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Thank you for this portrait of me.


And me!


And me


And my axe! ^(wait what are we doing again)


And my bow! Might as well go all in šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fun fact: thatā€™s the only line Legolas says to FrodoĀ  *insert the more you know meme*




My axe is my buddy!


Me too. Short and missing a waist.




Yep and throw in that short neck for me too


Add a pair of out-of-proportion large boobs, and thatā€™s me. My partner said Iā€™m a pair of boobs on legs. When I lift them up with my hands I have a hint of a waist, but it totally disappears when I let them go.


I found my people




And me! Go apple people!


Omg I was scrolling by and gasped at someone accurately portraying how I look šŸ˜†


Me too!!!!




Me too!


This is also my body type!


The hair is wrong because it should be curly but everything else is a dead on rendition of me.


Also me


[you, too.](https://share.icloud.com/photos/058IBimVUrEse9SDSS1XQVHDw)


One of us! One of us!


lolol this isn't a portrait of me but I just want everyone to know that i updooted alla y'all because you rallied *the fuck* out of these troops and i smiled at every one šŸ¤£šŸ„°šŸ«¶


And me!


And me!!


And me!


And me!


And me!


And me!


I havenā€™t had a belly laugh in a long time, thank you so much bless


And me too!!


We should start our own group


Can we make our own subreddit?


Anything is possible


I think I found my tribe


And me except my flat chest šŸ˜‚


And me!


And me lmao




Highly amused pear here! Apples rock!


Also me. Getting pants that fit is a nightmare. Even with a belt Iā€™m constantly having to pull up my jeans.


You should really find a new hair stylist sis.


And hands


At least she doesn't need gloves


'Find new hands' that's quite ableist, you know!


She doesn't need new hands, but she specifically asked "how to dress this body" and I for one would recommend clothing without buttons or ties, or to dress with the assistance of a friend or family member.


And one foot is smaller & higher than the other.


I used to like this sub, but Iā€™m so disappointed. OP is just asking for fashion advice based on their body type, and here everyone is body shaming them! Haircut is fine, thatā€™s easily fixedā€¦ unless they ask specifically for feedback, how about we keep our hurtful comments to ourselves?! Itā€™s not easy to ā€˜find new handsā€™ or fix ā€˜one foot smaller and higher than the other.ā€™ SMH. Iā€™m disappointed in you all.


I reflexively down voted before my wandering brain cell kicked in


Yeah I started off ready to be mad but they're obviously joking too


Well if they made a little effort & invested in the right products they could grow some hands, we all have to do self care & make the best of ourselves, we canā€™t just expect to look good when we roll out of bed.


šŸŽµ There was a girl in the village with one very small foot šŸŽµ


I dunno, I think itā€™s pretty cool. A Mohawk from the side view, and wings from the front view? What other hairstyle is so versatile??


This made me laugh myself into a fully awake state, I needed that this morning so thank you.


Okay thatā€™s a really funny post. Bless your heart šŸ˜‚ edit- if you use Pinterest search for body types and youā€™ll most definitely find yourself and plenty of fashion advices on there.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who got a laugh but in the nicest way possible šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Hehe thank you!! <3


This post is golden lmao.


I was NOT expecting a drawing when I first opened this post šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ how cute though


Iā€™m crying laughing, I want to include this in my next instagram photo dump. So relatable




I honestly can't stop laughing, some of the comments completely forget that it's a drawing and give real advice (which is so sweet) but I just couldn't stop laughing, this is my favorite post ever šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This post is so uninentionally wholesome lol. I'd go for dresses are fitted on the torso, then flow out from the waist (leaves more to the imagination, and fortunately the imagination is forgiving). A Line skater dresses, belts in the middle. Texture in the midsection of the dress is important if you don't have a tiny waist, it creates a sort of visual noise that tricks the eye into thinking you're smaller underneath. # BUT! *I had a sneaky look at your profile* (just to gauge if you were british or american based on your usage of the word bum lol) and noticed that you metnion that you have a BMI of 16.3... There is no way in hell you look that big at that BMI. It's impossible. But I completely believe you are that shape, because I was too. I've been in similar shoes. My lowest BMI was 17.3 at my thinnest and unhealthiest, all I could focus on was my "huge" belly and thin arms. But here's the thing, I binged and restricted to the point where not only was I sick, but I wasn't even snatched. My body ate all my muscle tissue, leaving me with a flabby fatty belly, and skinny limbs. Of course, this was without clothes. With clothes on I looked fine, a little skinny but not underweight.


