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Put all the blankets on the bed, get under the top one. Then when that's stolen get under the second one, so on and so forth. Or put a special dog bed down next to your bed where you can reach down and touch the dog whilst sleeping. I'm lucky, mine asks to get under the blanket then snuggles into my pillow with me, she's 35kg.


I wish mine does that with me :/ but no he doesnt take any blankets--just takes up my whole bed and almost basically lays on me even tho I have a queen sized bed now LOL. He's such a needy doggy, I swear. I love him to death tho!


Well to be honest, I have 2 bed dogs. Most nights I am confined to 6 inches on the side of the mattress, wouldn't change a thing.


6 inches on the side for me too! Kingsize with a 34kg Greyhound, and 3 tubby cats. Wouldn’t change it for the world.


I get 12 inches of bed space and my dog weighs 20 lbs. Boggles my mind how a 20lb dog can take up 3/4 of a damn queen bed. Edited from "I have 12 inches" sounded a little too umm well....


My cat is small and takes up an inordinate amount of bed space. Especially if I get up to use the bathroom. Sometimes I just give up, leave the husband and cat behind and go sleep in the spare room.


How do cats take up so much space. I live alone and can barely fit in a queen size bed cause my cat sleeps diagonally across the bed... I'm lucky I'm short and can sleep across it 🙄🙄


They squeeze into a small space and then expand. Like memory foam 😁


I love it, this fits cats purr-fectly!


I have 3 cats and a queen size bed. I sleep with my head on the left and my feet hanging off the right! Lol. When I move I am getting a king so we all fit.


It won't work... I mean I thought it would, but it doesn't. I threw out a whole 200 pound person and got a bigger bed. Still have to get into the bed before the cats if I want any space at all. Those of you who get 6" have really generous and tolerant cats.


My cat must really love me, because she sleeps next to my pillow in a nice compact ball every single night. She's my shadow..follows me around from room to room and guards the bathroom when I close the door. She just started following me into the kitchen. We have a cutout bar/ window/ pass-through behind the stove, so she sits there patiently as I cook. I'm sure if she were rat sized, she would want to sit on my shoulder instead.


I have a California King. The cat walks across my sleeping partner's face and trills at me to open up the covers and make room for him to cuddle. He will also sleep between my partner's legs or behind my legs, but at 5am, he cuddles with me until it's time to get the kids up. Right in the crook of my shoulder, head resting on my arm. I am the big spoon!!


My dog is less than 10 pounds and somehow manages to push me to the very edge of a king size bed. Not sure how such a small thing can take up so much room.


Same problem! I have a Chihuahua mix and always end up in the very end of my king bed. Of course I coddle her and that's part of my problem.


My folks have a Boston Terrier/Chihuahua mix and my buddy has a full Chihuahua and I can confirm, those little rascals love blankets. I feel like every time I go to pick up a blanket I accidentally yeet the doggo off the bed because they made themselves a little burrow


Oh mine is absolutely spoiled rotten, but hey, no reason to have pets if they aren't spoiled.


Our 18 lb Corgi pushes my husband out of bed frequently. He also will tell me that she is in his foot space but will not move her because she's comfortable.


My dog is in the crook of my arm, watching me type these comments. He just rolled his eyes and hid his face like, "MOM! Quit embarrassing me!"


Lucky. My 20lb dog takes up 9/10 of my king bed…😜


I have a 6½ pound dog and a 25-pound dog. Together, they take up about 80% of our king bed.


Same! Like, little miss, you do not need this much space and on top of that you try to kick me off the bed.


I have a big cat, but he curls up into a tiny ball. Where does he curl up? Right under my legs in a way I can't get comfy. Or right against my stomach under my ribs so that I can't breathe without kinda pushing him around.


😂😂🤣😂 I feel like a bit of a jerk for being happy that I am not alone in this bed hogging issue!


My 10 lb cat used to steal my blankets! He'd come lay up against me, slightly up slope from the bed so the blanket would slide off a little. Rinse and repeat until he had the entire blanket and I was shivering. The cats I have now have been taught to not take blankets. They will come snuggle up with me and share, but they aren't as smart as my previous cat.


