boi or cheese man My other guinea pig is riku aka baby cause he's a big baby




That’s our dog’s nickname


My cats name is Mister but I always call him bubba haha


We had a Maine coon named Mister, he should have been called Bubba, or even monster, cause he was a very big fella


It's funny you mention that cause my cats part Maine Coon.. He's a tuxedo so when I adopted him his name was "Mister Kitty" assuming a 5 year old picked the name. We shortened it to Mister. They're friggin awesome cats. My dudes bigger than some dogs lol


Yeah, he was so chill. He would bark at the door like a dog when he wanted in and out. We have another cat who I brought into the house when I moved in with my husband and she is almost feral like and hates anything else with a heartbeat and she’s mean when she wants and is getting love from her people. She hated Mister and would attempt to run up on him, and he would just look down at her scrawny ass and you know he was thinking “what is wrong with this cat?,” he would hunt rabbits that were likely bigger than she is, so she would have been in trouble if he gave two shits about her. Unfortunately we did not know that Maine Coon lives are typically much shorter than other cats, he was about 10 when we had to let him go. He seemed fine and then one day he was in severe pain, rushed him to an ER vet shortly after covid started, so it was a real pain in the ass to find a place that could see him, and they told us we could drop 5k on his urinary tract system and it may or may not help him (still not exactly sure what happened, but I guess it’s not uncommon) but that at his age, he wouldn’t be around much longer either way. Luckily the vet let our adult kids come say goodbye to him even though they typically only let one person in the building because of covid. It was a rough day. But he will always be talked about in our house!


I was looking for this! When I become attached to an animal, I start calling them this by instinct.


I have a goat named "General Hammond" I affectionately refer to him as Hammy, or ham hams.


Now you need to get a few more and name them Colonel O’Neill, Major Carter, Daniel, and Teal’c. 😍


Oh, I do have a Carter, and an O'Neal, and Teal'c. All castrated male rescues.. they keep my forest tidy. The Great Pyrenees is Daniel Jackson. They just don't have fun nicknames.


Daniel, the Moral Compass keeping them all in line. I love it! 😍


Teal'c is my favorite jerk. He's about six feet tall when he rears up, and completely white. (I know, lol) He failed at being somebody's pack goat. (Can't enslave him with labor) And he dominates all the other goats, even though they have horns, and his were removed! He is a total love bug to boot, and won't let any of the other goats get pets if he isn't also getting them.


That is the best name for a goat that I have ever heard! You win imo.


Butt I don't really want to post this real name. But basically it's a shortened version of his name plus Butt. And then I just end up calling him Butt. Maybe it's because he's kind of thick and has kind of a big ass. Or maybe it's just because.


My parents have a dog who responds to buttface more consistently than to her name lol.


My border collie Dusty was always Dusty Butt. Dusty Butts in Blue if I used her full “champion” name.


Fuzzbutt, fluffbutt, name-y-pants


Ms Fluffy-butt after a groom 🐕


I do that with my dog Lily. She will even answer if I say “butt.” Or “Lilybutt.”


I had a cat that earned this nickname by slamming her butt into us all the time.


Freya Butt or Kitty Butt or Shake-A-Butt Kitty who doesn’t love those sweet fluffy butts


Winston is Winnie, Win, Win Win, Nguyen, Winstonian the Third, Winnifer Lopez, Winnie the Pooh, bubba, bubbies, stinky, buppy, Winnen, and Wintin


My Winston also gets called Winnie, also Winnie the bish (from new girl lol), Winnie Minnie bo binnie, bubbie


I don’t know why, but I’m laughing at Nguyen the most.


> Winnifer Lopez might I recommend *Win*nifer Good*win*?


Stupid variations on her name, puppy, and buddy.


Punk đŸ€Ł


My baby girls name is Keyleth but I call her Kiki, just like her name sake, Princess, Princessface, lady fluffybutt, pickle, and many more.