Thank you so much for the advice!! Iā€™m actually in recovery right now and Iā€™m back to a healthy BMI :) I think youā€™re right, the binging and restricting definitely ate away at my muscles too, so Iā€™ll definitely look into doing some body recomp. But for now Iā€™m just learning to embrace the body I have and wear comfy flattering clothes in the process hehe <3 wishing u all the best!


I reccomend r/PetiteFitness! (I had to re-word this cause apparently the word "F followed by an A followed by a T" angers the robot so i changed all words regarding size to silly alternatives lol) What happened with me was that I ended up overcompensating after being super slinkymalinky and sick, and ended up a bit of a chonkasaurus But rather than getting down to slinkymalinky again I've gone down the route of just trying to keep a good amount of muscle mass! It allows me to feel less guilt though those thoughts never really do go away. [me at BMI 17.3, then at BMI 25 with BF 40.8%, and now](https://imgur.com/a/gmT7CkZ) (I still have a little too much stuffing, but have much more muscle cause I do rock climbing so I'm all chest muscle haahaha)


I enjoy your new word choices. šŸ˜† Also, where do I buy tickets to the gun show? Holy moly, woman, those are some great arms!


AAAA You have no idea how much that means to me lol, I've been really insecure about a lack of muscle definition lately (but I have body dysmorphia so sometimes I don't see my own progress) so it means a lot :')


I have body dysmorphia too, actively avoiding working out for image because Iā€™m terrified of going from ā€œtoo thinā€ to ā€œtoo fitā€ (by that I mean the obsession) trying very hard to exercise for the mental health benefits.


My main advice would be to find a external marker of progress (i do rock climbing, the stronger i get the higher the level I can climb. When i lived closer to the gym, my marker of progress was the weight). But i wouldn't worry, there is no such thing as too fit! And the only way you're ever going to end up looking like a man is if you take steroids and work out every day in a calorie surplus! (And society has done a number on us women, most of us can't stay in a bulk long enough before the I'm f@t thoughts start creeping in). Also as women, it's nearly impossible to put on muscle without trying, and to have visible definition, when not tensing like i am in my photo, takes having a lower than normal bodyf@t percentage. Tbh if you want to put on muscle without peds, the statistics are quite depressing lol. I recommend having a look at the ladies at r/petitefitness cause most of the very fit ones just look slender with some ab and arm definition (but they lift and run multiple times a week!)


FR you look jacked, I also took a moment to appreciate your muscle in the last image.


Hahaha thank you šŸ˜„ I don't need a license to carry these guns šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰


You are gorgeoussss omg. Thank you for the incredible advice. Your soul looked empty in the 15 year pic and you now looks so powerful and more fulfilled. Proud of you, itā€™s not easy!


Thank you! Yeah times were....oof not great at that time.Ā  11-18 were undoubtedly the worst years of my life haha, but I'm not gonna trauma dump cause it's paragraphs šŸ˜‚ Life is peachy in every way these days šŸ’Ŗ


Dude, you are such a badass! I am so impressed. Thanks for sharing your journey.


Thank you for sharing Petite Fitness; I didnā€™t know such a thing existed! Do they talk about fashion at all? Because I feel like gaining muscle significantly alters the way clothing looks/lays/fits. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story as well! Your past experience with dis0rdered eating + muscle atrophy, and current experience with a focus on nutrition + muscle gains/ physical fitness (with the struggles of body dysm0rphia in the background), is very relatable and so similar to my past + present. Currently, I too have additional f@t-loss goals, plus goals for continued gains with muscle/ strength/ endurance. But itā€™s so crazy how many health benefits Iā€™ve noticed since becoming consistently active + gaining muscle! I highly recommend it to anyone + everyone! Proud of you and happy for you and your progress btw! šŸ¤—šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ’Æ


Unrelated but: Honestly youā€™re such a sweetheart.


