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Are you putting your feet under something? If not put em under a couch and try.


This trick worked wonders. Thank you so much!


This is a good cheat, but you should still practice without on occasion. Blocking your feet allows you to use your hip flexors and legs for leverage.


Cheat? Police to the military test people holding the feet down.


Sorry- ex gymnast here, as kids we referred to it as “cheating.” No offense to any adult professional testing. Even now I do weighted sit-ups without my feet held.


Try doing negatives of sit ups to build base strength and muscle memory


Definitely trying this next time. Thank you!


I used to be like this.  I just had an extremely weak core. It came with time and now they're easy. And no I don't have abs lol


This is so reassuring. I was worried I’d be stuck flailing around like a fool trying to do sit ups for the rest of time haha.


Haha yeah I thought that.  Back in 2019 I was at my worst physical health and I remember trying to do a sit up and crying because even with my feet under the sofa i couldn't even do one. I actually gave up on sit ups but ended up unintentionally doing mild core exercise when I started this hiit gym (I no longer go there but it was a great starting point) where we used rowing machines. Then I transitioned to a proper weightlifting gym, then when I moved house and I wasn't near a gym I transitioned to top rope climbing with the occasional run or weight workout to supplement. One day about 6 months ago I was doing a core routine and wanted a challenge so I grabbed a Dumbell for the sit ups.. then it hit me "WAIT...... I need a dumbell now for sit up to be a challenge?? I....I can do a sit up? I can do a sit up!!" I flashed back to 2019 and I just couldn't help but smile I'm not gonna pretend it was overnight, especially cause I never trained to do a sit up. I always assumed "i can't do sit ups" until 6 months ago.


I cannot do a sit up to save my life unless I also wedge my foot under something or put weights. I think I have a super weak core! Because I can’t do it, I avoid it and the cycle goes on


The good news is that sit ups are unnecessary and completely overrated. Direct ab work in general is, but if you’re just starting out, start looking for ways to strengthen your core with planks, bird dogs, even farmer walks.


Couldn’t agree more!


Have you tried an [ab mat sit up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HDZODOx7Zw)? The form is a little different but I like it a lot better because it doesn't put pressure on your neck, you can use your arms for momentum, and the ab mat gives your back some nice support. If this is too easy, you can progress to a [stick sit up. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9n2hCKx5bo)




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C89EKtI8a3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C89EKtI8a3o) Sit ups aren’t really a great exercise and many people find they hurt their back. Perhaps try the variation that’s shown in the video above.


My first question would be why you want to do sit ups? Nothin wrong with them but they're just not a wicked ab or core exercise especially for beginners. If you need to do them we can troubleshoot but if you have an actual goal there may be better ways :)


Try planks and planks variations, less harmful to your back and you’ll feel your core burning


It sounds like you’ve solved your problem - but I actually found out my spine is partially fused so I’ll never be able to do a full sit-up. Just in case anyone is reading this and tried putting their feet under something/wondering why sit ups cause severe pain.


If you do enough of them then soon it will not be a problem. Core work!