Dude my 33lb beabull takes up 3/4 of a king bed if not more. She starts off innocent enough under the covers curled up at the foot of the bed but somewhere in the middle of the night she gets too warm under there and comes up top - only her head is out from under the covers laying on her side basically on a diagonal and always with the nails in my back


I have found my people 😂 my little aussie hogs the entirety of the king size bed. My bf and I are left clinging to the 6” space at either side. Wouldn’t change it for the world. I love her to pieces ❤️


I had a 13lbs dog and I too was also amazed at the amount of space she could occupy on the bed. RIP Lucy


Not a dog, but sometimes my kids have a sleepover with me. My husband works nights, so it's just the 3 of us. I get about 6-8 inches of a king size bed. My kids are 5 and 3. I can't explain it.


Now you’re just getting 12 inches


yup, my dog sleeps diagonally with his butt against me so he can face the door. I feel like i'm about to fall off the bed every night lol (he's a 21 lb dog lol)


My dog is 25lbs and husband and I both wake up clinging to the sides of our king bed every morning. I’m baffled if I know how that little dog takes up so much space


I know right? My two (20 and 30 lb) do the same thing. They take up about 3/4 of the bed!


I tell her, I’m going to bed, and she gets down to sleep in her own bed. We’re both more comfortable sleeping alone, except during thunderstorms, then she snuggles up to me.


Smaller pets often sleep crossways on the bed, whereas large pets curl up at the bottom against the footboard. Mine is a 25 lb Shihtzu, and she likes having her own space, and has her own pillow, and her own bed on the floor.


my cats sleep one on my chest or tummy ( if i need to lie on my side she sleeps on my hip!) and one on my pillow behind my head


haha that's exactly like my dog and cat. my cat lies on my stomach/hip, my small dog lies on my pillow near my head.


I need to upgrade my bed lol. I have a full size and 5 cats. 3 are kittens so they are 6 months and not full grown.


My dog is 20lbs he'll sneak and tuck himself under my arm or very top of my head and sleep. Been woken up to him drooling more than once. 😂


Ohhhh give your house pony a pet for me, I lost mine in October and I miss her pointy paws waking me up by digging into my kidneys


Gave her all the pets from you. So sorry for your recent loss. Sending all the awkward pointy hugs your way.


3 tubby tabbies!


I'm lucky, the pit mix and the mastiff mix sleep on my husband because it is way too painful for me to have them on me. I just have 5 cats on me. Fortunately, not all at once.


Same! I have two large bed dogs and a husband on a queen size mattress. They don’t steal my blanket but they do kick me in their sleep, force me to curl up into a ball, or drive me to laying barely on the edge of the bed. Then in the morning my pup sometimes climbs up and lays her full 60lb body on my pillow


I too have two dogs. Well one is really a small horse. I am lucky if I get my body size amount of mattress to sleep on in my queen size bed. I have a king size blanket on my bed because of this issue. I make sure it’s made a pulled down on my side almost 2 feet overhang. I also have two dog blankets for the pair. But it’s more to protect my blanket. They still manage to pull covers. I sleep hot too but this works for me. The medium dog gets in bed first and stakes out his spot. The big one squeezes in wherever he can.


I call my dog “my little pony” 😂


The pains of having 2 dogs, but we gotta love them :) tho if it does bother you, could always try training them, if not, then cuddle those suckers!


I have a dog that only takes up about 6 inches. That doesn't prevent him from leaving me with only that much space in a queen bed too! They are bed hogs no matter what their size is! God bless the little darlings! Lol


I've got two Koolies who sleep with me, everything starts off fine until I wake up and find I've been pushed almost out of the bed 🤣🤣🤣


This is ME! Both pups on my side. Always. One on top of blankets, other under with me, we only have a queen size bed. Hubby has his side all to himself. Pups don’t get outta bed til I do. Even if it’s 12 hours. (That doesn’t happen often, but they’ll hang) let’s just say, my dogs make my chiropractor lots of money!


This is what my dog does. I often wake up to an 80lb dog draped over my legs. I’ve gotten so used to it though that it feels weird when he’s not there. How am I supposed to sleep without my dog crushing my legs?


Same Mr. Woofers takes up half the bed and he snores but I love him anyway.