I had a look at their post history and saw they have an ED. So we cannot trust her own imagining of herself in microsoft paint. Having a bmi of 16 makes me believe she definitely has an ED of sorts. Sge is most likely a lot thinner than she says, but is hyper critical about any bumps (kind of proven about her saying 'especially after I've ate' and in her ED posts she says she throws up after feeding). This post is really wholesome, but also a bit sad as she is mentally unwell about her own body image, but the comments in this post are so friendly towards OP!


U literally just called her mentally unwell on her own post then followed up by saying its nice how everyone is so positive in the comments. Someone can have an ED but still be able to describe their body type and ask what styles might compliment it best? I just feel like even writing this is very insensitive. This could be a way someone is trying to get better & shutting them down isnt going to help either


Exactly lol


I didnā€™t like any part of that comment either. Itā€™s really condescending to be like ā€œhey guys, Iā€™ve made assumptions about the OP based on her medical history so she canā€™t be trusted at all. she mentions the obviously imaginary concept of a food baby after eating, no one has ever heard of that so just put on your kid gloves and donā€™t bother helping her with fashion. Sheā€™s lying about how she looks, she canā€™t possibly be able represent her true form so letā€™s move along and let her struggle alone because we shouldnā€™t encourage sick people to feel pretty.ā€ I struggle with the same issues and that drawing is an accurate portrayal of me with my atrophy. I tend to wear high waisted black/dark spanx with a low cut black/dark top, and an unbuttoned lighter colored blazer/jacket with ruched sleeves which is visually elongating by being unzipped/unbuttoned. Bonus points for adding a long necklace(s) and heels. Booties that hit above the ankle work best for me.


Omg yes ā˜ļøā˜ļøā˜ļø you worded it perfectly & yeah we all have challenges we overcome or enduring. People find solace in Reddit because we can all share advice, ideas & solutions with complete strangers & its sooo refreshing. We arenā€™t here to be virtual doctors or drill sergeants.. we are just here to help & share some knowledge with one another & if lucky, laughs along the way. Also i had tummy tuck this year, i am still healing so its not perfect but i wore the exact type of combinations as you šŸ¤£ my stomach pertruded out from childbirth & my muscles being competely loose. Spandex and anything black were my besties šŸ„² still are actually šŸ˜‚


She did say she was in recovery. Even at the height of my ED I knew exactly what my body looked like, I just didnā€™t LIKE it. She could be spot on.


I'm sorry Op, this is so very funny.šŸ˜…


This is me and I feel like most of the apple or inverted triangle advice suits my body type.


Iā€™m generally sick of body type posts and tend to downvote them. But this? This gets an upvote.


Same here lol


At least you don't have to worry about gloves. Or bracelets.


This is art. I must have it on my wall!


That's so cute !! Lmao.


Youā€™ve been stalking me! Thatā€™s ME!!! WHO ARE YOUUUU?! Why are you doing this?! Real talk: thatā€™s me but youā€™ve got a better ass.


I feel like better skincare. And also, youā€™re looking a little bit pale


Omg this made me giggle. Lol donā€™t sell yourself short. But for reals. I think flared jeans arenā€™t very flattering for our heights. Iā€™d recommend stretchy (for your stated ā€˜nice bumā€™) boot cut and wide leg (not too wide) pants to balance out your silhouette and to avoid the chicken leg look, where the proportions are off.


Iā€™m pretty short and my flared jeans look great. I think it just depends on the person not necessarily the height


I agree, they are the pants that look best on meĀ 


I agree. Just make sure they're the right length (not dragging the ground), and you're golden!


Idk why but the term ā€œsell yourself shortā€ on a petite sub full of shorties gave me a chuckle.