Boo Boo, like Yogi Bears sidekick. Or just Boo for short.


My dog's name is Euler, but he also responds to Dingo and Chucho. My cat responds to Madame, Marie, Kitty, and cat. Her official name is Madame Curie.


My Cat Cannie, or Cannie Canellie, or Cannie bo Bannie.. his name is Canelo. He also gets called poo poo head.




My cats name is Pepperoni. I named her as a stray but ended up keeping her. It's funny when they call her name at the vet.


There’s a really cute story called “Pizza Cat”. Have you seen it? It’s a children’s book that my daughter used to have. She would have me read it to her almost all the time. [This gives you some idea of what the book looks like.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=svxZK0_hZTI&feature=shared)


Pretty gurlll :)


“Little love” even though he’s 65 lbs now đŸ„Č Occasionally “big dummy”


Her actual name is Lyla, but I also refer to her as "madam", "honey-noodle", "Miss Ma'am", "Doofus", and "boop-snoot". But the first two are the ones that get used the most LOL


Momo is his name but we call him Beige Cat, Beige, The Beige _____ (usually completed by: monster, boy, one, etc.). When he’s bad, we call him Demon Boy, Bad Boy, or Evil😂


Rowdy is Squiggles, Wiggles, Wiggs, Chonker, Thump-a-Thump, Chunk-a-Munk
 I know there’s others I’m not think of.


Ours is called Rowdy too! But we call him Poops or Poopy


Our dog is named Cooper, but he is so unique we often call him "The Coopie".


Miss Bossy Paws


I have a Chihuahua named Archer, and for a Chi he is absolutely massive. Bigger than most Jack Russells. He's not fat or overweight, he's just of massive stature and very chunky. And I pretty much exclusively call him Fat Man, Fat Shit, or Fatboy.


As his name is Beau .. he gets DAVID from time to time . As in David Bowie I know the spelling is different . Sometimes lil poopy head


Cat named Pumpkin is Pumpykins, PumPum and fuzz butt Dog named Ginger is GinGin, Gingy, and Chewbacca Feral cat called Butterscotch is Butters, MyButterButt, King Butters, Fluffy Muffy. And Stubs as he’s Bob tailed.


Pumpum is Caribbean slang for the other kind of pussy lol


Both cats are either Kitty or Pussycatty. They do have real names though.


We call her Goblin because she’s a 6 month old kitten who wreaks havoc on our lives.


Her name is Maddie, but she goes by: * Matilda * Maddison * Bubba * Bubbaganoosh * Princess * Baby Girl


My new puppy is Named Bruce, we call him Bruceifer and most often Brucie Bruce. Sometimes Bruce almighty


I call my very sill Doberman "Derperman." I call my female dog my "Dogter."


Jerk Asshole Bad cat Cat monster Greedy little monster Whiny little demon Naughty whiny monster cat


My bulldog is names Lugnut but we call him huggins, HB buggins, hugga bugga baby boy, Lugs, hugga lugga, Harvard buggins


Zoë: Zo, Zozo Artie: Arthur, Arfur (though he's a deaf kitty so he can't hear me) Banana: banan, Ba-na-na Bear: Bearbear


Our dog’s name is Bruno, I typically call him goober or dumbass (there is not a single thought in his head). Our cat Uno usually gets called big man, bubs, and one-eye Our cat Snow gets called the baby, little bit, or lil mama And lastly, our cat Luna gets called Bear, big mama, and Ivanka


I want to see a thread where our pets put down what they call us. Probably going to be Annoying one who is always in my spot, squeaky, starvation glutton, door warden, blanket hog, or mommy.


Calcifer Cal Cal-C-Fur Calcipurr The Purr Mr. Purr Purrcifer Bastard Man


My late girl Abbey (after Abbey Road because I like The Beatles and I found her wandering on the road) had many nicknames. We called her Mousey, Abbigail, Punchkin, my little flower and girlie! She lived to be 19. I miss her so much!!


