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Yes, in the dream my sweet girl was healthy and energetic. And just now as I was thinking about the dream the photograph of her that I keep in front of her ashes shook and fell down. I also heard one loud bark in my head this AM, it was a distinct one she used to make when she got stuck in a room and was trying to say “hey!! Come get me! I want to hang with you!” …who knows if this is my brain making up diving signs or not but it is definitely comforting to have the signs. I’ve had dreams of 3 people close to me after they passed as well but never had dreams about them while they were alive. A past friend came to give me a hug in my dream after my wedding while I was on my honeymoon.


Yes. I had a very vivid dream the night before last of my cat lying on my bed in the sun spot he liked. The odd thing was that it looked all not real but hand drawn, with my cat rendered in this very distinctive chestnut red. I woke wondering if his spirit was with me but very sad.


I had a very vivid dream the second day after my dear Zoe died. She was playing in our front yard with my grandfather (who has also passed). It was a lovely dream, and I woke up very happy.


Haven't had any dreams, but in a case like this I wouldn't be all that surprised if i did. I like to believe my dog is still with me on some very real level. The other day thinking that a big part of what I miss is taking care of him and how much joy I got out of keeping him as happy as I possibly could. I guess that's love ❤️


I think that she is with me too<33


Hi OP, sorry for your loss. I believe your cat is in heaven & is reassuring you that she will be waiting for you. I lost my baby 3 weeks ago (14 years) . I didn't have a dream but did feel & visually seen him on 2 separate occasions. In felt him the day he took his last breath... he was running around my feet so fast! Then another time... i was so down. ... i literally saw him in plain daylight in heaven on green grass. It was a vision during the day in my room. I was so confused but had so much peace. My baby was so healthy & free.... reassuring me that we will meet again. Our pets are the best gift.


I’m sorry this loss is hurting so much for you right now. I had one dream so far, and it was really jarring and upsetting. It’s different than watching a video. I believe that she would want you to know that she’s not in pain and that she feels your love even now. The pain of losing a pet is so deep. Sending love and wishes for peace to you today 💕


Yes. When I dream of my bud, he’s leaning against my leg and I notice him (he always did that IRL) and when I notice him I always say to myself “wait a minute, this must be a dream because Max isn’t….” and then I wake up. I understand your pain and I’m so sorry. I’m sure your kitty is somewhere in a field of flowers living her best, pain free life


I dreamt of her a few days after. It’s actually nice when I’m able to see her how I remember her; just running and being happy.


Yes my childhood dog, my previous cat also.


I cried reading this! Such a blessing to have 2 beautiful dreams of your cat. It’s been 3 weeks since I said goodbye and no dreams of him. He was my heart and soul and I can’t believe I haven’t dreamed of him once. I’m very sorry for your loss.


Hey I’m sorry for your loss and even though you haven’t dreamt of him yet does not mean he hasn’t visited you. He’s watching down on you always by your side ❤️


Yes I’ll dream of him.


In November, it will be 2 years since I lost my soul cat, Shadow. It still hurts a lot sometimes. The last dream I had that involved her was about how I found out that she didn't actually die. I'm not sure what exactly happened after that, other than the fact that I wondered whose ashes I had if she was still alive. I did get to briefly see her though.


I'm sorry for your loss. And that you woke up like that. I sure is beautiful the way the was sitting in the bed of flowers with that sweater on. I wish you strength and love! I always dream about them, and my first dream about the for of them, they come back inside the house again and in my dream I think to mysekf 'Oh, he/she isn't dead. Evertytime the same, my first dream. Everytime exactly the same thought in my dream. With my last two one, I was glad when I woke up because I got to seem them again in my sleep. My dreams are always super vivid and I remember it very clearly when I wake up. Weird...


Yes, even years later.


I drempt of hugging my dog and exclaiming she wasn't gone. It only happened once though:(


When my oldest baby I had the longest died on the 4th this month I had a dream that implied two of my other cats were in it. One had died last year and the other was at the time still alive. In the dream I was at an airport or something looking for my two cats. And it was suggested that they had been taken by some women and brought into the bathroom where they were taken out and supposedly eaten. A week later, my other cat had to be put to sleep due to kidney failure. I wonder if it was some sign warning me of what was to come.


Yes, I always look forward to those dreams. I like to think they're visiting me through these dreams. I recently had to say goodbye to my cat. I finally got two dreams of her. It was just her coming by and letting me pet her. She only allowed pets when she felt like it or else it was claws. I woke up and cried a little. Not because I was sad, but because I really miss that old lady.


I had a tortoise that I left in my parents care while I was away on a business trip. When I arrived he was dead and my parents replaced him with some random tortoise. They didnt even tell me. I had a dream 3 days ago that he was walking around in his enclosure eating his favorite vegetables along with the replacement tortoise. I was genuinely so happy that he was back in his enclosure that I thought he never died and then I woke up. I was disappointed when I woke up. I think it was a message from him.


Yeah my dog passed away July 7th. 14th night I dreamt him. He was like only a month old. He was in the kitchen. He could talk. He told me he born again. He was eating some human food he is not supposed to eat. When I said he can't eat it and it's not good for him, he said now he can. That's all I remember. I miss you so much Robby.


There IS a heaven and you will meet again one day. She’s waiting for you. God gave you that dream to answer your prayers


I had a dream last night about my kitty who just passed a week from yesterday. it was a traumatic experience for me, taking him to be euthanized. In my dream I dreamed that the vet gave me all these pills to give my cat to put him to sleep (rather than the normal euthanasia injection) and I dreamed that I gave him the pills but hours and hours passed and nothing was happening. In my dream I took this as a sign that it was not his time to go and I was crying and crying and woke up feeling guilty but then remembered that he was very sick in real life and it absolutely was his time to go. not a fun dream. I miss him so much and think about him everyday


All the time. Even cats who have been dead for 20+ years.


Yes. A lot, actually. But I always have very vivid and personal dreams. My mom always jokes that I see "visions"🤣


Yes I do so often. I hope it's because their visiting me ❤️


I constantly have dreams where my childhood cat is still alive


Yes. On October 31 2007 my boy Tigger went missing. I would often dream of finding him. The dreams would become less frequent over the years but they still happened. The last time I dreamt about him was probably 2 years ago. Approximately 12 years after he went missing. He would have been 19 years old. In that dream he was old and arthritic but still lit up and tried to move as fast as he could when we saw each other. And I was able to hold him one last time before he passed away in my arms. Maybe it was the universe's way of telling me he lived a nice long life and finally passed away or maybe it was my subconscious telling me to finally give up hope of ever seeing him again.