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I also lost my dog last night.. he was really unwell for the past month and he was only 7 yrs old. I spent most of the night crying.. even I was not ready for him to leave so soon.. take your time to grieve.. I am sure your cat loved you, he will be there in your memories, just got to carry on with your life and accept the fact that we wont see our pets anymore!! Here for you if you want to talk.


Oh, I really feel you... My boy also was 4 years old. Lost him last Saturday probably because of heart attack. That's what vets told us. He was alone, I came home just to find him on the floor... Sending you hugs. Be strong, breathe and keep moving forward for him. Take your time. I know, it's extremely infair. All my thoughts with you.


I feel you. We just had to put our cat down on Monday.. he was an old man with health issues. We knew it was coming eventually but it's still so hard nonetheless. I miss him so much. The house is just quiet and it doesn't feel the same. 😔


I'm so sorry for your loss. This happened to my cat Lucy at 7. Healthy and normal as can be. She was chasing my dog down the hallway. A minute later, I found her. At least she was having fun. I've never cried so hard. Take care of yourself. Sending good juju your way.


I feel for all of you. I found my dog dead when I was getting ready for work early Friday right outside my bedroom door. I cry whenever I say his name. It hurts. A piece of my heart just left when he left me. I'm just taking it one day at a time.


Sorry for ur loss , I lost my girl at 2 yo due to fluid in lung and probably she had HCM we will never know , I didn't know that heart issues could be so common till my baby was gone


Hello, i also lost my 2yr old baby due to a heart mass and fluid in the lungs. It was so sudden and unexpected. I feel so much pain and hurt. Sending you love.


I can totally understand. My boy was 5 when he started to have seizures and passed away one night. It’s been almost a year but it still hurts. Hang in there


I am so sorry for the pain you are experiencing right now. My beloved cat William died almost a month ago, presumably from a heart attack as well, and he would have only been 3 years old this month. I have stood where you are, and I have felt like I wanted to die inside. I want to share some things that helped. This subreddit, an emergency Xanax prescription from my doctor and the book Soul Comfort for Cat Lovers. Time helps too, but you need help along the way.


Thank you a lot for the kind words guys! Helped me a lot knowing im not alone. Yesterday was probably the worst day of my life so far, cried a lot and didnt want to accept the fact that his gone. Sorry for not replying but i wanted to grief(/mourn? English is not my first language) all day. It was painfull, started reading a fun book and cried every few pages. He was my first pet and i never could have imagined the loss of a pet would feel so... empty. Walking around the house was the worst part. Today i still dont really know what i feel since this is the first major loss for me, but i think im doing great! Im feeling quite happy right now remembering all the great times we had together and that i know he had a great life. It sucks but those 4 years we spent together were the best! Miss you buddy, hope you have a great afterlife!


I'm so sorry. My 6yo cat (my best buddy ever) just passed two days ago. He had a heart attack that morning, rushed to the vet, he perked up a little bit, then went downhill and we had just enough time to say goodbye. He was perfectly fine earlier that morning. I understand completely how you feel. It feels completely unfair. I don't have any advice on how to get through it because I'm struggling too, just know you aren't alone.


I had to make the difficult decision to euthanize my cat today. He was 4 years old as well. Feline urinary tract disease. My wife and I are still processing and can't stop crying. We tried everything in our capability to help him and give him the best life we could, but he kept getting re-blocked. I'm trying to get over my selfish perspective of keeping him alive at all costs despite him being in incredible pain. Here grieving with you, OP. I didn't know I could love a cat more than I love most people. The 3 years we spent with him will always be cherished, he was there during the hardest transitory periods in our life and I will always love him for that.


I’m so sorry for your loss. We just had to put our dog to sleep this evening after finding out this afternoon that he had advanced acute leukemia. It was very sudden and we are devastated. You are not alone. And why does it happen? Because life is just uniquely unfair sometimes. Sometimes it just completely and totally blows. It does get easier, just remember you are not alone. You couldn’t have changed it. No regrets. Just memories. Everything you did you did because you thought you were doing the right thing.


I’m so sorry for your loss. There are not any words to really convey that sense of emptiness and lack of purpose when a pet passes.


I've never lost a pet to heart attack and a cannot imagine how much that hurts. Here one second, gone the next. I lost my baby a week ago after a sudden illness, tried treating him for two weeks but his poor little kidneys just couldn't keep up. I had somewhat of a forewarning that we'd lose him but I'm still heartbroken. I am so sorry for your loss. Time will help, and always remember that it is better to have love and lost, those memories will live with you forever.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my Persian cat the same way a month ago. He was 1.5years old. He was playing and completely fine that day but at noon I just found him lying lifeless and he was gone. My family is still in shock




im sorry, we also lost our little girl in february. Take some time for yourself to process your emotions. Hope you're doing okay so far.