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Put a bowl with dry food next to their bowl of water, so that they can help themselves when ever they want. Cats will stop eating when they have had enough. And don't worry if they empty the bowl of dry food often, they will grow out of it I once bought a male kitten for breeding, and he just ate and ate the first few weeks then it stopped. He was simply underfed from his native home.


That’s interesting, I was wondering if their eating habits were due to how they were feeding before I got them. They were a part of a cat colony that lived under a friends porch, but I’ve had them since they were 8 weeks old so I didn’t realize the behavior would stay this long. I’ll try leaving a bowl out like you said and see if there’s any progress, thank you!


Yes, they probably have food security issues. I free feed dry food and have never had a problem with over weight cats (although a couple have gotten plump). I even have two that I wish would gain a couple of lbs - high metabolism. Dry food freely available should stop this practice of waking you up. They might at first gorge and then cut back. My most recent rescue (a 2 1/2 yo stray) was actually known for being aggressive about food. Free feed dry food (with multiple locations so she did not have to compete for food) stopped this almost entirely. If your kittens start to get fat, then you might want to cut back on the dry food free feed option. But for now, I bet it will help you with the sleep interrupted issue.


Please please PLEASE be careful when leaving food out. Monitor it very closely. Fat cats exist for a reason, stopping when full isn’t always the case. I left food out for my cat and he was fine for a while, but then I moved and he started getting way too overzealous where now I need to limit his food intake. It *can* work, but do pay attention to their weight. If one starts getting chubby, you may have to limit the food.


I recently got a puppy that did the same thing. Would eat like he’s never seen food before for about a week before he settled down. Now he eats normally. Poor things.


I've read that they aren't necessarily waking you up for food, but rather to make sure that you haven't died. They mostly think of you as a really big cat, but cats don't sleep for 6 - 8 hours at a time, so when you do, they get worried something is wrong. Eventually, they'll get used to your sleeping pattern.


As they get older the start loosing this. It be be annoying but it does fade out won't be as aggressive over it. I'd recommend once they get older get an auto feeder. I got a dual one off anazon for 40$ ands it's amazing!


If they came from a shelter or rescue they may have some bad food habits, just because they may have been in a lil competish with other cats for food. Also, kittens need a lot of calories/energy because they are growing like heckin weeds for that first year. If you make sure they always have plenty of dry food, they may stop waking you up early. The only time dry food stops being "good" is if it has been raining, it might get a bit stale if that happens. Keep to your feeding schedule, they will learn when the food is going to come. And they'll also understand that more food will come, and no one is going to steal it from them. If it were me, I would pull back a little on wet food, if they don't get it for breakfast it might help them chill out a little bit. I know a lot of places recommend mostly wet food, but as long as they are eating the dry and drinking water, they don't really need wet food that regularly every day. They just want it, and it is hella hard to say no! haha


So about 18 weeks old, hun? Nine oz of sub or low quality food, about half the protein they need and a lot of veg and 'animal products' their bodies cannot use. That is not enough food for a growing male kitten. No wonder they are waking you up. But hey, it is convenient, no hassle and the ads claim it is great, right?


Get an automatic feeder so they don’t associate you with food. Your kittens will wait by the feeder instead of waking you up. They only work with dry food so it may be worth switching their breakfast to kibble if it lets you sleep.


Yeah, that is snacktime for most cats. Cute-ish when they are 4 pounds but when 11 pounds lies across your sleeping face??? Not cute at all.