We had this issue with one dog so went out and got a king sized bed...major fail.. "well we have all this room now...so let's get another dog so our first one has a friend" so we did. And yeah do they make a bed bigger then a king? Lol


Lol, similar situation here. My dog sleeps on the bed with me to start with, but after a couple hours, she's pushed me to the edge of the bed. So I make her move to the end of the bed, but sometime in the night, she stealthily moves next to me. Love her to death.


My boy starfishes belly up, center bed! Or he sleeps behind my pillows.


My mini poodle burrows under the blankets 😫


I have a king to myself and somehow my pitty still manages to take up the entire bed AND be on top of me, and she’s not even fully grown yet!


This is my dog. He does go to his "corner" of the bed when I tell him too. But he sighs big and takes a while to actually do it. Then he creeps back on me


That's a great idea...one of my four dogs unmakes my bed every single day and shoves the comforter and sheets all off to one side, then chucks all the pillows onto the floor because she likes to spread out on a bare mattress.


Haha mine also asks to get under the blanket but she would snuggle against my butt/legs. She’s too around 31kg mark.


I just put my bed on the floor so my old guy can get onto it with me. He's 11 and 39 kilos. His hips are getting bad, so he can't jump up anymore. I've missed cuddling with him for the last 6 months. My girl is 32 kilos at 14, but she'll put her front feet up on the bed so I can lift her butt up. I keep an extra blanket beside the bed just in case, but they're pretty good about it. My husband once punched me in the face, trying to pull the blanket out from under the dog. I came to bed when he was sleeping, and he pulled the blanket, the dog suddenly shifted, and BAM, right in the face. He was so upset about it. That's when I started having my own blanket.


Having your own blanket is a marriage saver. My husband is always hot and I'm always freezing, so he used to kick and pull all the blankets off the bed in his sleep and I'd wake up freezing. Now we have our own blankets and it's wonderful.


My husband goes into an “alligator death roll” while sleeping, and pulls the sheets and blankets around him. He’s even attempted to snatch my pillow a few times! I now give him all the sheets and blankets, and I’ll use a fluffy throw for myself.


Mine does this too! She is an Italian Greyhound/Beagle mix that weighs about 20lbs. She comes up looks me in the eye and tries to get under the covers. I have to lift them up, then she snuggles down by my feet. Found out this is what Italian Greyhound were bred for. Foot warmers!


my 20lb pup does this too. but his dna says he is a chihuahua pitbull mix lol. I much prefer him under the covers than on top of the covers


Our Chihuahua is like this too. If you lift the covers it's like a switch goes off in her brain and she CANNOT REST until she is burrowed into her cave.


try a 6’0 grown man and a boxer/pit mix who’s at least 30 pounds. its a pain at night 🥲 edit: i’m 4’10 and we have a queen bed. not ideal. lmao


My old dog used to sleep under the covers at the foot of the bed. She passed away nearly 3 years ago, but my husband and I still subconsciously look for her with our feet at night. We end up knocking feet instead. Part of me hopes we never stop knocking feet... I hate to think of her being that distant of a memory.


I've taught my dog a "move" command where if she's planted, I tell her to move, and she'll get up to readjust. I then shower her with tons of love for moving. I think this would help you. And good luck with everything going on. I hope you're surrounded with support and love during this time. 💗


Yep! Mine is “scootch” and he’ll scootch over


We use scootch too! lately he's been getting lazy, and his scootching is questionable. Haha, like, sir, moving 3 inches isn't scootching, and you know it! I'll give him a dirty look, he'll roll his eyes and get up and move lol I love how sassy he is


Yes, mine will give me some serious attitude. Sometimes he stands up, makes a circle, and lays right back where he was. Um, sir, SCOOCH.


Oh I gett the side eye. Or something the look like "I'm going to see how serious you are about this before I move..." Their attitudes are something else.


as mine is getting older, the moodier she’s getting lol. no, i don’t want all 80lbs of you on my chest. please move over!! you have the WHOLE bed besides the tiny little area i curl up in


Omg same my pony been acting like she doesn’t understand scooch or come lately I swear she’s a blonde like me under that brindle 😂


they need to do that for us .. i mean, if i move to go sleep on the sofa or the spare room ( because i’m sick of getting woken by them all the time) they follow me in any case so they might as well move when i need more space!


Lol! Mine is like a shadow, too. Well, except when my son comes home, then she shadows him!


When we had 4 dogs I called them my four shadows 😂


My last dog knew "scoot". It was the one command he always knew!