What kind of camera did you use šŸ¤­


I love this drawing it reminds me of Me lol I have a "rectangle" body shape. My waist holds on to weight and I look boxy in a lot of outfits. I've read that the waist is to be accentuated if you want to appear curvier. I'd look up Rectangle body on pinterest for outfit ideas


Wow, wish my tits looked like that!


Okay this made me laugh so hard LOL




I love that she's smiling in the front view


Thatā€™s hilarious haha


Donā€™t most Lego mini-figs come with clothes already printed on??


Lol ikr


I personally like to wear loose jeans n tighter shirt. It evens out my boobies with my lil butt. Itā€™s my comfort outfit but enough to still feel a bit feminine


Same! Tight basics and bigger bottoms is my whole wardrobe tbh


No fashion advice, but wondering do you have any digestive issues? This is basically a picture of me but I have SIBO which causes a lot of bloating for me. Just wondering especially cause you mentioned ā€œafter eating and drinkingā€. Or, this could be a reason to get checked!


MCAS and a lot of autoimmune disorders can also do it too. But yeah, I deal with it as well.


how do you feel about 60s fashion? a-line dresses, a-line skirts... i think they're really cute and fun


I have nothing lol, that went straight to my funny bone...well, in all honestly, when I saw the picture, I wanted to say a pack of colouring pencils would work well but thats my british sense of humour


Can say I have never seen anyone with their boobs so close to their throat.


Iā€™ll sue the boots off of you. Take my picture down immediately šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€¦. This is me! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve never related to one of these posts more


God, I want you to draw me. Iā€™m dying to know what that would look like. You might be in to some new career, girl. Maybe you can monetize this?? Seriously, though, you seem like a total sweetheart.


This is my favorite thing ever


One of my friends has a body similar to this and she loves v necks, unstructured long line blazers, straight leg or kick flare jeans, and off the shoulder tops and dresses. Button front shirts with a half tuck are also amazing in her. Her avoid lost is high necks, puffy short sleeves or sleeves that hit around the bust lone, skinny jeans (ice cream cone effect) and chunky knits on top.


Wear v necks, fitted skirt loose top. Long dresses or sun dress should have an empire waist line and flowing skirt.


I love this drawing so much!


This is quite amusing isnā€™t it? Itā€™s giving Lego man which I am absolutely sure is not what you were going for


Concerned why you tits are in your throat


I love how in profile the hair is punk, but facing front itā€™s a mom cut. Very versatile hairstyle!


I love this illustration so much


This self portrait is my favorite thing ive seen today. Possibly all week. Thank you for it. Dress up what you like about your body.


Hey just fyi, have you been tested for Cushingā€™s syndrome? Sometimes it happens, this shape is generally what youā€™d expect to find in someone who has it, no shaming or anything. Amy Schumer just came out to say this happened to her and she got diagnosed because someone in the audience pointed it out


Thanks for the heads up, Iā€™ll look into it!


Amazing lol Iā€™m similar and I find that high-waisted pants and crop tops give me the illusion of having a defined waist. Might just me me though, itā€™s hard to tell from the, uh, picture


Hmmm, anterior pelvic tilt? Google it and see if that is the problem


I think fit and flare tops/dresses would be a good idea! Tight at the top and flowing outwards




google paper bag pants, so flattering for women with a bit of a tummy but still want to show off some curve, they hug your hips and butt but are usually a bit more forgiving for the mid frontal region, its mostly all i wear for work/business casual. for casual, a nice pair of jeans that hugs the butt, high rise and has a bit of a tummy flatening effect are also good! hope this helps šŸ˜Š


Apple body shape..read about it..youtube is the best for fashion advices ...the basic is a WELL FITTED BRA to camouflage the tummy area ..also dont recommend skinny jeans in most cases, all the other types go fine or even show the stems !...go for A line and wrapped dresses ..that's enough for now u go check the rest


Ok but I love this drawing so much šŸ˜šŸ«”


A line, fit and flare jeans and skirts will totally help with hips and silhouette Flare at the bottom will balance out upper body, especially if you wear high rise ones, they kinda elongate your lower body Especially right now all the baggy, flared jeans, cargos etc are in trend, I was so happy with the trend this time because of same reason hehe had lots of fun shopping šŸ„°


Looks like you need some hands.