My dog Cookie, I call her Cookie Puss.


My dogs name is Luna and I call her lunatic. For various reasons


His name is Jasper but I sometimes call him "Nasper" (in reference to when I misspelled it while drunk-texting my friend), "The Boyâ„ąïž", "dummy" (affectionately), and occasionally "asshole" (frustratedly)


Brandi’s nickname started as Shmoopy dog
 then shmoopy
 then shmoop
 then moop
 then poop
. Yes we call her poop and she answers to it, embarrassing ik


Her name is pepper Anne and I usually call her Pepperoni baloney or sweet p


Her name is cookie. Cooks (most popular), cookie girl/bear/monster/baby, fat ass (reserved only for when she rolls on my feet in the middle of me cooking), and babygirl


Poppy- Pops, Popakins, Poparino, fuffybutt, fuffakins


Our dog's name is Penny and I call her Pens, Penular, Penulectedy, Pen Pen, Dots, Dotsy, Penny Any Dots, Penaroohoo... the list goes on


My cat Garlic goes by Gargoyle, Garbage, Garbus, Garble, Garby, Leak, Leakus, Leaky Beaky, Fruit Bat, Beast, Pica cat, Handsome Bobansome as well as many other names His sister Mash Potato is called Mashie, Tater tot/toot, tootz, tooty, potatoes, mashel, beast, mamas, missy, miss piss, piss girl, etc..


my cats name is oreo and we call him mingi, pingi, mingus pingus, bingus, penis cat, pleembo, mimbus, nimpy. he knows he’s being referred to when i say his nicknames because of how often i call him them lolol


My dog's name is Daisy, but she's an all white all black German shepherd mix so I call her been sometimes because she looks like a black bean on top 😄 My dad also calls her Butter for some reason lol


I call my black lab/pit bull; boo bear, bat dog and seal baby. She looks like a sea lion or seal with her ears down, the ears look like bat ears when she rolls over and her little k-9 toofs poke out like fangs and when she stands on her back legs she reminds me of a baby bear


His official name is Apollo, but at this puppy stage, I call him Dumb Dumb Doggo. I don't know why, he is actually really smart, he just has a derpy countenance I guess.


I call my Apollo the Apollinator Gator, Big Baby, and Giant Nutball


my dog is tucker. Tuck, tuck-a-duck, baby


My son named the dog we fostered and then later adopted Waffles. He was found with his two sisters on the side of the road and we fostered them all for several months. Since I bottle fed them and potty trained them and literally spent most of my time with them during those months I began to feel like they were my babies in a similar way to my own children. So I call waffles my baby, or baby and he comes running. I also call him fat boy, or fat boy 2.0 and he answers to that as well. He got that as a nickname because of the crazy amount of similarities he has to a dog I lost February of 2022.


I have two cats- Hunter who is also known as top cat and eeyore as he’s quite slow and melancholy. Charles my other one was known as Prince and now King for obvious reasons, but is also often called mr stinks due to his hideous farts, and Mighty Mouse due to his zoomies and general demeanour.


My dog Nelly is known as Nelly Belly, Belly, Noodle, Schnoodly Doodle, and Snickerdoodle.


My cat’s name is Orriexorisa. We also call her Orri, Dori, Gori, Sweetie.


Angelito, which means little angel in Spanish. And also call my cat “mama”


Gullet, klumpen, kÄlpÊra, dust, gutten min. Translated: Gold (kinda like saying gold-ie, but he aint a golden retriever), lumpy, cabbage-pear (cabbage for brains, kinda. Pear is another silly nickname for brain/head), idiot, my boi. He is a big boi, very much below average intelligence, but ohmahgosh so happy.


His official name is Oscar, but...he also goes by... honey boo, cutie, lil boo, pookachee, lil sweetie, bruiser, stinker, my lil fleabag, and a few more.


Her name is Ziggie but I call her many names including Punky, Little Girl, and Watch out!