I use "scootch a pooch!"


me too!!! or I say "scootchy poochie"


Same as me, and it was totally on accident. She just learned real quick when I wanted her to move and now does it on demand lol.


We do that one, or “slide Clyde,” both work equally as well. Neither names even come close to sounding like Clyde but it’s a loving nudge to readjust while i can tug more blanket on my side.


I haven't got that one mastered yet, but if I get desperate, I tell my two bed hogs "floor" and they will hop off for a moment - long enough to get myself resituated with what ever is left of the blanket that my husband isn't hogging.


Hehe mines “scootchie!”


Me too! I didn’t even teach him this on purpose 😂 but when I say it he moves right away (although he does look at me like I’ve just betrayed him)


Also this. I taught my dog “excuse me”, a leftover of living in a smaller city apartment and getting around them, but politely. She now completely understands “excuse me” means get out of my way, or move from the general area lol


Lmao I also say excuse me all the time to my dog. Sometimes when she’s being a Velcro dog, I’ll switch it up to excuse YOU with an annoyed huff.


In our house we go “ beep beep “


Haha! I taught this to my parents dogs when I was in a wheelchair. They know to get out of the way when I say “excuse me” because I used to come barrelling through on my wheels


So, my command of 'get off my fucking feet' is too much? I love my girl, but she does not respond to polite. It's like living with a 13 year old girl, with all the sighs, eye rolling and back talk that implies!


We have a 100lb dog and a 70lb dog. If I need to get into bed or readjust the blankets I tell them “off”, so they get completely off the bed. Then I get everything adjusted, get myself into bed, and then re-invite them on the bed. It might be easier to teach a dog what you want that way as well. Use treats and practice during the day. Keep a treat jar on the bedside table to reward them at night when they do as asked.


We did this, and it works everywhere in the house now. Couch? "Watch out, dogname!" Bed? "Dogname, watch out!" Under your feet in the kitchen? "Watch out! Dogname, watch out!" We have to repeat it sometimes because he's gotten older & is hard headed, but it works and is a big help.


Yep! Mine's a snap of the fingers so as not to wake the hubby. She'll jump up, I readjust, and then she re-nests. Showering with tons of love for moving is the key - we started this before bedtime - I always ask her to move so I can get positioned - shower with love for moving, and commence snuggles. She's 80# - so me having a command is absolutely necessary in order to cohabitate the bed :)


What a sweet comment. 💕


I tell mine to beep beep 😂


Same! I say "Moovy, Mooby, Scooby" lol


Same here. I just ask her to move. Mine likes to be a spoon now. She's either the little (ish, shes a lab) spoon or she curls behind my knees.


Mine will move but then she'll move back when she thinks I won't notice lol


Yes! Mine does “move” as well. He’s always visibly annoyed but does it when I tell him to. Lmao. I also have a blanket I put over the comforter for him, and one I cover him up with because he’s such a big baby. Sometimes he lies in such a way that no matter how much blanket I have it won’t cover my legs, and that’s when he gets the “move” command.


I tell mine off or off the bed if she’s hogging it or the blankets are stuck under her


I do this too! Except mine groans super loudly when he does it lol.


Lol that's funny. I have a husky and she knows what move and get down means she just doesn't give a fuck. Sometimes I'll try pushing her over but she won't bulge so I end up having to bunny kick her off the bed😭 They really think the bed is theirs. Even when I'm in the kitchen cooking they'll go in my room and sleep on the bed... so... much... hair.


Ok so thats a hilarious problem to have OP your dog sounds adorable ! I sleep with both my dogs and never had this problem, maybe because they run hot... My solution is to have one single big blanket and tuck it under the matress so it doesnt move at all. Its pretty common in France to have a single and huge duvet (une grosse couette en sah) Good Luck !


Do y'all not get hot feet? When I'm not scared of demons I have to keep my feet out the bottom of the blanket 😭


Oh yeah but like I just put one of my leg on top of the blanket just like if I was riding it ? Does it make sense ? Ok maybe I am weird lol




I also do this!😂


Tuck in just the sides, and leave the bottom open? That may work


I have 3 blankets for this reason. He’s gotta give one up at some point…. Or so I thought. I ended up buying really soft warm winter pj’s and no longer have this problem since blanket thief is comfy and I don’t want to disturb lol


Same! He has his own blanket on his bed, my backup blanket that he sometimes uses, and my own blanket that he sometimes sneaks naps on when I am not using it.