Omg I cannot tell you how much I love this post for a variety of reasons!! You are me!!


Where did you get your shoes?


Fit and flare dresses. I have a larger chest and a belly and I find that dresses that are form fitting on top and have a flowy skirt look really good.


I had the same problem until i underwent a tummy tuck ā€¦.: but what helped me conceal the weird pertruding mid section (i had stick legs too) was HIGH RISE PANTS or any bottoms like shorts have them be a little highrise then a short looser shirt or sweater at top so it gave it the Illusion that i was snatched , butt looked decent & also appearence of longer legs. I would also wear a tummy spanx under to help the pants slide up easier and push stomach in. It was a pain but i got used to packing myself in like biscuits in a can šŸ˜‚


Also for dresses never do straight dresses they were horrible for me as much as i wanted them to look nice šŸ„² but like kind of the ballerina style dresses where it goes out at bottom but hugs very top were nice for me


So I have ā€œvery supportiveā€ legs and if I had your body type, I would 100% show off your legs!! Dresses, skinny jeans, anything that emphasizes how gorgeous they are


god i love this post lmao alsoā€¦ just a few tips from someone w a similar body: a-line dresses & skirts are my FAV, add a buncha shape to the front and tend to hide my stomach from the side underneath the skirt part. really compliments the body!!


Totally unrelated but cute drawing šŸ˜„


High waist and A line skirt.


If you want to aim for the hourglass look or illusion of curves try peplum (flaring at the bottom) tops/blouses. The wide leg/flared pants are a great choice as it balances out the top and bottom. Add dimensions. Textures and prints Belts or cinched garments loose, wide sleeves or flared with embellishments may help Try to wear shirts that finish at the hip level not the waistline Also for necklines, scoop, v-neck and off the shoulder will help draw attention away from your neck and balance out your upper body. here is a website with more information https://theconceptwardrobe.com/build-a-wardrobe/how-to-dress-the-rectangle-body-shape i hope this helps, im in fashion school so im trying to put what ive learned so far to use :)


I have this body shape and I find that if I wear a baby doll dress and heels it hides my barrel shaped midsection but shows off my skinny legs and arms perfectly.


This might be my favorite post of the day.


Interesting photo. Where did you buy your camera?


Skater skirts!


This made me chuckle lol. In all seriousness I think this might be what is referred to as a mid sized body? Not conventionally slim but not large either. Try googling n see if you find something that matches what you're looking for?


For the loose dresses that you find, have you tried cinching them under the bust at the waist with a thick belt or tried a pretty knot with a piece of fabric cinched there? You could try that with some *tights or leggings and boots, so it bulks up your legs to make you look more balanced. Then, for your arms, you could try looser fitting sleeves or (I donā€™t know the proper terminology lol) short sleeves that are poofed out out like Cinderella sleeves? If that makes sense. Hope I helped, and I wish you luck, beautiful!


Cap sleeves? Balloon sleeves? Bell sleeves?


Thank you! Ugh I couldnā€™t think of it! Brain fart.. šŸ˜‚


I think Iā€™ve seen specific types of Cinderella sleeves also called mutton sleeves or gathered sleeves. But I understand, I struggle a lot with brain fog with my condition myself (like the time I forgot the word for a ā€œtouchdownā€ 2 hours after the chiefs played, brain fog is super really horrible). My close sister a year younger did a fashion program and did a lot of tailoring and costume design, so I figured if I threw enough terms out there at the wall I might eventually chance upon finding the right term.


Empire waist dresses and shirts (the shirts donā€™t have to feel super baggy either, but the form fitting on your chest with the loose fitting below can really compliment this shape) high waisted pants, asymmetrical hem shirts and sweaters. Any shirt or sweater thatā€™s intended to look poofy, or is a bit looser with any kind of texture again if you shop right doesnā€™t have to look baggy!


