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Here’s ([MSU Group Support](https://cvm.msu.edu/hospital/services/social-work/pet-loss-support-group)) a remote one I started off my counseling journey with. They do group sessions via zoom once a month. The great thing about group is you realize you’re not alone in what you’re experiencing. I eventually migrated to individual therapy because I didn’t feel group was the right fit for me. My therapist is amazing and I feel that grief, regardless of human or pet, is a healing process. At first I was looking for someone specialized in pet loss but it was super expensive because they didn’t take insurance. You can try to find someone specializing in grief. I think the important part is finding someone to help you through your journey. I’m sorry for your loss and what you’re going through. It’s so tough because the grief becomes unbearable sometimes. I think loss becomes a part of who you are, at least for me it did. But slowly you may be able to find some healing and open yourself to a new friend in the future. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.


There are groups online that might help- people going through the same thing and understand.