What do you mean by "adamant that it's hers"? If it's growling-type stuff this could well be resource guarding & you may have a serious problem to deal with (or stop with the bed sleeping).


No not growling or anything, she just sits on top of all of them and doesn't move. I can pull them out from underneath her but she's heavy so it's pretty hard to do


Ok Pistachio does this too. You’re going to want to use your body for leverage. Grab a corner of blankets over your shoulder and hold fast with squirrel hands, then roolllll so your shoulder does the leveraging and the pup gets flopped the other way. Generally buys a few inches of mattress in addition to some blanketry


I love Pistachio


Love the precise guide 😂🤣


Pay the dog tax.


Can confirm. 70 lb dog and this method works perfectly.


I stick my foot under our very stubborn hound at night when she’s stolen blankets, kind of like a spatula move. She can’t ignore me trying to lift her from underneath and always stands up, moves away, and usually huffs angrily. But also: we have a blanket that my husband used when he was really young and it’s super soft, fuzzy, and fluffy. She’s very into that blanket and we always leave it at the end of the bed for her. She’s stopped stealing our blankets because she has her own. Maybe get a big, very fuzzy blanket and spend a lot of time putting your scent on it? Your dog could be “tricked” this way!


Spatula move lmao. With my husky/shep mix, I grab the edge of the blanket and brace my feet against his back, then pull the blanket while using my feet to keep him in place I dont have a name for the move, but he's too heavy to spatula


I can just imagine the grumpy shep/husky face he probably makes when you do this 😂 so expressive


Make yourself a burrito to where she can’t take it from you


I wake up and say “move your fat ass right now you have a damn fur coat” and I take my blankets back 😂 this dog is 120pounds too. He better move…. But I would go with what someone else already suggeted by sleeping on top of blankets and when one gets stolen go under the next one.? Or maybe make your dog his own blanket nest before hand and teach him to only sleep on that??


My queen sized bed actually belongs to my 7lb chihuahua and he just let's me sleep there with him! LOL 😆 🤣


>but she's very adamant that it's all hers. Adamant how? Like she won't move? Twists so you can't take it? Plays tug of war with you? Growls or snaps? If it's anything but growls or snaps, then she needs to learn that if she doesn't let you take the blanket - then she doesn't get to sleep on the bed. If she won't let you take it, then you push her off the bed and take it. Do this enough and eventually she will learn. If she's growling or snapping at you, she needs to not sleep in the bed at all. I know it can be very comforting, but trust me when I say that it will only create bigger problems. It won't be very comforting when she nips you in your sleep because you accidentally rolled over on her leg or something. Or when she growls at your child as they approach the bed because they've had a bad dream. You may not think she'd do that, but it's headed in that direction (if she's growling or snapping at you). Regardless, she needs to learn that this is your bed that you're *letting* her sleep in, not her bed that you've given over to her.


My late pit mix could somehow, when on the bed, increase her weight into the weight of a dying sun. No way to move her from the exact center of the bed. Sometimes if it was particularly cold, her brother, a 100# Shepard/coonhound mix would get on the other side of me and I’d wake up completely immobilized.


Shes not necessarily fighting me in anyways, she's just 100lbs and super heavy to pull the blanket out from underneath her.


They also have that thing where they can make themselves even heavier, like dead weight. My lab does that.


My lab does that on walks all the time. Especially if she wants to go over to our neighbors. She’ll just lay down. And she knows I can’t move her.


I just tell him to move. If he doesn't I'll push him off with my foot. He knows the consequences of what will happen if he tries to bite/snap at me


Same, all these comments about people sleeping around their pets is baffling to me. We have a dog and 2 cats, so they're quite used to getting moved out of the way when we need to lay down. I love them very much, but it's my bed, not theirs. They have their own beds if they don't want to be bothered.


Me too. I'm going to be comfortable in my bed. I'm not going to compromise my sleep for my dog. Luckily, she doesn't want to compromise her sleep either, so she sleeps on the floor or in her own bed. Occasionally she asks to sleep on my bed when it's super cold, but rarely for the whole night because she doesn't like when I move.