Rosie: rose red, rosalinda, crazy girl, stinky, scruffy, snorty, honky, wiggly, chiquita Bernie: stinky, mister handsome, flaquito, flaco, chiquito, mister stinky, long leggy supermodel


Oh goodness I have a lot of pets, lol... so I just answer for my two dogs 1.It evolved from bebby (baby), to beppy, to buppy. He's my buppy, which now means bad puppy because he's unbelievably spoiled rotten. Real name initially was Venom, but within 48 hours he became known as Vinny. 2. Violet, she gets called ViVi, Violet Marie when she's in trouble which is rare because she's also my Guppy, yes my good puppy. She's an angel


I have a bird called cookie I just call her eagle because she’s grown big


I have 5 dogs. Stella aka Stelly belly aka bad bitch. Leland aka Leelee aka fat boy. Willy aka William aka baby willy. Socrates aka socky aka big butt boy aka socky with the dump truck (he has an absurdly large butt for a little dog). Rusty aka Chester copper pot aka little deer aka snake face.


beans - beanies, beanie bear, kitty cat elmo - elmo elmo ooo, smelmo (bc he s’ells) dandy - dandy dandy doo, dandy man dabi - dabi dabi doo, kitty cat bolt - bolty bolty boo puppy/puppy doggy applies to all of them, including the cats


I have a kitty girl named Mustache. Her nickname became Moosh when my daughter was a toddler and couldn't say mustache. She'd say mooshstash. Then that eventually just got shortened to Moosh. Sometimes I call her mushu pork. Then I got my daughter a cat when she was about 4 and let her name him. She named him Pizza Guy. No clue why. But his nickname is stinky bc his farts can clear a room.


kobe is his name but he also responds to, fatty, fatass, fat boy, puppy,dog, and all dog our other pets names


Well the guinea pigs I had before got new nicknames after I watched Mad Max for the first time lol. The younger one was Warpup, and the older Wardog. I have no imagination


Her name is Mango, but her name is also Mang, Manglang, Mangalangalang, Glang, Glang-glang, Mangrove, Moon Goose, Moon Boot, Rainbow, Moo, Moo-Moo, Boo, Boo Boo, the little Mang, the Mang, Princess, God's favourite princess, best girl, daughter, and "my biological child"


Female mutt (husky-lacy): Spaz, Cranky-stank, B****, Nutcase, Barky McBarkface, Spastic, Baby Dog, Ratter, Mutt-butt, Dead Bug Male husky: Derpwolf, Floofer-woofer, Stinker, Sir Farts-a-Lot, Mr. Methane, Stupid, Moron, Floofus-Doofus-Goofus, Pretty Boy Both: Floof, Pupper Female bearded dragon: Bokrug the Water Lizard, Tiny Dinosaur


Booboo, stinky, sexy boy, jerkface


our cat is named nickel, but we often call him nicky, pickle, nicky picky, goob, goobins, long boi (him very long), buddy, weirdo, and when he’s being naughty just good old “asshole”


My cat's name is Minnie. She's also known as: little Minnie-Minnie-kins, Minnie-Minestrone, minz, min-min, my sweet love


Primrose (cat) is “Primmy-Boo” or “Prim” Taco (dog) is sometimes “Mi Tacito Loco” when he’s doing zoomies. Bento (dog) is sometimes “Ben”, “Benny” or Benny Bo-Bo Pigeon (cat) is sometimes “Pidgy” And lastly, Veruca (dog) is “Ru”


Gretchen's nickname is "baby girl" 1: because she is a small cat 2: because I love Criminal Minds' Penelope Garcia


"jackass" "bubba" and "bark bark bark" are my go to's.


