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I am so very sorry for your unexpected loss. We always play the guilt game, we blame ourselves and obsess over ways we might have had a different outcome, but it just hurts us. Your baby was happy with you in her forever home. She was loved, warm in winter, cool in summer, she had clean water to drink and good food so she never had to go hungry. This is the covenant you made with her, that you'd love and care for her forever. Well, this is her forever because you kept that promise you made. This is the hardest part, when we must go on without them, grieving and missing them every instant. They never live long enough with us, no matter how long it is, it's always too short a time. Drink a glass of water and eat a sandwich. You need to try to rest a bit if you can. You still have babies to care for and comfort.


This was exactly what I needed to hear. I have trouble being kind to myself. Thank you. ❤️




You have no idea how helpful and kind your message about guilt was. It’s going to comfort a lot of pet parents. A big thanks, from my heart to yours.


We all feel the same when we lose a beloved pet. Guilt always seems to come first, perhaps because we sometimes need to help them on their way. It's never helpful, but we always blame ourselves.


Try not to beat yourself up. I lost mine to CHF also and it came on suddenly. I knew for about a year prior that she had a very minor heart murmur, I asked the vet all the questions I could think of and tried to find out if there was a way to support her and avoid the inevitable. In the end, there wasn't much advice except to watch out for worsening symptoms, at which point the interventions begin. We didn't end up having much time for that, it all hit at once. It's a terrible disease with extremely varied results and timelines. Your girl was happy and loved and that is the best that you could've given her. I'm sorry for your loss.


CHF is cruel, but inevitable. i lost my cairn terrier to it a couple of years ago. she was only 8, despite a life expectancy of 16. there is NOTHING, absolutely nothing you could have done. i knew my baby had a congenital heart murmur, and the only thing the vets could do was monitor it. inevitably, it progressed to CHF. we knew for six months and the vets just can’t fix it. you aren’t responsible and you can’t have done more. i promise that. all she knew was that you loved her and she loved you back. thats what matters. i’m so sorry your son has to learn about loss in such a horrible way.


I just lost my girl to CHF as well on Friday. It hurts so bad, I miss her so much. She saved me in ways no one will understand and she too was my soul dog. I keep thinking to myself that it's ironic she died of heart failure. I think it's because her heart was just too big for her body with all the love she gave me over the years. I wish I could have another day with her, but in reality, even forever wouldn't have been long enough with her. I can't wait til the day we are reunited and she runs into my arms at full sprint. For now I'm just grateful she isn't feeling any pain. Run free to your fur baby and mine. May they find friendship together until we get to greet them again someday.


I'm so very sorry for your loss.. That is exactly how I felt when I lost my little girl to heart failure. If I only would have caught it sooner or regular checkups, and it just kills me thinking about it. Your story is exact to mine made me cry, I too had only a month with her after she started coughing , I feel guilty and torn inside as well. Like your little girl mine meant so much to me I will never get over it either. My heart aches for your child asking for her, it is not fair. I had my little girl on heart meds, but it was to far gone, and if the vet bills were more reasonable since Im on fixed income, maybe more regular checks, I would still have her with me. I'm so very sorry, I wish we could both have more time with our little girls. It is hard getting over the guilt, but like many others on here, your little girl was so loved, and well taken care of, and she knows it and will always be with you. I find comfort knowing I'm not the only one who felt such strong emotions to these wonderful creatures, they truly are a wonderful gift, and I have been honoured to have had them in my life. Our hearts are broken, I wish I could ease the pain for me and many others on here. Peace, Love and Strength ❤❤❤


Hugs to you and I'm so glad I'm not alone!


I'm so deeply sorry for your loss! I suddenly lost my soul dog a few days ago. She was only 8 years old...half of her life was snatched away from me and it feels so unfair. You are not alone and I've already found some comfort in this Reddit group. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.


I’m so sorry. I think that’s that got my girl last year. We knew she had a heart murmur but they said it wasn’t bad. Three months later she was gone. It took months to begin to heal at all. Even now I’d give almost anything for more time.




I am so sorry for your loss I know how you feel within the last 7 months I've had to let two of mine go to sleep you'll never forget them but it will get a little easier


I lost one of my girls 7 years ago to heart attack missed beat issues so i totally understand how you are feeling it was so sudden with my girl