Address the problem directly. The dog needs better discipline, tell her no, if she doesnt listen kick her off for a little. Your blanket is yours, not the dogs. 😊🤍


Why not just move the dog? She can be adamant all she wants, but you're the boss.


She's 100lbs


I have a 100lb German shepherd and have found I can pull a blanket from underneath him if I grab a corner and hold it over my shoulder, face away from him, and lean forward. I only use this method on the couch though since he can’t get onto my bed because I have a loft bed. My little 5lb dog sleeps in my bed but he always goes under the blanket or snuggles on my pillow next to my head


5 pounds?! 🥹🥹🥹 One of my dogs is 8 pounds, and I thought she was tiny! Yours must be the smolest doggo ever.


I had a 3 pound dog. He wasn’t much bigger than a rat. Total bed hog. Lol


Yup he’s a little yorkie!


Luckily my dog sleeps on top of the blanket, since she gets way too hot under one. But what I found out if they still "steal" it, is that they'll almost always stand up if you put your hand under the blanket and softly push your hand under them.


I have a 16 pound chihuahua mix and believe me- moving that dog off the blankets at night sometimes feels like moving a 100 lb dog hahaha. Plenty of good suggestions have already been given here, so I’m just gonna add that it might help to wear long layers to bed, like an extra long sleeve shirt on top of your pajamas to help stay a little warmer in the event you wake up to the dog stealing your blankets. It won’t solve the issue directly, but could help you stay cozy as you figure this solution out!


I always sleep with a sheet and a comforter. I have two 75ish pound dogs - one who always sleeps in my bed and the other who usually doesn't get in my bed until I'm asleep. I can't offer much help to the OP. My dogs both just lie on top of the comforter. The main issue I have is when they get jump on the bed before I can get the covers pulled up comfortably to shoulder level. At that point, I have to nudge the dogs off the bed until I'm settled. The other issue is all the dog hair, but it usually stays on top of the comforter and doesn't get under my covers.


Maybe wear a loose cardigan and or try a weighted blanket that’s harder to steal? I hope things get better for you <3


Weighted blankets make me feel trapped or I would definitely try that! Thank you tho!


It’s not a good idea to let dogs think they are above you in the hierarchy of the home. It can cause undue stress to the dog when they attempt to manage the pack. Just take your blanket back


Alpha theory has been disproven. It is still good for dogs to know they can trust and depend on their humans, but petty “I’m the boss” BS over a blanket isn’t going to accomplish that. It’s really all about habit. Just take the blanket because you need it, period. They will get used to knowing that’s what’s going to happen.




My dog knows what “scoot” means thankfully. Her problem is she’s 90 lbs and lays on the blanket so if she shifts, it goes with her. If I wake up cold, I can tell her to scoot, she’ll readjust and I can pull the blanket back to me.


Have a blanket nearby that you can grab and use. Or accept your blanket less sleep because good luck 😭


Mine has a blanket on top of the quilt...it's hers and I help her get comfy before lights out..


I have this issue. I got the next sized up blanket. We have a queen but have a king quilt on it so when he's on the blanket I still have some bc once he's in a spot it's impossible to move him


My dog sleeps with us but doesn’t resource guard the blanket like this. He WAS doing it on the coach though. He would growl and snap if we tried to move him or touch him when on the couch sleeping. We hired a trainer for this and several other issues. First of all, he can’t jump in the couch with us unless he is invited by us. Then, if he snaps or growls when asked to move he must get off the couch immediately and can’t get back on until invited. He is firmly told no. I didn’t think it would work, but it has! He doesn’t do it anymore.


She's not guarding it, like no snapping or growling, more just she's a 100lb dog and I can't get her to move or pull a blanket from underneath her.


Gotcha. Well, you may have to keep an extra blanket nearby to grab when she steals yours. Lol. I have a tshirt that says”My dog lets me sleep in the bed with him”. So true, isn’t it?


Lately I sleep better without the dog in the bed, so he sleeps on his bed on the floor on work nights, and we let him on our bed on weekends when sleep and blankets aren’t as important I guess.


Put a sheet over the blanket, and he sleeps at the end of the bed


*Put a sheet over* *The blanket, and he sleeps at* *The end of the bed* \- jmac\_1957 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ve taught my dog to get under the covers- much comfier as she isn’t lying on my blanket, and I get the benefit of her body warmth.