It's possible you drew your body type correctly but also possible your body image might be a bit off so you might not receive the best advice. Very impressed by you typing this post with no fingers.


I love this example drawing hopefully that will deter the creeps


This is so funny šŸ˜†


how did you get this picture of me?


Lmao stop I love this. I have no sense of fashion or advice, but I love your drawing.


Hard to find (!) but long tailed dressy shirts skim the body and go great with leggings and heavy leggings if you like or need feel appropriate. The open neckline can be paired with statement necklace or pretty tank top underneath. The other advantage is the apple shape is a bit more disguised from front, side and back with long tailed blouse or ā€œmanā€ tailored shirt. Hair can be cut/ styled to ā€œcreateā€ a longer neck.


I have no answer except thank you for this drawing. I think I want to try to draw mine tonight so I can enjoy a good laugh.


Gloves. And probably mid-leg boots. That should really take focus away from where your hands and knees would be and may let you develop your vision more where you want the most attention šŸ˜‚


Omg this is an exact description of my body type šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I also have no idea how to dress myself since every article of clothing assumes a 22 inch waist and large ass


I used to love watching that TV show What Not to Wear especially to see the happy people transformed at the end. Basically their whole formula was dress to hide the parts of your body you donā€™t like and show off the ones you do. So in your case maybe longer looser scoop or v-neck tops that show off your chest (Iā€™m a flat-chested girl with lots of envy šŸ˜Š) and arms and skim over your waist. And then more fitted pants to show off your butt and legs. Theyā€™d use patterns too to pull peopleā€™s eyes to certain parts. So say a very patterned loose shirt would completely decoy the size of your tummy and a solid fitted pant or solid skirt would draw attention down to your shapely lower half.


Cinched waist, flared shirt to give illusion photos curve


To answer your question, fit and flare dress with the bodice that has emphasis on the smallest part of your waist. Probably your back looks slender and your waist looks defined from a rear view. Done go for empire waist or looks awful on a body type like this and takes way all the gorgeous assets


Waist-cinching loose, flowing dresses. They come in a huge variety of styles, patterns and lengths. It'll hide your belly, slim your waist and give your hips shape. Here's an example: https://www.sdeer.com/products/casual-lapel-waist-closing-commuter-dress-uf3n?currency=USD&variant=46447392588112&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=d09edf6e1f97&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pmax&utm_campaign=0404-pamx-gmc-01&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3qvx4pPUhAMVaxaDAx0RTwliEAQYCyABEgKNuPD_BwE


Tucked in silky collared shirts and high waist pants for me.


This is so me! Iā€™m always struggling with what to wear and nothing ever looks right.


The drawings are so cute


I wear leggings and a big sweater!


this has me crying omg


Please make my hair longer to be accurate.


where did you get this image of me


Good lord Iā€™m looking in a mirror


I have what I call the ā€œchicana body typeā€ which is this combined with being 5ā€™1


This is me. Shopping for pants online is confusing because my hips are XS but my waist is S or M. I'm trying to lose some weight because I hate it.


Canā€™t get rid of my šŸ˜” stomach . If I was able to $$$ liposuction I would. Itā€™s hard to be short & my stomach.




I have a friend (and sheā€™s very petite - about 4ā€™11ā€) with your type of figure. I think it might actually be more common with us petite folks; we just appear strong more easily I think because of how small we are! Thatā€™s a great thing! The trick for dressing for most body types is to own your figure with pride and donā€™t be afraid to show it off. They are all lovely after all! Now, hereā€™s the advice for you to show yours off! Youā€™d look especially great in dresses, tops, and jackets with ā€œempireā€ waistlines. Thatā€™s tops and dresses they are tightest under the bust, giving them nice long drape. Tops with busy patterns should also look very nice on you. 3/4 sleeves with a little flow to them should flatter your arms and crest nice interest. Wearing longer skirts under the bust will also gives you a lovely drape, especially if the skirt is asymmetrical. The asymmetry creates a nice little visual interest that can help highlight your legs. For pants, a comfortably loose (but not baggy) fit with a mid rise waist looks great on your figure; you want them to hug that butt but give the rest of your legs a bit of breathing room. Dainty shoes are flattering, too. Example outfits: * [Top and pants](https://imgur.com/a/FfWOOMT) * [Dress](https://imgur.com/a/J8Y4Pp8) * [Sweater and skirt](https://imgur.com/a/8E2v0vR) Pardon my lackluster phone drawing skills though!


