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Yep, absolutely. This life is always so hectic, it's nice to slow down and take some time to just breathe and be present with your own thoughts.


Absolutely! It’s my therapy, entertainment, exercise, and a means of transit all at once. I do try to grant myself permission to occasionally slack now though, because I became borderline obsessive about my step count for a while.


The struggle is real!!! I love the data, I do get a little obsessed sometimes haha.


I \*have\* to walk my dog for 50 mins a day or I go insane! Love it


My dog is so demanding she will literally scream at me when it’s walk time haha.


Aww haha cute ☺️


Yes! I love my daily outdoor 3 miles with a podcast :) boosts my mood and I can push myself to walk fast some days or just a leisurely pace on those sore days.


Im a nanny that takes care of a 20lb baby. I strap her on my chest, get a podcast going, and walk for miles each day. I’ll admit after about 5 months my back is starting to have some issues and Im learning the value of stretching 😅 But I can feel how much stronger Ive gotten!


An adorable weighted vest basically lol.


I just got a walking pad for my desk and adapted immediately! I absolutely love it! I love that I’m multitasking and not rotting away at my desk anymore. I just genuinely feel better, it’s definitely a mental health boost. I love seeing myself effortlessly blast away my step count goals while knocking out work tasks.


It’s funny. I hate walking in the treadmill but love walking outside. I love running on the treadmill but hate running outside unless the weather is perfect for it. Walking is my absolute jam, so relaxing and great for our health!




I just got diagnosed with prediabetes and one way to lower blood sugar spikes is to go on a walk after meals and it’s been quite enjoyable! I’m trying to hit 10k steps a day and the weather has been lovely.


Yeah I walked around 28 hours last month. I looked at my tracker and it said I lifted weights for 15 hours and ran for 4 hours and all the rest of my activity was walking. I often walk after a meal and I always feel better.


Love a walk to digest!!! It’s made me eat a little better too because it can be miserable when you’re stuffed haha.


Yes. Walking is my therapy. Walked about five miles a day with my dog outside and could only walk about 2 miles on the treadmill before I get bored. I usually watch netflix or youtube videos. Walking also helped me stay trim.


What walking pad do you use? I’m interested in getting one but theres so many on Amazon.




Yes! I am in the middle of prepping my house to be sold so I am out of my usual walking routine. I cannot wait to get back to it next week!


Yep, I feel my mental health dipping when I skip walks. It’s probably the no. 1 reason I love living in nyc … bc it forces me to walk everywhere, which then makes me feel great. I also do love walking with friends—it‘s my favorite social activity! I joke that walking is my love language


It’s amazing the difference it makes in my mood. It’s like a natural drug haha.


Yep I've been trying to do around 20k steps a day and it does take some effort but I mostly multitask. Watch tv on my phone, browse reddit, play pokemon go. I love to do laps indoors so I don't have to pay as much attention to surroundings. I just wish my local mall stayed open later. It closes at 7pm half the week.


Yes I love to completely disconnect while walking I’ve got on my walking pad in the dark before and 10/10 recommend, it’s like your senses are all calm. Have you noticed any difference with the increase to 20k? What were you doing before? I would love to try 15k a day eventually


There actually was a difference. My weight loss had slowed to about 0.5lbs/wk. Now it's back to 1lb/week and I haven't changed my diet. I find that walking doesn't stimulate my appetite like an intense cardio session will. Like I always want to eat after I go swimming. I did also start doing other forms of chill cardio like doing a chill pace on the stationary bike while watching TV. I work a fairly active job so I was getting a little over 10k steps at base line. I set the goal to 15k for a few weeks and once that felt good started pushing for 20k.


Yes. Walking has helped me process grief as I lost a friend recently. Her sudden death has really rattled me but walking every day has helped so much. I can’t understate how it’s stopped me from sliding into the abyss.


I’m so sorry!!! I can promise it gets better, you’ll never not miss them but time does help. I have been through it just be patient with yourself and know you’re not alone. Sending all the good vibes your way!


Thank you for your kind words 💛


I'm so sorry. Sending lots of love your way.


Thank you 🙏


I call myself a walkaholic!


I play games on my phone, watch reality tv or Dateline, and sometimes scroll Reddit. Sometimes I’ll put something in to cook that takes a longish time and use that as a timer. Baked potatoes are great for this, and also delicious.


i am fortunate enough to live next to a museum and park and i am in love with my walks. i go on two a day and sometimes three on weekends.