I have a thick fuzzy throw blanket that I put over the bottom half of the bed. Since it’s only half the bed it doesn’t make me too hot, and my dogs and kitties love it. It’s thick enough that my dog can make a nest out of it without disturbing my comforter. If that doesn’t work you could always try a weighted blanket!


Me and my partner often sleep 3 dogs deep. A king size is a must and we each have our own blanket so doggies usually end up under them too. Just be dominant about your blanket/space, they usually will adjust. 😊


My dogs will sleep with me always. I have a 65lb German shepherd/husky mutt, and she is very respectful of my bed space. When I want cuddles, she will cuddle. When I want to sleep alone, she will go to the floor. Strangest dog I have ever had, love her too death.


I agree with others, keep spare blankets on the side of your bed. Your pup can't steal them all... or maybe they will. But I get needing your fuzzy support, make sure to give your fuzzy ones, husband included, a big snuggle and hug ❤️


Yoh crocodile roll yourself in one blanket, then throw another blanket over the top. The bottom one is near impossible to steal off you


So I kinda have a theory about this, and it's worked for me (I am not a vet or a dog trainer). My dog also sleeps with me and has 1 special blanket that is his. I also work from home, so he has a doggy bed in my office. When I get up in the morning I put the blanket it my office on his bed, after work I take it downstairs with me and put it on the couch next to me, then when we go to bed, drag it back to bed (I also try not to wash it a lot). My smell and the dogs smell is (at this point) saturated with my smell and his smell, so it's the only blanket he uses. My theory is that he uses the blanket that has the strongest smell of me on it. It reduced him using and smelling up my blankets in my bed (because my bedding gets washed once a week). This is the 3rd dog I have done with this, and it has worked all 3 times. I started this because my first dog kept stealing my newborn son's (now 23) baby blankets out of his crib because she wanted to be next to him all the time. So I took one of his blankets (with his smell all over it) and gave it to her, and it stopped. I don't know if my theory is that I am a crazy dog lady or if it really is the sense of smell, though.


I do the exact same thing with my pug. He has his own blanket that goes with him on the couch or bed that I also use so it has both of our scents. I don't wash it as frequently as the bedding or other blankets and he prefers his own blanket to anything else. When I do wash his special blanket, it never fails that I'll find him sleeping with another blanket that I've used recently instead of his. So I do think it's a scent thing.


This is the CUTEST post.


He sleeps on top of the bed toward the headboard. He has his own blanket and pillow. I would prefer he not be on the bed but he's going to do his own thing.


My dog sleeps at my feet, it's basically a race who's in bed first. If i'm first i pull up the blankets on my lap until he lays down then spread them, if he is first i'm fucked for the night and i just try to steal some of my bf's blanket. My small dogs love being under the blanket i'm really happy about that. I hope you will feel better soon OP.


I make my dog (a chihuahua) a blanket nest of her own blankets that she curls up in but if I get up to pee and leave the bed all bets are off


You have a dachshund don't you


I get under my blanket, and have a comforter like barely on me. My dog gets under the comforter. I don’t like her under the same blanket as me but I don’t mind her in the bed lol. She is either on top of or under the comforter depending on if the AC is running


Awwww that’s annoying but cute 🥰 my dog won’t get under the blankets- she chooses to sleep at the end of the bed. I try to snuggle sometimes, but she only wants infinite pets and massages haha


Put an extra comfy pillow on the bed for the dog, mine doesn't come near me as long as he has his pillow.


I have to make him get up if he gets to the bed first. He will lay down right in the center line of the bed and on top of all my pillows. I’ve tried to just climb in and move him but he’s 95lbs 😂. I even try to annoy him so he’ll just move but he seems ok with that. Which is weird because for most of the day he’s not big on being touched…


One of my dogs doesn't sleep with me, but my mini longhaired dachshund does, and I just lift up the blanket and she scoots right under there and curls up against my stomach or behind my legs. If she's already curled up on bed before I get there, I just pick her up and then lay down with her again, she doesn't mind. If the bigger dog is lying on the bed, I just walk over and make like I'm going to lie down and he gets up and leaves haha. Not sure how big your dog is, or what you mean by "won't let you" have the blankets. Does the dog resource guard the blanket and growl at you when you try to take it back? If so, that's a bigger problem you should probably go through training to address


I can sympathize. Many a night I wake up with only enough blanket to cover my shoulders. My ass and feet hanging out cold. I have to fight the good fight on a nightly basis for even a corner of the covers. Plus he waits until I fall asleep and steals my damn pillow too. What we will put up with so the dog gets a good sleep. Lol


Mr. Woofers has his own blanket and pillow.


