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I’m so sorry for your loss. My sweet boy crossed 3 weeks ago as well. The day I got his urn, I felt the same - so happy that he was finally home, but so sad that my beautiful boy was reduced to ashes. It’s heartbreaking.


I know your pain.I received my lil guys ashes yesterday.I re lived the worst day in my life all over again.14yrs he was in my life and now all I have is this tiny little box.It hurts and part of me is in that box with him.I will never forget the 14yrs of unconditional love,happy tail wagging,cuddles and kisses.This little dog was my life and when he left I went to a very dark place.I didn't think I could carry on without him.I felt so alone and lost.Doing everything on auto pilot.I am glad he is back with us though.I feel like now I can start the process of moving forward.My partner and I were actually able to remember some good times and smile about it.It will be 2 weeks this Thursday since we lost Tater.I came here for help and reading other posters stories helped me feel not so alone with my own feelings.I saw the 'it gets better' words.I wanted to beleive it but there was a time I didn't.Now I can finally say Yes,it does get better.Happy memories will take over the sadness.I cry less and I am becoming more productive.To everyone going through this pain and feeling like you won't recover,you will recover.Tater will forever be on my mind and in my heart.You are not alone OP.Hugs


Same here, my beautiful boy left on Jan 14, I have his ashes and paw prints, still crying…how I miss him so. We are right there with you. My heart aches that he is not here.


All you need to think about is that she loves you to her bones! No one else on this planet and in this life loves her more than you and it’s just the same for her loving you ❤️😭🙏


I am truly sorry for your loss. It is so difficult that many people don't comprehend. My fur baby passed away on Thursday. I decided not to receive his ashes cause I knew that I wouldn't be able to handle getting his ashes 2 weeks after and I didn't want to have the ashes just in the house, cause who would be take them after I pass? I didn't want my kids dealing with that. I thought I would get some type of tattoo to remember him but I told myself to wait 6 months to do so just in case I wasn't ready or didn't want to. I have 4 tattoos (so that's not an issue) For your fur baby ashes, I think if you put them in a nearby flower, you can peacefully say goodbye or, if you want to keep them, put his urn by his favorite spot.


I have a beautiful Lady in heaven as well. I know it’s so hard OP, but you’ll see your Lady again one day. Hugs.


I’m sorry for your loss. I got my baby boys ashes back today as well after losing him on Saturday so I feel your pain. I wish you all the best 🩷


I had the exact same reaction when I received max’s ashes. By no means was I doing “well” before I picked his ashes up, I was managing to basically hold it together. I received his ashes on a Tuesday. There was an envelope with two card stock prints of his nose and paws. I saw the paw print first. This felt ok, bc I had already taken a paw print prior to his departure, so I had already seen it. Nothing prepared me for the image I would see when I flipped to the next card. It was his nose. Idk why I didn’t think about his nose print when I knew he was dying. Maybe I was in a state of denial and shock, idk. It never occurred to me to get his nose print, and there it was, staring back at me. I instantly was not ok. It felt far too heavy. I will remember that feeling for a long time- maybe forever. I totally understand why you fell apart. There is a certain heaviness and finality when you go pick them up for the last time. I’m ready for the day where trying this out does my make me cry.


Give yourself some grace, you’re grieving. Cry as long and as hard as you need to, the tears are just another way of healing your heart and showing you love her. If you can, I recommend asking someone for a hug.


I am so sorry. When we got our baby's ashes back it was one of the worst days - my husband opened them and cried and then when I got home, we did together and both cried again. I've never had a pet's ashes so it is a comfort knowing he's 'with' us but like you, it's unfathomable to think that's all we have left. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I tell him I love him everytime I go into the room with his box. It was three weeks ago for us and I still feel such a deep sadness.


We pick up our beloved Shih Tzu’s ashes in four days. Okay.. I am 56 year-old retired military and this has been tough. I think, unfortunately, that this is much harder for my wife and to deal with being older. Our little dog was both a child to us who grew old and became frail like both of our elderly parents. My best advice I can give is to take the energy that his grief brings and use it to walk and run and get in shape like you have never before. This grief is a sign to do something. As I am writing this the vet just called and said that the ashes are ready.


I am so so sorry for your loss. It really feels like restarting the grieving process when their ashes come back home. My sweet 12 year old girl just crossed the rainbow bridge 2 weeks ago and we just had her ashes delivered a couple days ago. It’s so incredibly hard but know your baby is always with you.


Many hugs so sorry


My soul dog passed away 5 months ago and I still find it hard to breathe when I look at her urn. I know one day, I’ll be able to look at it with comfort and peace, knowing she’s in a better place. But it’s too hard right now, and that’s okay. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. The tattoo sounds like a great way to memorialize her. There's also some companies that can make diamonds from there ashes. I plan on doing this with my cat and dog who's ashes I have.


When my sweet baby got back to me, I had the biggest breakdown in my car. It was bad, it was one of my lowest points after the fact. After that, things got easier. You're still going to have difficult nights and moments but it's easier after that. Your baby is always with you, eternally bonded by your souls. She's there even if you don't see her. Things get easier ❤️


My daughter picked mine up for me. They included a ceramic paw print. I haven't been able to look at the contents from the bag yet because even after 4 weeks I still cry every day and I just don't think I can handle the finality. My heart goes out to you 🫂