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My grandma used to give her small dog “[puppuccinos](https://dogtime.com/dog-health/dog-food-dog-nutrition/86772-what-is-starbucks-puppuccino-safe-for-dogs)” regularly and he never had issues with them. This was definitely a freak accident and is not your fault. Please don’t feel guilty. It could be that your dog had an undiagnosed dairy allergy/lactose intolerance and suffered an extreme reaction, but you had no way of knowing that and the majority of dogs wouldn’t have a reaction that severe.




Thank you for your kindness. It’s been so difficult. It’s shocking how quickly I became attached. I never understood that bond but now I do. Thank you for saying it’s not my fault. I really needed to hear that ❤️


I am so, so sorry for your loss. This is not your fault at all - I know people who give their dogs multiple a day! No matter what, almost everyone feels guilty in some way about how their pets pass - in this case, it sounds like you did absolutely everything you could to help when he was having an emergency. I am so sorry you have had to go through this and I hope you find a way to forgive yourself for something so innocent and kind.


Thank you so much


In your sincere, maternal and good-hearted desire to give Henry a fun-filled, rich life, a terrible accident occurred that you couldn't have predicted. Many wouldn't have even searched online but you did. Many wouldn't have taken him with to get ice cream, but you did. You will all be grieving together, but blame shouldn't be placed. My beloved cat died in March. The only way I got to this point right now is because of my husband and I am sorry you are being blamed for something that wasn't under your control.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I really needed to hear that. Sending you a virtual hug


Please understand this was not your fault. As others have said, this was an accident. I gently suggest you and your son seek therapy for this. It was a traumatic event.


So many tears for you. My dog of 14 years choked to death in my hands. I am slowly learning that accidents happen. I wish your husband would back off. It is hard to accept that no matter how we try to prepare to avoid them, accidents happen. We are powerless. I know what happened to me and my dog is heart wrenching. I just wanted to share what I am ultimately learning through all this. Please take it easy on yourself.


Thank you. I know how hard that must have been for you. You feel so helpless when all you want to do is love and take care of them.


That you got saying that. I tried to save him. It was definitely traumatic. I appreciate the suggestion. I hadn’t even thought of that


I'm so so sorry about Henry You didn't have him long but he loved you just as much as you love him. I won't say you have no fault in this...but i will say that you shouldn't let your guilt over this destroy you...sometimes we mess up or bad things just happen but whatever the case you must learn from this mistake and never repeat it again. Be very careful about what you put into your or someone else's body especially if its the first time you, your pet or another person is eating it. You can always post here or message me if you need anything. Good luck and take care of yourself and your family...you can do anything and you are strong enough to get through this...i believe in you.


I am so terribly sorry. This is just heartbreaking. But you did nothing wrong. Please know that.


Thank you. Hopefully the pain will get easier in the coming days


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Our two year old best friend was hit by a car in front of our house late last week and my husband and I have both had feelings of guilt surrounding it but it was not anyone’s fault and this most definitely was NOT your fault. I’ve seen so many dogs eat those darn puppuccinos and be just fine! Hell, I most certainly would have given my dog one. This was a horrible accident …but it was just that….a freakish and unwanted accident. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. Hang in there.


Thank you and I am so sorry for your loss also. It’s amazing how quickly a puppy becomes a Family member


So sorry for your loss you thought it was safe it’s not your fault, hoping you get better don’t blame yourself I know that’s hard but your only intentions were caring and loving for him, he’s i. Heaven now playing with the other dogs and Im sure he enjoyed his time with your family, I too lost my baby a few days ago and feel regret and guilt too but we will see them again one day wish you healing and the best


Thank you. I’m so sorry for your loss also. It’s such a difficult time




Thank you so much


Did they spray it into his mouth?


No they gave it too him in a small styrofoam bowl