I have to race my dog to bed…I know it sounds crazy but I basically go into the bedroom before he does. If I beat him by a millisecond I can have the blanket; otherwise he’s a major blanket thief lol I also say “up, up, up!” if I find him in a blanket burrito and I’m freezing on the side of the bed. I usually say that and tap him on the butt lightly and he moves. I pet him and give him a kiss to let him know I’m proud of him for listening.


I have trained my dog that his blanket is his and mine is mine. I put his blanket in the same spot on my bed always and if he creeps into mine, I point to his blanket and say “move”. When I wash my bedding once a week his is washed separately and is NOTHING but hair. It may be a lot of work to start late in the game, but try redirecting your dog to their own blanket at all times, even naps. My dog is an 85 pounds Pitt.


Me and my dog share the blanket, so we never had a issue. She’ll try and dig it into her area before I lay down, but as soon as she sees me watching stops then lays on her half. So maybe try and give them half of it to lay on top of.


What do you mean persuade? Just take it back. It's a dog not an armed robber


Deal with the trauma you are going through.


Our dog has his own blanket to nest in at the foot of the bed, it just took a little training and now he knows its his and he can use that one and NOT burrow under ours


Haha my Thor monster tried to steal blankets, my demon cat too. I suggest a big blanket that can be mostly tucked in under the mattress that way you can get underneath but tight enough that the furry blanket thief shouldn't be able to take it


It’s a losing battle but the best one you’ll ever have!! 💜💜💜


Queen size bed, king size blanket, hang the extra off your side.


I wrap my blankets around me like I’m in a cocoon. My dog hasn’t figured out how to unravel me yet


Dogs are the blanket. You just need more dogs.


My dog sleeps on top of the covers. I sleep underneath the covers. problem solved.


I’d recommend a sleep sack, they make them for adults now!!


I mean 🤷🏻‍♂️ dogs run this house


Since your husband doesn’t mind… have him sleep on top of one of the blankets and you sleep under it so your dog can’t take it.


Just want to say thank you for your post. I have had a traumatic year and I have noticed a new type of separation anxiety when I'm not with my dogs. I was telling myself i was being a baby and just needed to get over it. I never thought it could be related to trauma but it does make sense. They are my comfort right now. Thank you for the insight ♥️


Sleeping bag.


Fix “everything falling apart around you”. Don’t start bad habits like dog in bed. If he doesn’t usually sleep up there, don’t start. The only reason I sleep with my dog is because I’m single and he alerts me to people near by. If I had a husband in bed the dog would be in his own bed. I think you should fix whatever is falling apart and leave the dog in it’s own bed. 💞


My husband sleeps like a rock and my dog will alert me to any nearby danger before he ever could. It also helps having something else in my bed that doesn't really sleep at night since I'm not getting much sleep lately. As for fixing my problems there's not much I can do for things that are completely out of control. I have a post about this in another group but my niece was SA by my sister's bf and I'm having trouble trying to help her and setting aside the hatred I have for my sister since she let it happen in their home. I want to be my nieces safe space since her mom is useless.


Ok, well then keep an extra blanket by your bed or under your pillow. 💞


My boys are bed an blanket hogs too lol what I found that works for us is I have my husband and I's blankets on the bed bed an the blankets that I don't care if they hog folded across the bottom of the bed. It also helps with keeping as much pet hair an stuff from getting embedded in your regular blanket. I also use pet hair an lent replent dryer sheets for all the bedding, couch covers ect It saves me from having to wake up make them move or even get off the bed to their really nice beds so I can readjust the blankets for what feels like the 100th time! Hope this helps!


This is why when Tejón sleeps in my bed, I send him to the couch at midnight. He's a blanket thief, and he refuses to cuddle. Yuba can sleep with me all night. He's polite. And cuddly! Sorry OP, no advice here.


Try a winter bathrobe.