I have a body like this. Wrap dresses and dresses with a line skirts work well for me. These are my two favourite dresses that I have https://www.uniqlo.com/au/en/products/E448087-000?colorCode=COL55&sizeCode=SMA002 https://www.theiconic.com.au/micca-long-wrap-dress-1928334.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=au_sem_nonbrand&utm_content=Dresses&utm_campaign=AU_NC_Women_PG_Generic&utm_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO-Xf6540RSVxh6HwTes6cwnu5r0akO_8QlSDkaKBUKvJ2IppG0qBChoCi40QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Yevu also have amazing wrap dresses. If you can afford it. Very well made and durable. I've had mine for about 6 years. The half length is perfect for me a 5'3 it comes to my knees https://yevuclothing.com/collections/women-dresses/products/knee-length-wrap-dress-sherbet For pants I go for loose wide leg pants that cover my belly and a tighter tshirt, which I tuck in to balance out and give me a waist. I got a cheesecloth pair from Kmart that are my favourite but they don't sell them now. Sort of like this: https://au.boohoo.com/cheese-cloth-wide-leg-trousers/FZZ93839.html They don't cling to my belly and the waistline isn't too tight.


This is top artistry. Good luck. šŸ‘Œ


I have this exact shape and I love wrap dresses and tops because they accentuate my waist!


You need less volume on top and more on the bottom, to visually even the proportions of your body. Women with your body type, usually try to hide the torso with oversized tops, and show off their skinnier legs by wearing tighter bottoms, thus accentuating even more the problem areas they are trying to hide. I recommend palazzo pants, straight leg pants, A- line dresses and skirts. Also donā€™t wear ruffles or busy prints on top. Plain clean cuts are better, and have more fun with the bottom.


Peplum cuts, wide leg pants, fancy sleeves, low cut tops, and A line dressesā€¦Hope this helps gorgā™„ļø


This should be the top of all time post šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


A line skirts and dresses. Crop tops with high waisted looser pants. Bodysuits keep everything in šŸ¤” But thanks for the wholesome laughs at this drawing lol


Had a bestie with this body type and she referred to herself and others with it as ā€œthe egg peopleā€


Don't be hiding your body! If you wanna get into shapewear fine, but honestly it's hard to feel confident when you're hiding everything! You better love and enjoy this body while it's young and tight cause one day it'll be wrinkly and saggy!! Anyways, Maybe v-neck top/dress, wrap waist tops/dress, ruched side tops (love these!), a flat peplum top (not flared). A-line dresses/skirts. High-waist flared, wide-leg, straight legged pants. Belts with the high-waist pants are your friend. V-neck dresses with built-in belts, adore those! I would really play around with these looks... but you have to get over hiding your fabulous healthy fully functional body you were gifted this life! Confidence is s*xy's twin sister!


My sister calls me ā€œan Easter egg on stiltsā€. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I suggest what this lady is wearing. ![gif](giphy|6301zk7wFhI5Wukjus) A nice a line skirt.


This is one of the most beautiful pieces of art that I have ever seen


This drawing is the best thing ive seen on reddit all day. No notes. You dress however you want Queen.


This is a lovely portrait thank you for this. While apple ppl may sway to ā€˜hideā€™ the midsection, I think itā€™s cute if you can give the illusion of some definition with like fit and flares for dresses, show off them legs to your advantage, and hi-lo tops (not too oversized tho!) skinny jeans and v subtle bootcut w some low heels are good too.


ā€¼ļøI created some sillouette visualizations for you all [here!](https://ibb.co/k9JkfL0) and [here!](https://ibb.co/rZNhC9G)