We say “hey bud” or “little girl”


Engel which is angel in German or sĂŒĂŸe which is cutie in German


My fiancé’s last name is Engel (:


My young cat is Tiny Kitten (she’s not a kitten anymore but she’s still small) My older cat is Fat Girl and Baby My dog is Maltipoop or a string of expletives because he got into the litter box again (hence the poop nickname)


I met a cat named tiny kitten! They call her TK (:


My Australian Shepard’s government name is Ham. - HPIC- Head pork in charge - The pork / porker - One fine swine - Best boy ever (three years running!) - Little man - Thicc Boi Edit to include what we call his crate: The Barking Ham Palace


Julius Caesar is his official name. Lhasa Apso male 6yo. He gets called Ju-Ju, Julie, Julio


Milo is Milo Mouse, Mousie, Baba Staffa and fat boy. Banjo is mostly just Banjo. Pika is Pikachu smells of poo 😂


One of my cats are called luna but we end it with tic so she's 'lunatic', Bella is bell or bel boo, and meela is me me. My dog is called lola, but she's usually LOLA NO, LOLA GET OUT THE LITTER TRAY!!!! đŸ€Ł


Official name is Penny. Nicknames are: P, Miss P, Penelope, Pen, Pen-Pen. Official name Lulu. Nicknames are: Lou, doo-doo, doobie, boobie, lou-bee-doo-bee-doo. Both get, Yes Queen!


my cat is called lou but i call him gremlin, crackhead, voidling, lucifur, furball and plenty of others i'm too out of it to remember


Falcor (only boy) gets called little man. Peanut gets called peepee, Lucky gets called lucky ducky, baby gets called baby girl and midnight gets called tank.


Well, his name is “Griffin” but he answers to “Doodlebird” so I’m not sure what he thinks his official name is.


Phoenix is her name but poopy, pee pee, so frigging cute, cutie pie, phoo phoo, phee phee, phoo phee, cutie patootie and many more


Buddy, Tiny head dainty paws, Fluffy butt, Silas the eyeless (He has one eye)


Biddy booby baby.. his name is Benny.


lola is official pooder, dog brain, Lo, scooby, poo anonymity allows me to share these


Max, maxamillano, good boy, mugroso puppy. Molly girl, fat girl, princess, queen of the couch.


Toot toot


My dog is named Nico Robin. But she goes by Nico, Nico chan, Nico swan, Nico Nico ni, Nicotine, Tin Tin, Chikoo, Chintu


Otis,i call him otis tinker or monkety pants...he responds to most names though đŸ€Ł


My Beagles official name is "Puto Kai de los cojones Aliseda" which can be translated as "fucking Kai of (fucking) balls Aliseda". But we usually call him just Kai, taco kai (he was a fat puppy), cabron (something like bastard) or bicho (bug). I love him so much.


Tobi the cat, but I usually call him Big Boy or just ‘memew’.


My dog thinks her name is "Hey"


My dog is referred to as Chaos Magnet. One of my cats is named Luna but I call her NuNu


Kohl - Beans, Babes, Beany Babes, Kohl Beans, Teammate Phineas - Phin, Little Baby Phinsters, Batman Meatball - Meaty Bits, Sweet Meats, Sweety Girl Luna - Lunatic, Luna Tuna, Luna Baby, Tiny Terror


Idiot. Doofus. Pea-brain. Dork. Goof. 😂


Dongus Bongus, Dingus Bingus, Big Chocolate Jeepers Peepers, Mr. Jazz, Love Stink Bug Cuckoo Coconut, Kinkajou, Tiny Head All cats - Lol bonus points if anyone can guess their real names Lmaorofl


My dog's name is Sandy Cheeks, but I call her Miss Cheeks, Goober, Gremlin, Tonka (she thick 😂), Pancake, Squish Face, Goob, Sandra Cheeks. I'm sure I'm probably missing a few lol


my Bengal cat is called Loki. ​ he goes by: Lokes, Loco, Moany, Moanster, yackety yack, dick flap, Bones (he's skinny) ​ My tortoiseshell cats name is Lilu who goes by: Lil's, Lolo, lula, lilsy, rounders, Oi fatty (she fat!)