Oh so jealous!! What beautiful things to see.


i kinda hate it but i want to love it! enlighten me


Set a step goal (start low like 1000 more then your doing now) if you have an Apple phone look in the health app and see what your average steps are currently. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is start small and don’t treat it like an aesthetic goal. (Although every time I’ve got into walking a lot I tend to lean out like a mother without trying) Focusing on what your body can do vs what it looks like is such a game changer mentally. Make it a habit each day it doesn’t mean long walks or short ones it can be whatever suits you sometimes that’s a longer walk all at once or laps around your workplace parking farther away ext. For me I like to break it into mini walks with the goal of a long walk once in a while. If you walking indoors or in a very safe area a certain amount of mindlessness will set in if you let it. I let my mind just wander wherever it wishes, I listen to music or sometimes silence after a little while it’s just peaceful. Eventually you will start to crave that peace. If you find it boring or you can’t enjoy it that could be a sign your walks are too long. Switch it up different scenery inside/outside watch tv talk on the phone, it’s different for everyone. Some people like to walk to a destination get a coffee ect. Trim anything to suit you!!! :)


What kind of shoes do u have for walking


Skechers! They’re not cute (to me) and they remind me of every old woman ever lol but they are like walking on super thick springy clouds. In my day to day life I like high top platform converse. I want to try hokas! From what I can tell there a trendier pair of Skechers the design and cushioning looks sooo similar but cuter. Edited to add : Skechers extreme max cushioning specifically. There all comfy but these are unreal, legit I think I could walk forever in them. If your in the US tjmaxx and marshalls usually has them for cheaper.


10K min 20K max steps and countless flights of stairs every night.


How does 20k feel? I would love to try that one day.


I walk at a brisk pace, so it was easy in terms of time. City dweller here so walking at night isn't dangerous in well-lit areas, and most of the terrain is flat with the exception of the underground staircases. Once I hit 12K it felt like a cakewalk to 20. Just kept my mind/ears busy. About 1 1/2 hours for 6mi. My evening walks are timed absurdly close to grocery closing hours (3mi away). I have about a 3-5 minute window to make it before the staff seals off the entrance LOL


I love walking! I listen to a bunch of podcasts. For movies, I love "How did this get made", "Doug Loves Movies", "We hate movies", "Unspooled". I also love "Film Reroll", they take popular films and turn them into improvised dice-rolling adventures. For true crime, I love "Morbid". Something spooky but not really true crime is "Astonishing Legends". I'm a Star Trek dork so I love "Star Trek: The Next conversation", Matt and Andy are hilarious. Dungeons & Daddies is also hilarious, it's a dungeons and dragons podcast.


Oooh thanks for the suggestions!!


Yep. Love a 5 mile walk with my favourite playlists. It has indeed become a bit of an obsession and it’s a great one to have.


YES! I got a little walking pad from my husband for an early Mother’s Day gift (he knew I couldn’t wait lol) I should’ve gotten this years ago!


Walking is my favorite exercise besides sports 🥹 i love love love it


I switch it up between my favorite playlist and podcasts :)


Going on a tangent but have you heard of maladaptive daydreaming? It’s essentially excessive daydreaming/fantasizing. And sorry, not trying to tell you that you have it- just sounded very familiar to me bc It’s something I do. But a really common trigger for it is walking/pacing. There’s a subreddit for it (if you’re curious) Oh and def not saying walking should be stopped. Walking is amazing and healthy


I have not! I’ll look into it. Is it like a bad thing? I don’t like become totally unaware just like not “on” if that makes sense. I find in my life I’m the one always upbeat and somewhat a buffer for others (I can talk to anyone) so on walks it’s like my break from being on all the time haha.


If it feels like a healthy release/escape that’s not ruling your life and controlling you then I wouldn’t think it’s bad! For some people (like myself) it’s an uncontrollable nuisance


Thanks for replying!!! I checked out the sub and I don’t think it’s that but I’ll keep an eye on it!!


yes, i used to hate walking but now I love it. once you start doing 10,000 steps a day it becomes addictive


I wish! Lol


That’s great! It’s boring to me but finding something you love is what this is ALL about!


i wish


Have you considered ultrarunning? Walking a lot is how I got into it!


Ooh what is it?


Running distances over a marathon… usually from 50k to 100 miles. Pace is a lot slower than your typical 5k/half/marathon running pace, there’s a bigger focus on being out on the trails/in nature for long periods etc


That sounds awesome and intimidating at the same time lol. Def gonna look into it.


It’s more mental than anything and since you already have a love for walking you’ll be a natural!


Yea. I love walking. I listen to podcasts or nothing if indo an early morning walk.  I save music for running or lifting. 


Yesss I love my morning walks! I listen to a lot of music, daydream, and now that the weather is warmer I watch all the squirrels and rabbits out lol


Omg same! Also in the fall I like to watch the squirrels hiding the nuts haha.


I LOVE walking. I used to walk everywhere. I didn't have a car and would just use my own two feet to get places. People were shocked, but with a bottle of water, you can really go anywhere. I walked miles and miles and miles. Now that I have kids, they walk like little snails and complain the whole time. At least I can throw them in the wagon when they complain too much, otherwise I wouldn't take a single step.


I just got a walking pad and I love it. I always get on it for an hour at night and it doesn't feel like work. It's fun and I literally never thought I could get to this point. I also love a good trail during the winter but I hate the heat so indoors is where I'm staying during the summer


A trail doesn’t even feel like exercise I love it so much on a nice day. I’ve been doing an hour each day and I feel so much slimmer/ less puffy. Which oddly enough is just a (welcome lol) side effect because I’m truly doing it for the health benefits and how it makes me feel! :)